Ann Boroch | Healing Incurable Disease | Sanitas Radio | Segment 1


Ann believes that perfect health is within your reach. She was diagnosed with the debilitating disease Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 24 and has been symptom free for 18 years. Ann has authored two books, Healing Multiple Sclerosis: Diet, Detox & Nutritional Makeover for Total Recovery and The Candida Cure. Healing Multiple Sclerosis reveals her personal journey of reversing MS, the main factors that cause MS and other autoimmune diseases, and the solutions to turning these conditions around. The Candida Cure is a 90-day program that is the baseline to getting all her clients well by clearing infection and inflammation in the body.

Ann has been in private practice for 15 years. She specializes in allergies, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, hypoglycemia, weight loss, depression/anxiety, and is an expert on the silent epidemic, Candida. Ann uses various integrative natural approaches to help her clients: nutritional therapy, herb, supplements, detoxification methods, and hydrotherapy. Ann is also a hypnotherapist and helps her clients identify and release negative mental/emotional patterns. She specializes in depression/anxiety, fears/phobias, self-confidence/esteem, and stop smoking.

Ann reminds you that the body has not lost its wisdom of how to just need to give it the right environment for a long enough period of time. With choice and diligence you have the power to overcome any challenge. Ann brings experience, knowledge, and passion to each client. She has helped thousands regain vibrant health.

Ann Boroch is a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Naturopath, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Iridologist, educator, author, and inspirational speaker. She is a graduate of the International Society of Naturopathy, the Holmes Center for Hypnotherapy, the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, and Bernard Jensen's International Iridology Practitioners Association. In addition to Ann's formal schooling, she continues to study functional medicine of both the physiological and psychological bodies.

Jeva Singh-Anand & Joseph Wäges | Translating the Rituals and Doctrines of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, December 9, 2013

Source:,, Some Original Writings of the Illuminati Order, Munich, 1787 color  

December 9, 2013–Jeva Singh-Anand left teaching in 2005 to become a freelance writer, later branching out into technical and literary translation. He has translated two out of the three full-length German to English translations Illuminati source documents as well as Karl Krause's Higher Spiritualization of the True and Authentic Hieroglyphs of Freemasonry: In Twelve Lodge Lectures.

Krause's work sparked his interest in Freemasonry and on the night of the 2012 Venus transit, he became a Master Mason. Joseph Wäges' preoccupation with all things Illuminati goes back many years. He has collected all of the original writings of the Illuminati and is currently collaborating with Jeva Singh-Anand and Reinhard Markner on a translation of the complete ritual and doctrine of the Illuminati, which features previously unpublished documents.

They have been called "apologists" for the Illuminati but are however among the few who have actually translated the ritual and doctrine of the real Bavarian Illuminati. They will discuss the origins, history and fate of the order. We'll talk about Illuminati rituals, the connection to freemasonry, the occult and their political legacy.
download hour 1 mp3

Major Ed Dames, David Seaman | Remote Viewing Forecasts, December 9, 2013


Maj. Ed Dames 0:39:15 min.

Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames returned to discuss the current cases his agency-- the Matrix Intelligence Agency-- is working on, as well as his forecast for the new year ahead. Living up to his nickname of "Dr. Doom," he foresees 2014 to be a dark time, when the mainstream media will no longer be able to cover-up the disastrous effects of Fukushima radiation which will begin to show up on the West Coast of North America. There are almost no sanctuaries in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia as they will be hit by both airborne and marine radionuclide plume, "and they're going to continue to hit the coast for the next 100 years," unless there's some kind of intervention, possibly ET in nature, he indicated.

Dames and his group have an ongoing remote viewing project that looks at types of ET/alien contact. They recently studied the 1994 UFO sighting in Zimbabwe, in which 62 schoolchildren described a similar alien encounter, and telepathically heard a warning about humans hurting the planet. They concluded the kids were in a catatonic state that was induced from glowing white spheres that beamed or implanted ideas in them. The ETs behind this engagement were actually human in terms of their DNA, but raised on another planet, he added.

