Randy Powell | Vortex Based Mathematics & The ABHA Torus, November 8, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, theabhakingdom.com, markorodin.com

November 8, 2012–Expanding on the work of Marko Rodin, Randy Powell explains vortex math and the ABHA Torus from the beginning. Randy says with Vortex-Based Mathematics we will be able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically. This math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and function of the universe as being a toroid or donut-shaped black hole. He says this is the template for the universe and it is all within our base ten decimal system.

He also shares his take on black holes, God, creation and information. In the second hour, we discuss how Vortex-Based Mathematics is universally applicable in mathematics, science, biology, medicine, genetics, astronomy, chemistry, physics and computer science. Randy speculates that it could lead to incredible breakthroughs, including free energy technologies and artificial intelligence. He’ll explain how the Vortex Coil works. Later, we talk about tapping into the "9" and how math proves there is a will, a plan for us. ~Red Ice Creations
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Breakthrough Energy Movement International Conference Live Stream available, Hilversum Holland, November 9, 10, 11, 2012

Source: globalbem.com

A three-day program covering the past, present and future of breakthrough energy technologies and their world changing implications. The content has been carefully put together to not only interest scientists, students, technicians and entrepreneurs, but also provide basic knowledge for the general public.

The Live Stream will be offered for 20 $ for the whole weekend to watch.

Purchase Ticket for Live Stream here
Conference Program

New World Next Week | Hopenosis Hangover, Fiscal Cliffs, Chinese Transfers, November 8, 2012

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com , mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Obamessiah Gets Four More Years of Fronting For The Empire
Prop. 37 Narrowly Defeated By Corporate Millions, Deceptive Ads
Colorado, Washington Pass Marijuana Legalization; Oregon Says No
Ground Zero's 'Night of the Living Dead Heat' Election Special w/ Doug Owen, Jack Blood and more

Story #2: Gold At 2wk High On Obama Win Focus On 'Fiscal Cliff'
Treasury Quietly Warns: 'Expect Debt Limit To Be Reached Near End of 2012'  

Story #3: China's Power Transfer: Infighting And Spectacle
China Turns To Police, Cabdrivers To Enforce Orderly Transition In Power
Chinese, Awaiting New Leadership, Envy US Democracy
The Key Players in China's Power Transition: Inside the 'Gang of Seven'

2MIN News | 7.4 Quake, M Flare, November 8, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

The Corbett Report | A Tale of Two sElections, November 7, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com

The leadership of a great nation hangs in the balance. Even now, decisions are being made in secret that will influence the course of the world's finances and geopolitics in the years to come.

The people have been told that their votes play a part in this process, but no one believes it. The real leadership decision is made behind closed doors, with zero transparency, by a self-appointed "elite." The American election? Of course not. The Chinese leadership transition. Find out more in tonight's edition of Corbett Report Radio. ~The Corbett Report
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Paul Schreyer on GRTV | Anomalies of the Air Defense on 9/11

Source: globalresearch.ca, corbettreport.cominside-911.de

The systematic failure of every level of the US air defense on the morning of September 11th provides one of the clearest "smoking guns" in the full complicity of key elements of the US government and defense department in those attacks. In his new peer-reviewed article published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies, author and researcher Paul Schreyer outlines many of these key anomalies and the way they have been carefully covered up by the so-called 9/11 investigations. This is the GRTV Feature Interview with your host James Corbett and our special guest, Paul Schreyer.

Suspicious0bservers | Solar System Shift, November 7, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

David Icke | Human Genetics, The Religion of Death, November 6, 2012

Source: infowars.com, davidicke.com

David Icke about election fraud and human genetics.

Jeff Harman on VERITAS Radio | Decoding the Future with Astrology: 2012 & Beyond

Source: veritasradio.com, jeffharman.com

Jeff Harman is considered one of the most respected astrologers in the USA. During his return to VERITAS we discuss some of the most important topics of this time: U.S. Election (the chart shows the winner is...) Weather December 21, 2012 Geopolitics Prospects of war Economy Solar System / Cosmos Solar Maximum Effects. ~Mel Fabregas

