Duncan O'Finioan: "PostTrauma" | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | June 3, 2017

Source: OffPlanet Radio

Duncan O'Finioan joins Randy Maugans for an exclusive talk about the recent shooting incident at Center Point Healing Center. We then go into some deep topics including the recent media wars, the developments in spiritual warfare fronts; why the supernatural is now plagued with inter-dimensionals; the workings of magic and dimensional rift riding...never a dull moment. -radio.offplanetmedia.net

Brien Foerster | Ancient Cataclysm: Apocalyptic Egyptian Site In The Nile Delta | June 6, 2017

Source: hiddenincatours.com

Stan Deyo | Approaching the "Event Window" | Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells | June 4, 2017

Source: caravantomidnight.com, StanDeyo.com

This week on Ark Midnight, Joseph Meyer joins us for a quick discussion about the current financial situation in the world and how it affects us as citizens, as well as launching a joint CTM offer on his Financial News Letter, then Stan Deyo joins John B Wells on End Times issues that ranges from earth changes & gravity to strange and potentially dangerous solar activity, to identifying the Antichrist. You do not want to miss this opportunity to hear what this brilliant Believer has to say about the time we are coming into. -caravantomidnight.com

The Corbett Report | What We Didn't Learn At Bilderberg 2017 | June 5, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

What do we know about the secret, behind-closed-door globalist soiree that was Bilderberg 2017 in Chantilly, Virginia? Only what the Bilderbergers told us, and we know they're lying to us about who is in attendance so why should we trust them about anything? This year James breaks down what we were and weren't told about what was happening at Bilderberg, and what other globalist conferences might be worth keeping our eye on. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Bilderberg 2017 – Official Press Release
Bilderberg 2017 – Official Participants List
Skeltong Catches Latorre At Bilderberg
Mark Anderson interviewed by Press For Truth
Press For Truth YouTube channel
New York City mayor affirms city’s plan to carry out Paris climate agreement commitments
2017 Chicago Forum on Global Cities

Max Igan | Free Energy, Carbon Fibre Bones And Buildings From Landfill | June 2, 2017

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - June 2nd, 2017.

The Corbett Report | STUNNED SPEECHLESS: Watch State Department Spokesman Freeze After Question About Saudi Arabia | June 3, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

A journalist doing his job and actually asking an adversarial question is now officially such a shocking thing that State Department talking heads literally do not know how to respond to it. So this is what it looks like when a robot short circuits... -corbettreport.com

Dark Journalist | Secret Space Pirates: Corey’s Kids Inc. New Age Deep Staate | Part 3 | June 2, 2017

Source: DarkJournalist.com

Disclosure Marketing Campaign Reveals Occult Influences
In this exciting part 3 episode, Dark Journalist reveals the occult influences on huge marketing program for 'Disclosure' being engineered by Gaia TV Whistleblower Corey Goode and his business partner Roger Ramsaur, who it was revealed in part 2 has a long history of Satanic imagery in his background. Ramsaur and Goode have tried to suppress this information with threats of official action.

Note: Due to the important nature of this video and it’s many revelations, you may at your discretion download it and upload it to your channel with proper citation and share it with your viewers to make sure it is not censored.

Corey's Kids: The Secret Space Cadets
A major piece of the 3 year disclosure marketing plan devised by Corey Goode and Roger Ramsaur is the 'Corey's Kids' rollout. The plan which uses young Youtubers presented as Secret Space Program experts to help lure millennial and teen viewers into the Goode web of Blue Avian and Sphere Being Alliance merchandise like comic books, video games and SSP Gear stores. This trivialization of a major research topic in UFOlogy is something we've seen in these various initiatives. The hijacking of deep research into important themes and turn it into memes shows the profit motive involved in these activities. -DarkJournalist.com

Newsbud | Who Is Next on The US Chopping Block? Iran? or North Korea? | June 1 , 2017

Source: Newsbud.com

Newsbud's founder Sibel Edmonds is joined by members of the Newsbud team Professor Filip Kovacevic, Pye Ian and Spiro Skouras to examine the current US foreign policy strategy, and who is their next target. -Newsbud.com

Michel Chossudovsky | Counter-Propaganda: Toward A New Anti-war Movement | GRTV | June 1, 2017

Source: globalresearch.ca

In the face of economic and political crises and in the shadow of nuclear annihilation, the anti-war movement has evaporated. Now Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization is calling for a new movement of counter-propaganda and activism to delegitimise the lies that prop up the military-industrial complex. This is the Feature Interview on GRTV, with your host James Corbett and our special guest, Michel Chossudovsky. -globalresearch.ca

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 1, 2017

Source: gizadeathstar.com

In the wake of the terror attack in Manchester by alleged suicide bomber Salman Abedi, the Tories' fortunes are falling in the polls. And it may have strange connections to other geopolitics...

Article: Terror in Britain: What Did the Prime Minister Know?

Dr. Robert Schoch | Gobekli Tepe Special | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 31, 2017

Source: jimmychurchradio.com, robertschoch.com

Dr. Robert M. Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. (1983) in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University.

He also holds an M.S. and M.Phil. in Geology and Geophysics from Yale, as well as degrees in Anthropology (B.A.) and Geology (B.S.) from George Washington University. In 2014, Dr. Schoch was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria.

In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoch stunned the world with his revolutionary research that recast the date of the Great Sphinx of Egypt to a period thousands of years earlier than its standard attribution. In demonstrating that the leonine monument has been heavily eroded by water despite the fact that its location on the edge of the Sahara has endured hyper-arid climactic conditions for the past 5,000 years, Dr. Schoch revealed to the world that mankind’s history is greater and older than previously believed.

Dr. Schoch’s latest research, put forth in his newest book, Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future, points to the astronomical cause of the demise of antediluvian civilizations, as well as the scientific and archaeological evidence that supports his conclusions.

Interview start: 32:00 min.

Noam Chomsky | Climate Change, Nukes, Syria, WikiLeaks & More | Part 1-3 | May 30, 2017

Source: democracynow.org

In this Democracy Now! special, we spend the hour with the world-renowned linguist and political dissident Noam Chomsky. In a public conversation we had in April, we talked about climate change, nuclear weapons, North Korea, Iran, the war in Syria and the Trump administration’s threat to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and his new book, "Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power." -democracynow.org

Part 2

Part 3
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