Brian David Andersen | Cellular Hydration, Light Particle Assimilation, & Stem Cell | Sanitas Radio


This portion is being provided as a courtesy from SANITAS Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to:

Brian David Andersen discussed proper water hydration including alkaline water. What was so special about the water a tribe drank on the Big Island of Hawaii?

Brian also discovered a new a new nutritional modality named Light Particle Assimilation. Can one simply wear their nutrients rather than orally consume them?

He also developed Stem Cell Stimulator - a technology that uses a combination of modalities to direct stem cells to target areas of the body. Can Stem Cells be directed and "turned on" at will? -Sanitas Radio

Brian David Andersen was the first to experience and distribute subtle energy items based upon the new and emerging scientific field called Light Particle Assimilation that has been proven in a successful clinical trial by a traditionally trained Medical Doctor.

He perfected and harnessed the spiral and spherical tables of the chemical elements. Those discoveries were the foundation for Andersen being the first researcher to mathematically prove the Great Pyramid in Egypt is actually a three sided pyramid built inside of four sided pyramid. Geometric and electromagnetic applications from the aforementioned discoveries are the basis for a product line of subtle energies items known as Tri-Vortex Technology.

Brian David Andersen became a self-taught researcher/inventor/scientist after 20 years as a freelance investigative writer and photojournalist trained at the University Of Missouri School Of Journalism. When making the transition to investigating physics and chemistry, Andersen's focus was on discovering the simple truths of our reality rather than just achieving a passing grade that is the core emphasis of traditional education.

The simple truths of Tri-Vortex Technology including the critical importance of proper water hydration are as practical and they are impressive.

NSA built “Google-like” interface to scan 850+ billion metadata records, Aug. 25, 2014


According to newly published documents, the National Security Agency has built a “Google-like” search interface for its vast database of metadata, and the agency shares it with dozens of other American intelligence agencies. The new documents are part of the Snowden leaks and were first published on Monday by The Intercept.

The new search tool, called ICREACH, is described in an internal NSA presentation as a “large scale expansion of communications metadata shared with [intelligence community] partners.” That same presentation shows that ICREACH has been operational since the pilot launched in May 2007. Not only is data being shared to more agencies, but there are more types of such data being shared—ICREACH searches over 850 billion records.

New data types being shared include IMEI numbers (a unique identifier on each mobile handset), IMSI (another unique identifier for SIM cards), GPS coordinates, e-mail address, and chat handles, among others. Previously, such metadata was only limited to date, time, duration, called number, and calling number.

Read the full article at:

Xaviant Haze | Is Total Global Surveillance SKYNET (Terminator-like) REAL? | FarOutRadio


Skynet is REAL! - In March 2013 Xaviant Haze wrote an essay titled, “Skynet Is REAL!” In the essay he stitches together a picture that pulls together, out in the open reports and quotes that world leaders and military people that are preparing a future where wars and conflicts will be fought using robots controlled by Wi-Fi and Cloud Computing systems.

There’s even a for real “Skynet” British military computer satellite system that it currently being used to control America’s killer drones. Let’s hope and pray that Terminator 2: Judgment Day scenario does NOT come true!

S0 News | Big Earthquakes, Big Solar Flare, Aug. 25, 2014


Josh Reeves | Quest for the Lost Secrets of Ancient America Continues | Hour 1 | August 22, 2014


August 22, 2014–Josh Reeves is a Dallas, Texas-based researcher, filmmaker, musician, and radio talk show host who after years of researching government conspiracies and secret societies, has dove into the world of hidden ancient mysteries. Stemming from his ten years of research on the ancient Rockwall in the suburbs of his hometown of Dallas, Texas, Josh has released almost 6 hours worth of film in 2013 and 2014 with his Lost Secrets of Ancient America Series. Volume 3 of the series is currently in production and you can see all his films at

Josh is an independent researcher who brings over 25 years of research to the table in his quest to expose the hidden truths. In this program, we discuss his second volume of Lost Secrets of Ancient America. Josh and his co-producer have driven all over America to film at some of the most spectacular structures and ancient earthworks to find a connection between them.

We’ll discuss the paleo police who have taken control of the story of our origins and how anthropology has been weaponized in order to keep us in the dark about our ancient history. Finds throughout North and South America suggest a very different history then the official one. In the second hour, we speak about ancient tribes that fought over territory and traded with each other. There seems to have been a concerted effort to exterminate the giants in some areas, such as what occurred at Lovelock Cave. Josh also went close to Area 51 and speculates as to why this type of testing ground ended up so close to several ancient sites.

download hour 1 mp3

Potato Invasion: US says military motive in Russian aid, empty trucks return home, Aug. 23, 2014


The White House has issued a statement saying Russia's humanitarian convoy, which delivered aid to Ukraine, had a military motive, without anything to back its accusation. It also claims that most of the vehicles were inspected in Russia, despite checks by foreign journalists and the International Red Cross. Gayane Chichakyan sums up Washington's reaction.