The interaction between the core of the Earth and the sun is what is most affecting our planet's weather, and we could be heading into a mini-Ice Age, he said. The solar "killshot" will take down power grids predominantly in certain areas, especially "broad plains with a lot of electromagnetic induction," he detailed. Dames also sees American economic power on the wane, with nations like Russia and China abandoning the "petrodollar" in favor of their own gold-backed currency. As this happens, smaller countries like Saudi Arabia, and even England, will turn away from the United States, he continued. By the late spring of 2014 we'll begin to see various currency collapses, he warned.

First Hour
Rise of the Bitcoin
First hour guest, reporter David Seaman talked about Bitcoin, a digital currency that has become increasingly popular, and risen in value from $10 to over $900. If Bitcoin starts to take off internationally, it could rise in price even more substantially, he remarked, though the Chinese government has banned financial institutions from transacting in it. It's possible the US government could try to crack down on Bitcoin, yet they would have a hard time suppressing it because the transactions resemble file sharing on the Internet, he explained. Seaman expressed excitement over Bitcoin, calling it the "currency of the Internet," and noted that its value can't be inflated away like when a government decides to print more money.

RT | Syrian nun blames rebels for August sarin gas attack, December 9, 2013


Syria has been marred by civil war by over two years. In August, videos emerged which showed alleged use of chemical weapons on civilians outside Damascus. Critics of President Bashar al-Assad claimed the videos proved the administration was behind the sarin gas attack, and led US President Barack Obama to push for intervention in the country before backing away from the threats when Assad agreed to hand over all his chemical weapons stockpiles.

RT's Meghan Lopez speaks with Mother Agnes-Mariam de la Croix, founder of the James the Mutilated Monastery in Syria, who says that the videos show the chemical weapons were used by Syrian rebels, not the Assad administration.

Wikileaks releases more TPP documents, December 9, 2013


More information has become available concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that would expand the rights of international corporations and would represent about 40% of the world's GDP. Whistleblowing organization Wikileaks released new documents on Sunday detailing the differing positions of the involved countries and the secret terms of the negotiations. These documents shed new light on the United States' position, and show just how isolated the US is in its quest to push through the TPP. RT's Meghan Lopez gives more details about the information exposed in the documents.

TPP: Corporate Charter for the New World Order

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a monstrosity akin to being the corporate charter of the New World Order, effectively providing the framework for corporate global dominance. The details of the agreement are being written and negotiated in secret by 600 corporate advisors (including Walmart, Pfizer, Monsanto & Halliburton) while both Congress and the press have been barred from accessing the text. Sections of the text leaked to the public indicate a massive corporate conglomerate is working behind the scenes, through the TPP trade agreement as well as global consolidation (too big to fail) tactics, to upgrade transnational corporate rights and power from 'personhood' status to 'nationhood' status with a bent towards global resource management and control.

This inflated status enables corporations to sue sovereign nations having strict health, safety and/or environmental laws with the claim that such laws "violate their corporate rights to make money" via exploitive activities such as drilling, mining and fracking. Hundreds of similar lawsuits, costing nearly three hundred billion dollars in taxpayer funds globally, have reportedly already been filed. The latest, and perhaps most disturbing, is Bayer/Syngenta suing the European Commission to overturn the ban on their pesticides---the same pesticides proven to be responsible for killing millions of bees.