Jeff Harman has been an astrologer for more than three decades, utilizing a variety of systems including Traditional or Classical Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Kabbalistic Astrology, and Astro-Location Astrology. Jeff spent ten years in Beverly Hills and has a remarkable client base and databank of thousands of case studies. Jeff has spoken for IONS, MUFON, and the Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants. He has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, The Veritas Radio Show, and numerous other radio, TV, and web shows. Besides being a life-long astrologer, Jeff owns Conjunction Entertainment, a new motion picture company. Jeff has a diverse career in the entertainment industry and a technical background in the areas of audio forensics, audio engineering, electronic design consulting and acoustical consulting. Jeff has taught physics of sound and acoustics, electronics, and advanced acoustical design, testing and audio engineering. He has held classes at such places as the renowned Riverbank Acoustics Laboratory in Geneva, Illinois, which was involved in secret work for the military during WWI and WWII. Jeff has worked in production, filming and recording with such diverse people as George Carlin, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Greg Morris from Mission Impossible and many of Hollywood's writers, directors and directors of cinematography. Such as the classic westerns, Budd Boetticher, Bernard Girard, William A. Fraker, László Kovács, Foster Denkar, as well as many others. Jeff was once consulted as an analyst of the JFK assassination footage. He has also conducted forensics work in voice print analysis and other audio technical capabilities with many federal, state and local agencies. He also holds U.S. and International Patents in technology United States Patent Numbers 5,719,920 (dated Feb. 17, 1998) and 5,826,235 (dated Oct. 20, 1998). See Jeff's bio page on Conjunction Entertainment for his past client list

3MIN News | Solar Shutdown = Collapsing Atmosphere, November 6, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Netherlands Earthquakes
GMO Discourse
Political and Commercial Science
Nigeria Flooding

Annie Machon | Surveillance, Whistleblowing, and Leadership, November 5, 2012

Source: itsrainmakingtime.com, anniemachon.ch

Annie Machon is the director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) in Germany, a former British Secret Service Intelligence Officer and the co-author of Spies, Lies, and Whistleblowers (with David Shaler).

In this sensitive interview, we discuss some of the most difficult and sensitive subjects of our time, including the abuse of power, the criminalization of citizens, the ineffective war on drugs, what defiled leadership is really like, why whistleblowers absolutely must be protected, and how deeply intelligence collecting activities have violated our lives and our right to privacy.

We ask difficult questions that get to the heart of a global surveillance culture and a military industrial complex with a life of its own that appears to be so large that most of us could not fathom its tentacles and ramifications. This interview is not for the faint of heart! ~Kim Greenhouse
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2MIN News | 'Black Hole' Flare, November 5, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Black Hole Flare

Threat Assessment and Analysis with Crystal Clark, James Horak, Randy Maugans, November 3, 2012

Source: offplanetradio.com, emvsinfo.blogspot.comdrowninginabsurdity.wordpress.comRefined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly - Lifting the Veil

Responding to the ridiculous theories of David Icke and his distorted usage of the research of NASA scientist, Dr. Norman Bergrund. The fake cosmology of the Sun-Moon-Saturn menace; the Moon-Mind Control Orb scenario, fake alien invasion thesis; weather wars and genocide; The Greed-To-Death cycle of wars; Werner von Braun's leak of the hostile alien thesis. A call to reason and unity among humans against the Global Elite Death Wars. -

2MIN News, November 3, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

James Horak | EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity with Randy Maugans

Source: emvsinfo.blogspot.com , offplanetradio.com

Researcher, contactee, enemy of the NWO, and expounder of the "EMVs - Designers of the Solar System"... James Horak joins us for an off planet romp into the unknown, and often unspoken realms of cosmology: EMVs, Electromagnetic Vehicles... seen in the corona of the Sun and in the rings of Saturn.

Following the work of Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former Fellow of the Ames Space Center and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and his book, "The Ringmakers of Saturn"; James Horak unfolds a story of the fantastic beings who "manage" the energy interchanges of the solar system and galaxies.

A childhood contactee by the 'Greys', whom he terms as EBEs (Extra-Biological Entities, essentially robotic "meat puppets" which are non-sentient creations of a long transcended civilization), James makes the distinctions between these entities and the numerous sentient, and peaceful, ETs who are in close contact and proximity to the Earth.

He discusses the suppressed scientific and spiritual nature of the universe, why humans on this planet have been deliberately lied to, subverted, and enslaved on every level by evil controllers whose only goal is to reduce the population of the planet and enslave totally... mind, body, and soul... this race who are creations of a Divine God. A creation with a spectacular destiny, and one that is emerging even now, against all odds...even if the face of annihilation. He warns of the impending "ET" deception to be foisted on the planetary peoples by this same corrupt power structure, and how it may be used to create the final stage takeover of Earth, its assets, and inhabitants. Controversial... decidely "against the grain", and steeped in the wisdom of one who has "been there"...listen and decide for yourself!

