Questions For Corbett | How many TRILLIONS did the Pentagon "lose"? | Oct. 27, 2014


In this edition of "Questions For Corbett" James fields your queries on the importance of drills, the Pentagon's missing trillions, Prescott Bush and the Union Banking Corporation, government-run human experiments and much more.

Show Notes

Dave & Kim Dortch | Family Battles Police Harassment in Riverside County | Oct. 27, 2014



October 27, 2014–Dave Dortch, an optometrist and his wife Kim, a nurse and nutritional therapy practitioner tell their story of ongoing police harassment after their 12 year old son was arrested and charged for graffiti vandalism in Riverside County. After the night their 12 year old son was arrested and interrogated without his parents or an attorney present, he confessed.

The Dortch’s tell what happened when an armed SWAT team appeared the next day at their house, demanding to search the house without a warrant. Dave talks about being handcuffed in the back yard while cops played pool in their house and ate at their kitchen table. They even rummaged through his wife’s lingerie door. We’ll hear how their son was arrested multiple times, once from school in ankle shackles and taken to juvenile jail where he was forced to experience inappropriate conditions.

Dave shares what happened when the cops changed their focus onto him, questioning him about herbs found in his house. This led to a huge task force searching the Dortch’s house in hazmat suits making accusations that the Dortch’s were running a meth lab in their house. Dave was arrested without any charges. They’ll talk about the cops seizing their computers, being followed and intimidated. Kim talks about her fight against the city over her son and she tells of the outrageous court proceedings.

download hour 1 mp3

Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner | The Depopulation Code


Clip from October 14, 2014 - guest Jay Weidner on the Jeff Rense Program.

Zen Gardner | Staying Sane In An INSANE World | FarOutRadio | Oct. 24, 2014


Zen Gardner is back with us for another visit, a check-up, from the neck up, as well as taking our heart temperature. He’s a deep thinker and his thoughtful articles are aggregated all around the net because he is WIDE AWAKE and delivers from the Heart.

I’ve recently become aware of a relatively new term being bantered about on talk radio. The term is “Fear Porn.” And a lot of people LOVE IT. But I promise you that it leads to burnout. So if you’ve taken The Red Pill, to use a movie metaphor, do you ever have times when you REALLY WISH YOU HADN’T?

But you did, now what? How do you walk the edge, not fall, and get sliced in half? How do you maintain your balance so that you are AWAKE and AWARE, and at the same time not get consumed by the hot fires?

Well, one place to start is from a quiet mind and an open heart. BOTH are needed. I have my unique ways that are suited for me, and Zen Gardner is with us to share how he keeps it together in this insane world.

UFOs Cross Sun during partial Solar Eclipse, Oct. 23, 2014

Source: Astronomy Live youtube

UFOs at 25:47 min. mark. Watch in HD.

Brien Foerster | Megalithic Master | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church, Oct. 21, 2014


Brien Foerster...considered by many of his peers to be one of the most respected researchers on megalithic sites and elongated skulls in the world. He joins us live from Peru, SA to discuss Puma Punku, Goebekli Tepe, Giza and other amazing sites around the world...and which ones move him the most. We had some technical issues with a 'hum' during the broadcast and the call was dropped a few times...but, hey...this is live radio! The conversation is great.

Tom Campbell | Sync Book Radio Interview


In the Always Record show episode 98, Tom Campbell talks with the hosts about My Big TOE, his trilogy on philosophy, physics, and metaphysics.

James Corbett Breaks The Set on The Federal Reserve


James Corbett appears on "Breaking The Set" with Abby Martin to discuss his documentary film, "Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve." James and Abby discuss what the Federal Reserve is, why it must be opposed, and how best to end the current system of debt servitude.

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America's central bank.

Transcript & Resources

John de Nugent | The Solutreans: The First Ancient Settlers in North America | Hour 1 | Oct. 22, 2014


October 22, 2014–John de Nugent was born in Providence, Rhode Island and descends from the first British settlers of America in 1635, with his very distant ancestors (hence "de Nugent") having being “Normans,” that is Norwegian Vikings who conquered part of France around 900 AD, adopted the French culture and language and then carried out the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.

John was a graduate of Georgetown University and he served with distinction in the United States Marine Corps and the Virginia Army National Guard. He began posting and blogging in 2007 on the ancient white Ice-Age Europeans called Solutreans. He speaks fluent German, French and good Spanish and blogs in three languages. John has been featured on many TV shows, although attacked for his views.

He’ll discuss the white Solutreans, now believed by many anthropologists to have been the true Native Americans, settling the Americas around 20,000 BC, but then losing a war ten millennia later against the Amerindians, possibly after being nearly exterminated by a global environmental catastrophe, which may have involved a comet striking eastern North America. He’ll tell the story of the Solutreans and discuss why it is relevant today.

