Sofia Smallstorm | Humanity 2.0 | Radio 3Fourteen | Dec. 10, 2014

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,,

December 10, 2014–Sofia Smallstorm is best known for her research on 9/11, which culminated in the documentary 9/11 Mysteries. She is also known for her analysis of chemtrails.

We’ll discuss the tools being used to create humanity 2.0. It would appear there is an agenda to synthetically re-engineer humanity, both physically and mentally. We’ll talk about what some of these aspects the elite would find useful to change may be and how it can be done. How far might this go?

Sofia talks about the attributes that seem to be emerging in humanity 2.0. Also, we discuss the secular humanist, transhumanist movement or techno-progressivism that seeks to make man superior but “equal” across the globe. As Earthlings are bombarded with an onslaught of synthetic elements, we’ll discuss how we can remain relatively untouched. Will we see a separation between humanity 1.0 and humanity 2.0? Will we be able to reverse the damage that may occur? -Radio 3Fourteen

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Robert L. Hastings | UFOs and Nukes | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Dec. 3, 2014


Robert Hastings, one of the only researchers in the world dealing with UFOs and the military's nuclear weapons joins us for an in-depth conversation covering the Malmstrom and Minot base missle shut-down incidents that occured when UFOs were spotted over the installations.

Mark Snider, James Horak & Crystal Clark | Parasites | Nov. 29, 2014

Source: Ohio Exopolitcs,,

James Horak & Crystal Clark discuss the true nature of ebola as a parasitic worm, the elite’s deluded view of the lesser classes as parasitic humans, and dive deeper into the nefarious mechanisms, mind-viruses, disinformation, and knowledge-hoarding practices of globalist fanatics bent on denying mankind access to the beauty, wisdom and power of intelligent design---on both microcosmic and macrocosmic scales---even to the point of driving our civilization to full ruin in the process.

Crystal Clark’s website:
Courtesy for publication permission - Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics

Christopher Vasey | Natural Remedies for Inflammation | Dec. 8, 2014

Source:,, Natural Remedies for Inflammation,

December 8, 2014–Christopher Vasey is a naturopath and author specializing in detoxification and rejuvenation living in Switzerland. He studied naturopathy in Paris and started his own practice in 1979. In 1981, he organized his own introductory courses to naturopathy and started teaching in various health-oriented associations.

Christopher has written several books on natural medicine as well as spiritual themes and lectures regularly in Europe, the USA and Canada. Mr. Vasey joins us to speak primarily on the subject of his latest book, Natural Remedies for Inflammation.

He gives us a broad overview of the inflammation syndrome, the differences between natural and chemical treatments, and the main reasons why inflammation occurs. He explains how allergies are on the rise and why people tend to suffer more in modern times. Then, Christopher describes the mechanisms of herbal remedies and gives us many examples of herbs that are most beneficial for treating different organs and tissues in the body.

He goes on to tell us how fasting works to rid the body of toxins and the many reasons why toxins accumulate. We also discuss eating habits, environmental toxins and the various maladies that are caused by lifestyle.

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Dr. Mercola and Dr. Connett Talk About Water Fluoridation


Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Paul Connett, PhD, director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), about the health risks of water fluoridation. 

Article: Important Facts You Need to Know About Water Fluoridation

"These Are Crimes": New Calls to Prosecute Bush Admin as Senate Report Reveals Brutal CIA Torture | Dec. 10, 2014


Graphic new details of the post-9/11 U.S. torture program came to light Tuesday when the Senate Intelligence Committee released a 500-page summary of its investigation into the CIA with key parts redacted. The report concludes that the intelligence agency failed to disrupt a single plot despite torturing al-Qaeda and other captives in secret prisons worldwide between 2002 and 2006, and details a list of torture methods used on prisoners, including waterboarding, sexual threats with broomsticks, and medically unnecessary "rectal feeding."

The report also confirms the CIA ran black sites in Afghanistan, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Thailand, and a secret site on the Guantánamo Naval Base known as Strawberry Fields.

