Howard Martin | Living By The Heart, November 20, 2011


November 20, 2011–The heart is intelligent; in fact, it is the control tower of the body’s systems and overall health. In this segment, we explore a marvelous solution for balancing heart rhythms, reducing the production of stress hormones, and boosting the immune system with Howard Martin, the co-founder of the Institute of Heartmath and the co-author of The HeartMath Solution.

We delve into cutting-edge scientific heart research and how we can begin applying it to improve the quality of life. We will also discuss simple but powerful techniques for increasing compassion, joy, productivity, and for enhancing the personality’s intuitive aspects. Tune in and discover the intelligence of the heart. ~Kim Greenhouse

click here to download as a podcast

Israel, the IAEA, and the Road to War With Iran, November 21, 2011


This month's release of a new International Atomic Energy Agency report into Iran's nuclear energy program has caused a flurry of diplomatic activity, political posturing, and breathless news headlines about the supposed imminent threat of an alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Given the nature and tenor of the coverage of the IAEA report in the mainstream press, one might be forgiven for believing that the agency has in fact uncovered new signs that Iran has made any concrete steps toward creating a nuclear weapon since it suspended that program in 2003 or that there is any evidence whatsoever that Iran has made any progress in the development of nuclear weapons technology.

In reality, however, the report contains no new information about Iran's alleged attempts to create nuclear weapons, a fact quietly conceded by even the most hawkish opponents of Iran's nuclear program, including former weapons inspector David Albright. ~James Corbett
Transcript & Sources

Philip Coppens | The Ancient Alien Question, November 20, 2011


November 20, 2011–Philip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. Since 1995, he has lectured extensively and has appeared in a number of television and DVD documentaries, including the series, "Ancient Aliens" on The History Channel.

In this interview, he will talk about his latest book, The Ancient Alien Question. Are people ready for ET? Philip shares his opinion on the current mass consciousness, the scientific community and what mankind needs to be re-invigorated.

We also discuss visitation from extraterrestrial beings and if these beings guided us into civilization. He says that we have not been alone from the start. Philip talks about how monuments contain evidence of their presence. Also, we talk about Carl Sagan, Terrence McKenna and various forms of extraterrestrial contact. Later we talk about geniuses who might have received their information from non-human intelligence and Philip tells us what he thinks the objective of humanity is. ~Red Ice Creations
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David Icke talks with Luke Rudkowski at Occupy Wall Street, November 17, 2011


David Icke talks with Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change New York at Occupy Wall Street - Excellent Interview.

Rick Osmon | Pre-Columbian Colonization of North America, November 17, 2011


November 17, 2011–Could there be a centuries-long international conspiracy to cover-up the knowledge of ancient visitors to North America? Author Rick Osmon discusses his book "The Graves of the Golden Bear: Ancient Fortresses and Monuments of the Ohio Valley."

Rick was selected for the US Air Force Academy right out of high school. He later attended Vincennes University and earned an Associates of Science in Laser and Electro-Optics Technology. For a number of years, he worked for defense contractors and then took a job with the US Navy as a civilian with an engineering support field activity, specializing in radar, night vision, and laser equipment for surveillance and munitions guidance. But, Rick was also reading everything he could find about the weird and unusual, history, archeology, paleontology, geography, cartography, cryptozoology, cryptography, and hollow earth theory.

Rick has mapped out the different waves of colonization attempts and visitations to North America. Looking at the claims of the Welsh prince Madoc who is said to have brought thousands of colonists to North America centuries before Columbus. ~Red Ice Creations
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David Icke | Thoughts From New York On 'John Wayne America', November 19, 2011


James Horak | Full Range Applications of Binary Weapons Methodology, November 19, 2011

Source:, Information Machine

Full Range Applications of Binary Weapons Methodology

Over my 16 years of experience on the internet, on forums, chat rooms, and the like, I have noticed few people follow threads well, few read closely...much less attempt to appreciate the thoughts of others in full range or ramification. “Small” talk or the sometimes constant chattering we get into, might promote this; but I rather think it is an aspect of the disassociation from media bombardment and how it impacts back on concentration. The best example is how we now, as a rule, have 45 minutes of actual programming on network television and fifteen minutes of intrusive commercials per hour. It is so bad that commercial sponsors have begun “follow-up” commercials right after their initial ones or run-on themed commercials where the message is followed up after the insertion of another by a different sponsor. The aspects of meaning you may be missing in any intense programmed presentation or documentary is broken up; concentration and the possibility of anyone actually getting into the information and/or depiction of events is lessened. We don't know how much. That's an area that has not been explored for the benefit of telling us. But you can bet it has been explored by someone.

