The Globalization of War (and How to Resist It) | Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV | Feb. 9, 2015


Michel Chossudovsky joins GRTV once again to discuss his new book, "The Globalization of War." We discuss the threat of nuclear warfare, NATO's use of proxy terrorist armies to destabilise sovereign nations, and how people can fight back against the US-NATO war agenda.

SevenGate | 12 Years Targeted Individual - Massive Stolen Intellectual Property Case | TFR | Feb. 7, 2015


On Saturday 7th February, we had the return of the wonderfully talented Ms Charles Seven, (on the 7th... maybe a message there?) as our Guest on Truth Frequency Radio and she was talking more about her Intellectual Property THEFT which has been perpetrated against her by the TV companies and High Profile Lawyers.

Blockbuster shows like 'Dancing With The Stars' in USA/Canada and 'Dancing On Ice' in UK have been proven in court to be the STOLEN creations of 'Seven', (affectionately named because she was the seventh child). Yet while the 'Stars' receive thousands per show, the corrupt, criminal lawyers and barristers working within the British legal system, have prevented Ms Seven from receiving a penny in 'royalties' lawfully due to her.

For almost 12 years now, this woman has refused to allow these thieving scumbags to destroy her and continues to fight against this evil, with the hope that people will support her and assist her in recovering at minimum, Billions of pounds that Seven wishes to use for Humanitarian purposes around the World. Will YOU help her by sharing this video please?

Je suis Charles Seven ~ SevenGate ~

'Dancing with Stars' (USA), 'Strictly Come Dancing' (UK) are stolen creations of Charles Seven, a musician and media creative Producer.

Seven won her case before Lord Justice Chadwick and Sir Peter Gibson in UK Court of Appeal and before Justice Sir Nicholas Pumfrey in the Chancery Divison 2006.

Seven won one of the UK’s largest 'Intellectual Property Rights' cases, against media giants, including BBC, ITV, VIRGIN Media, Channel 4, SCOTTISH TV, plus other Major networks in 26 nations around the world, dating from 2003.

Seven explains, “After the defendant members of the syndicate were found guilty in court, they used criminal means by way of domestic terrorism, extreme violence, serious frauds, foul play and a murder campaign to escape going to prison.”

These Media Corporations are guilty of receiving stolen Intellectual Property, lawfully proven to belong to Ms Charles Seven, who is now owed Billions of Pounds!

How many 'Dancing With Stars' performers are happy to be paid £1,000's of pounds per show, while the IP creator is gang-stalked, threatened, traumatized and terrorised?

German website:


Monica Stone | The Truth About South Africa | Radio 3Fourteen | Feb. 4, 2015

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,

Monica Stone joins us to speak about the subject of White Genocide in South Africa. She works with the website and also the Living Waters Foundation. Monica is committed to spreading awareness about the rape, torture, murders, and the genocide of the White South African people.

We begin with a quick history lesson on South Africa, a region that was completely open in 1652 when members of Dutch East India Company arrived and settled the Cape of Good Hope, where they brought agricultural knowledge, science and math education, established public schools, property rights, boundaries, and human rights.

Monica describes how things went terribly wrong, beginning in the 19th century, when the British took over the Dutch East India Company. Wars ensued in this period, which coincided with the discovery of gold, and many Afrikaners fled the area to escape suppression. Monica explains the current state of governmental affairs, a reign by the ANC that has led South Africa down a path to destruction since the end of apartheid, with the clear purpose of eradicating all Whites from the country.

We look at the influx of immigrants saturating the area for the past 20+ years, putting extreme pressure on a fragile infrastructure that is not being properly maintained and bringing in more crime and racial tension. Monica tells about the rampant, deep-seated hatred for Afrikaners that has resulted in over 85,000 murders since 1994, along with an epidemic of the rape and torture of countless innocent people.

Monica gives examples of what it is like living in a country where it is against the law to defend yourself against even the most unspeakable crimes. We discuss why these abysmal conditions have gotten to this point and why none of the Afrikaners’ White brothers and sisters in the West are stepping up to help. Also, we take a look at the real players running the show in the ANC, a narrative that is being controlled by the Zionist media and is almost identical to that of the US.

We end with some thoughts on what it will take to turn this seemingly hopeless situation around and how the people of South Africa, Europe and the US can band together to keep from being drowned by the treason running deep in all White countries. -Radio 3Fourteen

Download mp3

Brien Foerster | Ancient Technology Peru And Bolivia Tour June 2015 | Feb. 8, 2015


This unique tour brings together best selling author Andrew Collins, Hugh Newman of Megalithomania and Brien Foerster. We will be exploring ancient megalithic and spiritual sites in Peru and Bolivia, as well as the enigmatic Elongated Skulls. Basically, every famous ancient place in Peru and Bolivia will be covered on this 18 day tour; 2 @ 4 day extensions and a 10 day main tour. -Brien Foerster

The Corbett Report | How to Fake an Alien Invasion | Feb. 8, 2015


We all know about the crude pie-plate-on-string UFO hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the past. But what if I were to tell you the greatest UFO hoax of all time is being prepared right now, and it has Rockefeller backing and UN/Vatican/presidential support? Join us this week as we peek under the bluebeam curtain at the great alien invasion false flag.

