Showing posts sorted by relevance for query james horak. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query james horak. Sort by date Show all posts

Human Origins, EMVs and E.T.-Life - Mark Snider interviews James Horak on Ohio Exopolitics Part 2, March 5, 2012

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,

March 5, 2012–Mark Snider again is extracting tremendous amounts of information from James Horak about the human condition and our relation to the people in our solar system we have had in the past. James also explains what his position on earth is and how he found out what his task is. The importance and function of the EMVs in relation to sun, earth and sentient life is explored and what is going on on Venus, Mars and Jupiter and its moons. The design of the universe is laid out by James and in recognizing it's beauty you may understand why it can't be any other way.

James Horak | Solving the Gulf Crisis and Its Possible False Flag Opportunity for the NWO


June 4, 2010
This is a special show with 3 segments. The first segment includes "Mike" (pseudonym).  Mike is someone who has a multi-decade career at a Fortune 100 company.   Mike has come up with an invention that not only can stop the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but can also prevent future disasters.

The show proceeds with James Horak, who discussed his experience with the US military and what happened after he left the service.  We discussed a plethora of subjects, including the possibility that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may have been a false flag event perpetrated by the New World Order.  James provided a worst case scenario if the spill continues.  The elites have built underground cities, not to avert a cataclysmic event, but to  be protected from the ensuing civil unrest after the population discovers the depopulation plans.  Could the oil spill had been an error and the New World Order has found an opportunity to advance their plans?


James Horak. Born October 14, 1943 in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

Came to Texas with mother, her cousin, and brother, summer of 1947. UFO experience while on the way near N. Mexico/Texas state line.

Mother remarries and settles in Dublin, Texas.

At six, just before beginning school, have strange experience in movie theater.

Right after starting school have life threatening hit and run in a school zone.

At seventeen enter the United States Navy boot camp at San Diego. While there, suffer ptomaine poisoning. Untreated, effects of hyperinsulinism last a decade.

Shortly after going aboard ship, the USS Haleakala, am notified by mother that my grandfather is

dying and take emergency leave. On way back to ship meet Rinn Clark during layover in Albuquerque, N. Mexico. He foretells of event in Japanese bay.

After poor performance in ET school and disciplinary action dropped from school and sent to USS Kennebec that is just starting the Pacific Cruise. At Hawaii, suffer blood condition.

Just before Christmas, 1962, involved in an UFO event onboard ship in Sasebo Harbor, Japan.

Sent to Akuska Naval Hospital, incidents cause rapid removal to stateside on MATS jet with 7-8 heavily bandaged marines. Strange incident.

Land in Long Beach California and am taken to AFB hospital where am placed in coed ward with officers. Then quickly flown across country to the Philadelphia Naval Hospital. Strange experiences.

Medical discharge and return home and soon began looking for work. Code on DD-214 makes finding good job impossible. Go to VA to complain and end up at Fort Lyons, Colorado for assessment. Determined to be 100% service-connected disabled. This is in 1965. Start school and meet first wife at TCU. We move to Lansing, Michigan and begin attending MSU in East Lansing. She has a teaching assistantship in the Comparative Literature Dept. I finish off a B.A.and enter grad school in the Canadian/American Relations Dept. She finishes her Masters and my department is closed down and I see no further interesting goals to pursue at MSU. Canada has refused me immigration status when I am invited by my former department head to follow him to Dalhousie University in the Marine Provinces. Wife and I move to South Central Ohio and live in the country between Xenia and Wilmington. She is teaching French at Central State University. While there I have first communication with a resident UFO in the area of the now Caesar Creek Reservoir. Locals are terrified by this craft's regular appearance but will not speak of it.

1972, wife and I split. I come back to Fort Worth and begin research and studies in grad program at TCU. VA decides they were wrong about my remaining elgibility and I drop out.

1973, begin research in mineralogy and begin work on The Theory of the Fusion of Metals. Decide the computer programs at that time make applications required impossible to achieve results I want. Learned the extent Defense mainframes were unable while at MSU. (By the time computers were adequate decided I did not want to aid the dubious goals of present space exploration of the planet.)

1974, began prospecting and staked claims on the Gunnison River just west of Delta, Co and assessed the Rupert Wasson patent claims on the Delores River in Utah. Discovered an EMV operation near-by and had my first interaction in this time frame with “magnitude” beings with which I had historically a long lineage of affinity.