So far no one involved in the CIA interrogation program has been charged with a crime except the whistleblower John Kiriakou. In 2007, he became the first person with direct knowledge of the program to publicly reveal its existence. He is now serving a 30-month sentence. We speak with Reed Brody, counsel and spokesperson for Human Rights Watch, who has written several reports on prisoner mistreatment in the war on terror, including a 2011 report which called for a criminal investigation of senior Bush administration officials.

Feinstein: CIA torture techniques far more brutal than approved (FULL SPEECH)

Senator Dianne Feinstein called the practices detailed in the declassified report on the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation program a “stain on our values and on our history.”

Brazilian Indigenous Leader: Carbon Trading Scheme "REDD" is a False Solution to Climate Change | Democracy Now! | Dec. 10, 2014


The controversial carbon trading scheme known as REDD, or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, has set off protests not only in Africa, but also in South America, especially in the Amazon region.

We speak to Chief Ninawa Huni Kui, president of the Federation of the Huni Kui, an indigenous group in Brazil. He has traveled to the U.N. Climate Summit in Lima to voice his opposition to REDD.

Watch all reports from the U.N. climate summit in Lima, Peru on:

As U.N. Summit Enters High-Level Talks, Protesters in Lima Prepare for Historic Climate March

As we end today's show, protesters are beginning to gather in downtown Lima for what organizers hope will be the largest climate march in the history of South America. On Tuesday, Democracy Now! visited Casa de Convergencia TierrActiva, a house that has become a key organizing hub ahead of the march. Here are some of the voices from the convergence space.

John Lenard Walson | Close Moon Footage | Dec. 9, 2014

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

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Gerald Celente | Freedomain Radio | Dec. 9, 2014


America in Decline. Prepare Yourself Accordingly. Many economists have discussed the impending economic collapse of the United States for years - but why hasn't it happened yet? Were they wrong - or is there something else going on? Stefan Molyneux and Gerald Celente discuss the dangers of the current economic system, who's really running the show, the disastrous military blow-back and the impact of never-ending war on a worldwide stage.

New World Next Week | FBI Report Exposes Police State Paranoia | Dec. 7, 2014


This week on the New World Next Week: A new FBI report gives the lie to police propaganda about the "public threat"; Ukraine rushes citizenship for foreigners appointed to government cabinet; and reports confirm organic farming's ability to feed the world.

James Corbett | Media Fakery and the Distortion of History | Dec. 4, 2014


Lionel of joins us today for an epic discussion on fake stories in the media and the manipulation of the historical record. We discuss the fake Syria sniper boy video, the Corbett/Lionel law, and the importance of self-correction. As an added bonus, James reveals his biggest boner to the audience!

Show Notes & MP3

Clif High | Video Exclusive - Web Bot Trends 2015 | Veritas Radio | Part 1 of 2


To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to

This is an exclusive 2.5-hour presentation with Clif High from The first hour is available as a courtesy of Veritas Radio.

Jim Marrs | False Flag Events - 9/11 & The Fourth Reich! | Dark Journalist


Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Best-Selling Author Jim Marrs as they investigate the deep events of the last 75 years, including strange parallels between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, and find a rising, insidious influence of a new Fourth Reich that is dedicated to world domination!

By exposing major inconsistencies in the official story of 9/11 with new evidence and damaging testimony, Jim Marrs carefully tracks the forces behind this historic False Flag event in stunning detail and will bring us face to face with the dangerous reality of the ascent of totalitarian power and a menacing New World Order that is setting up a Globalist Dictatorship.

False Flag events like the Reichstag fire are a sinister means to re-engineer society by covert groups that want to seize more power but need public support to do so. By convincing the masses through the corporate media that they need more security and must give up more personal freedoms to get it, these hidden forces aspire to create an all powerful National Security State.

In this exciting episode, you'll find detailed correlations between the rise of authoritarian policies in the 21st century and the secret influence of a new Fourth Reich that is centralizing military and financial control to install a corporate worldwide puppet regime!

Geoengineering, A Clear And Present Danger

Source:, Dane Wigington on FB

This video presentation was done in Northern California on November 21st, 2014, it is a wake up call. When the ship is going down, one must prioritize their time, their actions, and their energy. The planet is dying.