This is the milieu in which we now are exposed to much more threatening programs whose harmful intentions can only be described as weapons, even, to some extent, a weaponization of media itself.
Recently I came across a quote attributed to one, Dr. Beau Lotto, “There is no inherent meaning in's what we do with it that matters.” Extremely true in relevance today. I like to say, making the knowledge our own. It would seem to me that this may be integral to, instead of just being an information dilettante, actually incorporating it into associating it with any broader reference. In developing this, we become more likely to expand upon the threatening applications (and potential permutations) of binary weapons and their systems for which they may be part. We begin to realize, for instance, what might be in chemtrails today, just might not be in them tomorrow.

But then, what other examples of binary weapons might we be exposed to other than chemtrails? Let's start where this technology began, the dispensing media of information that we have been entrained from childhood to use, broadcast media. Something for which the illusion-making mechanism of the mind becomes greatly tampered (with.) You acquire the notion that a story is served simply because it has been treated on the five o'clock never be mentioned again. The first stage of this information binary weapon is that you have been prepared or implanted to only actually place significance on stories that are reaffirmed by repetition (being so used to the pattern of commercials and the way they make and break concentration, not to mention subliminals.) How long now has this been going on? Long enough to have moved you into a controllable reality where your range of confidence in what is credible and what is not is controlled by someone else. The weapons aspect of this program is especially successful as long as you don't realize the intentions behind it and still suppose your forthcoming opinions are actually your own.

So now, whether you like it or not, you're set up for what comes next...the second stage of an information binary weapon. What is it? Pathological incredulity. And it makes you impotent to challenge, effectively challenge anything. Now some of you have broken this chain somewhere along
its winding snake apparatus. But some of you, even reading this now, actually haven't.

For those of the latter sort, I'll give the more overt examples of binary weapons systems: in the arsenal of non-lethal weaponry are many binary weapons that don't kill and are more easily sold to the public because of that but are simply prolonging the fatality process, only throwing more pain and agony into the process. Of course, famine and disease, when man-made are examples. But the refinements today are even more illustrative. Chemtrails, for example, destroy your immunity to what's coming next. And that can be non-specific enough that many won't catch on until it is too late. But in the end, it all comes out as genocide. Whether it's such things as fall-out from Fukushima, malnutrition and contaminated food products and drugs, even how the many intrusions into your local environment play into what is put in your water. Let's look at how genocide has been practiced on African regions now for fifty years in order for international corporations to have better means of moving tribal populations off land rich in natural resources. It's not just done by promoting civil war. Medical care givers, mostly all sincere and compassionate, are not given the medicines they need to treat these people adequately so the ill are left to fend for themselves on the black market. There they find these medicines, mostly antibiotics, with original pharmaceutical packaging, right down to lot numbers, and they take them home. Only these supposed “pirated” drugs (and I doubt they are, but “special batches” big pharma makes up for just this monstrous design,) have just enough of the active ingredients to help the pathnogen or viral agent to build immunity...thus almost always lethal. Millions have died from this operational method and use of a binary weapons system. Tens of millions...maybe even hundreds of millions if allowed to continue.

And the rest of us pay since all this, in today's global shuffle, find new and deadlier strains of microbes popping up in our own vicinity, like flesh-eating bacteria. Strains of social diseases for which there is no known cure. This practice in Africa is a cauldron for disease and death elsewhere.

In the area of the unknown lie many dark potentials coming out from experimentation alone, not necessarily intended but that might be even more devastating than if they were. It is science and industry out of control here in order to serve the military contracts that are designed around weaponizing any and everything these critters can imagine. I add this element in here simply because the principle of binary systems is represented even if unintended as a consequence. Mostly because the effects offer even more devastating potential and the whole process of weaponizing is responsible. Shut that down and the threat goes away. After all every treaty in modern times, every agreement of limiting war between nations has meant to stop these excesses. And have not.

James Horak, November 19, 2011

Fernando Vossa | Free Energy, Healing Technology, & Cosmic Awareness, November 18, 2011


Bio Fernando Vossa
Fernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 15 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinary techniques from Industrial Design, Cognitive Psychology, Virtual Reality, Cinematography, Architecture, Graphic Design, and Fine Art.

His accomplishments include being part of leading edge design teams for major brands such as Microsoft, Sony, US-WEST, GE-Aerospace, and most recently unfolding innovative installation concepts at The Center of Mass Creation. This media pioneer holds degrees in Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Technology Design from the University of Washington. His passion for Divine technology has let him to discover evolutionary transformations of our energetic body.

His journey is to explore the integration of Free Energy Research, Healing Technologies, and a Cosmic Awareness of our Extra Terrestrial neighbors. Vossa is a member of the Exopolitics movement. His work includes being a media consultant and technology ambassador to the Searl Magnetics Team developing the Searl Effect Generator.