We also talk about the Kennewick man found in Washington and the legal battle for the remains as indian tribes of northeastern Washington claim the remains are their own. Later, we hear about other White, blonde Indians and the Windover bog people of Florida.

download hour 1 mp3

New World Next Week | Anti-Petrodollar Oil CEO Dies in Freak Plane Crash, Oct. 22, 2014


Story #1: Ebola Vaccine Trials in West Africa Expected to Start in January
WHO Missed 'The Disaster of Our Times,' Say Aid Agencies
WHO claims Ebola vaccine won't give you Ebola
Globally-supported company is funding fatal polio shots
Swine Flu Cases Overestimated

Story #2: CEO of French Oil Giant Total Killed in Moscow Plane Crash
July: CEO of Total says "no reason to pay for oil in dollars."
Total’s de Margerie Sees No Need for Dollars in Oil Purchases
Crashes of Convenience

Story #3: Citizen Pulls Over Police Officer
Hillary Clinton Heckled by US Congressional Candidate

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: US Shells Out Millions to Potential Nazi War Criminals
City Stealing From Citizens By Tampering With Traffic Lights
U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS
Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance, people leave early

Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist | UFOs And The Breakaway Security State: Black Budget & ET Politics | Oct. 21, 2014


Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Oxford scholar and prolific author Dr. Joseph Farrell as they reveal the hidden dealings of a secret breakaway group operating inside the national security state with covert knowledge of UFOs, black budget finances, advanced technology, and occult rituals.

Dr. Farrell's work focuses on what he refers to as a "Tower of Babel" moment as he uncovers the obscure trail of hidden warfare between ancient humans who were technologically advanced and interstellar travelers referred to as 'The Watchers" who interfered with humanity in esoteric science and genetics and put a space quarantine in place to prevent earthlings from rising into the heavens again.

Are the extraterrestrial watchers back to see if their human cousins are engaged in dangerous technological development and building a new Tower of Babel?

Black budget financing, advanced nazi bell technology, UFO sightings, alien contact, secret moon bases, and occult symbolism in crop circles are just some of the controversial subjects in this intense and highly informative Dark Journalist episode!

Tim Swartz | Mind Control Via MK-ULTRA, the Covert Form of Mind Control, Oct. 22, 2014


Tim Swartz is back with us this evening. We like to get together every three weeks or so and share stories of the strange and unusual. When Tim was with us on October 1st, we were talking about Mind Control. Tim wrote a book on the subject back in 2012 titled, “Mind Stalkers: Mind Control of the Masses.” (an EXCELLENT title, by the way.) Since the subject of Mind Control is very broad and deep, we decided to break the topic into two parts – OVERT Mind Control and COVERT Mind Control.

In Tim’s last visit, we talked about OVERT Mind Control – the obvious stuff: advertising, public relations, and the mass media that includes popular music, films, books, and the relatively new, Social Media. Tonight, we’ll be talking about the more sinister, COVERT Mind Control that is often referred to as MK-Ultra, and often employs frequency manipulation, and drugs in the form of street and perspiration medications, the fluoridation of drinking water, and vaccines.

In the purest sense, all Mind Control must be subtle and stealth-like. The intended victims need to be unaware of what’s being done to them. One of the most shocking recent examples of a victim that seemed to be unaware of what had just happened was James Holmes. On July 20, 2012 in Aurora Colorado, Holmes opened fire inside a movie theater where the latest Batman movie was being shown. 12 people were killed and 58 injured.

But when Holmes was captured, witnesses said that he looked TOTALLY BEWINDERED. Holmes wasn’t a stupid guy. He was a neuroscience doctoral student at the University of Colorado and his family had ties to the exotic DARPA project “Peak Soldier Performance Program.” Look that on up, it’s a real eye-popper! “Peak Soldier Performance Program” brought to you by DARPA and Mars Company – you know, Milky Way and Snickers bars – there’s something VERY special about DARK CHOCOLATE. (get it? Dark projects and Dark Chocolate)

Is it a coincidence? I suppose it “could be.” But then again, when there are too many interlocking pieces, one has to wonder if indeed this is how modern MK-ULTRA programs “function out.”
MK-ULTRA-like projects, AND mental / emotional control via electronic frequencies are REAL. Twenty-three years ago during Desert Storm, the U.S. military tapped into regular FM radio frequencies that were being used by the Iraq army to carry encoded commands. You see, Sadam’s Command & Control System had been destroyed, so they were forced to use commercial radio with codes. We included special encoded commands to artificially implant negative emotional states - feelings of fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness. This subliminal system didn't just tell a person to feel an emotion, it made them feel it, the emotion was planted in their minds. And Sadam’s battle-hardened soldiers surrendered like little girls, much to the astonishment of the American soldiers on the ground. That’s just ONE example from over 20 years ago.

Indeed, Mind Control has come a very long way from 100 years ago when tobacco companies wanted to get a big increase in sales by getting women to smoke, via the use of Edward L. Bernay’s “public relations” techniques. The Black-Ops Boys and Girls have come a long way from the post WW II days of wanting to create Manchurian Candidates to be used for assassinations, or secret couriers ala the Candy Jones Story, or just good old Spy vs. Spy fun and games. Is it safe to assume that these kinds of things are still going on? Would you believe anyone in the government or military if they said, “Oh no… We don’t do that stuff any more. NAW!” I hope not.
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