Though there are countless forms of damage to Earth from human activities, climate engineering is mathematically the greatest single source, it is the epitome of human insanity. Our society has been very well trained to turn two blind eyes to the big picture, and to simply spend their time and energies only on their own pursuit of personal pleasures.

If this paradigm is not overturned, and people do not choose to stand and face the challenges closing in on us, we will have no chance. Now is when we decide why we are here. Now is when we decide what it means to show our love for our children. If life on Earth is to have any possibility of survival, if our children are to have any chance of a future, we must all stand together in the battle to preserve what life is left on our once thriving planet. If we do not act today, we will not have tomorrow.

Tobias Churton | Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin Part Two


Tobias Churton discusses his book Aleister Crowley - The Beast in Berlin: Art, Sex, and Magick in the Weimar Republic. The talk also touches on psychology, politics, science, spirituality, materialism, quantum physics, social conformity, limits to human understanding, and the quest for meaning and purpose in life.

Gnostic poet, painter, writer, and magician Aleister Crowley arrived in Berlin on April 18, 1930. As prophet of his syncretic religion Thelema, he wanted to be among the leaders of art and thought, and Berlin, the liberated future-gazing metropolis, wanted him. There he would live, until his hurried departure on June 22, 1932, as Hitler was rapidly rising to power and the black curtain of intolerance came down upon the city. Known to his friends affectionately as ‘The Beast’, Crowley saw the closing lights of Berlin's artistic renaissance of the Weimar period when Berlin played host to many of the world's most outstanding artists, writers, filmmakers, performers, composers, architects, philosophers, and many other luminaries of a glittering world soon to be trampled into the mud by the global bloodbath of World War II.

Drawing on previously unpublished letters and diary material by Crowley, Churton examines Crowley's years in Berlin and his intense focus on his art, his work as a spy for British Intelligence, his colorful love life and sex magick exploits, and his contacts with German Theosophy, Freemasonry, and magical orders. He recounts the fates of Crowley's colleagues under the Nazis as well as what happened to Crowley's lost art exhibition - six crates of paintings left behind in Germany as the Gestapo was closing in. Revealing the real Crowley long hidden from the historical record, Churton presents ‘the Beast’ anew in all his ambiguous and, for some, terrifying glory, at a blazing, seminal moment in the history of the world.

Peter Joseph, The Zeitgeist Movement on Boom Bust Dec. 4, 2014


Peter Joseph / The Zeitgeist Movement on BoomBus, RT.

Wal Thornhill | On Rosetta | Space News | EU Workshop, Nov. 14, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona


Join Wal Thornhill the opening night of the EU Workshop, November 14, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona. 

For more on the past workshop: Looking for a fast track to comprehensive education on the Electric Universe? Those most eager to learn are invited to the EU Workshop, November 14-16, 2014 at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown. This event will be led by Wal Thornhill and Dave Talbott, who are preparing full summaries of their life’s work, something that has never been presented publicly.

Wal’s talks will be complemented by additional material from electrical theorist Dr. Donald Scott, and Dave’s presentations will be reinforced by Ev Cochrane, author of several essential books on the ancient sky.

Kerry Bolton | The Psychotic Left & The Cycle of Decline | Hour 1 | Dec. 5, 2014


December 5, 2014–Kerry Bolton has certifications and doctorates in theology, social work studies, psychology, and Ph.D. honoris causa. He is widely published by the scholarly and broader media with numerous pamphlets, articles and books on topics ranging from world history, politics and banking to ethnicity, metaphysics, religion and the occult.

Bolton joins us to speak primarily about his book, The Psychotic Left: From Jacobin France to the Occupy Movement. Kerry begins by telling us his motivation behind tackling this subject, which stems from decades of his observations of accusations of the psychotic nature of the rights and conservatives. He goes on to explain how Western culture has been shaped by many Marxist based studies of “normal society,” in which normal values have been identified with psychotic behavior.