Max Igan | Corporate Degradation and Conscious Evolution, November 18, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - 11/18/11

Susun Weed on TMRN Radio, November 2011


Herbs & Plants in Use, The 'Change' for both Men and Women and Cancer & other related issues.
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Clifford Pickover | Physics Milestones, November 17, 2011


November 17, 2011–Author of forty books on such topics as mathematics, black holes, and alien life, Cliff Pickover, discussed his latest work, The Physics Book, which presents 250 milestones in the history of physics. The milestones include thought provoking topics such as parallel universes, dark energy, and "quantum immortality," as well as some fascinating curiosities. Quantum immortality, he explained, is based on the idea that in subatomic physics, two different choices are simultaneously possible, thus creating an infinite number of worlds. So, in this 'many worlds' paradigm, you might seem to live forever because there'd always be one reality where you didn't die. Another topic he addressed was the 'Big Rip,' which suggests that the universe is rapidly expanding, and that our solar system could eventually rip apart.

One of the curiosities he spoke about was Dyson Spheres-- a hypothetical proposal by the physicist Freeman Dyson, in which an advanced civilization could make a sphere that surrounds our sun to capture all its energy. Pickover also talked about unusual ancient technology such as the Baghdad Battery and the Antikythera Mechanism, as well as a kind of natural nuclear reactor created two billion years ago.

Mack Maloney | UFOs in Wartime – What They Didn’t Want You To Know, November 15, 2011

Source:, Mack Maloney's Book

November 15, 2011–Mack Maloney is the author of 40 books, including two bestsellers. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He went through public schools there, and then graduated from Suffolk University in Boston with a degree in journalism. He went on to graduate school at Emerson College earning a degree in filmmaking. He then worked in corporate public relations for the General Electric Company before leaving to write full-time.

The vast majority of Mack’s work has been in military fiction. However, because several of his highly popular novels deal with the military and UFOs, when he approached his editor about writing a nonfiction book on the topic, he got the immediate go ahead.

Mack gathered a mountain of information from many sources and spoke with some highly acclaimed UFO researchers including Jerry Clark, Keith Chester, Richard Haines, and Stan Gordon. He also spoke with a number of contacts in the U.S. military and people connected with U.S. intelligence services. It took about two years to distill all this information down to a collection of about 70 episodes detailing military encounters with UFOs from 1909 up to the first Gulf War. That’s what makes up “UFOs in Wartime – What They Didn’t Want You To Know.”

The book’s premise is that UFOs have to be real simply because of the sheer number of sightings made by military personnel during times of conflict. People who are in the middle of combat are not about to make up a “flying saucer” story or perpetrate a hoax. In fact, they are often fighting for their lives when they make these observations. In this way, they are the best witnesses possible -- trained pilots, sailors and soldiers, both officers and enlisted personnel. And since World War One, there have been thousands of UFO sightings made by these people.

The impression the reader will be left with is that “someone” or “something” watches us closely when we are at war. For instance, during World War 2, there were hundreds of reports of "foo fighters,” some from both sides. In the European theater, the Allies just assumed they were Nazi "wonder weapons." Yet when the war was over, the Germans basically said to the Allies: "We thought they were yours." The same thing happened in the Pacific theater with the Japanese. There were no instances in which these objects shot at Allied aircraft or showed any hostile intent. This was also true for Korea, the Cold War and Vietnam.

As Mack concludes: “It's like ‘they’ are intent on watching us while we kill each other.”

Special appearance by·Stephen Bassett·to respond to the Whitehouse’s response to the petition asking about the government’s knowledge of UFOs.~Spectrum Radio Network

Back in Time Series | UFO Files - Brazil's Roswell, Colares


In September 1977, something amazing appears in the night sky over the Brazilian island of Colares in the Amazon delta--a luminous object hovering about 15 feet over the water. For nearly two months, strange flying objects visit the island--some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, some luminous and some not.

Witnesses report they felt as if blood had been sucked from them by the strange rays. More than 30 residents suffer puncture wounds or burns after their encounters. Two islanders reportedly die from their injuries. The Brazilian Air Force sends a task force to the island for three months and it returns with 300 night photos and several motion picture reels.

Though a 500-page report is compiled, along with a catalogue of the sightings, maps, and interview transcripts, it's kept from the public. Then, in May 2005, a few of the details are released, but many questions go unanswered. In this unique hour, we examine these mysterious happenings in depth.

Super Globalist, #OWS Updates, Climate World Cup - New World Next Week, November 17, 2011

Source: ,,

Story #1: Super Globalist to Replace Italy's Berlusconi
Update: Reserved Anti-Berlusconi Mario Monti Sworn In As Italy's Prime Minister
Greece's Papademos Wins Confidence Vote on Austerity Measures

Story #2: Surprise, Homeland Security Coordinates #OWS Crackdowns
The Police State Vs. Occupy Wall Street: This Is Not Going To End Well
For Any Of Us

Story #3: Durban Climate Summit "Will Be Bigger Than the World Cup"
Flashback: Arctic Monkeys Shiver At Climate 'Hypocrisy'

New World Next Week on

William Henry | Secrets of Ancient Indian Art, November 16, 2011


November 16, 2011–A dramatic week on Revelations as William Henry talks to an anthropologist who discovered an arbor glyph (an ancient carving on a very old tree) on the Chumash Reservation in California, AND to a Chumash elder who interprets the ancient knowledge contained in the glyph.

