Nomi Prins | Bankster House of Cards! Secret Finance QE & ZIRP | Dark Journalist | May 5, 2015


In this special Economic Insight episode, Dark Journalist welcomes Best-Selling Author, Financial Expert and Former Managing Director at Goldman Sachs Nomi Prins. Nomi’s classic book series on the secret machinations of the financial world and how the banking elite are taking the world to the brink of economic ruin includes her latest book,"All The President’s Bankers.”

Together, Nomi and Dark Journalist will chart the pernicious influence of greedy, covert money power that is manipulating the global economy and engineering a stealth transfer of power and wealth on a scale never seen before in the history of the financial world! She also reveals the tightly knit web of wealthy families and political insiders that helped to engineer the economic bailouts that made the reckless big investment banks, like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, even bigger and rewarded them for their unethical and destructive behavior.

With her in-depth knowledge and experience in the Wall Street world, Nomi outlines the hidden processes that allow the toxic assets that the banks developed through bizarre credit derivative packages to continuously be bought by the Federal Reserve. As they reward their friends and devalue the dollar and wages of the average investor with absurd zero interest rate and the one-percent-friendly quantitative easing ‘QE' policies, the wealthy insiders are harvesting the assets of the public society.

Nomi also examines the risks for the papered over, debt-ridden economy and how in some ways we are more vulnerable to an economic tsunami than we were in the crash of 2008. The ramifications for ignoring this powerful trend of economic fragility are far too disturbing to contemplate as the new stock market bubble is being pumped up by the same forces that caused the recent financial crisis in the first place.

Revealing, unnerving, informative, insightful, outspoken and spellbinding, you’ve never seen Nomi lay out the facts of the financial reality we face as you will in this rare, in-depth, deep interview with Dark Journalist!

OVERCAST | TRAILER | Investigative Documentary

Source:, OVERCAST on Facebook

What if these cirrus clouds we see in the sky weren't natural? What if the trails left by planes weren't only water or ice? What if the fight against global warming wasn't only using classical methods?
In 2001, a phenomenon known as chemtrails was mentioned in the Space Preservation Act, a bill by former US-Representative Dennis Kucinich, as an exotic weapon. The chemtrails have been defined as being persistent jet contrails, that would remain and cover the sky, forming a white haze or man-made clouds, instead of disappearing after a while, like regular jet trails. As a matter of fact the climatic impact of these man-made clouds produced by jet trails became a serious issue in science in the mid 90s, when the chemtrail concerns were spread. Along with the definition, came many different uses for the chemtrails and among them two main theories:

1) Military uses in order to control and change locally the weather system
2) Geoengineering uses in order to fight global warming by building a sun screen around the globe

While the phenomenon amplified through the years, the controversy and debate became proportionally bigger and tense between the chemtrails believers and the scientific and media's communities, that have been unwilling to "look into" what they often consider as a paranoiac doom's day theory.

Basing its investigation on facts, OVERCAST sheds a new light on the phenomenon, away from emotions, stubborn denials and speculations of all kinds. While the chemtrails communities cannot really present a clear and convincing proof for the chemtrail spraying for over a decade, the scientific community, as well as the media community, violently reject any possibility for "such a thing" to exist and choose the easy way of discredit to evacuate the questions raised instead of investigating a little further.

OVERCAST gives a look beyond the speculations in order to get clear facts.

Are we really being sprayed?

John Lenard Walson | Astrophotographer | May 1, 2015

Source: John Lenard Walson youtube

There is more stuff out there in near earth orbit than you might think.

Jeff Rense & Preston James | EMF Mind Assassins


Clip from April 29, 2015 - guest Preston James on the Jeff Rense Program.

New World Next Week | Subliminal Advertising for Martial Law | May 1, 2015


STORY #1: Pope Francis and Climate Change: Why Catholic Skeptics Are So Alarmed
Flashback: Death By Treaty - Lord Monckton on the Crisis of Copenhagen (Oct 2009)
For Young Voters, Climate Change Takes a Back Seat
Research Highlight: Arctic Sea Ice Loss Likely To Be Reversible
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013' (Dec 2007)
Scientists Claim Climate Change Has Impact on Music
Meteorological Phenomena In Western Classical Orchestral Music - PDF (Nov 2011)

STORY #2: That Subliminal PSA From AARP
AARP Reposts Controversial PSA and 'Responds' To Questions
Derren Brown: A Toy's Story - How To Control The Nation

STORY #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - Child Is First Patient Cured of Fatal Illness Using 3D-Printed Implant
Joshua Pearce Explains the 3D Printing Revolution
Chipotle Bans GMO Ingredients
US Lowers “Recommended” Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water for First Time in Over 50 Years
Montana Nullifies Federal Police Militarization Program

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: Plane Hacking Goes More Mainstream: American Airlines Planes Grounded By iPad App Error
Ryanair Gets Hacked, $5M Sent to China
#ClintonFoundation Got “Dirty” Russian Money from Putin Cronies
Cash Flowed to #ClintonFoundation as Russians Pressed for Control of Uranium Company
Goldman Sachs Paid Bill Clinton $200K For Speech Before Bank Lobbied #Hillary
Governor Abbott Orders Texas Guard to Monitor Jade Helm Drills
UK Election ‘Chaos’ Could Trigger ‘Lehman Moment’ For Pound
London Reacts to Increased Expenses for ‘Majority’
12 Questions About the #BaltimoreRiots
Brookings Institute: The Future of Arms Control, Internet Governance, and Re-engineering