1975, determined that the Golden Formation was of the same mineral wealth of platinum group metals as its contiguation in the Laurentian Shield of Canada. Found the presence of high grade ore and veins in the Rattlesnake Hills of Yakima, Washington.

1976, married second wife

1978, divorced second wife, married third wife.

1979, began running smelter in Dallas for Hancock Chemical and started working for USPS divorced third wife.

1980, another inspired piss at the stars and married fourth wife

1982, divorced fourth wife and rebounded yet again upon another hapless victim, my final and fifth dubious pasttime, unfortunately lasting 12 years until she went completely insane under the tutelage of Rick McLaren and his renegade faction of the Republic of Texas.

Throughout 1980 to 1982 saw UFOs and mothmen frequently en route to work in Fort Worth from home in Newark, Texas. Became aware of criminal activities for the first time taken place at Kenneth Copeland's International Ministries near where I lived.

1985, run across the niece of Rinn Clarke and find out he is the MIB I met in Albuquerque in 1961 while returning to my ship from emergency leave.

1985, late, take wife to site in Utah to recover her from cancer. Incident with Mormons and a number of visits to ridge canyon where are the EMVs late at night.

1995, separation from last wife and divorce. She and Rick McLaren begin to factionalize the Republic of Texas and one Arthur Griesacker, a Mossad agent, schools them in printing phony treasury warrants they begin to spend as cash. Eventually they lease a Lear jet and fly to Israel in order to sell $2.8 billion worth to the Zionist faction of the government. Strange, strange series of events in and around this time.

1996, work with federal government agencies to bring peaceful conclusion to Davis Mountain siege. Begin research and writing on internet. Read Dr. Norman Bergrun's Ringmakers of Saturn of undertake supporting him in every way possible.

1997, Begin developing a methodology to teach unified consciousness. Acquire two students that undertake the study to have one become an excellent poet and the other to penetrate Dr. Bergrun's trust and to betray it by working with someone in NASA to feed the scientist doctored images for raw while my former student was set up to discredit him.

1999, work to defeat implementation of the New World Order. Exchange information with a CIA researcher who wants my information on the Aurora Crash from the nineteenth century. Has to cut ties with me when he gets in trouble researching my questions about Kenneth Copeland.

2000, work to defeat implementation of the New World Order a third time.

2001, begin to participate in various anomaly, UFO, mind-control forums for research and exchange of ideas. Temper what I know to the levels of credibility I find on each and begin to try and discuss EMVs, the helium paradox, distinguishing between ET and EBEs and revealing the conspiracy growing into a New World Order.

2004, begin to publish articles online, eventually several on UFO Digest. Belong to UFO Updates but get banned twice. Never for any impropriety on my part.

2008, am asked by Brazilian ufologist, Milton Frank to write my bio for his magazine and website, answering a number of questions he poses.

2010, am induced to give interviews on the Kevin Smith Show and accept doing so only because of the show's recent interest in the EMVs SOHO imagery displayed in the sun. Back in 2000 I had first told The Millennium Group, an assortment of amateur astronomers, that as Hale-Bopp passed the sun on its second trip through the system, they would detect enormous objects in the sun interacting with the solar flares. The latest development from the SOHO images existed ONLY because SOHO was not under the control of either NASA or JPL. Just as these two agencies had been disingenuous in how they portrayed Shoemaker-Levy, they would have done the same with their own probes and satellite imagery detecting EMVs and repeatedly had.

JADE HELM 15 BRIEFING | James Horak & Shuny | May 2015


Are large scale military exercises conducted inside the USA leading up to the final NWO take-over? House to house search and seizure was relentlessly trained by military and militarized police since hurricane Kathrina. It is no secret that the guns in the hands of the US-citizens are the main reason why the New World Order could not be implemented yet.

As always with James, many more topics are discussed with something new for everyone.

For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog:

Fort Worth UFO Explosions discussed by Kevin Smith and James Horak, December 1, 2012


The original footage for this video was filmed in Ft. Worth, Texas on May 10th 2011 by Brian Luenser ( and caused some speculation about what is shown here. This video was discussed on the Kevin Smith Show later with James Horak. James knows quite a bit about what we see in this amazing video because he was there when it happened. Kevin Smith finally is getting answers that are certainly hard to comprehend for most.

For better resolution and quality go to Youtube and choose HD to watch on full screen!

