Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 8, 2016


The Italian referendum is over, and former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi suffered a defeat, but what does it mean? Major corporate media outlets are reporting solely on the constinutional referendum, but what was behind it? -Joseph Farrell

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi quits, populists seek quick vote to win power
Italian referendum: Matteo Renzi loses despite hitting his high turnout target

Newsbud | The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo | Fake News: The Latest Effort to Destroy Alternative Media | Dec. 5, 2016

Source: Newsbud on Twitter

On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we cover the establishment’s effort to characterize alternative news as Russian propaganda. We look at the government’s use of lies to start wars and how the establishment media parrots these lies. Is PropOrNot, the anonymous sources of the “fake news” campaign amplified by The Washington Post, part of a psychological operation run by US intelligence? This is a distinct possibility considering The Washington Post’s association with the CIA and its Operation Mockingbird, a massive effort initiated in the 1950s to disseminate real fake and distorted news through corporate media channels.

Show Notes:
Google Will Ban Websites that Host Fake News
Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
British Foreign Affairs Committee
Targeting Journalists in Iraq is Pentagon Policy

Tom Campbell | My Big TOE's Most Controversial Questions | Dec. 6, 2016


Who are we really?

Some of the most difficult questions for the readers/listeners of Tom Campbell's My Big TOE theory concern ourselves as a free will awareness units interacting in this reality.

Step up to the concept of virtual reality, and not only are those questions more easily understood, but quantum mechanics is no longer "weird science".

Those whose life's work supports Tom's theory are Dr. Bruce Greyson, director of the UVA division of perceptual studies, and Dr. Donald Hoffman, U C Irvine who has stated, "There is no brain." (referring to Tom's comments in this video on brains and consciousness.

FWAU- Free will awareness unit
LCS- Larger Consciousness System (The One, Supreme Being)
IUOC- Individuated unit of consciousness

Shaun Chamberlin | Surviving the Future | Legalise Freedom Radio | Dec. 5, 2016


Shaun Chamberlin discusses Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy, a recently-published companion piece to Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It, the life’s work of British Economist David Fleming.

When Fleming died unexpectedly in 2010, he left behind his great unpublished work, a masterpiece more than thirty years in the making. In it, he examined the consequences of an economy that destroys the very foundations – ecological, economic, and cultural – upon which it is built. Knowing that collapse is the only possible outcome he asked, and envisioned, “What will follow?”

Compiled by Fleming’s close friend and collaborator Shaun Chamberlin, Surviving the Future presents Fleming’s insights in a more easily digestible form. Fleming foresaw the schisms and convulsions now shaking the economies of Europe, and was among the first in the world to reveal the ongoing pressure on oil supply and predict the subsequent growth in unconventional oil and gas, with all its consequences. Fleming acknowledges, with honesty, the challenges we face. But rather than inducing despair, Lean Logic and Surviving the Future inspire optimism in the creativity and intelligence of humans to nurse our ecology back to health, and to rediscover the importance of resilience, community, and culture.

The shocks converging on our world will leave nothing in our lives unchanged. We cannot now avoid it, but it can be managed, mitigated, made survivable, and recognised as our species’ toughest, but greatest, opportunity.

download mp3

Jeff Rense & William Tompkins | Light Years Beyond Nuclear Propulsion


Clip from November 30, 2016 - guest William Tompkins on the Jeff Rense Program.

Medicine Bear Whitebow & John Stormm | MKUltra Reality | Offplanet Radio with Randy Maugans | Dec. 4, 2016

Source:,, John Stormm YouTube Channel

Two Gen1 and Gen2 MKUltra program veterans discuss the reality and mechanics of the covert mind control programs that use targeted individuals, from childhood, to conduct extraordinary operations within and outside the military system.

Medicine Bear discloses here, for the first time, his own background as an adopted child brought into a Luciferian family where he was systematically prepared and deployed by MK-Ultra and MK-DELTA, under the umbrella of the Phoenix Project, as an operative and programmed assassin.

An orphan born in 1953, John Stormm was taken from his orphanage at a very young age by the CIA and was inducted into the first generation MK Ultra super soldier program, ran by Nazi doctors and scientists where he would be trained to become an "Ultra" and fight communists.

After years of grueling training that left most of the child subjects mentally unstable and some dead, John was one of the few to finish the program. Experiencing years of rigorous training involving electro shock experiments and live ammunition war games, John developed "superhuman abilities", augmented by implants, augmented bone and skin structures, and trained in martial arts, as well psychic warfare skills.

We discuss the spectrum of clandestine operations under CIA and Military Intelligence; the backgrounds and selection of "recruits"; the spiritual backdrop of Satanism, Luciferianism, and black magic; the hidden masters who sit behind the scenes, the "masters of puppets". We also delve into UFOs, MiLABS (military abductions), remote viewing; the current state of PUBLIC mind control via the media, electronics, and political manipulations.

Mike Presnell | Border Security & Narcotics Control | Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells | Dec. 3, 2016


Trevor Loudon - Feedback on the movie "The Enemies Within"

Trevor Loudon is a New Zealand author, speaker and political activist who maintains a blog at He is founder and editor of, a website which compiles dossiers on activists and political figures. Loudon is the author of two self-published books, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within and The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress. Loudon was also vice president of the ACT New Zealand Party from 2006 to 2008.