Troy McLachlan | The Saturn Death Cult: The Illuminated Ones, November 1, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, saturndeathcult.com


November 1, 2012–A British national brought up in New Zealand, Troy McLachlan earned a bachelor’s degree in Asian and American politics before embarking on an advertising and television/film industry career. Inspired by the cosmology of the Electric Universe hypotheses and its ability to provide rational and natural explanations for the mythological record, Troy recognized that the god Saturn plays an important role in some of the world’s more deviant esoteric traditions.

He wrote the website and kindle-book "The Saturn Death Cult" as an attempt to forge a link between the implications of "Saturn Theory" and its detrimental effect on the beliefs of certain Saturnian-based occult groups and agendas.

In the first hour, Troy summarizes his Saturn Death Cult theory and then discusses the "illuminated ones," including their use of symbolism and the alchemical motives behind it. We’ll discuss world government, wealth, collectivism and the rule of law. In hour two, Troy explains how the illuminated ones use archetypes to propagate their agenda.

He’ll talk about the German composer Richard Wagner, who Nietzsche accused of being a change agent. He’ll also talk about Stanley Kubrick’s use of Saturn symbolism. Later, we cover UFOs, breakaway civilization, Nazis and the agenda of the Saturn Death Cult. At the end, we touch upon the problem with democracy, the EU, collectivism and law. ~Red Ice Creations
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2MIN News November 2, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Quake half Hot Springs
Debt Limit
XRay Sat for Nanoflares
Queensland Heat
Western Australia Hail

New World Next Week | Polish Plane Crash, GeoUNgineering, Internet Surveillance, November 1, 2012

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Poland Denies Explosives Found on Wreck of Crashed Jet
'Key Witness' In Polish Presidential Plane Crash Dies, Suicide Suspected
Plane Crash Timeline
Flashback: Polish President Dies in Jet Crash in Russia

Story #2: Ocean Fertilization Experiment to Make Waves at UN Meeting
Harper Government Talks Tough on Haida's 'Rogue Science' Experiment
Ocean-Fertilization Project Off Canada Sparks Furore

Story #3: Police Need 'New' Internet Surveillance Tools, Say Chiefs
Canadian Police Urge Parliament to Pass Domestic Spying Bill
Wikipedia: Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act

2MIN News, November 1, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Drone Suit
E ~mc2 is incomplete

Leon Pittard | Truth Down Under, November 1, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com, FairdinkumRadio.com

Tonight we talk to Leon Pittard of FairdinkumRadio.com in Australia about the political situation in Australia, including the carbon tax, internet regulations, the security of the food supply, the corporate takeover of the economy, and the crackdown on health freedom. We also discuss the truth movement in Australia and the growing awareness of the New World Order. ~James Corbett
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Christopher Everard | Skulls, Bones, and Necromancy, Truth Frequency Radio, October 27, 2012

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, enigmatv.com

Our good friend, Chris Everard, joins us after a long absence from the show to give us an update on his latest film, SpiritWorld III. This has got to be one of the creepiest, most disturbing broadcasts we have done in quite some time, so it’s only appropriate that this is our Halloween show! Enjoy!
~Truth Frequency Radio

2MIN News, October 31, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Video on Elite War

The Healing Path with White Wolf von Atzingen | Series 2 - Session 1: Releasing

Source: offplanetradio.com, waysofthewildinstitute.com

This begins a new “season”, and a second series of the Healing Path. White Wolf unfolds the basics of what is called “releasing” (or letting go).

To release past hurts, traumas, blockages, and personal bariers is a critical part of the healng path. Beyond forgiveness (see Session 4), comes the need to release the energetics of any negative experiences—and to do so properly. Many healing modalities teach releasing methods that can either fail, or that release energies in a way that can be harmful to the Earth and other people. Find out WHY and HOW to perform this important step, and the lineration that comes in this step on the path back to wholeness.
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A Message from White Wolf: "Perspective", October 29, 2012

White Wolf von Atzingen discusses the recent "astral" (mentalist) attack by his former handlers on the 7th anniversary of his near-lethal poisoning by assassins; his own healing path, and a perspective on attitudes and strategies to survive in dangerous times.

I was contacted a few days ago by one of White Wolf's students, who informed me of his status, that he had been attacked on the 7th anniversary of his poisoning (that story is recounted in the book, "Shadow Scorpion", as well as my original 2-hour interview, and the first show of this series). This message has just a brief introduction, and White Wolf's own words---words that everyone who can "hear" needs to grasp. I have titled it "Perspective" (my word), as it is an eagle-eye view of dealing with attacks, physical suffering, or any adverse situation. as you listen, trust your greater being to guide you.