We discuss the common threads of the guiding forces behind left wing movements, which can be deduced to big money paired with narcissistic, sociopathic, paranoid personalities. Kerry talks about the Bolshevik and French Revolutions, both revolts against civilization that were surprisingly not led by the downtrodden, but rather the Bourgeoisie and capitalists. We go on to discuss the self-destructive and poor decision making tendencies of highly intelligent people. Later, we explore Politicized Psychiatry and Freudianism’s tie to Marxism.

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Jeff Rense & Dane Wigington | The End Of Natural Weather


Guest Dane Wigington on the Jeff Rense Program.

S0 News | Powerful Coronal Hole, Spaceweather | Dec. 3, 2014


Smoking Gun Proof of Atmospheric Spraying, Dec. 2, 2014


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How do we know our skies are being sprayed? Because we have film footage of the crime, of jets spraying at altitude. This is the logical end of any argument or dispute on this issue. Climate engineering is not speculation, it is not theory, it is a verified fact confirmed by film footage. Those that deny what they can see with their own eyes are simply not ready to wake up.

A film of the crime occurring (in this case atmospheric spraying of aerosols from jet aircraft) cannot be rationally disputed. This being said, there is also an enormous amount of additional proof to fully confirm the reality of global geoenginering (lab tests of atmospheric fall out, climate engineering patents, global governance documents, congressional documents, etc), and more proof is added to the existing mountain of data every day.

It's up to all of us to confidently stand our ground when attempting to wake others up to the climate engineering crimes, we absolutely have the proof to confirm the reality of global geoengineering. All of us need to join together in this critical fight. My sincere gratitude to "IT'S the 11th Hour and It is Urgent"

Mike King | Ferguson: New Norm of Madness & The Hitler-in-Argentina Hoax | Hour 1 | Dec. 1, 2014


December 1, 2014–Mike King is a private investigative journalist and researcher based in the New York City area. A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King's subsequent 27 year career in Marketing & Advertising has equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding how "public opinion" is indeed scientifically manufactured.

He is back with us to talk about how the Ferguson situation is being used to further the agenda of the elites. We begin by discussing how the momentum of this case was fueled by many details being concealed from the general public along with an orchestrated announcement of the grand jury’s decision to waive an indictment.

Mike explains how Al Sharpton’s involvement in the White House is a classic example of “good cop/bad cop” working towards triggering a nationwide uprising that will serve as a pretext for a crackdown by the Department of Homeland Security. Then, we take a look at how media attention of the Ferguson riots has completely overshadowed Obama’s recent decision to grant broad-based amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, a very damaging move that will inevitably lead to increased mass immigration.

Also, Mike talks about the microcosm of California, the problems of multiculturalism and the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s efforts to ensure diversity is distributed equally across US communities. Further, we examine how Political Correctness is now the New Religion along with the double standards surrounding our freedom of speech.

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Peter Levenda | Alien Seance | Hour 1 | Freeman TV


This show is about the connections between UFOs, mind control and the occult. Was John F. Kennedy’s assassination a result of extraterrestrial communication? Peter Levenda will discuss the magical current that is known as the Typhonian Tradition. Strap on your Transplutonian helmets my friends, this one is going interstellar!

As I dug into Levenda’s book, The Dark Lord, I knew we needed to talk. My life seems to be connected to this story in some strange way. As I read on, I knew Peter needed to see Aliens From Hell. The Trilogy of Typhon by Kenneth Grant explains the magical meaning of 9/11 and shows that OX is the Mark of the Beast. Not to mention a curious correlation between Aliester Crowley and Cthulhu Master H.P. Lovecraft which is the point of Peter’s book.

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The Corbett Report | Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia | Dec. 2, 2014


‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.

Transcript & Sources

S0 News | Earthspot Quake, Chemtrails | Dec. 2, 2014


Snowden receives 'alternative Nobel Prize' 2014 (Full RLA Acceptance Speech) | Dec. 1, 2014


US whistleblower Edward Snowden has been awarded The Right Livelihood Award, commonly known as the Alternative Nobel Prize in Stockholm. His call was met with standing ovation of those present.