James Horak | EMVs, Kontrolle der Sonne und der Solare Amboss


EMVs, Kontrolle der Sonne und der Solare Amboss

Gigantisches Objekt in der Nähe der Sonne entdeckt - Der Solare Amboss
Zeitraffer der Sonnenaktivität vom 1. Juni bis zum 12. Juli 2011
Komposit der Bilder von SECCHI COR2-A und SECCHI EUVI-A 304
vom Naval Research Laboratory auf zur Verfügung gestellt

James Horak erklärt die erstaunlichen Phänomene, die wir in der Nähe der Sonne beobachten können. In einer 2 Uhr Position sehen wir ein Objekt, den Solaren Amboss, der bisher nie von der Wissenschaft erwähnt wurde. Dieses Objekt ist einhundert mal größer als alle Planeten des Sonnensystems zusammen und war schon immer dort und wurde von den Sonnenobservatorien im Weltraum abgebildet und ist nun für die ganze Welt zu sehen. Diese Sensation wird uns mit dem Kommentar der NASA präsentiert, dies sei eine Faser vom Mantel des Weihnachtsmanns aber jeder kennt die wahre Abkürzung für NASA: Niemals eine ehrliche Antwort (Never A Straight Answer). Das Naval Research Laboratory scheint es nicht zu kümmern...

Sie sind Zeuge einer erstaunlichen Entdeckung und aufgefordert Ihr Konzept der Realität neu zu überdenken, zögern Sie nicht, diese 'Entdeckung' wird unsere Welt verändern und unsere Überlebenschancen erhöhen. Bedenke auch: spirituelle Technologie von gigantischen Ausmaßen kümmert sich unablässig um unser Wohlergehen und kann jetzt bei ihrer Tätigkeit beobachtet werden.

In diesem Video sehen Sie nach einer Serie von sechs starken Eruptionen innerhalb von vier Tagen, vom ersten Juni bis zum 12 Juli 2011, daß das Gebiet zwischen dem 'Solaren Amboss' und der Sonne sich verdunkelt. In einen energiearmen Zustand verwandelt, bildet das dunkle Gebiet eine Art Verbindung zwischen Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss. Nach diesen Eruptionen und der Bildung des 'Kanals' oder 'Portals' füllt sich das ganze Gebiet um die Sonne herum mit sich schnell bewegenden Objekten. Diese Objekte nutzen den Kanal oder Portal das von der Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss gebildet wird um aus dem ganzen Universum hierher zu springen, meistens nur als Durchgangsverkehr, wie James weiß.

Die EMVs und ET-Schiffe, die zahlreich ein- und austreten nutzen Zeit-Kompression um das Portal zu passieren, die von der Energie der Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss ermöglicht werden.

Wir sehen weitere merkwürdige Objekte aber das Eigenartigste ist ein Sonnen-Kreuzer, einem Schmetterling ähnelnd, der auf einem gekrümmten Weg vorbeizieht und einem Flare nahekommt und dort auftankt. Diese Zivilisation benutzt eine unterschiedliche Technologie, vielleicht sind sie die Hippies des Universums?

Die Anzahl von solaren Explosionen innerhalb von nur sechs Wochen ist erstaunlich und man könnte bezweifeln, daß die Sonne mehr als sechs Milliarden Jahre aktiv sein kann ohne auszubrennen.

Diese Bilder sind so ehrfurchteinflößend, insbesondere wenn Du anerkennst was hier von dem bestqualifiziertesten Mann, den es gibt, offenbart wird und der uns helfen wird ebenso zu den Sternen zu gelangen - falls wir die Neue Welt Ordnung vereiteln.

'Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun' - was wusste Pink Floyd darüber?

EMVs, Sun Control and the Solar Anvil - James Horak Explains

Source:, Information Machine

Gigantic Object discovered near our Sun - The Solar Anvil
Six weeks of solar activity - timelapse from June 1. 2011 to July 12. 2011
Composit of images from SECCHI COR2-A and SECCHI EUVI-A 304
provided by Naval Research Laboratory on

July 20, 2011–James Horak explains some astonishing phenomena we witness around our Sun. Next to the Sun, in a two o'clock position we see an object that is called the 'Solar Anvil' and has never been mentioned by science. This object is larger than all our planets together and has been there all the time and is captured by solar observatories in space and now published for the whole world to see. The sensation being that these images are actually presented to us unexplained and that science does not even ask what it is, at least publicly. NASA claims it is a fiber from the coat of Santa Claus, but everybody knows the true abbreviation for NASA: Never A Straight Answer.

