New World Next Week | EU Admits It Would Dissolve If People Had A Choice | Dec. 1, 2016


Story #1: FBI Gains Expanded Hacking Powers As “Rule 41” Kicks In
With Rule 41, Little-Known Committee Proposes to Grant New Hacking Powers to the Government
Compromise Reached On Massive U.S. Defense Bill, AKA The NDAA 2017
Search: NDAA
Fingerprints Will Be Mandatory When Buying SIM Cards In Thailand In 2017

Story #2: Forget Paris - France Drops Carbon Tax Plan
Weather Is Not Climate!

Story #3: Juncker Begs EU Leaders: No More Referendums, They’ll All Vote ‘Leave’
MPs Launch New Attempt To Interrogate Tony bLIAr Over Iraq
FT Admits NWO Gatekeepers Heading for “Marie Antoinette Moment”

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines: Castro Is Dead! Long Live Castro!
#PizzaGate Panel Scheduled For ‘Daily Show’?
ND Gov Orders Evacuation of #NoDAPL Camp Ahead Of Army CoE’s Dec 5th Threat

William Engdahl | What is Trump’s True Agenda? | Nov. 30, 2016


William Engdahl says he believes Trump’s true agenda is to destroy China, Iran and Russia as America’s ruling elite move a one world government.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | CERN Death Star: Final Apotheosis | Dark Journalist | Nov. 30, 2016


The Ancient and Future Death Star
Prepare for a fantastic exploration of the antediluvian past and the looming, ominous high tech future as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back for his most important interview to date. Together in this part one of three episodes. they examine the unusual links between the obscure ancient technology that Farrell has researched in his Giza Death Star books and explore the connections it has with the futuristic dimensional doorway that the mysterious scientific organization CERN has created under the auspices of its controversial Hadron Collider experiments.

The Great Pyramid
Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defense system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure. It’s an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical patterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.

Farrell sees the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland as shrouded in mystery and finds that its most well-known project, the Hadron Super Collider ostensibly set up to unlock the 'Higgs Boson' or 'God Particle’ by the use of a particle physics experiment, is actually a public cover for a far different activity to covertly deploy a dimensional doorway accessing super weapon for the 21st century that would rival its counterpart the Giza Death Star.

CERN has been mired in controversy since moving forward with its particle collider experiments over the objections of distinguished scientists who have observed unusual changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere when the collider is turned on. Some of these independent scientists have warned the public that hazardous by-products of the experiments called ’Strangelets’ pose a serious potential danger for the public at large and may damage the environment for centuries to come. CERN has also been accused of organizing occult rituals and being highly secretive during its scientific research with a public and private purpose for its vastly complex work. Attempts to sue CERN for its practices have fallen flat due to its unusual status as a 'sovereign entity.'

This Dark Journalist episode will start us on a fascinating, eye-opening, startling and unnerving journey of what the power structure on Earth is really engaged in behind the scenes and how far they are willing to go for global and galactic domination. You don’t want to miss it!

Jeff Resne & Preston James |  Psychotronic Mind Control Technologies


Clip from November 29, 2016 - guest Preston James on the Jeff Rense Program.

Newsbud | Russia-China Military Cooperation Contests U.S. Global Domination | Prof. Filip Kovacevic | Nov. 29, 2016


In this edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the front page articles from five Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Izvestia, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Argumenty I Facty, and Komsomolskaya Pravda.

He focuses on the growing political, economic, and military cooperation between Russia and China, the new Russian system for the surveillance of the world's oceans, the president Vladimir Putin's participation at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, the EU branding the Russian media as propaganda and the Russian response, and the fate of Russians living in other former Soviet republics.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | A.I. Oppression | Feet to the Fire Radio | Nov. 29, 2016

Source: Feet to the Fire Radio,,,,

Dr. Richard Alan Miller, PH.D. - Call for help

I received this eMail from Richard asking for help. He is under attack and reaching out to radio audiences.

"I am under serious attack, and not sure why or whom? it is coming from all fronts, especially my websites and book sales. something VERY strange has happened to me.... my site was hacked and down for almost 8 days. thanks to Ed Marvinney, it is now back up and running. but.... i have not had a book order for ten days. "to make things worse, Amazon (normally double in sales) has also not shown a single order for the same period.

when called , they say everything is working fine. i have received orders daily from Amazon for six year, until now, and now nothing... this is my only source for incomes, and have no reserves. now not sure what to do. to make matters worse, the Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture is now out in e-book format = and yet, have not sold one single copy - how does that work? any ideas or direction to go would be most helpful right now. this has stopped my ability to write, and am facing deep depression. not sure what to do at this moment. suggestions are welcome. by the way, Ed says the reason my site went down was that i was receiving more than 5,000 views per day - again, with no sales or supporting e-mail.

"I need to do some immediate radio to help get me out of the mess i currently find myself... i am under serious attack, and not sure who or why. it may be from the discovery i made . There is now at least 2 D-Wave AIs now running themselves (no handlers) - this has implications beyond the BS of politics and world "situations."