Dean Haglund | X-Files | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | April 15, 2015


Dean Haglund, one of the Lone Gunmen on the X-Files joins us for the first time and we cover all things X-Files...his shirts, hair, glasses and charactor, Langly. We also cover his research and documentary creation of UFOs, rock and roll, comedy and what is next for him with the new X-Files series...we also discuss where Chris Carter gets his

Brien Foerster | Egypt: Tunnels And Chambers In The Valley Of The Queens | May 2, 2015


The locations in this video are not seen by tourists, but thanks to the Khmemit School, we were given unprecedented access to a small portion of a huge system of tunnels and chambers under the Valley of the Queens. Carved into the bedrock... -Brien Foerster

Tom Campbell | How Consciousness Connects to the Avatar | May 2, 2015


How many assumptions should a good scientific model (In this case, a big theory of everything) contain? Tom Campbell, physicist and author of My Big TOE, presents to us a brief glimpse into the logical process he used to derive his theory (Big Theory of Everything, or Grand Unified Theory) (See also: "Solving the 'Hard Problem' of Physics and Consciousness" on this channel) in this and other interviews. (The Calgary workshop, this channel, presents the entire theory in an encapsulated form)

A good model or theory, particularly if it represents a TOE, should be elegant and simple. The fewer assumptions required to describe all the known facts, the more likely it is that the model represents truth.

Tom's Big TOE theory contains only two assumptions. Consciousness exists. It evolves. The rest is logically derived.

By comparison, “Many Worlds” theory and ”string” theory, two of the most popular current scientific attempts at “little TOEs”, contain around 14 assumptions each.

In this interview you will hear why virtual reality and time are needed for Consciousness evolution, and the answer to perhaps one of the most perplexing questions of all time for scientists: How Consciousness connects to the physical.

Richard Heinberg | Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels | Legalise Freedom Radio | May 2, 2015


Richard Heinberg discusses his latest book Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels. Climate change, along with the depletion of oil, coal, and gas, dictate that we will inevitably move away from our profound societal reliance on fossil fuels. But just how big a transformation will this be? While many policy makers assume that renewable energy sources will provide a relatively painless solution, Heinberg suggests instead that we are in for a wild ride; a civilization reboot on a scale similar to the agricultural and industrial revolutions.

Afterburn consists of fifteen essays exploring various aspects of the twenty-first century migration away from fossil fuels including short-term political and economic factors that impede broad-scale, organized efforts to adapt, the origin of longer-term trends – such as consumerism – that have created a way of life that seems normal to most, but is actually unprecedented, highly fragile, and unsustainable, and potential opportunities and sources of conflict that are likely to emerge.

From the inevitability and desirability of more locally organized economies to the urgent need to preserve our recent cultural achievements and the futility of pursuing economic growth above all, Afterburn offers cutting-edge perspectives and insights that challenge conventional thinking about our present, our future, and the momentous choices that we currently face.

download mp3

Rebekah Roth | The Methodical Illusion of 9/11 | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


The glamorous life of an international flight attendant can be anything but, as Vera Hanson discovered the morning one of her crew members was found murdered in a Paris hotel room. That morning began to put into focus some of the experiences of Vera's thirty year airline career, which she had purposely been avoiding. It caused her to look more deeply into the questions surrounding 9/11 that never made sense to a flight attendant, but that no one had seriously investigated.

With the help of her pilot friend Jim Bowman, they embark on a cross country journey employing their wisdom, experience and intense research to uncover the mysteries of what really happened to the four airplanes and the people on them that fateful day. Written as a novel, Methodical Illusion has been excruciatingly researched from an insider's perspective, utilizing proprietary knowledge of airplanes, universal FAA protocols, standardized fight crew procedures and all hijacking policies. The results are the never before revealed answers to the daunting questions everyone has had, but few had dared ask aloud for fear of the repercussions that undoubtedly follow.

Voices from the Gasfields | It started with just ONE well | May 1, 2015

Source: Ian R Crane youtube

This is the film the UK Government does NOT want you to see! Documenting the accounts of families living with the hydrocarbon industry as a neighbour, this hour long documentary is shocking, as it reveals the day to day pollution these people live with – pollution of water, air, light and sound, some of the the basic human requirements needed to survive. The blind eye that the authorities and the hydrocarbon industry turn to these families living conditions, and the complete disregard to the environmental damage done to the bush by this, is truly disgraceful.

I have not seen another film like it, telling us, warning us how really dreadful life is living amongst the gas wells. I have a huge respect for the families in Australia that held onto their land and shared their stories with us. It was especially moving when Brian Monk speaks directly to the audience near the end of the video, very powerful indeed - we would be very wise to listen and act accordingly.

This film should be distributed and shown as widely as possible so we can learn and act. Full credit to Ian R Crane and his colleagues for turning around this moving, informative, high quality film in less than four months since his return from Australia. Thank you Ian and the families from Australia for the absolutely invaluable insight this film gives.

We need to take heed of the “Voices from the Gasfields” so these honourable families have not stayed loyal to their lands in vain. -Ian R Crane

Crrow777 | Black Moon Object (UFO) & Jupiter In Full Spectrum | April 30, 2015

Source: Crrow777 youtube

This clip shows a black UFO with a halo crossing the moon in full spectrum. The object could not be vetted as a satellite. Also, Jupiter and the moons are shown in full spectrum. -Crrow777
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