Tom Campbell | It's About Time


Is time fundamental? Does it exist all at once? Is time an illusion?

These are questions often asked by people, and here Tom Campbell explains the answers within his MBT theory.

Tom Campbell's Bio:
Tom Campbell is a physicist, lecturer, and author of the My Big T.O.E. (Theory of Everything) trilogy, a work that unifies general relativity, quantum mechanics, and metaphysics along with the origins of consciousness. His work represents the results and conclusions of thirty years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints. In his career he has also worked in applied physics for organizations like the Department of Defense as well as NASA.

Tom Campbell | Materialism vs Virtual Reality; A Logical Bottom Up/Top Down Theory


This excerpt is from the US Space and Rocket Center lecture (October 2014) presented by Tom Campbell.

It delivers his logical Bottom Up/Top Down theory of Particles/Materialism and Consciousness/Virtual Reality.

Tom Campbell is a former NASA physicist and author of My Big TOE, a big picture theory of everything.

This version has been streamlined from a previous excerpt on this subject.

PMR= Physical Matter Reality

Richard Dolan Special Event | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Nov. 21, 2017


Special Thanksgiving Live Event w/ Richard talking about the current state of UFOs and Disclosure and what we can expect in 2018.

Interview start 37:20 min.

The Corbett Report | The Saudi Purge is a Global Crisis | Nov. 17, 2017


The House of Saud is in crisis as MBS consolidates his hold on the kingdom and prepares to transform Saudi Arabia in his image. But what is behind the purge, and how does it relate to the future of the world monetary system. Join James for a classic Corbett Report debriefing on the Saudi purge and the rise of the petroyuan.

Time Reference & Links:
02:47 Marwa Osman on The Corbett Report
08:50 5 Things You Need to Know About the Saudi Purge
11:09 The Death of King Abdullah and the Future of Oil Geopolitics
11:28 Saudi Arabia reshuffle as king appoints nephew to crown prince post
12:12 Saudi king empowers young reformer son in succession shake-up
12:49 New Saudi committee to investigate public corruption opens ‘new era of transparency’
13:54 House of Saudi Cards: The Inside Story
16:39 A coup in the House of Saud?
17:07 The inside story of the Saudi night of long knives
22:58 “Explosive” Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War 23:03 IDF chief to Saudi newspaper: ‘Israel ready to share intelligence on Iran’
26:06 Sharmine Narwani on the Changing Face of the Middle East
31:01 Corbett Report Extras
33:29 How Big Oil Conquered the World
39:19 Why is the MSM (Finally) Reporting on the Petrodollar?
42:24 Weak oil prices squeezing Saudi Arabia’s coffers, but reserves won’t run dry – for now
42:28 Saudi plans spending cuts, reforms to shrink budget deficit
42:32 Saudi Arabia seeks $6B-$8B bank loan to shore up state coffers
42:37 Oil Price Swings Spark Cigarette Taxes In Saudi Arabia
42:42 Saudi Arabia to increase domestic petrol prices by 80 percent
44:28 China, Saudi Arabia form comprehensive strategic partnership
45:08 China and Saudi sign 14 deals worth US$65 billion
45:08 President Xi attends inauguration ceremony of China-Saudi joint refinery
47:37 Exclusive: China offers to buy 5 percent of Saudi Aramco directly – sources
48:37 China crude futures becomes new force
50:37 Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

Download MP3

The Corbett Report | 5 Unbelievably Stupid Ideas Governments Actually Tried | Nov. 20, 2017


Ask anyone who’s ever worked in the public sector: With a never-ending stream of taxpayer money and no competition in sight, governments are a breeding ground for stupid ideas.

In fact, coming up with a list of all the idiocy that governments have inflicted on the world would be an impossible task, so let’s just narrow it down to five really stupid government ideas.

Transcript & Sources

FORCING The Deep State Disclosure! Declassify THIS!! | | Nov. 17, 2017


Skunkworks Director Ben Rich said these things:
"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do."
"If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that."
"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek."

If Tom Delonge's group are really interested in helping to bring helpful "alien" technologies out to the public, then why aren't they saying anything real about these technology? AlienScientist calls out Steve Justice and Hal Puthoff with a demand for disclosure and discussion! You will quickly become irrelevant if you do not stand and face your critics! Get these two on a live interview with me and we will know by their answers whether they are in this to tell the truth or to obfuscate facts and muddy the waters...