We look forward to White Wolf's healing, and his victorious strike against the dark forces. And to more journeys on the Healing Path. -Randy Maugans, October 29, 2012

Sibel Edmonds on the US Police State, Corbett Report Radio, October 30, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com, boilingfrogspost.com

Sibel Edmonds of BoilingFrogsPost.com joins us for a discussion on the police state in the US, the broken political system and the independent voices that are shining a light on it all. We also talk about the forthcoming Boiling Frogs Post DVD Vol. 2 and Sibel’s memoir, Classified Woman.
~James Corbett
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Financial 9/11 | Following the Money Trail, October 30, 2012

Source: alienscientist.com

The motivation for this video came from reading Mark H. Gaffney's newest book "Black 911", here is an overview:
Was 9/11 an Inside Job?
A guide to 9/11 Whistleblowers
Project Hammer
SEC Act Section 12(k)2
Richard Grove's testimony (complete transcript)
"Collateral Damage" by E.P. Heidner
The CIA's forty-year complicity in the narcotics trade by Alfred W. McCOY
Executive Order 12333 created an agreement between the CIA and Justice Department (DEA) to look the other way on Government Drug Trafficking
AIG and Drug Money
Maurice Greenberg's report for the CFR
Richard Armitage, Frank Carlucci, Herbert Winokur, and company
Post 9/11 Promotions
9/11 Gold Theft and other smoking guns:
911review.org killtown.911review.org

2MIN News, October 30, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

1997 Sandy Simulation
S.China Cyclone Damage

Max Igan | Lifting The Veil with Cari-Lee, October 20, 2012

Source: liftingtheveil.ca, thecrowhouse.com

Saturday October 20th, 2012 Lifting the Veil with Cari-Lee welcomes author, filmmaker, musician, artist and radio show host Max Igan. The first interview back from his world tour, Max discusses everything from his Ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru to his time in Palestine and more! ~Cari-Lee

Sandy UPDATE: Nuclear Plants on Alert, 6.5 Million without Power, October 29, 2012

6.5 million people in the Northeast US are without power, including all of Manhattan below 39th Street. Nuclear power plants in the region are on alert because of the danger that they may lose outside power supplies, or their water exchange systems may be flooded. The power plants rely on diesel generators for backup power. Outside power is essential to the continued functioning of their cooling pumps.

There are 10 power plants in the region that are being affected by the storm. Exelon's Oyster Creek 30 miles north of Atlantic City declared an alert because its water intake facility was experiencing high water levels. The plant is presently offline for refueling, so even if its cooling system fails, it will not melt down. There was also a disruption in the plant's power system, but diesel generators turned on automatically. Exelon has four power plants in the region including Oyster Creek. They are Peach Bottom, Limerick and Three Mile Island.

Other regional plants include the Indian Point plant in New York, the Calvert Cliffs plant in Maryland, the Susquehanna Plant in Pennsylvania.

As of 1.00 AM Eastern time, 7 subway tunnels under New York's East River were flooded, the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel was reportedly flooded, and the West Side Highway south of 10th Street was flooded.

A snow emergency is being declared for western North Carolina, and blizzard conditions are developing in West Virginia and western Maryland.

Hurricane hammers NY: Houses destroyed by fire, freak floods in subway

 Weather Channel Live:

Clif High on VERITAS Radio (2012) | Looking Over the Clif: The Return of Clif High

Source: veritasradio.com

Topics discussed: TPTB Entity and the Elections, US Markets Dataset, The Manipulated Market of Diamonds, Metals Markets, Russia / Putin, TPTB & Minions, Global Coastal Event, Free Energy Talk, ET's on Earth, Temporal Markers Met, Data Gap, Time Travelers, Crystal Amalgam

2MIN News, October 29, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Vietnam Storm Damage

Joseph P. Farrell & Scott D. de Hart | Transhumanism, October 28, 2012

Source: thebyteshow.com, gizadeathstar.com

Nick Begich | Controlling the Human Mind, October 28, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, earthpulse.com


October 28, 2012–Dr. Nick Begich has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. Begich received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science.

Begich has published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known lecturer. He co-authored with Jeane Manning the book "Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology." Begich has also authored "Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace" and "Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul" both with the late James Roderick. His latest work is "Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance."