Robert Stanley | Malibu Megaliths and Archons Updates | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans, Nov. 21, 2014


Robert Stanley returns to expand and update his research into the Archons and the deep history behind the mysterious megalithic structures in Malibu, CA. Forming a spiritual and ontological understanding of the Archons has eluded scholars, theologists, and paranormal researchers for over 2,000 years—largely due to manipulations of historical texts and deliberate obfuscation by The Vatican and Illuminati hierarchy.

Robert Stanley states:
“Archons are hidden negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities that must now be exposed and exorcised from the individual human mind, from our human species, and from the planet as a whole as part of our collective evolution to a new state of consciousness and being…It is time to expose the covert controllers of mankind. I assure you this is not speculation, a hoax, or the figment of peoples’ imagination. These parasitic creatures are real and they need to be dealt with immediately so mankind can evolve to the next level of existence.

Although these parasites are not human, they feed off the negative energy/emotions of humans. It is unclear when these cosmic, amoeba-like creatures first came to earth, but we know they were discovered by shamans in altered states of consciousness long ago and have recently been photographed. The reason everyone is not seeing them on a daily basis is because the creature’s energy signature is beyond our normal, narrow range of vision within the electromagnetic spectrum. What scientist call “visible light”.

Are these “hidden gods” scheduled to return? The Tablets of Destiny seem to point 2022…

Dr. Tjeerd Andringa on The Corbett Report | Are Conspiracy Theories Falsifiable? |


Dr. Tjeerd Andringa of joins us to discuss a question James posed in the last subscriber video: are conspiracy theories falsifiable? We discuss Karl Popper's famous "falsification" criteria for the demarcation of science and its potential applicability to geopolitical events. Dr. Andringa also details an approach for how to proceed in developing resilient hypotheses in an unstable, chaotic and non-closed system like global geopolitics.

Brien Foerster | Very Strange “Alien” Skeleton In Peru: American Doctor and Nurse’s Professional Observations


Tobias Churton | Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin Part One | Legalise-Freedom Radio


Tobias Churton discusses his book Aleister Crowley - The Beast in Berlin: Art, Sex, and Magick in the Weimar Republic. The talk also touches on psychology, politics, science, spirituality, materialism, quantum physics, social conformity, limits to human understanding, and the quest for meaning and purpose in life.

Gnostic poet, painter, writer, and magician Aleister Crowley arrived in Berlin on April 18, 1930. As prophet of his syncretic religion Thelema, he wanted to be among the leaders of art and thought, and Berlin, the liberated future-gazing metropolis, wanted him. There he would live, until his hurried departure on June 22, 1932, as Hitler was rapidly rising to power and the black curtain of intolerance came down upon the city. Known to his friends affectionately as ‘The Beast’, Crowley saw the closing lights of Berlin's artistic renaissance of the Weimar period when Berlin played host to many of the world's most outstanding artists, writers, filmmakers, performers, composers, architects, philosophers, and many other luminaries of a glittering world soon to be trampled into the mud by the global bloodbath of World War II.

Drawing on previously unpublished letters and diary material by Crowley, Churton examines Crowley's years in Berlin and his intense focus on his art, his work as a spy for British Intelligence, his colorful love life and sex magick exploits, and his contacts with German Theosophy, Freemasonry, and magical orders. He recounts the fates of Crowley's colleagues under the Nazis as well as what happened to Crowley's lost art exhibition - six crates of paintings left behind in Germany as the Gestapo was closing in. Revealing the real Crowley long hidden from the historical record, Churton presents ‘the Beast’ anew in all his ambiguous and, for some, terrifying glory, at a blazing, seminal moment in the history of the world.

The Thracians, a Hidden History | Documentary


Europe’s ancient history should be re-written! Long before Rome came into existence and before Greece flourished, the Thracian stirpes have populated vast areas of the European continent and they left their mark on its whole history. We invite you on a journey to Europe’s antiquity, where a new vision over ancient history will be presented to you. Many of the things you have considered before, as being well established, will be shaken. Little known facts and events will come to redefine history as you know it…

The material evidence and historical sources prove that the Thracians had an advanced culture and that they were sophisticated art creators; also, that the Greek world was strongly influenced by the Thracian one, the Greeks borrowing traditions and deities from the Thracians.