Mike Presnell - Update on the current state of our borders, drug cartels running rampant & human trafficking.

Border Narcotics Director, Mike Presnell was asked join the new Trump administration team advising on how to secure our borders.

Max Igan | PizzaGate - The Psyop Aspects - Watch The Misdirection | Dec. 2, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 275 - December 2nd, 2016.

Field of Vision | Project X


A top-secret handbook takes viewers on an undercover journey to Titanpointe, the site of a hidden partnership. Narrated by Rami Malek and Michelle Williams, and based on classified NSA documents, Project X reveals the inner workings of a windowless skyscraper in downtown Manhattan.

This film is the product of a joint reporting project between Field of Vision and The Intercept.

Directed by Laura Poitras and Henrik Moltke

Read an interview with the director here:

See more from Field of Vision here:

William Tompkins | Cosmic Top Secret Propulsion Documents Leaked! | Rense | Dec. 1, 2016

Source:, Book: Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries

Clip from November 30, 2016 - guest William Tompkins on the Jeff Rense Program.

UFO-ET Interstellar Spacecraft Propulsion Technology Disclosure
From William Mills Tompkins
A Rense World Exclusive

“We already have the means to travel among the stars but these technologies are locked up in Black Projects...and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” - Ben Rich, Former Director Of Lockheed Skunkworks shortly before his passing

“We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars."
- Ben Rich, Former Director Of Lockheed Skunkworks shortly before his passing

Ben Rich was asked how UFO propulsion functioned. His reply was remarkable. “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The man asking the question of Mr Rich said - “All points in time and space are connected?” Ben Rich then replied, “That’s how it works!”

For The First Time In History, You Can Read For Yourself These Stunning, Never Before Seen, Official Secret Scientific Documents And Papers From The Early 1950s Dealing With Design, Development And Physics KNOWLEDGE Behind Our Most Ultra Classified Technology.
Mr. Tompkins Worked At The Most Classified And Secret Levels Hidden Away In Secret Think Tanks At The Douglas Aircraft Company Which Would Eventually Be Known As McDonnell Douglas Missiles And Space

You Can Now Read In The Words Of The Scientists Themselves About The Research And Development Of What Seemed Like Science Fiction Advanced Propulsion Systems For Rockets And Space Vehicles ...Ultimately To Allow Them To Travel Faster Than The Speed Of Light. The Truth Of Our Most Brilliant Science, Its Origins And How These Propulsion Systems An Technology Came Into Existence, And Then Deployment, Are Being Disclosed By Mr. Tompkins In Order To Bring The World Into Conformity With Reality.

You Are To Read Key Parts Of The Story Of How Our Most Brilliant Science Achieved The Abilities That Ben Rich Mentioned In The Quotes Above. We Also Had 'Outside Help' In The Field Of Propulsion Physics As Mr. Rich Alluded To When He Also Reportedly Stated "There are 2 types of UFOs - the ones we build...and ones 'they' build. We have learned from both crash retrievals and actual hand-me-downs." He Is Also Quoted As Stating, "Anything You Can Imagine, We Already Know How To Do."

We Are Not Talking Just Of Interplanetary Travel But Of Inter-GALACTIC Travel. The Contributions And Revelations By Mr. Tompkins In His Book, 'Selected By Extraterrestrials', And In The Documents And Papers That Follow, Are Simply Staggering Reading...

An Essential Preface For These Historic Documents
Preface (pdf) 

Advanced Propulsion Systems Documents From Douglas Aircraft Company Above Top Secret Think Tank Santa Monica, CA - Circa 1955

Part 1 (pdf)
Part 2 (pdf)
Part 3 (pdf)
Part 4 (pdf)

More Coming Soon As The UFO ET Disclosure Continues...


William Tompkins - UFO-ET Ultra Secret Spaceship Propulsion Physics Documents From The 1950s Released! Hour 1

William Tompkins - UFO-ET Ultra Secret Spaceship Propulsion Physics Documents From The 1950s Released! Hour 2

William Tompkins - UFO-ET Ultra Secret Spaceship Propulsion Physics Documents From The 1950s Released! Hour 3

William Tompkins, Dr. Robert Wood Video Interview:

Dr. Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview | Disclosure: Secret Space Program, UFOs, Extraterrestrial Contact | November 2016

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 1, 2016


This may be the first case of a "you tell me" News and Views in quite a while, because rather than talking about President-elect Trump, or Pizzagate, or any of that, we're going to be talking about Antarctica and the VERY strange goings on there, this time, with former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin. -Joseph Farrell

‘Ailing’ Buzz Aldrin in Emergency Evacuation from South Pole
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Medically Evacuated From South Pole

Newsbud | Top News Today: Losing Your Rights in the Name of Fighting Terror | Dec. 1, 2016


In this episode Spiro covers some of the stories available on Newsbud’s Daily Picks. Obama expanding US war powers allowing special forces to team up with the CIA and operate outside of conventional war zones. Boston Police Dept. Spending over one million in tax dollars to surveil the public. The FBI gains new authority to hack any suspect in the world. And the US and UK pass resolutions to target what is being called Russian propaganda. All this and more in today’s coverage of Newsbud’s Daily Picks.
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