In the first hour, we discuss developments in mind control technologies and speculate what the DOD and DARPA might have in their arsenal today. Nick also talks about the "The World Wide Mind," computer brain interfaces, implantable microchips and brainwave synchronization. In the second hour hour, Nick describes two instances where ethical issues have been raised surrounding mind altering technologies. At the end, Begich explains synthetic telepathy and how HAARP technology connects with mind manipulation and geophysical manipulation. ~Red Ice Creations
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Douglas Dietrich | Homeless Veterans, Did The US Lose WW2 Due To Fear Of Japanese Bio Warfare? , October 26, 2012

Source: thevinnyeastwoodshow.com, douglasdietrich.com

A Former marine and DOD librarian, revealing a scam by the US military to put black marks on combat veterans to ensure they couldn't get jobs and would have to go back into military service to train other soldiers that had no combat experience. Also the true story behind the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear explosions and how they were in fact a monumental failure for the United States, did Japan have extremely advanced bio weapons that forced the US into a peace deal.
~Vinny Eastwood
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David Griffin | Ancient Counterintelligence, Truth Frequency Radio, October 26, 2012

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, upwardvectorpubs.com

David Griffin of Upward Vector Publishing joins the broadcast to talk about a wide variety of topics. We touch upon the true spiritual nature of man, counterintelligence, the war for the mind of man (electromagnetic warfare), and much more in this fascinating interview. ~Truth Frequency Radio

2MIN News | 7.7 Earthquake, October 28, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

2MIN News, October 27, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Kent Bain & Kris Millegan | 9/11: Mega Occult Ritual & Black Christmas, October 25, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, hemostdangerousbookintheworld.com, trineday.com

October 25, 2012–Investigative researcher and author S.K. Bain (Kent) along with writer/publisher/musician Kris Millegan from TrineDay Publishing discuss The Most Dangerous Book in the World written by S.K. Bain. Kent reconstructs the occult-driven script for this ritual of mass terror. He discusses a hidden agenda: large-scale psychological warfare - built upon a deadly combination of black magic symbolism and high technology.

In the first hour, we discuss the ritual, symbolism and astrology behind 9/11. Kent explains how Aleister Crowley was important to the orchestrators of this mass ritual. In the second hour, Kris addresses the mind control aspects of this event as well as the post-911 effects in the psyche of people.

We’ll discuss more detailed symbolism related to 9/11. Kent elaborates more on the conspirators’ plot. Later, Bain warns of a possible new and even more horrifying act of mass terror, coming this Christmas to Phoenix, AZ and the rest of the world. He refers to it as Black Christmas. He explains how 2013 is an important date on the occult calendar as it is the start of a new great age. Kent expresses the plus side of occult rituals being exposed. ~Red Ice Creations
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New World Next Week | Censored 2013, Gupta Sachs, Activists Win, October 26, 2012

Source: newworldnextweek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Project Censored Top 25 Stories of 2013
Covert Coverage: Project Censored 2013

Story #2: Ex-Goldman director gets two years in jail for insider trading

Story #3: Water Advocates To Put City Council Fluoridation Vote On Hold
Portland City Council calendars don't show meetings reported by fluoride lobbyists

2MIN News October 26, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Methane Followup
Saturn Storm
Saturn Storm Visualizations
Hawaii Volcano Update
Soyuz/ISS Update
China's Largest Fresh Lake
China NavSat
Italy Quake

Eric Draitser | The Reality Principle, Corbett Report Radio, October 25, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com, StopImperialism.com

Tonight James talks to regular guest Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.com about his new BoilingFrogsPost.com podcast, The Reality Principle. This wide-ranging conversation covers the latest in Libya, Syria, Iran, and the US sElection race, as well as a discussion of the upcoming Public Assembly of the United Front Against Austerity.
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Peter Joseph on RT | "Zeitgeist Revolution" Breaking the Set Interview about The Zeitgeist Movement, October 25, 2012

Source: RT.com, Thezeitgeistmovement.com

Abby Martin talks to Independent Filmmaker Peter Joseph, about the Zeitgeist movement and humanity's capacity to evolve beyond current social structures.

2MIN News, October 25, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Australia Volcano
Gulf Stream Methane
Catastrophic Methane Release
Permian Methane Event
Solar Plasma Penetration

Graham Hancock & Rak Razam | In a Perfect World Podcast 63, The End of His-Story

Source: in-a-perfect-world.podomatic.com, grahamhancock.com

Experiential journalist Rak Razam meets the world's leading experiential author and researcher, Graham Hancock, as they explore the "fingerprints of the gods" in the archeological record from the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Sphinx and more.