Concurrently, the excursion into the ancient Thracian-Geto-Dacian world will bring to you a close-up of the amazing gold and silver ancient treasures and the remarkable personalities of certain Thracian heroes that have remained deeply carved into humanity’s memory. Last but not least, you will discover that Thracian-Geto-Dacians have even reached as far as the rule of the Roman Empire themselves, a fact that was clearly mentioned and beyond any doubt by the Roman ancient historic sources themselves…

May this documentary’s viewing be a useful one to you! -Daniel Roxin

Anthony Migchels | Usury: The Problem with the Economic System & Alternative Currencies, Nov. 28, 2014


November 28, 2014–Anthony Migchels is an Interest-Free Currency activist and founder of the Gelre, the first Regional Currency in the Netherlands. He joins us to talk about the very central problems of economics today, usury or interest, alternative currencies and more. We begin by discussing the problems with our global usury economy, which results in the rich owning the majority of the wealth – a scheme that will inevitably lead to an economic collapse.

Anthony explains how the money powers that be have plans spanning centuries and this predatory system, disguised as a free market strategy, is backed by the extremes of Libertarianism and Marxism, philosophies that contradict the very nature of mankind. We’ll also take a look at how the workforce produces the majority of the wealth for the rich, yet their wages, food and basic commodities are taxed, resulting in total slavery to the state.

Then, Anthony talks about the monetary reform movement, which is concerned with the creation of money out of nothing, as opposed to the problem of usury. In the second hour, we discuss the shift of power and the crunch to destroy the west that occurred when the U.S. exported its entire manufacturing base to China.

We’ll also talk about capitalism, mass immigration, feminism and the destruction of the nuclear family, and the degradation of the brotherhood of men. Then, we’ll consider the implications of revisionist history concerning WWII and the Jewish banking system’s involvement. Anthony then discusses the Euro-crisis and the inevitable crash of the global economy. We’ll wrap up with some reflections on possibilities of a mass awakening and the improvement of living standards.

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Max Igan | Apathy is Terminal, Nov. 28, 2014


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 06

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader" - Plato

Full Show:

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Jeff Rense & Preston James | Our Dark Overlords


Clip from November 07, 2013 - guest Preston James on the Jeff Rense Program.

David Sereda | Friend of Boyd Bushman, Brilliant Area 51 Scientist | Nov. 26, 2014


Boyd Bushman was a brilliant scientist that worked in the top level of the aerospace industry. His confession video where he describes his interactions with ETs and talks about their crafts is controversial that it is easy to dismiss the video as the ramblings of a tired old man.

David Sereda had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Mr. Bushman and shared with us the man that he knew and Mr. Bushman's amazing career.

Find more about Boyd Bushman here: Boyd Bushman on Information Machine

James Corbett on Gladio B, Open Source Investigation, Motivation | Nov. 28, 2014


Stanley Hakkietakkie interviews James Corbett outside De Uurwerker in Groningen, Netherlands before his lecture for Studium Generale. Topics covered include Gladio B in the news, the value of open source investigation, and how to motivate others in spreading information.

Carlos Morales | Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services | Nov. 26, 2014

Source:,,, Michelle Remembers

November 26, 2014–Carlos Morales is a writer and podcaster at Truth Over Comfort. He’s a child rights advocate who’s spoken at Liberty Forum, Liberty Fest, and on a host of shows regarding his former work as a Child Protective Services Investigator and how to protect children from the state.
His activism has appeared on Fox News and MSNBC, and has written for Strike the Root and Lew Rockwell.

We’ll discuss his book Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services. Carlos exposes the dangerous tactics and overt corruption that he witnessed as a CPS investigator. He’ll reveal inside knowledge of CPS protocols and the child intake process. We’ll also talk about false claims against parents that result in children being wrongfully taken away.

We’ll also discuss the foster care system where children are more likely to be abused. Later, Carlos says what families should do to protect themselves from this monolithic agency that has destroyed the lives of children & parents. In the second hour, he’ll discuss more about the system, including the quality of people that are employed by CPS. Later, we’ll talk about the direction of society. Where is it heading? Is it best to wait for things to fall apart or what is the strategy to enact change?