New World Next Week | America is Falling Apart, Aug. 21, 2014


Story #1: Activists Say Outside Agitators to Blame for Ferguson Violence
PBS: Timeline of Events in Ferguson
Wikipedia: 2014 Ferguson, Missouri Unrest

Story #2: Amid California Drought, Some Call Plans to Pump Desert Water a Ponzi Scheme
Water War: Dry in Detroit
Water Is Replacing Climate As The Next False UN Environmental Resource Scare

Story #3: "Do Not Buy" List Could Leave Portland With No Options for Corporate Investment
Portland Jettisons Wal-Mart Investments from City Portfolio
Beaverton City Council Approves Agreement to Streamline Permitting for Nike World Headquarters Expansion
Nike Executive In China Bribed Soccer Official
Intel Reaches 30 Year, $100 Million Tax Break Agreement In Oregon

John Lenard Walson | Close Moon Footage, Aug. 22, 2014

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Pepe Escobar on ISIS and on MH17

Source:, Ry Dawson youtube

Description from Pepe Escobar:
Always a pleasure to talk to Ryan in the dead of the Asian night. A lot on Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, The Caliph, MH17 - the talk was pre-beheading though but the song remains the same. -Pepe Escobar

Interview with Sergei Glaziev | Advisor to President Putin


From Pepe Escobar: ABSOLUTELY MUST WATCH ITVW WITH GLAZYEV, made in late July.

Glazyev makes Dr. Zbig look like a high school bully. He's spot on on practically everything. BUT there are some important details. The US won't be able to conquer Central Asia: China is way ahead. And this is not about conventional war - but economic war. Washington's number one objective is to prevent ECONOMIC integration of Eurasia leaving the US as an outsider. Thus the three-pronged "strategy" of "pivoting to Asia" (containment of China); Ukraine (containment of Russia); and beefing up NATO (subjugation of Europe). -Pepe Escobar

Glaziev, who was born in the Ukraine and who is an economic himself, has a superb understanding of the behind-the-scenes power plays in the Ukraine and in Russia. This man really *knows* what is going on. Furthermore, he is one of the leading "Eurasian Sovereignists" and he is therefore absolutely hated by the pro-US circles in Russia. He is equally hated in the USA who put him on their recent sanctions list for no other reason then the fact that they don't like what he has to say. - The Saker

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Steven Sedlmayr | Modified Water [H302] and Health | Sanitas Radio


This portion is being provided as a courtesy from SANITAS Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to:

Steven Sedlmayr discussed his discovery of modified water [H302]. We discussed Steven's background and how, by accident, he discovered this type of water, its benefits. He also shared testimonies from many.

The H302 is formulated by bombarding the water in a very special resonant chamber with low energy photons at the resonant frequency of the hydrogen and oxygen bond, creating an entirely different energy of water from any other water.

The H302 advanced hydration line has been successfully tested by Penn State Laboratories, Arizona State Laboratories, and the University of Washington.

"I began drinking it on a limited basis in 2008. I obtained it from a friend, Mark, who told me about the good things it could do for one’s health. I have always enjoyed good health but in early 2007 my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test begin to show a steady increase in the defining number of this test climbing from 2.9 in 2005 to 5.6 in June of 2007.

My father passed away from prostate cancer so I was somewhat worried about these steadily increasing test numbers. I started drinking the water just for overall health not knowing what specific benefits it would bring. It increased my energy level but most importantly, all of my blood test numbers started to go down or up accordingly back towards normal levels.

I only have one kidney due to a transplant to my brother and became hypertensive so I was on a low level blood pressure medicine, 20 mg of Lotensin and 25 mg of HCT daily. After drinking the water for a few months on a limited basis, my blood pressure started to go down. I was only able to drink it intermittently due to Mr. M living so far away (about 300 miles).

I started drinking the water on a regular basis in the summer of 2009 and my blood pressure dropped to the point that my family physician cut the medication in half and will probably cut it out all together by my next visit in the spring or sooner if my blood pressure continues to drop.

More here:

Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat with MBT Forum Aug. 2014


Tom Campbell answers questions from his My Big TOE forum members on various subjects involving our reality and consciousness from the viewpoint of his theory, philosophy, and experience.

Part 1
Some of the topics covered in the segment are:

Love and sadness.

Relationships and dysfunctional behaviour.

Boredom, western culture, and consciousness. 

The internet.

Process fractals. 

Interactions between NPMR and PMR (past vs present).

Part 2
Some of the topics covered in the segment are:

Being level vs intellectual level.

Interpreting NPMR experiences.

Focusing intent.
Collective consciousness, archetypes, culture, and the arts.

Data, information, and subjective interpretation.

Part 3 
Some of the topics covered in the segment are:

Ego and fear in relation to our IUOC and FWAU.

Is it possible to get rid of all of our fear and ego?


Tom's journey.


Jane Roberts and the Seth material.
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