Additional Links:

Tajmar's Paper on the Biefeld-Brown Effect

Microwave Resonance Anti-gravity

Martin Tajmar on rotating superconductors

Dr. Martin Tajmar describes his theoretical concept for the coupling of gravitational and magnetic fields within superconductors, which he postulates as an explanation for the profound results being currently measured by his research team at ARC Seibersdorf (Austria). The documented effects include an effect similar to a Lense-Thirring frame-dragging, but measured using precision accelerometers at 20 orders of magnitude larger than Einstein's Theory of Relativity would predict. Tajmar's speculative physics hopes to reconcile this discrepancy.

S0 News | M7 Earthquake, Filament Alert, Resources | Nov. 20, 2017


Max Igan | What's About to Happen | Nov. 17, 2017


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 17th, 2017.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 16, 2017


There are more strange connections and speculations coming out about the Las Vegas shootings and the connections to the Saudis...


Was Las Vegas a Saudi Crown Prince Salman Assassination Attempt?

New World Next Week | #CreepyJoeBiden and Lady Gaga to Establish Sexual Assault Centres | Nov. 16, 2017


Story #1: EU Signs Defense Pact In Decades-Long Quest
NWNW Flashback: Juncker Proposes EU Military Headquarters (Sep. 15, 2016)
EU Unmasked: After Brexit, Plans for Full EU Superstate Revealed
A Small Step Toward a European Army

Story #2: Joe Biden And Lady Gaga Reteam To Establish Sexual Assault Trauma Centres
Twitter: #CreepyJoeBiden
NYTimes Reporter Says Creepy Joe Biden Images Are “Alt-Right Fake News Meme”
Wikipedia: ‘The Hunting Ground’
List Of Songs Written By Diane Warren
Photo of Lady Gaga And Five Former Presidents Goes Viral
Caption Contest: “Gentlemen Prefer Bombs”

Story #3: First Digital Pill Approved to Worries About Biomedical Big Brother
FDA Approves Pill With Sensor That Digitally Tracks If Patients Have Ingested Their Medication
Big Pharma Fills the Swamp on #MorningMonarchy
NWNW Flashback: Big Pharma to Begin Microchipping Drugs (Nov. 11, 2010)
#GoodNewsNextWeek: Oregon Cans Nestle's Bottling Plan

Anthony Patch | Nex Gen Machines & CERN is a Quantum Computer | Nov. 16, 2017


Anthony Patch joins me to discuss the various types of quantum computers, gene editing & take a look at whether CERN is a quantum computer, or could it even be a quantum bit on a global quantum computer comprised of many particle accelerators? Join us now to find out more!

S0 News | Space Weather, Magma, Geoengineering | Nov. 15, 2017


Robbie Graham | Silver Screen Saucers | Nov. 11, 2017


On episode 31 of SOMEWHERE IN THE SKIES, Ryan speaks with Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact From Fantasy in Hollywood's UFO Movies.

More so than any other medium, cinema has shaped our expectations of potential alien life and visitation. But what messages does Hollywood project to us about our possible otherworldly neighbors? From where do UFO movies draw their inspiration, and what other factors—cultural and conspiratorial—might influence their production and content?

Robbie brings us through his examination of the DNA that builds our perceptions of the UFO mystery. One strand of this DNA weaves real events, stories, and people from the historical record of UFOlogy, while the other spins and twists with the film and TV products they have inspired. It is a marriage of reality and mythology that perpetuates and manipulates everything we know, or at least think we know about UFOs.

Guest Bio: Robbie Graham has lectured around the world on the UFO subject and has been interviewed for the BBC, Coast to Coast AM, Canal+ TV, Channel 4, and Vanity Fair, among many others. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including The Guardian, New Statesman, Filmfax, and Fortean Times.

He holds first class degrees in Film, Television and Radio Studies and Cinema Studies from Staffordshire University and the University of Bristol respectively. He is the author of Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood’s UFO Movies (White Crow Books, 2015) and the editor of UFOs: Reframing the Debate(White Crow Books, 2017).