Show Notes & Sources

Tom Campbell on Consciousness Evolution


Tom Campbell is an explorer of consciousness, physicist and the author of My Big TOE.

During the interview Tom Campbell answers questions related to My Big TOE, virtual reality, NVC, democratic education, monetary reform, the technological singularity and existential risks.

In Memory of Kevin Smith |  KSS Archives | Website Lounch |


About Kevin Smith and the Website

Kevin Smith who hosted the Kevin Smith show had provided a large audience with extraordinary informations, thoughts and discussions in the realm of the unexplained until his untimely death at his sixtieth birthday on August 14, 2013. He was the inventor of the first paranormal radio talk show that he started in Bosnia where he served as an international police officer.

Friends of Kevin Smith have now made his legacy available for posterity and we will take care that Kevin’s work will benefit his wife Tang and their son Derrick who lack support and live under duress since their husband and dad died.

Kevin himself lived a life in relative poverty, sometimes even lacking food but shortly before he died, he signed a deal for his rock band that he was a guitar player in. Kevin was full of vigour and in good hopes for his band to be successful, also financially. Kevin put his full energy both into the show and his band, sometimes one has to wonder how he could accomplish this. The day he came out of hospital after he received a stent in his heart, he was already preparing for the next show.

Kevin gave whistleblowers a platform to come forward and he therefore was one himself. The lines to the show were often interrupted when critical guests made their appearance and also particular guests often suddenly had problems communicating with the KSS. He had his computers and other equipment interfered with from the outside and some of his guests even received threats during and after the shows.

Kevin was not shy to point his finger to where he thought those threats came from. He took all the risks to stay true to himself because his concern and motto for every show was, “You have the right to know because You matter!”

If you have a show recorded or downloaded as audio or video file that is not in the archives and that you would want to contribute, please contact us so we can complete the archives. There are currently 1140 different radio shows and 29 KSS live video shows/seminars in the archives - that would take more than three years to listen to one show a day.

Enjoy your host Kevin Smith like nowhere else on Earth.

Provided as a courtesy of

Kevin Smith Show | Pyramid In A Suprising Location | 2013-04-17

10 Lunar Waves Filmed To Date & What We Now Know | Feb. 6, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube, Crow Tripplehorn

This clip contains all 10 lunar waves filmed to date and goes over what we know so far. Please follow my articles on the - Crrow777

Crow Tripplehorn has been a sky watcher for nearly 20 years, having purchased his first telescope in the 90s. For the past three years he has been a full time UFO and space anomaly investigator in southern California and in this time has become known for his UFO video work the world over. Crow is also credited with the discovery of a lunar wave phenomenon that is not yet well understood. Tripplehorn has worked hard to bring honesty and integrity to the world of UFO and anomaly investigations and is now a trusted source of information in this field. Raw Lunar 

Wave Footage Sent From Berlin Germany

Jeff Rense & Charlotte Iserbyt | The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America


Clip from February 04, 2015 - guest Charlotte Iserbyt on the Jeff Rense Program.

New World Next Week | Globalized Healthcare is Coming | Feb. 6, 2015


Story #1: Globalized Healthcare Is Coming
Flashback: TISA, Yet Another Secret “Trade” Threat (Oct 2014)
YouTube Search: "TiSA Trade In Services"
Wikileaks: Secret Trade in Services Agreement TISA - Financial Services Annex
"Why Come You Don't Have A Tattoo?"

Story #2: China Forcing Citizens to Use Their Real Name On the Internet
India and Russia Back China's Call for 'New World Order'
Goldman Sachs: Building Better Global Economic BRICs

Story #3: Good News? The FCC Says Your City Can Build a Public Internet, Even If Your State Says No
FCC on Verge of Killing State Laws That Harm Municipal Broadband
Wikipedia: Tom Wheeler's Career
How Nebraska Citizens Took Control of Their Energy Grid
Coke Drops #MakeItHappy PR Stunt After Being Tricked Into Mein Kampf Tweet

Flashback: Cheerios Removes App During Fury of Anti-GMO Backlash Dec 2012
@BrocWest: Community Garden Journal: Week 3 & 4

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: New Allegations of Saudi Involvement in 9/11
Amy Pascal Out as Sony Studio Chief Following Virtual Flag Terrorism Event Popularly Known As 'Sony Hack'
Rupert Murdoch Gets Off Scot-Free in US Over Phone Hacking
Brian Williams Under Fire For The First Time In His Life As Iraq Attack Lie Comes Undone
James Corbett, Dan Dicks and Luke Rudkowski Invite You to Change Media University

Patrick Henningsen | The Ferguson Frenzy & The Technocrat War on Human Nature | Hour 1


December 31, 2014–Patrick Henningsen is the founder and managing editor of 21st Century Wire, an independent virtual journal that delivers news and exposés on intelligence, foreign policy, climate change, the war on terror, technology and Wall Street.