You are now witness to a whole new discovery and called upon to change your concept of what reality is, don't hesitate, it will benefit you, our world and our chances of survival. Only note this: We are really taken care of by some awesome spiritual technology all around us that now can be observed in action.

In this video you see after a series of six strong blasts within four days, starting from June 1. 2011, that the area between the Solar Anvil and the Sun is darkening. Being converted to a low energy state, the darkened area is now forming a kind of connection between the Anvil and the Sun. After these blasts and the forming of that 'Channel' or 'Portal' the whole vicinity around the sun starts to fill up with fast moving objects that must all be quite large. These objects are using the Channel or the Portal that was facilitated by the Sun and the Solar Anvil to jump here from all over the universe, mostly passing through, as James knows.

There is time compression involved and those EMVs and ET craft that we see emerging en masse from the Portal are using that possibility, facilitated by the Solar Anvil and the energy of the Sun.

We see other strange objects but the most peculiar is a sun-cruiser resembling a butterfly in its shape, passing by on a curved path, coming close to a flare and charging up. This is a civilisation that is using a different kind of technology, maybe the Hippies of the Universe?

The amount of blasts and solar activity within only six weeks is astounding and one would come to think how this could be going on for more than six billion years without the Sun being depleted rather sooner than later.

This video is so awe inspiring especially when you can understand what is explained here by the most qualified man there is and who is helping us to get to the stars as well - if we defeat the NWO.

And what did Pink Floyd know to sing about to 'Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun'?

James Horak | Soul-Life in the EMVs - The Full Circle


This interview with James was requested by a friend who very sadly and recently lost their 25 year old son who died in his sleep unexpectedly. All of us lose someone close to us throughout our lives, death being the only inevitability here. One of the most unanswered questions we all have is what happens after death. As such my friends requested that I asked James for an explanation. The following interview is a private conversation that I had with James where he kindly discussed how after passing on the mind and soul combine to become spirit. Energy is eternal, it cannot be destroyed. We who survive remember our loved ones with fondness, this interview is for my friends and for those who are ill and facing an uncertain time.

Later in the interview the conversation, as always with James, comes around to more pressing issues that need to be discussed. For if we do not fix what is wrong here, what is being done not only to the human race but also to the planet, then we will not have a home to live upon and non-of us will survive. -Torz Baron Copley

James Horak on Offplanet Radio | The Split Consciousness, April 25, 2012


April 25, 2012–
James Horak: has issued a warning to the global elites---your time is up! We talk about the mechanics of liberation and the end of the ruling elites who have perpetrated genocide on humaity. EMV updates' and the management of the Earth grids in galactic center; the split consciousness of man...the source of evil, and "privatizing space"...a REALLY bad idea!
~Randy Maugans

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil, Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, April 4, 2012

are presenting a three-hour series of three interviews
Crystal Clark and James Horak

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil
This may well be the first time earth-bound humanity has been told the truth about our past—ever.

Should that be the case, this is a Great Day for the people on this planet—this is no small thing. It is entirely natural and expected that people will ask themselves, “How can we possibly know if this is true?”

As you move through each segment of this 3-part series, the answer will become self-evident: If we are able to turn things around on this planet fast enough, which will also ensure that we survive our own technology and those who abuse it, we will be in a position to TEST this story… I like that. :)

I would imagine some of you are wondering if I personally believe this story? Yes—I do.
~Crystal Clark
Click here to download the interviews as single mp3 file

James Horak | Q & A with Kevin Smith and Guests | Flashback 2010


For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog:

Back In Time Series | The Kevin Smith Show | James Horak | Fungus on the Moon | 2012 09 05


James Horak - a prolific writer and commentator in our genre talks about what is really going on at the moon. He reveals some startling information about a fungus that grows on the moon and is destructive to earth metals. He also reveals his source of information on this is from Dr. Norman Bergrun (former NASA scientist).

James Horak | Archeological Find in Romania | Kevin Smith Show

Source:,, Information Machine

Description: James Horak talks about an archeological find in Romania over which there is an ongoing struggle between the NWO and the Romanian President over who will get the information and control the information from the find.

We miss you Kevin, Rock On Wherever You Are! - Information Machine

Civil-War in America | Mark Snider with James Horak and Crystal Clark Pt.2, February 23, 2013

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,,

No matter which branch of absurdity (death by ignorance) mass media is used to sell you on participating in for your perceived benefit, they must use propaganda to do it. Managing your perceptions of reality is a BIG part of perpetuating ignorance, because they know people will respond to what they BELIEVE is true, not what IS true. Again, ignorance is the cunning thief of free will—people will not make choices they don’t know they have.

