James Corbett | The Nwo's Eugenics, Social Engineering Plan for Global Domination Revealed

Source: corbettreport.com, infowars.com

February 23, 2011–Alex Jones talks with independent journalist James Corbett, editor and webmaster of The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007. His forthcoming book, Reportage: Essays on the New World Order, will be available this year.

Max Igan, Chris Everard & Jack Blood on Polygraph Radio

Source: polygraphradio.com, thecrowhouse.com

February 23, 2011–Max Igan, Chris Everard & Jack Blood on Polygraph Radio.

Aaron Franz | The Philosophical Roots of Transhumanism

Source: redicecreations.com, theageoftransitions.com

February 20, 2011
Aaron Franz is an author, filmmaker, and researcher whose work covers various subjects including:

technological singularity, transhumanism, public relations, propaganda, occult symbolism, esoteric religion, eugenics, geopolitics and mind control.

In this program, Aaron talks about his new book,"Revolve." Is technology speeding up human evolution or are we just spinning our wheels?

Artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, implantable chips, and life extension and many other technologies are being promoted as the way for humanity to become something radically different. The transhumanist movement claims that by applying them to our biology, we will become posthuman. A new religion for a new age is being born, and it centers around man's scientific attainment of eternal life.

Topics Discussed: Revolve, revolution, AI, TV-series, transhumanism, privacy, the mind of god, the new man, the new system, technology, manifesting yourself, dissolution, free will, manipulation of perception, eugenics movement, philosophies, telepathy, artificial revolution, people devoid of spirituality and human evolution. ~Red Ice Creations

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Carol Rainey | The Co-Creation Of The Abduction Phenomenon

Source: spectrumradionetwork.com, carolrainey.com

February 2011–Carol Rainey and Dr Tyler Kokjohn joined us on the show to talk about the history of Abduction Research and how an abduction case has been handled from the early days and how it evolved over time.

Carol Rainey has been making award-winning documentaries for PBS, cable networks, and commercial distribution for over two decades.· Although in the past she has focused mainly on scientific and medical subjects, Rainey is currently working on a feature-length documentary about her 10 year journey into the heart of the UFO mystery as the wife and filmmaker of alien abduction investigator, Budd Hopkins.

Dr. Tyler Kokjohn spoke about how the science of Biochemistry can be extremely helpful in helping to get answers from people who claim to be abducted by aliens. We also talked about how mainstream academia doesn't involve itself in UFO's or abduction research in America. ~Spectrum Radio Network

Jay Weidner on TMRN, February 19, 2011

Source: sacredmysteries.com, urbansurvival.com, halfpasthuman.com, webbotforum.com

February 19, 2011–Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Jay Weidner.

David Icke | The Big Picture, February 16, 2011

Source: rense.com, davidicke.com

Clif High | Webbot Predictions, February 19, 2011

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, halfpasthuman.com

February 19, 2011–
Clif High of the Web Bot Project joins us for a look into upcoming predictions and discuss previous hits and misses. Special thanks to Bob Tuskin of Truth Be Told Radio who jumped in last minute to guest host the broadcast after an unexpected problem arose during the show. ~Truth Frequency Radio

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Ben Livingston | The Father Of Weaponized Weather

Source: prisonplanet.tv

Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960's during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time.

In this exclusive interview for Prison Planet.tv subscribers, Livingston explains how for decades the US government has had the power to both lessen and increase the severity of adverse weather for their own purposes.

Dr. Livingston was assigned in 1966 from the Naval weapons research Laboratory to a marine fighter squadron in Vietnam. Instead of guns, the aircraft under Livingston's control were fitted with cloud seeding equipment. "My mission was to find clouds and seed them for maximum precipitation value" he stated.

Dr. Livingston presents evidence from the Stanford research Institute, who were brought into Project Storm Fury (a weather control program) in the late sixties as a third party, which stated conclusively that knowledge of how to stop hurricanes had been uncovered and that they would be directly liable should a hurricane hit and cause extensive damage and loss of life. Four decades later and Livingston exposes how the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina could have been greatly minimized but was allowed to fully impact Gulf states for political reasons.

Having personally flown on 265 missions into the eyes of hurricanes, Livingston remarks that he was "disgusted" by the failure to lessen the impact of Katrina. Livingston's revelations that weather control has been a decades long program in which the US government has been deeply involved are particularly alarming given the abundant modern-day evidence of how chemtrails are being used to warp our environment in a secret geoengineering plot that threatens a myriad of unknown human health and ecological consequences. prisonplanet.tv‬

Brooks Agnew, Ph.D. | Pole Shift, Animal Deaths, Extreme Weather, Nibiru, and 2012

Source: veritasshow.com, xsquaredradio.com

During this fascinating show, we discussed a possible pole shift.  According to Dr. Agnew, the magnetic north has been moving at a rate of 25 miles per year.  If this continues, and it seems to be accelerating, people who live on the coast should be concerned.