Tom Campbell | The Implications of Virtual Reality and New Physics Experiments


For physicists: This lecture by Tom Campbell presents his MBT theory on virtual reality and his proposed variations on the double slit experiments.

Universities and Institutes: Please direct any inquiries regarding conducting these experiments (or for additional information) through the contact forms on either, or

The slides are available for download at
All the information required to do the experiments is contained in the slides in detail.

This video was originally edited by Justin Snodgrass for the MBT LA presentation, and this excerpt was edited by Keith Warner of MBT Events.

The Corbett Report | You Are Powerful And We Are Winning | Nov. 14, 2017


You are weak! You are powerless! You don't control your own life! what the powers-that-shouldn't-be want you to believe. In reality, the thing they are most afraid of is you discovering your own power and taking control of your life.

And as a new study shows, even a small number of alternative, non-mainstream sources can redirect the national conversation. So why aren't we using this power to our advantage and setting a new agenda for humanity? The choice is ours. Please support The Corbett Report and the other independent outlets that are helping to do just that.

New World Next Week | Why Is The US Air Force Collecting Russian DNA? | Nov. 9, 2017


Story #1: Saudi Purge Brings China Card In Play In Aramco Deal
Saudi Prince, Seven Others Dead After Helicopter Crash
Crown Prince Says New Saudi Mega-City ‘NEOM’ Will Be Listed Publicly
Robot Granted Saudi Citizenship Has More Rights Than Saudi Women
‘Corbett Report: Extras’ On BitChute
NWNW Flashback: Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund For Post-Oil Era (Apr. 7, 2016)
NWNW Flashback: Saudi King Names Son New Crown Prince, Upending Royal Succession Line (Jun. 22, 2107)

Story #2: Russian Biological Samples “Collected For Research” By US Air Force
Rebuilding America's Defences
Questions For Corbett: Who Owns Your DNA?

Story #3: 'Paradise Papers' Leak Shows Tax Secrets Of Super Rich
Paradise Papers: Secrets of the Global Elite
Notice How The BBC Highlight Comedians In #ParadisePapers Rather Than The Queen
Michael Hutchence's Manager Used Tax Haven To Exploit Unreleased Music
Offshore Cash Helped Fund Steve Bannon's Attacks On Hillary Clinton
NWNW Flashback: Corbett Report’s 2016 Story - The Panama Papers

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Nov. 11, 2017


Peddling weapons of mass destruction to the nations of the world has become a primary focus of our government and the military industrial complex. Industrialized / militarized societies are squandering what yet remains of Earth’s once abundant resources on manufacturing weapons and consumer goods. Where is sanity?

The challenges we collectively face are not going to go away on their own, they are only growing exponentially worse. We must all consider the great calling of this most critical moment in human history, to stand against the collective insanity. Make your voice heard. -Dane Wigington

William Engdahl | Rogue Money Radio | Nov. 10, 2017


Rogue Money delivers a very special interview with Author, Economic Researcher William Engdahl. William Engdahl has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics—the interaction between international power politics, economics and geography—have been translated into 14 foreign languages from Chinese to French, from German to Japanese.

To learn more about his work please visit:

Brien Foerster | Puma Punku And Tiwanaku Bolivia | September 2017 Magnetic Anomalies Tests | Nov. 9, 2017


The Corbett Report | Marwa Osman - What Is Happening In Saudi Arabia? | Nov. 9, 2017


The Lebanese Prime Minister has "resigned" on Saudi tv. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has rounded up a dozen other princes in the House of Saud in a startling move that threatens to upset the kingdom. Reports saying that King Salman will step aside for the crown prince abound. What the hell is happening? Joining us to help sort through the rubble of this incredible week is Marwa Osman, a political analyst and commentator in Beirut.

Show Notes:
Marwa Osman’s Twitter
Saudi channel retracts Twitter posting on Salman rise to throne
Lebanese PM Hariri resigns, stresses ‘Iran’s hands will be cut off’
Saudi prince, relieved from National Guard, once seen as throne contender
Saudi Arabia Just Announced Plans to Build a Mega City That Will Cost $500 Billion
Mystery surrounds fate of late King Fahd’s son amid Saudi crackdown
Reports claim Prince Muqrin helicopter did not crash, was shot down
Saudi prince Mansour killed in helicopter crash near Yemen border
Hariri firm in Saudi Arabia ‘facing bankruptcy’
Lebanon president ‘waiting for Hariri to return to Beirut’ before taking further action

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 9, 2017


There are some very strange bread crumbs in the Saudi Coup...

