New World Next Week | Drone Detention, Canada Kyoto, Teen Toking, December 15, 2011


Story #1: Drones Assist In Corralling North Dakota Cattle Rustlers
Related: Iran Captures CIA Drone
Video: Obama Appeals to Iran to Give Back Downed Drone
Cyberwar on US Drones? Another Spy Craft Crash, Now In Seychelles

Story #2: Canada to Withdraw from Kyoto Protocol
Update: Canada, Out of Kyoto, Must Still Cut Emissions Says UN
Related: Interview w/ Donna Laframboise of

Story #3: Survey Says Teen Smoking & Drinking at Historic Lows, Marijuana Use High
Related: Dutch Police Complain It's Their Right to Smoke Cannabis While Off-Duty

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Dr. William Davis | The Benefits of Becoming Wheat-Free, December 13, 2011


It's Rainmaking Time!™ endeavors to separate the wheat from the chaff; but Dr. William Davis, the author of Wheat Belly, questions wheat altogether. You will never look at bread the same way again after he shares his startling findings on wheat.

A preventive cardiologist, recognized public speaker on the health effects of wheat, and the founder of the Track Your Plaque program for heart disease prevention and reversal, Dr. Davis discovered that removing wheat from the diet can reduce body weight by 25-30 pounds over several months, relieve arthritis, asthma, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome, and improve circulation, mental clarity, and emotional stability.

In this segment, we go far beyond celiac disease and gluten intolerance into a vast web of destructive health effects uniquely caused by wheat, one of the most widely produced grains in the history of humankind. ~Kim Greenhouse
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Piers Corbyn | Delusion & Fraud: Global warming nonsense lobby to collapse, December 13, 2011


"Canada has pulled out of the 1997 anti-global warming Kyoto protocol, saying the treaty is ’not working’. The departure comes a day after further climate talks in South Africa led to a new agreement, which is set to replace Kyoto by 2015. Piers Corbyn, the founder of the Weather Action Foundation, hopes Canada withdrawal will lead to the collapse of "useless" Kyoto protocol."

Alan Watt | There is Sadness in Controlled Madness, December 14, 2011


James Corbett on RT | NATO troops on Syrian border, December 15, 2011


Original story:
Previous video on this story:

There are reports that President Obama has moved US troops to the Syrian border. James Corbett, host of The Corbett Report, helps us inspect what's going on around Syria.

Foster Gamble | Thrive - What Would It Be Like? December 13, 2011


December 13, 2011–Foster Gamble is President and Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media, which produced THRIVE.

Previously, Foster was CEO of MindCenter Corporation, a pioneer in the emerging mind fitness training field. A 3rd degree black belt in the non-violent martial art of Aikido, he was also the on screen host and a script consultant for the PBS documentary Aikido - The Way of Harmony.

Foster Gamble is a direct descendant of the late James Gamble,  Soap-maker and Founder of the U.S. consumer goods corporation, Proctor and Gamble.  Growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio, Foster lived his childhood in a position of privileged and power where he attended elite private schools and attended his collegiate career at Princeton University.  Groomed to be a leader in the establishment Foster chose a different path.

As a young boy, Foster had an inquisitive personality that led him to envision a world scenario of a universal energy source.  A lifelong journey in the pursuit of knowledge, Foster involved himself in many intellectual subjects. Discontent with the current structure of power in the world and the massive global suffering, Foster Gamble set to make a documentary that unveiled the true reality of our existence in the 21st century.

The Thrive Documentary is the brain child of Foster Gamble, co-founder of  the California Alliance to Stop the Spray. CASS is  an organization consisting of health professional and individuals who share the same common goal of opposing the treatment of residential communities with pesticides.

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Jay Weidner on The Jeff Rense Show | The State of The World, December 8, 2011


Jay Weidner on The Jeff Rense Show. Recorded on December 8th, 2011.

Recommended Book: Clifford Stone | Eyes Only

The Story of Clifford Stone and UFO Crash Retrievals
Authored by Clifford Stone
Introduction by Paola Leopizzi Harris

Sgt. Clifford Stone is one of the most important truth tellers of our time. This book is a collector's treasure of his unique personal experiences in the military with real extraterrestrial beings. I recognize his truth and honor him for having the courage to tell it. Clifford carries a time sensitive and world changing message vital to our very survival, that "they are not hostile." His story educates and opens doors to a new awareness about what's really going on behind veils of secrecy which influences all our lives. He leads us into a whole new way of thinking and behaving. Clifford Stone raises our consciousness, touches my heart, and brings me to tears with his fascinating true story.