William Henry writes, "Recently, I was in San Luis Obispo, CA giving a presentation. In the audience was a man who continually gave deep, knowing nods as I clicked through slides featuring Jesus as a star being or star gates in ancient art. His name is Rex Saint Onge. He is well known for discovering the arbor glyph on a tree on the nearby Chumash indian lands. After my talk, we had a chance to walk the land and I quickly realized this is a person of immense knowledge and wisdom. He's on a mission to decode and share the star knowledge of the ancients. I hope you enjoy his message as much as I do."

To get a copy of the paper about the glyph that Rex refers to in the program, send your request with the subject heading Glyph Paper to

Robert Newman | The Shakespeare Project, November 15, 2011


November 15, 2011–Robert Newman has been researching Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for over 15 years and authored the book, "The Manufacture of Mozart". He returns to the program to discuss his latest research into another icon, William Shakespeare. "Shakespeare was an 'inside job'. But officially approved. Oblivious to reason, and beyond conspiracy except as a form of diversion that is sometimes staged in the most genteel tea houses and polite debating societies." Robert will cover the period from Shakespeare's birth in Stratford on Avon up until his arrival in London. He'll give a description of the project to create the "Shakespeare" myth.

Topics Discussed: Phoenicians, Europa, 1200 B.C. Etruscan, William Betham, Welsh and Ancient Hebrew connections, Israel 740 B.C., empires concurring, Troy, Druid, Etruscan westward movements, Wales, Cornwall, renaissance, the true origins of the 37 plays, Stratford on Avon, English College of Rome, Elizabeth the 1st, Rome vs England, The First Folio, Venice, Tudors & Stuarts, 17 Quarto Verso, the mysterious death of Christopher Marlowe, John Dee, The Royal Society, King James Bible, Henry Wotton, the creation of the United Kingdom, Arcadia, Queen Christina. ~Red Ice Creations
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The Secret Of Light with Matt Presti, OffPlanet Radio, November 15, 2011


November 15, 2011– Musician, media artist, metaphysician, and cosmic explorer, Matt Presti, joins us for a journey into the realms of consciousness, the new science of spirituality: the work of Walter and Lao Russell, and God's true science of Creation and thinking and free energy...

The priests of science, the priesthoods of religion...all the convoluted designs that keep humanity bound in the material realm dissolve when we grasp TRUTH. Truth is simple to understand when we walk out of the 3-dimensional boxes:

    "The  science  I  read  was  so  utterly  complex  that  it was  beyond  the  average  comprehension  whereas the science  of  God's''plan in Nature which I wished to give was so simple that anyone of average intelligence could master it without difficulty." -Walter Russell

Matt Presti unfolds the Russelian world where science and Spirit intersect. Walter Russell's vision---along with his wife, Lao---was to bring to mankind a system to understand who we are, and the nature of the creation in which we exist. Science is not the sole realm of arcane physics and inscrutable mathematics, and physics is easily understood by the principles of equilibrium:

    "God's universal body is a two-way compesnsating,continuous and eternal universe of absolute balance in every effect  of  motion,  Generation equals radiation, compression equals expansion,the red half of the specrum equals the  blue half,  solid  matter balances  the  potential of its  surrounding space in  every wave field, and  each one of every opposite pair not  only  balances with its opposite but  borns its  opposite through sequential  interchange." -Walter and Lao Russell, "UNIVERSAL LAW, NATURAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY", 1950

Listen as we discuss the liberation of the human soul...the path to right knowing and right is all so SIMPLE! ~Randy Maugans

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Max Igan on Radio Skid Row, November 16, 2011


Max Igan Radio SkidRow - November 16, 2011

Strange object follows Mexican Air Force planes on September 16, 2011

Source: tercermilenio youtube

Carlos Clemente presents video footage of a strange object hat follows Mexican Air Force planes on September 16, 2011.

Lisa Harrison interviews Michael Tsarion | Inward Revolution, November 2011


Lisa Harrison interviews Michael Tsarion, November 9th, 2011.

Tercer Milenio | Sphere joins Flying Object over St.Petersburg, Russia, 2011

Source: Tercer Milenio youtube

Fernando Correa presents video documents filmed over St.Petersburg, Russia March 22, 2011.