In Shocking Purge, Saudi King Arrests Billionaire Prince Bin Talal, Dozens Of Others In Cabinet Crackdown

Several of Top Saudi Officials Arrested Over Weekend Are Linked to Podesta Group

James Corbett on The Hagmann Report | Why Big Oil Conquered The World | Nov. 7, 2017


Today James appears as a guest on The Hagmann Report to discuss How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World. Topics covered include the real aims of the oiligarchy, the technocratic "solution" to the death of the petrodollar, and the (engineered) rise of China and the coming (engineered) conflict.

Stephen Bassett | Undisclosed | Part 1-3


A film interview series by Phil Hardy. PRG executive director and political activist, Stephen Bassett, is interviewed in London on April 22, 2017 regarding the politics of Disclosure.

Support PRG's advocacy work here:

S0 News | Space Weather Health Alert, Earthquake News | Nov. 6, 2017


Clif High | Webbot Forum interview | Nov. 4, 2017


Special Webbot Forum Interview with Clif High.

New World Next Week | Canada Pays Hush Money To Silence MKULTRA Victim's Daughter | Nov. 2, 2017


Story #1: Taxpayers Hit For $650K After Cop Assaulted, Kidnapped Innocent Nurse for Refusing To Break The Law
Utah Nurse Alex Wubbels Reaches $500,000 Settlement In Dispute Over Her Arrest
Salt Lake Police Officer Fired After U of U Nurse Wubbels Incident

Story #2: Trump Blocks Full Release Of JFK Assassination Records After Last Minute CIA Push
What’s In The JFK Files? – An Open Source Investigation
What Happened Thursday With The JFK Records?
National Archives Releases First Batch Of 2017 JFK Documents
The CIA Preps Their Next JFK Psyop
#MorningMonarchy: Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it (Sep. 14, 2017)

Story #3: Canada Quietly Compensates Daughter Of Brainwashing Experiments Victim

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Trading Coal Mines For Beehives

Catherine Austin Fitts - The Missin Trillions | A Constitutional Crisis! Dark Journalist | Oct. 30, 2017


In this fascinating episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary and the Publisher of the Solari Report Catherine Austin Fitts for an Exclusive Examination of the Missing Trillions that have disappeared from Government Agencies.

Catherine goes into great detail about the over 21 Trillion in Missing Money from the Department of Defense (DOD) and the US Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The money has been disappearing over the course of two decades through a mysterious process called 'Undocumented Adjustments." The forces behind the money drain have managed to elude public scrutiny and oversight due to intense control over the mainstream media and political figures.

Recently we have seen major lobbying and investment for a new Constitutional Convention (Con Con) to add changes to the Governing Document of the USA. Advocates on both the Left and the Right ends of the spectrum now have 28 of the 34 States that they need to Convene a Convention, but it will take 38 States to ratify any changes. Catherine has determined that much of the push around the question of a Con Con is to immunize the covert forces that are secretly benefiting from the continuous drain and harvesting of the resources of the public citizenry through the sprawling and compromised American bureaucracy.

The false remedy of a Constitutional Convention is being portrayed by advocates as the solution to the political impasse that we see in Congress. In fact, according to Catherine it's a backdoor attempt to allow those who have stolen the Missing Money to not be prosecuted in the future while installing draconian cuts to social programs in the name of responsibility.

Max Igan | The Controlled Demolition of America | Oct. 27, 2017


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - October 27th, 2017.

Dr. Kevin MacDonald | Weinstein's Hollywood, Clinton's Russia Scandal & Hypocritical Liberal Elites | Redice TV | Oct. 27, 2017


Dr. Kevin MacDonald has a PhD in Biobehavioral Sciences and is an expert on Jewish influence and identity. He is the editor and chief contributor of The Occidental Observer, an online publication that focuses on White identity, White interests, and the culture of the West. Kevin is also the author of numerous books, including The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements.