Patrick has been a regular guest on the program and joins us again today to discuss the Ferguson fiasco and some of the surrounding issues concerning race, individuality, destruction of culture, and what the end game plan is for the technocrats as they bring in more control by conjuring up more chaos with the aid of willing accomplices and naive, good intended people.

We consider how modern activism is motivated by the influence of social media and the dangerous divide that is being created in America through the weaponization of political correctness. Patrick analyzes the compulsive behavior displayed by politicians who use crisis situations as a way to grab as much political capital as possible. We look at the fallacies of mob mentality, mob justice and inherent white privilege.

Then, Patrick talks about how Americans are becoming increasingly class conscious and narcissistic while at the same time falling into the traps of political activist groups that are essentially promoting a war on human nature with their collectivist agenda. In the members’ hour, we reflect on the militarization and mechanization of the police force and situations like the Eric Garner incident that fuel the frenzy of the Hegelian dialectic.

We also ponder the rapid homogenization of culture, ethnic erosion, and white guilt. Later, we’ll compare the similar views and goals of the left and the right as well as deliberate the evolution of class and gender warfare, our oligarchic rulers, and the wide acceptance of inherited wealth and fame. In closing, Patrick shares his views on the crab mentality of egalitarianism. download hour 1 mp3

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | The Truth About Vaccines | Hour 1 | Sanitas Radio


In the foreword by Dr. Andrew Moulden he says: "If penicillin shots and peanut butter sandwiches were mandated, many children would be harmed; some would even die. If we cannot give penicillin or peanut butter to everybody safely, the logical progression that injecting live, biologically active, immunogenetic particles cannot be safe for everyone either."

Warfarin is rat poison. Statins weaken the heart. CoQ10 can reverse receding gums. The stuff one learns listening to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny!

But the former emergency room specialist, osteopath, and alternative medicine clinic owner is waging a battle. Her clarion call is for informed consent, for knowledgeable consumers, of vaccinations. They are far more dangerous than orthodox medicine will admit.

The chemicals, heavy metals, adverse effects and sheer number of vaccinations being coerced if not required by a growing preponderance of authorities is cause for concern, she says. Consumers have a right to know that medical directives (thou shalt get your flu shot), government agencies (the CDC, the FDA) and profit-driven pharmaceutical companies are elements of revolving door behemoths that don't necessarily have your good health as highest priority. After all, big pharma makes the drugs that treat other drugs' side effects, don't they?

"The vaccination program has been a 200-year, multi-generational brainwashing campaign," she says, worsened now by laws that protect practitioners and pharmaceutical producers from liability, and that allow medical treatment and insurance to be profit-oriented industries.

Until 1985, children generally got three vaccinations: MMR, DTaP, and Polio. Now, by the time they start kindergarten, Tenpenny says, children have been injected with 40 doses of 16 vaccines. Some 200 more are in development.

Cancer, eczema, asthma are growing problems among our children. The numbers for autism are through the roof. "We've got an epidemic of children losing their minds and we've got a medical industry in denial."

Know your rights, she is saying. Every state has a medical exemption (although it's hard to get). Nineteen states have philosophical exemptions. Forty-eight states have religious opt outs. [Check out your state's laws about vaccinations at National Vaccine Information Center:]
Tenpenny sets the record straight about squalene. It's shark liver oil. Fine to ingest, but injecting it can cause serious neurological damage. Squalene is soon to be a vaccination component, she says.
She talks about the new HPV (Gardasil) vaccination.

About fluoride: "It's a byproduct of the aluminum industry. They use it to sedate prisoners in Russia." About overeating: "Our body is seeking minerals when we eat, so taking a good multi-mineral supplement often makes those carb cravings go away."

Tenpenny's a strong advocate of herb and vitamin supplements.

"If you can only take one vitamin, take D3 -- the level must be between 75 and 80 -- get a blood test. It protects from cancer. It's important for brain function, for the immune system. If you're depressed due to the lack of sun in the winter, it's likely a vitamin D3 shortage."

An insider told this doctor that the vision statement of the pharmacy industry wants every human being who walks the planet to be on one, preferably three, prescription drugs for life. Tenpenny's on a crusade to wake people up to that fact.
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