The sun is starting to "wake up" and the intensity of the solar flares may impair global communications and electronics.  He also discussed how the United States is literally spending trillions of dollars with no chance of ever repaying the debt.  That could only mean two things: 1. They expect and windfall to cover the debt or 2. They may have used the money to build underground bases, at which point there will not be a need to repay the debt.   We discussed 2012, the animal deaths, HAARP, and a plethora of other topics of scientific and geopolitical interest.

Brooks A. Agnew grew up in Pasadena, California around JPL and Cal Tech. He entered the Air Force in 1973, where he graduated top in his class in electronics engineering. He was one of the most successful scientists with ground probing radar technology in the nation for oil and gas exploration. Similar technology is currently utilized in the Mars Express program. He received his bachelors in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University with honors. He is the author of thousands of technical papers, seminars, documentaries, or books on precision measurement and exploration into the mysteries of the universe and of the Earth. He is the host of X-Squared Radio, one of North America’s most widely listened to internet paranormal radio programs. He is the co-author of The Ark of Millions of Years Trilogy that has been critically acclaimed as the most comprehensive publication ever written on the 2012 End Times. He is also the Expedition leader of the greatest civilian expedition in history to the Arctic Circle to examine the theory that planets form as hollow spheres. The team’s hypothesis was Japan’s Genes of Galileo Winner in 2007. He is currently the president of Sirius Energies Corporation, building electric vehicles.

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Clif High on Paranormal Adventures Radio, February 15, 2011

Source: paranormaladventuresusa.com, halfpasthuman.com

February 15, 2011, Clif High on Paranormal Adventures.

John Perkins | An Economic Hitman on Predatory Capitalism & Corporate Monopoly

Source: redicecreations.com, johnperkins.org

February 17, 2011
John Perkins has lived four lives: as an economic hit man (EHM); as the CEO of a successful alternative energy company, who was rewarded for not disclosing his EHM past; as an expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, a teacher and writer who used this expertise to promote ecology and sustainability while continuing to honor his vow of silence about his life as an EHM; and as a writer who, in telling the real-life story about his extraordinary dealings as an EHM, has exposed the world of international intrigue and corruption that is turning the American republic into a global empire despised by increasing numbers of people around the planet. Then came September 11, 2001.

The terrible events of that day convinced John to drop the veil of secrecy around his life as an EHM, to ignore the threats and bribes, and to write Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. He believed he had a responsibility to share his insider knowledge about the role the U.S. government, multinational "aid" organizations, and corporations have played in bringing the world to a place where such an event could occur. His newest book, Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets IMPLODED-and What We Need to Do to Remake Them. Previous books by John Perkins include The Secret History of the American Empire, Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, Psychonavigation, The Stress-Free Habit, and Spirit of the Shuar. John Says: "We have entered one of the most important periods in human history, the Time of Prophecies.

We have the opportunity to lift ourselves to new levels of consciousness. This time was foretold over the past centuries by cultures around the world. Now it is up to us -you and me- to make it happen." In this interview, John shares his insider information regarding the current state of the world.

Topics Discussed:
Hoodwinked, economic problems in the world, Iceland, Ireland, corporate structures, corporate globalization, politics, oil, resources, Milton Friedman, usury, debt, public/private partnership, Goldman Sachs, Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act 1999, regulation, consciousness, change, conspiracy, NSA, healthcare system, Egypt, The World Bank, China, nepotism, mortgages, IMF and more.

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Back in Time Series | William Buhlman Out of Body Experiences

Source: coasttocoastam.com

Speaker and author William Buhlman discussed the latest research on out-of-body experiences (OBEs). During these experiences a person moves into an astral realm-- a dimension of existence apart from the physical world. There are many benefits that can be gained during OBEs. You become an explorer who can ascertain direct knowledge about one's existence rather than just adhering to a belief system, he explained.

William Buhlman is a leading expert on out-of-body experiences. The author's thirty years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject.

During the last eight years he has conducted an international out-of-body experience survey that includes over 16,000 participants from 32 countries. The provocative results of this survey are presented in his latest book, The Secret of the Soul.

As a certified hypnotherapist, William incorporates various methods, including hypnosis, visualization and meditation techniques in his workshops to explore the profound nature of out-of-body experiences and the benefits of accelerated personal development. Through lectures, workshops and his books the author teaches the preparation and techniques of authentic spiritual exploration.

E-Book: William Buhlman | The Secret of the Soul
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