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Jeff Rense & Gerald Celente | Stop The Madness


Clip from April 16, 2013 - guest Gerald Celente on the Jeff Rense Program.

Laurence Easeman | The People vs. The Banks & Russell Brand's Botched "Revolution" Debate | Nov. 24, 2014


November 24, 2014–Laurence Easeman is a long time researcher, filmmaker and anti-usury social justice campaigner. He is an activist for Monetary Reform and Land Reform through the abolition of Usury, the creation of Interest-Free Credit and a contemporary system of Tribal Anarchy. At the core of Laurence's work is a struggle against the cabal of Private International Bankers that have a monopoly over our money supply.

He believes that if we are to experience any real sense of freedom then we must find solutions to that monopoly, because banking is nothing more than institutionalized usury. We begin by discussing Laurence’s timeline and how he became interested in understanding the hidden mechanisms of banking and money. He describes how once he uncovered the truth behind the fraudulent mortgage industry, a mega-scam essential to the enslavement of the Western population. He decided to test his personal power and challenge an eviction notice issued by the bank carrying his home mortgage, bringing him considerable media attention.

Laurence explains how at this time he was inspired by the Dennis Wise documentary The Greatest Story Never Told, which led him to produce the now viral YouTube video entitled The People vs. The Banks. Then, Laurence discusses his recent appearance in the headlines when a smear campaign was launched against him following a botched panel discussion with Russell Brand. Later, Laurence shares his views on what he calls “Revolution Light,” a trap of the Marxists that is restraining the people from forming any true sense of a revolution because any form of openly questioning the constructs and speaking out is so quickly demonized. We wrap up with Laurence sharing some thoughts on the global elitists’ agenda of pushing mass immigration to a crisis point, causing the destabilization of the west and the breeding out of native European peoples.

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Graham Hancock | Psychedelics, Creativity, Healing, the Lost Civilisation and "Ancient Aliens" | Nov. 25, 2014


Interview by Benton Rooks with Graham Hancock. The interview was recorded by Skype, so apologies for occasional synch problems. Graham Hancock's novel War God: Return of the Plumed Serpent is now available from Amazon, as is the first volume of the series, War God: Nights of the Witch. Details and links to all editions here:

Dr. Rima E. Laibow | Now a crime in Japan to speak of Fukushima nuclear disaster effects, Nov. 25, 2014


Dr. Rima E. Laibow: "It's now a crime in Japan to speak about about the devastating effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The Phoenix Lights (2009 VERSION) - the Documentary


Based on the book "The Phoenix Lights - A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone" by Lynne D. Kitei M.D. After seven years of meticulous research, she is coming forward with stunning data and personal interviews in this documentary, an in depth examination of the strange lights seen over Phoenix and throughout Arizona on March 13th, 1997.

Jon Rappoport | The Eternal Struggle Against GMOs and Vaccines | FarOutRadio | Nov. 24, 2014


Jon Rappoport is a journalist, an investigative reporter, author, and political activist. Jon was with us last July to talk about his presentation at the Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization Conference in San Mateo, California.

If you go to Jon’s website, No and sign up for his free newsletter, you will be treated to some of the most astute, incisive, clear essays you’ll ever have the pleasure of reading. He gets right to the point, down to the facts, and pulls it all together with a sharp wit that’s very Mark Twain-like.

Lately, he’s been all over several developing stories – the ongoing struggle over GMO labeling (if ya got’s nothing to hide food companies, what’s the big deal?) also the Obamacare Deception, the Ebola Hoax, and other delicious inconsistencies of our modern world.

He also has an online course that teaches you how to break out of the Matrix. “Matrix Revealed” “Exit From The Matrix” and “Power Inside the Matrix.” All available at his BS-Free website,

Massive Failure at Fukushima

Source:, Article on ENENEWS

Barrier is not holding” at Fukushima plant — All efforts have failed to stop very high levels of radioactive materials flowing into ocean — Officials: More water’s coming in than we were pumping out — Workers now trying to prevent overflow. 40,000% INCREASE IN CESIUM READINGS IN 500 TONS OF RADIOACTIVE WATER.

