Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Nov. 5, 2016


The power structure is continuing to fracture from within. Like feuding mafia families that no longer have enough turf to exploit, they will begin to turn on each other. There are many predicting the manner in which the dominos will fall, but who can know with any certainty? There are simply too many variables and too many factors that are already far beyond the breaking point.

The noose is being tightened around all our necks from countless directions. The AT&T purchase of Time Warner (and thus CNN News) is just another sign of the rapid power structure consolidation. Those who attempt to stand up to the fascist state are treated brutally, as the Dakota pipeline protesters now know. The hypocrisy of environmentalists like Leonardo DiCaprio (and organizations like National Geographic) is perplexing and disappointing.

The newly released film "Before The Flood (by DeCaprio and National Geographic) was disappointing and unfortunately only a half truth. The US military continues to bomb the forces that are actually fighting ISIS, why? Has the human race overshot the planet's ability to support the population? If so, who bears the blame, and where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

As the battle for the greater good becomes ever more difficult, and the horizon grows darker, many, unfortunately, abandon their post and passively sit down on the bench. There is no solace in walking away from the most important struggle ever faced by the human race and at the most critical time. We must never turn away, we must never yield, we must never give up, make your voice heard in the fight for the greater good.

Sofia Smallstorm interviews Randy Maugans | A.I. vs. Multi-dimensional Consciousness | Nov. 6, 2016


"Randy Maugans' background in I.T. has given him great insights into the technology-addicted Smart world we are in these days. What I term the "2D" world is taking over 3D or physical space by offering us its immersive technology.

Randy and I discuss Strong A.I. (artificial intelligence that acts human) and much more in this show; the fact is, he reminds us, that our consciousness is multidimensional, and by increasingly interacting with this computer world we are risking the possibility of locking it into a place we might not be able to escape from. (This gave me chills!) 2D is constantly pushing content at us, and we are requesting and consuming this. We must realize what we are consenting to, says Randy." -Sofia Smallstorm

Asia-Pacific Perspective | Japan and Russia Might End World War 2 Soon! | Nov. 4, 2016


Broc West joins us once again for our ongoing look at news from across the Asia-Pacific. This time we cover: how countries across the Asia-Pacific are inching out from under the American umbrella; how the Japanese and the Russians may (or may not) be on the verge of formally concluding a WWII peace treaty; and Australia and Indonesia's potential joint exercises in the South China Sea.

Show Notes:

US Attempts to Shame Asia for “Caving to China”
Thailand Must Join TPP: Junta Chief
Hong Kong’s political class shaken up by new kids on the block
War With China: What Hillary Told Goldman

Moscow, Tokyo working on a peace treaty draft
Russia, Japan weigh priority projects for economic cooperation
Putin opposes setting time limit for signing peace treaty with Japan
Putin’s visit to Japan will include participation in Tokyo economic forum

Australia open to conducting joint exercises with Indonesia in South China Sea
‘Paper cat’ Australia will learn its lesson

Max Igan | Are You Angry Yet? | Nov. 4, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 4th, 2016.

Julian Assange talks to John Pilger | Secret World of US Election | Full Interview | Nov. 5, 2016


Whistleblower Julian Assange has given one of his most incendiary interviews ever in a John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, in which he summarizes what can be gleaned from the tens of thousands of Clinton emails released by WikiLeaks this year.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Black Budget Election Gambit! | Dark Journalist | Oct. 30, 2016


Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts
In this exciting and in-depth Part 2 episode on the 2016 Presidential Election, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former US Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts back to the show. Catherine breaks down where the Black Budget Deep State forces have placed their hopes in the presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Elite Panic
She sees Elite Panic in a shadow network emerging of the Bush Political Family, Goldman Sachs, Neocon Militarists, Corporate Globalists and the Establishment Media all lining up behind a Clinton Presidency in order to continue the destructive policies of financial harvesting, political secrecy and aggressive militarism around the globe.