1. Civil War
2. Gun Control
3. NWO
4. Global Government

Please be advised that this show ultimately took a completely different direction than the title reflects, and included black ops projects supposedly dealing with soul stealing, and many, many other interesting topics not generally discussed by James Horak.

This was a great show with host Mark Snider and included (but was not limited to) the following topics:
• The N.W.O has nowhere to hide—on the planet or off the planet
• The weaponization of asteroids (the recent meteors)
• N.W.O Corp: service=servitude; product=money & death; media is the sales division
• N.W.O weaponization of space and the introduction of the fungus
• The N.W.O. is using EBE’s and their craft
• Back-engineering isn’t as easy at is sounds: an Incan example
• History of astronomy: Phobos and Transient Lunar Phenomenon (TLP)
• Forbidden Archeology: Cremo & Archeological Anomaly
• Every human being has a right to the knowledge
• Records of prior human lineages are suppressed
• The latest find in Romania: will the public finally get the truth?
• Black Ops MILABS & Mind Control: another victim comes forward
• The irony of people who don’t believe in the soul believing they can actually capture one
• The N.W.O is a sick cult obsessed with physical immortality
• Mr. Computer (the complex in Utah): capable of collective artificial intelligence
• The N.W.O aren’t intelligent enough to discern between the psyche and the soul
• No supercomputer will ever know the outcome of free will

Crystal Clark & James Horak on Beyond 2012 Radio with Tony Kudos, February 2, 2013


Tony Kudos interviews James Horak and Crystal Clark on Beyond 2012.
Write-up coming soon...

April Cherpaw with James Horak on CKUW | Where Angels Fear to Tread | July 2019


For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog:

Where Angels Fear to Tread

The “Powers That Would-Be” have made their intentions quite clear: they need us divided, confused and in a state of fear. Do we really want to live like this?

Where Angels Fear to Tread seeks a way through and past these dark Intentions. There are only two states: LOVE/FEAR. We have the option to choose what is best for our well-being and what is best for the future. The way through is simply to choose Love over Fear. Most humans are inherently good and we need only remember this while looking into the darkness and seeking a better way to live.

Join us each Saturday as we expose the nature of some of these problems in our world while exploring possible solutions to some of the more troubling and disturbing agendas which are coming more and more into the light as humanity is waking up.

We can take back our power and realize that the minority of humanity – the “Powers That Would-Be” – are far outnumbered by those of us who are loving, caring, and remaining hopeful in spite of the wide spread corruption and greed we see going on in our world.

Mark Snider, James Horak & Crystal Clark | Parasites | Nov. 29, 2014

Source: Ohio Exopolitcs,,

James Horak & Crystal Clark discuss the true nature of ebola as a parasitic worm, the elite’s deluded view of the lesser classes as parasitic humans, and dive deeper into the nefarious mechanisms, mind-viruses, disinformation, and knowledge-hoarding practices of globalist fanatics bent on denying mankind access to the beauty, wisdom and power of intelligent design---on both microcosmic and macrocosmic scales---even to the point of driving our civilization to full ruin in the process.

Crystal Clark’s website:
Courtesy for publication permission - Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics

James Horak & Randy Maugans | Current Events Analysis, August 8, 2012


Don't be confused about the messenger and the message: the human vessel called James Horak came here as a messenger to warn humanity of the perils they face in this very time. He has been suppressed, mocked, scorned, and ignored. The first hour deals with some, as always, unique perspectives about this planet, the state of humanity, and some of the life forms that "they" will never tell you about. the EMVs (electromagnetic vehicles) and the "Cities of the Sea" are divine beings who have been active in aiding and balancing the systems of the galaxies, solar systems, and the Earth itself.

Starting off in current events: the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shootings and the connection to disclosure, as the head of the temple  was the father of filmaker Arm Kaleka, who is shooting the film, "Sirius" about Dr. Stephen Greer. The documentary allegedly goes into the ET presence on Earth, as well as free energy.