Fukushima Update, November 15, 2011


In this week's Fukushima Update we take a look at some of the photos and videos emerging from the Fukushima "media junket" that occurred last week. We also look at a pair of scientific studies on Fukushima radiation release that were just published and go over yesterday's daily update. ~James Corbett

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (full length)


THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.

G20 and the Global Financial Infrastructure | GRTV Backgrounder, November 12, 2011


Last week's G20 Summit in Cannes, France is already being written off as a bust by the international financiers who were hoping to bolster the fledgling European Financial Stability Fund with international support and to implement a new global financial services tax which they claim will be the long-term solution to the ongoing global economic meltdown. ~James Corbett

Transcript & Sources:

Max Igan | The Corporate Destruction of Australia, November 11, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - 11/11/11

David Sereda | Quantum E.T. Communication & The Hidden Power of Crystals, November 11, 2011


You might want to put on your physics hat to listen to this Veritas interview. And be patient. While David Sereda spends the entire first hour explaining the definition of "quantum communication" in full science mode - transistors and crystals and bio-photons and Molybdenum - things get gripping when he mentions that the quantum communication device he built sent a question out on August 20th, and a voice answered him. A voice from the Pleiades.

Some people have all the luck.

"We received your transmission. The technology you invented works," the voice said. "What do you want to ask us?"

Turns out this was the second time in his life that Pleiadian friends were investing in Sereda's education. At seven years of age - in 1968, Berkeley, California - Sereda, and a lot of other people, watched a UFO hover clearly above them. The following week, Sereda says, "They were showing me how things work, about super conductivity."

Spirituality and science converge easily in Sereda's world. His explanations segue from black ops to the Bible, from directed energy weapons to the Pyramids. He was director of the Tesla Foundation. He's worked for the Department of Defense.

Angels talk to him. He knows how to imbue stones with energy. And one day he is going to tell everyone how they too can communicate with other intelligences in the universe.

In the fast second hour, Sereda weighs in on the end of the Mayan calendar; the false alien invasion; Sedona, Arizona as ET portal; that the Challenger was shot down, and lots more, but Sereda never does divulge what the Pleiadians told him this past summer. That's all on a new DVD, Reverse Engineered, which comes out in January.

He does say that we are in the midst of a huge cosmic event. And that the motherships are watching.

Andrew D. Basiago | Martian Visitations, November 10, 2011


November 10, 2011–Part of DARPA's Project Pegasus as a young child and now a practicing attorney, Andrew D. Basiago claims to be one of America's early time-space explorers. Appearing in the latter half of the show, he discussed his involvement with the CIA's Mars visitation program in 1980. The program, he said, was started in the 1970s, and transported people from a "jump room" (an elevator in El Segundo, CA that served as a kind of portal) to the surface of Mars. According to Basiago, Maj. Ed Dames taught a training course to several of the participants about what to expect in terms of humanoids and "predator species" on the Martian surface (Dames briefly appeared in the 4th hour and denied his involvement with the program).

Also joining the show was William Brett Stillings, who said he was in the Mars visitation program in the early 1980s along with Basiago, and such future luminaries as Barry Soetoro (Pres. Barack Obama), and Regina Dugan (the current head of DARPA). Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of Pres. Eisenhower, made an appearance as well, revealing that she was the target of a sophisticated recruitment effort to join the Mars colony in 2006-07, though she turned down the opportunity. Basiago announced that he plans to run for President in 2016.

Howard Hughes interviews Graham Nicholls | Out of the Body Experience, November 9, 2011


November 9, 2011–This Edition features British “Out of the Body Experience” expert Graham Nicholls – who lives and works in Estonia. If you have ever wanted to know more about OBE phenomena be sure to check out his website.. ~Howard Hughes

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About Graham Nicholls

Graham Nicholls is the author of two books on the out-of-body experience and is a leading expert on the subject. He has spent many years teaching and guiding people through their first OBE, or helping them understand their own perceptions and abilities.

His writings have been published by The Institute of Noetic Sciences, as well as many websites and magazines both in the UK and US. One of which, his article ‘Expanding Horizons: Twenty Years of Exploration into the Out-of-Body Experience’ appeared in Kindred Spirit magazine in 2009 and was widely acclaimed.

His book entitled ‘Avenues of the Human Spirit‘ is available from Amazon, and explores his OBEs, spiritual transformation and philosophy. He has also just completed his second book entitled, Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience: Radical New Techniques, to be published by Llewellyn in the US in April, 2012. Tom Campbell, a NASA physicist, developer of Hemi-Sync and author, has already stated that it “stands out as one of the best books on the topic”.

Dr. Jan Bravo and Dr. Steven Greer | Highlights from the Southern CA CSETI Expedition, November 11, 2011


Dr. Greer will be joined by Dr. Jan Bravo to share with you some of the experiences from the Southern California expedition in October.