Read the article on

CrossTalk | Empire of Chaos (ft. Pepe Escobar) | Nov. 24. 2014


How should we describe the era we all now live in – has using the term ‘post-Cold War’ become meaningless? What is the dominant trend – growing multi-polarity or the west’s drive for absolute security and hegemony? Or is it just chaos? CrossTalking with Pepe Escobar, Patrick Henningsen and James Carafano.

Jay Weidner | Great Cross of Hendaye | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church, Nov. 17, 2014

Source: ,

Jay Weidner is back with us and we fully dive into the Great Cross of Hendaye, Fulcanelli, Archons, the Illuminati and the Elixer of Life. This is a total journey of one man's discovery and research that took him around the world and without it, we may have never learned the real truth behind Hendaye's Great Cross.

William Buhlman | The Out of Body Experience


William explains OBE's and quantum thought forms.

Discover Your Spiritual Potential in the Non-Physical Dimensions
You're resting on your couch, when suddenly you realize that you're looking at yourself… from beyond your physical body.

If you've ever had an out-of-body experience (or OBE), you know it can be a memorable—even startling—event. Are OBEs simply a novel brain state, akin to dreaming? Or can they offer real access to non-physical dimensions?

For the thousands of explorers who William Buhlman has taught to enter the out-of-body state, verification often comes in a breathtaking flash—the undeniable firsthand experience of lucid awareness beyond the limits of time and space in a realm of vast spiritual potential.

Comment from Lloyidium Underground on youtube:
"Ok guys, screw the meditative projections. This one requires a small amount of devotion and most importantly staying focused and not drifting into sleep.. This works basically every time I've tried it.
Set your alarm clock to go off in the middle of your typical range of sleep. If you're really determined on having the experience then get your ass out of bed and go into a separate room with a sofa or chair and sit upright and relax. This point it critical, you might have to repeat a mantra like "I am awake, I am aware of myself right now, ect".

With your eyes closed and without loosing awareness of the situation, picture in your mind something in the room as it would look if you were standing in front of it with your eyes open (I sit in my living room on the couch and picture my front door, the entire wall as I see it everyday). Once you are viewing in your mind the image of the front door as if you were standing in front of it the vibrations hit, hard. Learning to embrace them and not fight them is something that can't be achieved without repeated personal experience, however the triggering of the vibrations happens almost immediately with this technique, and here's why.

By getting up half way through a sleep your mind is rested more so than at the end of the day though your body is still slow, heavy, and sluggish. This specific time to focus your consciousness along with the target technique is almost like cheating. Again, the hardest part of this is not drifting off to sleep and loosing focus on intent. I understand this may not work for you specifically however I've tried them all and this works almost effortlessly. The vibrations came on so quick I felt as if every part of my being was being sucked through a keyhole and it was extremely dramatic. Afterwards I was tumbling around near the floor completely conscious staring back at the couch. I am no longer a skeptic of this phenomenon in the slightest sense. Simply amazing, good luck."

Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat with MBT Forum Oct. 2014


Tom Campbell answers questions from his My Big TOE forum members on various subjects involving our reality and consciousness from the viewpoint of his theory, philosophy, and experience.

Some of the topics covered are:

Segment 1:
- The double slit experiment Probabilistic reality and Minecraft Delayed choice quantum eraser experiment.

Segment 2:
- MBT intensive at The Monroe Institute.
- Passive vs. proactive approach to exploring the non-physical.
- When did you realize love is the answer?
- Did you discuss MBT with family and friends while you were writing it?
- Purposes of sleep.
- Going along with dreams once lucid.

Segment 3:
- Transitions after death.
- Near death experiences.
- Suicide.
- Degrees of individuality in relation to growth.
- Empathy - approaches to helping others.

Max Igan | Social Conditioning


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 05.

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader" - Plato

Download FULL Episode mp3

UFO Sighting | Atrscan Russia | Nov. 20, 2014

Source: Ovnis actuales youtube

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