Kevin returns to Red Ice amidst the Harvey Weinstein scandal to give us an academic perspective on Hollywood and the Jewish obsession with gentile women. We first talk about Weinstein, the producer currently embroiled in a sexual misconduct scandal. Kevin then explains the reasons why the perversions of Harvey Weinstein, Philip Roth, and others are archetypally Jewish.This leads to a discussion on how Hollywood, despite clearly being a den of iniquity, has nevertheless saw fit to lecture Americans on morality for decades. The show covers much more, including the Russian uranium deal, opioid crisis, and Trump administration.

The Corbett Report | Who Is Nicholas Rockefeller? - Question For Corbett | Oct. 28, 2017


We all remember when Aaron Russo gave us his story of getting the inside scoop from Nicholas Rockefeller...but who is Nicholas Rockefeller? James explores this question and answers your queries on Japanese debt, IMFcoin, health care without government, the Bin Laden "confession" and much more in this edition of Questions For Corbett.

Show Notes
download mp3

Aaron Franz | The Age Of Transitions | Vinny Eastwood Show | Oct. 30 , 2017


The Truth Can Be Polarizing,
With Such Extremes Of Left And Right
Is It Any Wonder Why The Truth Movement Seems Dead?

In This Episode:
We talk about the importance of open dialogue,
Why relaxing and keeping an open mind may be the best defense against charlatans,
Whether they be main stream or in the Alt Media,
Fake news & Alternative truth have become loaded terms,
As if somehow the truth has taken someones side,
However, the truth doesn't care what anyone thinks.
The fact is that your own ideas and dreams are the most important thing in the universe,
And if everyone is able to do their own thing without hurting each other, it's an ideal situation.
When people came into this movement,
They thought it'd all be about truth,
& that they can win against the liars within a few years,
But they realise soon enough,
That this war has been going on for eternity, and they need to dedicate their lives, fortunes and forbears to this fight,
For most, that's too much sacrifice,
As a result, I've seen many people in this movement come and go over the years.

New World Next Week | Big Brother in Little China | Oct. 26, 2017


Story #1: Big Data Meets Big Brother As China Moves To Rate Its Citizens
Sesame Credit: China’s Creepy New Social Engineering Experiment (Dec. 19, 2017)
Black Mirror: ‘Nosedive’
It Begins: Canadian Gov Rolls Out Points To Reward Good Citizens

Story #2: Civilians Can Earn Points By Helping Police Finding Stolen Cars
PDF: Netherlands Future of Police Missions
“Being Excited By The Neighbors Does Not Feel Good”
So You’ve Decided To Boycott Google….
Fewer Cars Stolen In The Netherlands; Thefts Drop To “Historic Low”
Ep. 145 - You Are Being Gamed
Mobile Phone Companies Selling Your Number, Location

Story #3: Phoenix 2.0: CIA To Unleash Vietnam Era Terror Campaign On Afghanistan
Wikipedia: Phoenix Program
The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam by Douglas Valentine
Interview 1248 – Douglas Valentine on the Resurrection of the Phoenix Program

William Engdahl | US & Silk Road, Korea, Las Vegas, Trump, NWO, Cashless Society


Golds role in the future. Cryptocurrencies, are they for real? The push for a cashless society. Trumps role in the NWO. The new Silk Road. Will North Korea will be a trigger event for a nuclear attack on American soil? Thoughts on Vegas. Is the beginning of sleeper cells going active.

Linda Moulton Howe & Richard Dolan & Paul Dean | KGRA Phenomenon Radio


KGRA Phenomenon Radio interview from Linda Moulton Howe with Richard M. Dolan and Paul Dean on 07/27/2017

Phenomenon Radio is a show concept blending one of the most high profile experiencers with an Emmy Award winning investigative journalist to bring the most up to date and late breaking news and interviews to create a unique live weekly broadcast that delves into the UAP/UFO phenomenon like never before.

With over 60 years of experience between them, John and Linda will combine their efforts in a monthly series format that focuses on specific levels of the Phenomenon that cannot be properly covered in a single 2 hour program.

This show researches thought-provoking breakthroughs in the field of UAP/UFOs, to discover fascinating truths through first-hand accounts with investigative insights into the expanding confluence of physical and mental exposure to this worldwide phenomenon.