While TPP negotiations are expected to be finalized by Oct 1st 2013—a deadline that may also be related to upcoming disaster preparedness requirements centered around FEMA Region 3—the TPP deadline can, through a dedicated public focused on freedom and right-living, be stalled and pushed back for a third time (and perhaps final) time. To learn more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPP), as well as the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), and find out what you can do to personally get involved, please visit the Public Citizen Global Trade Watch website as well as

Video: It Can't Happen Here by Larken Rose
Video: Trans-Pacific Partnership: Corporate Global Domination (long version)
Video: Ask Lori [Wallach] Live: Trade Expert on the TPP

UPDATE(S): Special thanks to Jacqui C. for uncovering records proving Senator Sheldon R. Songstad (Republican--retired), is in fact a real person. Songstad was reportedly the source from which the "memo" regarding FEMA Region III deadlines originated—a claim I have been unable to verify.

Comet ISON Mysteries Continue | Space News, December 8, 2013


In November 2013, skywatchers around the world eagerly awaited the approach of Comet ISON. Dubbed the "Comet of the Century" by several in the media, some astronomers had predicted a stupendous cometary display as Comet ISON approached its perihelion. The comet was also the subject of countless bizarre speculations. However, despite the heightened expectations, ISON ultimately proved to be somewhat of a fizzle.

The Corbett Report | 10 Climate Myths Busted (in 60 seconds!), December 9, 2013


The Corbett Report presents a one minute debunking of 10 common climate myths.
Transcript & Sources

Brien Foerster | Ancient Technology and the Great Flood | Truth Connection, December 8, 2013


Brien Foerster, Rob Arnold, Josh Toms, Emily Jane Arnold, Sam Mason and Trevor Thompson

This episode on Truth Connections featured the creators behind the groundbreaking documentary Awakening Truth as well as Brien Foerster, an internationally renowned researcher on the Inca culture, the megaliths and elongated skulls of Peru and South America. Awakening Truth focuses on investigating the ancient past in order to figure out new sustainable ways to work with the environment in the present.

Brien is also busy with other projects that will turn into published books. Some of the topics he will be covering are the mysterious stone monuments of Peru that predate the Inca kingdom, he wants to search for the lost continent of Mu and research the ancient history of Hawaii.

So far, Brien has had several appearances on Ancient Aliens, he has written 8 books, he's had numerous radio interviews, and he lives with his wife in Peru.

Mandela's Legacy, Eurozone Woes | Geneva Business Insider, December 8, 2013


David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider blog joins us once again for our monthly conversation on economics, finance and politics. This month we tackle the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, the latest in the Eupocalypse with the latest abysmal stats out of France, and a new Swiss initiative to provide every Swiss citizen a guaranteed basic income.
Show Notes & MP3

Max Igan | The Energetic Universe, December 6, 2013


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 2 - The Peoples Voice TV.

Superwave Update with Dr. Paul A. LaViolette, December 6, 2013


Dr. LaViolette has been president of the Starburst Foundation since 1984, where he has conducted interdisciplinary research in physics, astronomy, geology, climatology, psychology, and cultural anthropology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and his Ph.D. in systems science from Portland State University.

He has conducted occupational safety research at Harvard University, and served as a solar energy consultant to the Club of Rome and Greek government. He has also consulted Hughes Aircraft on ways to improve company innovation. In 1993 he reverse engineered the B-2 bomber's classified propulsion technology and more recently has disclosed and explained the microwave beam technology used to propel vehicles developed in the super secret Skyvault Project.

He is the originator of the subquantum kinetics physics paradigm and also discoverer of the galactic superwave phenomenon, the notion that cosmic ray outbursts from the galactic core periodically trigger major shifts in the Earth's climate. In testing this theory he became the first to discover high concentrations of cosmic dust and gold in ice age polar ice. He is author of six books, which include Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Genesis of the Cosmos, Subquantum Kinetics, Earth Under Fire, Galactic Superwaves, and Decoding the Message of the Pulsar.

1984: Warning or Conditioning? | Questions For Corbett #012, December 6, 2013


In this edition of Questions For Corbett, James rolls up his sleeve and answers your burning questions, from Arafat's polonium poisoning to land ownership to KAL 007, JP Morgan, predictive programming and everyone's burning question: who is the British woman who introduces the podcast?
Show Notes & MP3
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