Rick -Feet to the Fire Radio

Contrary to what one might think, Richard Miller does not have a fat government retirement, but is actually living day by day with various short term research projects, speaking/teaching engagements and sales of his book. Richard has started a Go-FundMe campaign to help release much of his work over the years, including, his actual, original papers in the formation of, what is now, the Navy Seals. Interesting helping and receiving historical and groundbreaking information from Dr. Richard Alan Miller? -Feet to the Fire Radio

Dr. Richard Alan Miller Book Fund

ESA | First images from ExoMars | Nov. 29, 2016


A showcase of some of the first and highest resolution images acquired by the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter on 22 November 2016.

The first image sequence shown was taken at a distance of 5300 km with a resolution of 60 m/pixel, about 44 minutes before closest approach. It illustrates how CaSSIS acquires data by taking images in colour simultaneously: at panchromatic, red, near-infrared and blue wavelengths.

A 3D reconstruction of a small area in Noctis Labyrinthus is also presented, based on a stereo pair of images taken, and presented with an altitude map with a resolution of less than 20 m.

Next, a spectacular high-resolution image sequence acquired during closest approach of 235 km altitude is presented. At this time, the spacecraft was flying over the Hebes Chasma region. The highest resolution data acquired is at 2.8 m/pixel. The flyover is shown at half the speed at which the data were acquired.

Then, an image swath about 25 km wide is shown of Arisa Chasmata, which is located on the flanks of a large volcano on Mars named Arsia Mons.

Finally, a close up of a 1.4 km-diameter crater sitting in the rim of a much larger crater near the Mars equator is presented. This image was acquired at 7.2 m/pixel.

This video was produced by the CaSSIS camera team and the University of Bern, Switzerland.

Read more here.

That Vitamin Movie | Full Movie | Nov. 29, 2016


The makers of That Vitamin Movie have managed to bring together for the very first time many of the world’s leading experts on vitamins and supplements.

This documentary shares first hand experiences, research, studyes, information, history and so much more on the use of vitamins for curing health issues like cancer, depression, fibromyalgia and much more. This is an amazing documentary and the first of its kind, it will blow your mind!

If you like the movie please support the people who created this by buying their DVD here:

Some notes from the movie:
12.00 Joe Mercola DO - exposing pharma
14.00 Andrew Saul - pharma influences
24.20 List of vitamin therapists
25.30 Eliminate sugar, grain and flour intake.
33.00 Eric DeSilva - Proboitics, Vitamin D and Omega
38.00 Phillip Day - Daily dosages of vitamin D3 and C, respestively body weight X 40 and age in grams
42.00 List of doctors healing with vitamins
43.30 David Brownstein MD - Iodine deficiency is the main cause of cancer, his book "Natural Therapsit That Do"
45.45 Dementia treatment - B12, Coenzyme Q10, no statin drugs
46.50 James Lunney DC - Bi-polar treatments
48.40 Tom Levy - Root canal and gum disease link to heart attack
52.30 Helen Saul - child doses of vitamin C, pregnancy and womens issues
55.30 Atsuo Yanagisawa MD (Japan) - Treating adverse reactions to vaccinations, treatment of radiation
58.00 Bo Jonsson (Sweden) - Niacin (Vitamin B3) treatment for depression
59.00 Andrew Saul - Daily dosages of vitamins (or at least take one multi per meal every day)
1.03 Cancer - pharma treatment versus vitamins Jorge Mirnada Massari and Michael Gonzalez (Puerto Rico)
1.09 Niacin (Vitamin B3) - Lowers cholesterol
1.12 Niacin cure for alchol related depression
1.13 Jonathan Prousky - mental illness issues pharma versus vitamins
1.17 Andrew Saul - nutrition in correctional facilities
1.19 HIV Positive - vitamins reduce full blown aids to half and deaths by 27 percent
1.21 Ron Hunninghake MD - matching nutrients to gentic needs.

Newsbud Roundtable | Government - The Only Viable Threat to the US Constitution | Nov. 28, 2016


In this episode of Newsbud Roundtable Sibel Edmonds and Spiro are joined by Newsbud legal analyst Todd Macfarlane and attorney Roger Roots who served as a paralegal to defendant Ryan Bundy during the Oregon Standoff Trial. The discussion includes the subversion of the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, the escalation of police state practices and the media as the facilitator, and much more.

The Corbett Report | Weather is NOT Climate! | Nov. 28, 2016


Show Notes:
Armstrong & Miller – Climate Change
Rothschild getting hot
SOTU 2015
Is Climate Change Our Biggest Problem?
Fraction of the Globe in Drought: 1982-2012
NOAA California Drought Report
Hillary Blames Hurricane Matthew on Climate Change
NOAA on Global Warming and Hurricanes
US in Longest ‘Hurricane Drought’ in Recorded History
IPCC on Tropical Cyclones
Global ACE
NASA | Ask A Climate Scientist – Extreme Weather and Global Warming
What Does the Peer-Reviewed Literature Say About Trends in East Coast Winter Storms?
Climate Change Plays ‘Fairly Insignificant’ Role In Current Warm Weather
If it is Hot, it is Climate, if it is Cold, its Climate

Max Igan | #Pizzagate is Real - Tearing Away the Veil | Nov. 25, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 25th, 2016.

Antonio Urzi | Sphere in high altitude | Cinisello Balsamo, Italy | Nov. 26, 2016

Source: Antonio Urzi Simona Sibilla youtube

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