This international group with participants from the UK, Malaysia, the US & elsewhere went to a new venue. Listen in to find out what new experiences they had and how that dovetails with the information from the October shows regarding the science of consciousness and the use of the human body, mind and spirit as an instrument for making contact.

Richard Dolan | UFO Disclosure, November 9, 2011


November 9, 2011–UFO researcher Richard Dolan reacted to the White House administration's formal statement on UFOs. "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race," wrote Phil Larson of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy. The message was in response to Stephen Bassett's petition posted on the We the People website calling for governmental UFO/ET disclosure. Though their response was "sophomoric," this is the first time the White House has made a public policy statement on this topic-- in the past, they let the Air Force do it, explained Dolan.

To say there is no evidence for the UFO phenomenon, "flies in the face of hundreds, and really thousands of pages of documents that the US government itself is responsible for," which show that something is definitely going on, he pointed out. They could have said this is a valid phenomenon that deserves more attention than its received, but the govt. wants to avoid addressing such topics as alien abduction and secret recovered technology, he continued. Dolan also talked about well documented UFO incidents, such as a case written up by the Coast Guard, which occurred in March 1988 over Lake Erie, in which an aerial object hovered over the frozen water, and caused the ice to break.

Back in Time Series | Al Bielek & Vladimir Terziski 2nd Interview, May, 1992


Vladimir Terziski interviews the late Al Bielek in The Philadelphia teleportation and time travel experminents, May 1992. 2hrs.American Academy of Dissident Sciences. This is the second interview of the series. Released from the Archives of Miles Johnston.

Adrian Salbuchi | UK, US, Israel threaten War on Iran November 4, 2011


We are hearing drums of war against Iran once again coming from the US, the UK and Israel.This could be the start of something much more serious that goes beyond Iran.
Friday 4th November Adrian Salbucci was interviewed on RT to analyze this.

Secret of Nikola Tesla (full length)

When a young and gifted inventor by the name of Nikola Tesla (Petar Bozovic) arrives in America, he first works for the famous Thomas Edison (Dennis Patrick) but later strikes a fruitful cooperation with George Westinghouse (Strother Martin).

Together they battle against Edison in order for Tesla's superior system of alternative current to be accepted by the world community who currently uses only Edison's system of direct current. Later on the mighty financier J.P. Morgan (Orson Welles) joins the game as he provides Tesla with financial support to build his Colorado Springs laboratory only to completely dump him later on after he realizes Tesla's inventions could provide the world with unlimited free energy for everybody.

See one of the most important periods of modern history and the tragedy of this great inventor who aspired to change the world towards a better place. A rare attempt of biographical movie production by the former yugoslav (croatian) cinema, the movie being completely in english.

"WHY in the World are They Spraying?" Promo Video


Michael J. Murphy, Co-Producer of the Groundbreaking documentary "What in the World are They Spraying?" Investigates how chemtrail/geoengineering programs are related to weather control.

Internet Freedoms Under Attack | GRTV Behind the Headlines, November 10, 2011


In recent weeks the governments of Britain, Israel, the US, Japan, India and China have reported alleged cyber attacks by foreign militaries, hackers, and malicious software like Duqu, a virus similar to the Stuxnet cyber weapon constructed by Israel and the US for use against Iran's nuclear program.

Although the nature and origin of the attacks or even whether they took place at all cannot be independently confirmed, the supposed threats are being used to propose punishing new legislation aimed at stifling internet freedoms and are igniting new rivalries in what many see as the battlefield of the 21st century: cyberspace.

Transcript & Sources:

9/11 Truth | The Jim Fetzer - Dimitri Khalezov interview

Former Soviet nuclear intelligence officer Dimitri Khalezov explains what really happened on 9/11 to Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11.

9/11: The Third Truth - Dimitri Khalezov

Amazing interview with Dimitri Khalezov, former Nuclear Intelligence officer of the Soviet Union. Because of the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty of 1976 between the USA and the former USSR and Dimitri's military role in the USSR's Nuclear Intelligence division, Dimitri had certain knowledge of the WTC demolition schema, which was required to obtain the original WTC building permit in New York (i.e. NY did not issue a building permit without submitting a demolition schema). Dimitri uses this insider information combined with his military background to explain the events of 911 in depth. He leaves no 911 question unanswered.