Publication Date: Nov. 17, 2011
ISBN/EAN13: 1467958670 / 9781467958677


An interview with Sgt. Clifford Stone
Roswell, New Mexico, November 2006

Interview transcripts

Piers Corbyn | Debunking More Climate Change Mumbo-Jumbo, December 13, 2011


December 13, 2011–Alex talks about the United Nations' Durban, South Africa climate conference with Meteorologist Piers Corbyn, who is a meteorologist, astrophysicist, outspoken critic of the theory of anthropogenic global warming, and owner of the business Weather Action.

Bix Weir on TMRN, December 10, 2011


Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents:
Bix Weir on TMRN Radio, December 10, 2011.
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Colin Andrews, Ellen Whitehurst | Crop Circles & 2012, December 12, 2011


December 12, 2011–Electrical engineer and researcher Colin Andrews coined the phrase "Crop Circles" 30 years ago. He discussed his research into the mysterious phenomenon, and its possible connections to the Mayans' calendar cycle ending in 2012. During a two-year period starting in 1999, he received funding from Laurance Rockefeller to study crop circles in England, and came to the conclusion that only 20% of them were real, i.e. not man-made-- a conclusion that angered many in the crop circle community. He found that the formations not made by humans, were with a few exceptions, "consistently of the more simple variety... [with] non-complex geometries."

As to who or what is creating the circles, Andrews suggested that it could be a "higher mind," such as an extraterrestrial species that's interacting with humans, as the messages evolve. While a low-level of directed microwave could account for the plant changes, the designs themselves contain mathematical, astronomical, and natural information, and fascinatingly, they are often "placed [in the field] in response to an individual's thought process, [or] prayer or meditation," he reported, citing a personal instance where a Celtic cross design appeared in a field near his home, after he made a mental request for it.

One crop formation depicted our solar system, and specifically referenced the date of September 2033, which Andrews was intrigued to discover corresponded to another end date for a different Mayan cycle. The date of 12/21/12 has a rare astrological alignment, and Israel and Iran may be drawn into a nuclear conflict around this time, he continued. Andrews also touched on encounters people have had with ET-type beings at crop circle locations, as well as a strange incident that occurred on the British TV network, ITN, when a metallic-sounding voice interrupted the program in 1977 and claimed to be an alien.

Nature of Luck
First hour guest, author Ellen Whitehurst talked about the nature of luck. She cited four ways a person can enhance or improve their luck-- maximize your chances for opportunities (such as networking), listen to your intuition or trust your gut instincts, expect to receive good fortune, and turn a negative situation into a positive one. She also suggested that the last thing you see before going to sleep, and the first thing you see when you wake up should be something that makes you feel positive and purposeful.

News segment guest: Frosty Wooldridge

Michael Murphy | Chemtrail Agendas, December 7, 2011


(Michael's interview starts at 40 minute mark!)

Journalist, filmmaker and political activist Michael Murphy discussed the agendas behind chemtrails (a type of 'geo-engineering' method). Chemtrails which differ from regular contrails, are sprayed from airplanes, and dissipate into what looks like cirrus cloud cover, which actually blocks the sun, he explained. Geo-engineering models suggest chemtrails can be used for weather modification. For instance, putting aluminum oxide particles into the atmosphere will have a desirable cooling effect, but in the long term the aerosols act as a blanket, and will lead to warming by trapping the heat in, he cautioned. There has been secrecy regarding the full scale deployment of this technology because it causes toxic environmental effects, and is detrimental to human health, he added.

Rain tests have shown there are toxic levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium that were not there before chemtrails came into usage, he reported, adding that these substances are associated with respiratory illness, high blood pressure, and possibly even cancer. Murphy postulated that corporations are clandestinely using chemtrails to manipulate natural systems including weather and soil, in order to foster marketing opportunities for goods and services tailored to the new environmental conditions being created. For example, there are GMO seeds that are sold as drought and aluminum resistant, he said.

Additionally, through geo-engineering and projects like HAARP, weather and atmospheric alterations are being adapted as warfare techniques, he suggested. For those who wish to take a stand against these developments, Murphy recommended visiting the Coalition Against Geo-Engineering.

First Hour: On the 70th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, author Craig Shirley talks about how the attack reshaped America.

News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Robert Zimmerman
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