We also deal with the Kerry Cassidy interview of Dr. Norman Bergrun: it is likely that this was the last interview with Dr. Bergrun. What a pity that it was bestowed on Project Camelot. Kerry Cassidy never even bothered to read the man's work! Her usual "guerilla-style" interview methods are a dishonor to the most significant scientist to come out of the NASA projects, and "Ringmakers of Saturn" is so monumental that is threatens the paradigms of modern science and the web of lies spun by the ruling cabal. Make no mistake: this WAS a hit piece.  As we began to discuss this our Skype connection was jammed.

The hour 2 "reboot" after the Skype connections were restored: further analysis of the history behind the work of Dr. Norman Bergruns discovery of the EMVs in the rings of the Saturn; the EMVs work on the earth, and the "cities of the sea"---spiritual technologyi/ntelligent biological beings who cultivate life in the sea, balance the saline levels, and process contaminants such as plutonium to protect the biosphere; the true origins of humanity, the solar system, and the flaws of the human split consciousness---the roots of mind control (called "mind warp") and control of the race.
We move into black operations, MILABS, the phenomena of grey ETs and human abductions; biological experiments and the myth of the elite bloodlines. Racism, feminism, and the politics of division to keep humans from uniting and also healing their consciousness...we cut a wide path in current events and history---this briefing is not for "entertainment".

James Horak & Crystal Clark | MORPHEUS, HALCYON DAYS & THE FORKED ROAD OF CHOICE: A brand new beginning or the same old end?

Source: Information Machine,,

James Horak interviews Crystal Clark to discuss her recent treatise regarding the Sacred Science. With special emphasis on the hidden history of mankind’s self-destructive past(s) and our current repetition of the patterns that ultimately led to those cataclysms, few stones were left unturned in this immersive, pointed and engaging discussion:

• Acquiring extra-information through dreams (Morpheus)
• Walter Russell, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus
• The risks of leaving records behind for the next civilization
• Hidden/suppressed archeological discoveries and anomalies would tell the truth
• Previous cataclysms caused by misuse of technology via elitist mindsets
• Weaponization of natural systems and genocide
• Catastrophic Biosphere & Biodiversity Collapse
• The public has purposefully been set up to fail and take the blame
• Manufactured lack turned into personal guilt
• Greed and planned obsolescence (of products, living things AND people)
• Depopulation as a counter to an awakening public
• Surveillance and data collection: Invasion of privacy and emotional/psychological manipulation
• Data-mining and Artificial Intelligence
• People perish for lack of knowledge—participate in their own demise through ignorance
• Billions of people want an abundant, free and peaceful future (Halcyon Days)
• Emulating and honoring the wisdom of Nature’s balanced interchange system
• Freedom to fully explore individual creative potential and free will
• Overcoming imbalance/split-consciousness with moral integrity
• Taming the ego allows for individual uniqueness to become a cultural benefit for everyone
• Non-violent models of change: balancing the desire for peace with the changes necessary to ensure it

“Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”   
--Crystal Clark, June 3, 2013

Related article: A BRIEF TREATISE ON THE SACRED SCIENCE by Crystal Clark

Download mp3

James Horak & Friends with Mark Snider on Ohio Exopolitics Aug. 30, 2014

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,,,

Three conversations, all recorded on August 30. 2014, fused together in one show.

Courtesy for publication permission: Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics.

James Horak: 
Website of Crystal Clark: Drowning in Absurdity
Mhairead MacDonald’s website: Selkie Dreams

James Horak | Napoleon in the Great Pyramid



Changing History through Time Manipulation
Napoleon, when he was in Egypt in 1798, asked to be left alone for a night in the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. When he emerged, it was reported that he looked visibly shaken. When an aide asked him if he had witnessed anything mysterious, he replied that he had no comment, and that he never wanted the incident mentioned again - and then orders a cannoneer to fire on the face of the Sphinx.

Years later, when he was on his deathbed, a close friend asked him what really happened in the King's chamber. He was about to tell him and stopped. Then he shook his head and said, "No, what's the use. You'd never believe me." But there is an unsubstantiated story that Napoleon had hinted that he was given some vision of his destiny during his stay in the King's Chamber.

What happened inside the King's Chamber when Napoleon spent the night in the sarcophagus? And can this event account for his change from an ardent supporter of the French Revolution into an egomaniac who crowned himself a cesar?

Please fasten your seat belts, James Horak, again, is taking us far out on the limb and what we are told is also a warning - facilitators of the elite take note, this is for you to listen very closely!

If Napoleon had not been implanted a micro chip, if he would have stayed true to himself, history would have taken a very different course and the world would very likely be a better place.

Related article at: The
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