In Part 1:
- Dimitri Khalezov background
- Planes and explosions
- Pentagon mentioned (explained fully in Part 2)
- Nuclear detonations explained
- WTC1 & WTC2 nuclear demolition

In Part 2:
- WTC 7
- Ground Zero definition
- Pentagon missile attack in detail
- Seismic readings
- 911 media manipulation
- F93 crash in Shanksville, PA
- Cell phone calls
- Hijackers
- 911 rescue workers and illness
- Ground Zero cleanup

William Bramley | The Gods of Eden - Extraterrestrial Infiltration, November 8, 2011


November 8, 2011–William Bramley spent seven years trying to understand the root causes of war before finally disclosing his startling conclusions in The Gods of Eden. Here, Bramley reveals that UFOs, or the 'gods' and other strange beings associated with UFOs, may have shaped human society from deepest antiquity. 'UFOs have been lurking in the shadows of history for centuries,' he says. 'Surprisingly, they may be a key to unraveling the human puzzle.' Readers of Zecharia Sitchin will find many familiar themes in Bramley's analysis.
~Spectrum Radio Network

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Ty Bollinger, Dr. Michael Farley | Natural & Herbal Medicines, November 8, 2011


November 8, 2011–Author and health freedom advocate, Ty Bollinger, and naturopathic doctor, Michael Farley, discussed the uses of herbal and natural medicines and addressed why harmless herbal products may be taken off the market while deadly drugs are still legal, and how the FDA is attacking herbs and vitamins. Recent articles declaring the inefficacy of dietary/herbal supplements are backed by Big Pharma, said Bollinger. But when it comes to products that have no medicinal value, he continued, statin drugs have been shown by pharmaceutical companies' own research to not extend lifespans, and antidepressants actually double your risk of relapsing into depression.

The FDA is looking to change earlier legislation about dietary supplements, and gain further control over them, like the UN's Codex Alimentarius is doing, Bollinger cautioned. Their restrictive plan would have supplement makers remove their products for 75 days, and fill out an approval application for each new ingredient combination since 1994, he detailed. Dr. Farley (joining the program in the third hour) cited the difference between allopathic medicine, which treats symptoms, and the naturopathic approach which treats the whole person. "Dr. Farley has developed numerous herbal remedies for cancer that are amazingly effective," Bollinger said.

Among the natural compounds Farley cited were: Chrysin, a flavonoid from the Passion Flower, that works with hormone levels to prevent the invasion of cancer cells; Coriolus Versicolor, a Chinese mushroom which increases the cytotoxity of natural killer cells; Diindolymethane, a phytochemical from cruciferous vegetables that inhibits cancer cells; as well as turmeric, resveratrol, and green tea extract. He also mentioned a quick, natural cure for food poisoning such as from E.coli or Listeria: a cup of raw honey mixed with a couple tablespoons of ginger.

Clif High, Pi or Pie, with Suzanne Toro, November 2011


Well as usual…’She’ had more than enough questions for Clif High…
And his wealth of knowledge continues to leave her with more. You might want to listen to these a few times over as there are some thoughts he shares that are not to be overlooked…and clues that can help each one of ‘US’ discern what
they might be [...]

Russia's Phobos-Grunt probe and China's Yinghuo-1 satellite launched, November 8, 2011


Russia's Phobos-Grunt probe and China's Yinghuo-1 satellite were launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on a Zenit-2SB rocket at 20:16 GMT Tuesday.

The main aim of the Phobos-Grunt is to bring back the first ever soil sample from Phobos, the largest of Mars' two moons. The mission will also collect bacteria samples for two Russian and one US biological experiments.

Meanwhile, China's first Mars probe Yinghuo-1 will go into orbit around Mars and observe the planet itself. The Chinese probe, which will not land on Mars nor return to Earth, will stay permanently in space and communicate with ground control directly through satellites. The launch of Phobos-Grunt and Yinghuo-1, originally scheduled for October 2009 on a Russian carrier rocket, had been postponed until 2011 due to "technical reasons" on the Russian side.

Russia’s unmanned Phobos-Grunt spacecraft may be in serious trouble, as it apparently has encountered problems with either computer software or the propulsion system, or perhaps both. There appears to be some confusion about what may have happened, with various sources reporting different things.

Russian Space Agency head Vladimir Popovkin was quoted by the Ria news agency, with a Google translation, “We’ve had a bad night, we could not detect long spacecraft, now found his position. It was found that the propulsion system failed. There was neither the first nor the second inclusion.”

Roughly, it appears that at first they lost telemetry with the spacecraft, but then were able to locate it and found that the first and second burns did not occur.

The spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan by a Zenit-2 booster rocket at 12:16 a.m. Moscow time on Wednesday and separated from the booster about 11 minutes later.

Dr. Judy Wood | Where Did the Towers Go, One Step Beyond, October 25, 2011


Dr.Judy Wood author of the astonishing new book, Where Did The Towers Go? Her websites are and She is the only person to ever file a legal challenge to the official version of the events that day; where the judge asked her if she has a death wish. Dr. Wood's life path places her in the perfect position to study the collapses of all three towers that day. She is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials. This will be a 'must watch' show. Whatever you think happened that day, Dr. Wood will ceertainbly challenge many beliefs. Dare you take One Step Beyond? ~Theo Chalmers

David Crowe | Rethinking AIDS, November 6, 2011


November 6, 2011–David Crow is with us to talk about the invention of the AIDS virus and the research material that suggests that it’s time to start rethinking AIDS and HIV. David was one of the founders of the Green Party of Alberta, he edited their newsletter for over a decade, was the party’s president until October 2004, and the party’s Chief Financial Officer until December 2008.