Elana Freeland | "5G Technology Will Further Transform Human DNA & Takes Us Closer To Transhumanism." | Richie Allen Show | Oct. 24, 2017

Source: Elena Freehand

Dr. Robert Schoch | The Lost Pyramid of Giza | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Oct. 23, 2017


Tonight we discussed his newest books, Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future and Origins of the Sphinx: Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization, co-authored with Robert Bauval… and the possibility of a fourth, black pyramid and a second Sphinx on the Giza plateau.

Dr. Robert M. Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University, his M.S. and M.Phil. in Geology and Geophysics from Yale, as well as degrees in Anthropology (B.A.) and Geology (B.S.) from George Washington University.

In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoch along with John Anthony West, recast the date of the Great Sphinx of Egypt from 2,600 BC back to 10,500 BC… by demonstrating that the monument has been heavily eroded by water despite the fact that its location on the edge of the Sahara has endured hyper-arid climactic conditions for the past 5,000 years.

Dr. Schoch revealed to the world that mankind’s history is greater and older than previously believed.

Interview start: 31:40 min.

Newsbud | Breaking: FBI Whistleblower Exposes Special Council Mueller's Conflict of Interest! | Oct. 24, 2017


FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds exposes Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conflict of interest in pursuing General Michael Flynn’s case due to his direct involvement as former FBI Director and his role in covering up and protecting Gulen Networks’ criminal operations within the United States, and demands that he steps down.

Targeting Michael Flynn & Shielding the Radical Cleric Gulen: Special Counsel Robert Mueller MUST Step Down

Max Igan | Free Your Mind 5 - April 7th, 2017


Max Igan Presenting at the Free Your Mind 5 Conference in Philadelphia. April 7th, 2017.

Joe from the Carolinas | Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy | Is this UFO Disclosure? | Analysis and Opinion | Oct. 22, 2017

Source: Joe from the Carolinas youtube,

I provide critique, analysis, and personal opinion about Tom Delonge's full "To The Stars Academy" broadcast on October 11, 2017.

Diving deep into exploring the story, the reveal, as well as the players involved. Also briefly compare it to the recent string of secret space program whisteblowers.

All images in this video are from,, and image search. No copyright claim is intended or implied.

For more information about Tom Delonge's "To the Stars Academy", as well as their 10/11 broadcast, visit their website. -Joe from the Carolinas

To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science - Live Broadcast

Description: Watch and hear about how we plan to bring transformative science and engineering to global citizens and support breakthrough research, discovery and innovation that can benefit humanity.

Chris Mellon: FMR Deputy Asst Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Jim Semivan: FMR Sr. Intelligence Service, CIA’s Directorate of Operations
Dr. Hal Puthoff: Director of DOD/CIA/DIA Scientific Research Programs
Steve Justice: FMR Advanced Systems Director for Lockheed Martin’s “Skunk Works”
Luis Elizondo: FMR Director of Programs to Investigate Unidentified Aerial Threats, USG

S0 News | New 6-Planet System, Earthquake, Volcano, Sun | Oct. 23, 2017


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Oct. 21, 2017


Resource wars continue to be waged all over the planet. Which countries military do we find at the front line of the conflicts in nearly every case? The USA.

With a military machine that is as large as the next 10 largest militaries combined, the USA is also leading the charge on the global climate engineering / weather warfare assault. Extreme weather whiplash scenarios are worsening at blinding speed.

Radical swings in temperatures and conditions have now become the norm as the geoengineers continue to completely derail what is yet left of Earth’s climate and life support systems.

Is Ireland going to bear the brunt of yet another unprecedented extratropical cyclone? The CIA continues with its efforts to take down any leader in any country that is reluctant to subordinate it’s own interests to the US empire’s dictates.

S0 News | Solar Flare, Sun-Diving Comet, Merging Galaxies | Oct. 21, 2017


Brien Foerster | Puma Punku And Tiwanaku Bolivia September 2017 With Engineer Cliff | Oct. 21, 2017


The Corbett Report | Introducing Pirates Without Borders | Oct. 19, 2017


James joins Ernest Hancock on Declare Your Independence to discuss "Why Big Oil Conquered The World." When the topic of solutions comes up, they discuss Ernest's and the above-the-grid answers to the oiligarchs' plans.

Show Notes:
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Second Letter of Captain Marque
If It Pleases The Crown meme
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