Was there an 'Ur-Race' that predated the historical record, so altered by the 'achitecture of cataclysm', and how does that relate to the use of psychedelics in ancient cultures?

Was mankind blessed with greater powers in connection with the earth and stars, and are we nowdays a species with amnesia?

Is there a conspiracy at work flatlining the true story of our past, and what agenda does controlling history serve?

Are we now entering the 'End of His-Story', and the beginning of a new world age? And if so, how can we best awaken to our full potential, to step up to our role as galactic citizens?

Deep Lucid Space : Theta binaural beats, music & low Alpha isochronic white noise, October 25, 2012

Source: unisonicascension.com, JezebelDecibel youtube

Enter a deep Theta Zone with this Transcendental Synthesizer and Tamboura Hybrid.

Low Theta Binaural Beats are accompanied with low Alpha iso-chronic white noise to aid the entrainment of meditation, sleep and enhance the potential for Lucid Dreaming. Listen with stereo headphones.

Robert G.Smith | FasterEFT's belief system and the difficult part

Source: FasterEFT youtube, fastereft.com

Robert G. Smith is the creator of FasterEFT. He is a Life Coach, a respected leader in the field of personal growth, a popular radio guest and sought after speaker. He is one of America’s leading experts on stress, spirituality and healing.

Robert has reached thousands of people with his positive message about personal power, love and healing with the largest free online healing library available on YouTube with over 250,000 views per month and translated in 14 different languages. He’s travelled all over the world giving public seminars since 2002. Robert has produced over 96 DVDs and continues to ship them worldwide since 2004.

He has trained with some of America’s greatest transformational teachers such as Dr. Richard Bandler, co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Gary Craig, developer of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Dr. Larry Nims, developer of Be Set Free Fast (BSFF). He has taken these powerful systems that work, combining, simplifying and amplifying them to create FasterEFT, similarly to what Gary Craig has done with Thought Field Therapy (TFT) with EFT.

Robert is known for his sense of humor, his ability to simplify the complex and his dynamic training style.

3MIN News, October 24, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Uruguay Waves
Italy Quake Trial
Russia Sends Human ISS Capsule
Antarctic Melt

Peter B. Collins | Shredding the Constitution, Corbett Report Radio, October 23, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com, peterbcollins.com, boilingfrogspost.com

Peter B. Collins, co-host of the Boiling Frogs Post podcast, joins us to discuss his work detailing the evisceration of the constitution and the bill of rights in the encroaching American police state. We cover the NDAA, drone strikes, illegal wiretapping, and other fixtures of the modern American dictatorship. ~James Corbett
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Seth Farber & Paul Levy | The Spiritual Gift of Madness, October 23, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, sethhfarber.com, awakeninthedream.com

October 23, 2012–Dr. Seth Farber is a writer, social critic, dissident psychologist, activist and co-founder of the Network Against Coercive Psychiatry. His newest book is called, The Spiritual Gift of Madness: The Failure of Psychiatry and the Rise of the Mad Pride Movement.

Paul Levy studied economics and art. He is the author of The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis, as well as Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity. In 1981, due to an intense personal trauma, he had a life-changing spiritual awakening in which he began to recognize the dreamlike nature of reality. During the first year of his spiritual emergence, Paul was hospitalized a number of times, and was told he was having a severe psychotic break from reality.

Seth and Paul will talk about how the psychiatric system is limited to the 5 senses, misdiagnosing spiritual experiences and shamanic awakening as pathological. Paul shares his experience of psychiatric treatment. Seth talks about the problems within the psychiatric field. Seth continues in hour two discussing two journeys of the spiritual experience: the shamanic and the Messianic, which can appear to have schizophrenic traits. He also talks about Jung’s christification of many idea. Later, Seth places the blame on capitalism for problems within the mental field.
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3MIN News | X Flare, October 23, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

New York Stalls Fracking
Mars Canyon
Wyoming Windfarm
California Tornados

Andrew Basiago, Bernard Mendez, William Stillings | Chrononaut round table, Truth Frequency Radio, October 20, 2012

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, projectpegasus.net

For the first time in radio history, Truth Frequency brings you a round table with three Chrononauts and Project Pegasus participants, Andrew Basiago, Bernard Mendez and William Stillings.

Andrew once again blows the whistle and discloses the inner workings of Project Pegasus and much much more. ~Truth Frequency Radio
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