Crowe is also the founder of the Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society, he’s on the advisory council of Another Look AND in 2008 David was appointed president of Rethinking AIDS.

In this program we talk about the postponed Rethinking AIDS 2011 conference in Washington DC and how difficult it has been to raise awareness about this critical issue that examines the AIDS/HIV problem from an alternative perspective. Are the billions being poured into the AIDS/HIV industry every year really helping? David reveals what the science really says and that the research suggest we start rethinking AIDS.

Topics discussed: Inventing the AIDS virus, 4500 scientific documents on AIDS/HIV, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Pub-Med, Robert Gallo, immunodeficiency syndrome, CD4 cell count, definition of AIDS, drug use and lifestyle, nutrition and malnourishment, PCP pneumonia, the breakout of AIDS in the homosexual community, germs vs. pharmaceuticals, hemophiliacs, the poisonous drug AZT, the pharmaceutical industry, burrows welcome behind AZT, placebo effect and psychological impact, the rethinking AIDS conference. ~Red Ice Creations
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Fukushima Update, November 8, 2011


In this week's Fukushima Update we highlight an important Enformable expose on how the nuclear lobby took over US radiation monitoring in the wake of the Fukushima crisis; note the Japanese government bailout of TEPCO; and watch an NHK video that notes the possibility of salt water corrosion of the walls of the spent fuel pool. ~James Corbett

Freddy Silva | Sacred Sites, November 6, 2011


November 6, 2011–Author and crop circle expert Freddy Silva talked about sacred sites as well as evidence which shows that these places of power are built at magnetically sensitive locations that are capable of altering states of consciousness.

He noted that numerous scientific studies have shown that these sacred sites, such as the stone circles of Britain and the Egyptian pyramids, are "drawing from the local magnetic field and corralling this magnetic energy into their space." This raised magnetic energy, he said, creates profound physiological effects on anyone who enters a sacred site. Silva observed that the building of sacred sites also seemed to precede a period of disaster and connected this concept to the contemporary emergence of crop circles, which has similar magnetic effects on those who visit them.

Max Igan | Revolution Radio Interview, November 7, 2011


Dr. Peter Glidden | “Killing Us Softly: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of Doctors”, November 3, 2011


November 3, 2011–This episode is an interview with Dr. Peter Glidden, ND, titled “Killing Us Softly: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of Doctors” and is being released on Saturday, Nov. 05, 2011. My interview with Peter was recorded on Nov. 03, 2011. ~Jan Irvin

An outspoken advocate of Wholistic Health, Dr. Glidden has lectured to thousands of people over the last 2 decades. He delivers over 60 Free Lectures each year, and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo & Youngevity Regional Meetings. He has appeared on TV, is a regular guest host of the “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” Health Talk radio program, and gives free weekly seminars all over Chicagoland. His new book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, is an eye-opening, groundbreaking, jaw dropping exposition on the shortcomings of conventional MD directed medicine and the unrivaled excellence of Wholistic medical treatments.

1987: BS from University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA.
1991: ND from Bastyr University, Seattle WA.
1992: Licensed to practice Naturopathic medicine.
1993 – Present: Private Naturopathic medical practice.
1987 – Present: Member – American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
2008 – Present: Member – Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

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The Collectors with Corina Saebels | Offplanet Radio, November 6, 2011


November 6, 2011–Canadian abductee/contactee, Corina Saebels talks about her own life-long experiences as a subject of ET abduction, testing and genetic experiments; and the experiences of her family, children, and those around her who witnessed and experienced the very same visitations. We also outline the presence of black ops military and scientists inside underground bases, black military helicopters and the medical, psychological and spiritualafter-effects on her life from the harvesting of fetuses; her shocking glimpse at trans-species experimentation and her insights about what "they" have planned for humanity!

Corina speaks with great humility, and continues to press the establishment for answers to her decades long encounters with entities---both off worlders, and the shadow military-government-industrial complex. While her suffering is not hidden, her spirit remains intact, and her bravery unvaunted by those who would silence her.

In the show Corina discusses a great deal of physical evidence she has gathered over the years. In her book, "The Collectors", are several pages of color photos which documenther accounts. As her experiences continue, she continues to compile more proof. ~Randy Maugans, OffPlanet Radio

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Clif High on A Fireside Chat - The Shape of Things to Come, November 5, 2011

Source:, Fireside Chat Radio

November 5, 2011–Clif High on a Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic.

Max Igan | OYM Radio Ireland, November 7, 2011


Alan Watt | The Great Transformation, November 4, 2011


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