Weaponizing The General Population
Catherine sees the election coming down Human vs. Inhuman with the Transhumanist policies of Computer Micro-chipping of American citizens as a major example of the push for dominance by covert forces driven by a lust for control. She sees recent outbreaks of violence in public as the prototyping of a new technology that is meant to drive a divide and conquer wedge between demographic groups of men/women, black/white, rich/poor, to in effect 'Weaponize The Population’ to distract from the massive financial fraud and political corruption taking place.

The Unraveling of the Corporate Media
The propaganda that the corporate media has engaged in during this campaign has signaled their desperation to keep the corrupt power structure in place. Their relentless targeting of Trump shows that they regard him as a threat to the Deep State political forces that have been trying to create a Totalitarian One World Global Government. The collusion of corporate Wall Street and political forces have decided Trump must be stopped at all costs or they risk dangerous exposure and scandal on a level never before seen in history!

Wikileaks Wildcard Revelation & The FBI
The upstart group Wikileaks has been publishing secret documents which reveal the insidious nature the Clinton Machine and its close relationship to the ruling media elite. Julian Assange, who leads this bold team of computer sleuths, had been targeted by Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State for a drone strike and recently was denied internet access by the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK where he resides trying to elude a Kangaroo Court sham legal prosecution.

Catherine sees Assange in danger of elimination and believes that DNC staffer Seth Rich was assassinated last Summer because he was secretly sending documents to Wikileaks. It has been hinted that in addition to releasing the emails of the Clinton Campaign Team, Wikileaks may hold a secret set of documents that can change the entire face of the presidential race by exposing Hillary Clinton and the entrenched Democrat Power Structure to serious charges and political oblivion This may be related to the recent reopening of the Clinton Email Server Case by the FBI.

Jay Dyer | BOMBSHELL: Top Clinton Wikileaks Exposes Entire 'Shadow Government' | Nov. 2, 2016


Sick of politics? Well, me too, but this election reveals the deep state and vindicates us "conspiracy theorists" like never before. I give my analysis of what is really going down, from the CFR to drug running.

GRTV | Corbett Report | Anthrax: The Forgotten Iraq War Lie | Nov. 1, 2016


Although it is difficult to remember at this point, the anthrax scare of late 2001 was widely seen as a follow-up to the 9/11 attacks, and a sign of things to come at the dawn of the so-called War on Terror. It did not take long, however, for the neocons in the Bush administration to start insinuating that the anthrax scare was tied to their two favourite boogeymen: Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.

Transcript & Sources

Newsbud’s Roundtable | The Russia-Turkey-USA Pendulum | Oct. 31, 2016


In the newest episode of Newsbud’s Roundtable Spiro Skouras is joined by Professor Filip Kovacevic and Newsbud Founder Sibel Edmonds to dissect Turkey’s pendulum swing between the USA and Russia that may tip the scales of the geostrategic balance of power. Please join our effort and support a one of a kind people funded media with integrity- Because, together, we can!

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 27, 2016


Remember those "tectonic shifts" Russia warned about? and remember how Joseph said "watch Italy"? Well the Nerfarium has been busy this week on both counts:

How Italy Is Helping Russia Avoid More Sanctions
Russia, Turkey, Israel and a New Balance of Power

Neil Sanders | "Film TV & Social Media Are Used To Control How We Think!" | Richie Allen Show | Oct. 26, 2016


Jeanice Barcelo | Human Sexuality, Pornography and the Attack on Human Love | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Tonight's discussion contains eye-opening and potentially life-changing information regarding the manipulation of human sexuality and its impact on our world.

Beginning with the Rockefeller-funded "research" of Professor Alfred Kinsey, a well known sadomasochist and pedophile, and continuing on with the introduction of pornography which now saturates our world and has been moved into kindergarten classrooms, our children, our relationships, and even our ability to love is under direct assault.

In less than one hundred years, the Luciferian forces have succeeded in manipulating us to such an extent, that our sexual behavior and attitudes have been radically altered, as well as our ability to create happy families and enduring human love. It is imperative for us to understand the mechanisms by which we and our children are being targeted so that we can put a stop to this madness and throw a kink in the control system that seeks to destroy our lives.
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