Randy Maugans | Blue Avian Cult Dividing UFO Community | The Vinny Eastwood Show | June 21, 2017

Source: thevinnyeastwoodshow.com, offplanetradio.com

Randy Maugans www.offplanetradio.com is consumed by a media war with assholes in the UFO community. The alternative media is shredding itself over the “Full disclosure now” UFO cult, They’re attempting a “fakeover”, George Noory is stumbling off to stage left, David Wilcock needs a new act, Roger Ramsaur (reported by the Dark Journalist to be a satanist) is doing comic books and puppet shows, There’s a changing of the guard in the disclosure community! It was Randy’s viral post on Facebook that was leaked to the Corey Goode camp and discombobulated the entire universe. It also made Bill Ryan drag himself out of obscurity (after 4 years) to write an expose’ on the blue Avian alien cult & Corey Goode. “Corey’s kids” is a marketing gimmick designed to bring young people into the UFO disclosure movement, using pop culture media like comics, CGI & other tools such as “Disclosure backpacks” full of goodness knows what goodies. Even Jimmy Church is having a round table discussion on this topic, asking the question: “Is the UFO community infiltrated?!” -thevinnyeatwoodshow.com

New World Next Week | Russia and US in Shootdown Showdown Over Syria | June 22, 2017

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Saudi King Names Son New Crown Prince, Upending Royal Succession Line
NWNW Flashback: Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund For Post-Oil Era (Apr. 7, 2016)
The long-term cost of Saudi succession shake-up
PROFILE: New Saudi Interior Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef
Full text of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030

Story #2: World On Precipice As Russia Threatens To Shoot Down U.S. Jets, U.S. Refuses To Back Down
Russia is going to target any 'flying objects' over Syria where its air force is active
Can the U.S. Establish a ‘Deconfliction’ With Russia in Syria?

Story #3: CRISPR Gene Editing Can Cause Hundreds Of Unintended Mutations
CRISPR-induced mutations – what do they mean for food safety?
DNA Replication Has Been Filmed For The First Time, And It's Not What We Expected
Scripps Scientists Publish How They Made Bird Flu More Transmissible
Jennifer Lopez Set To Produce NBC Bio-Terror Drama ‘C.R.I.S.P.R.’
#GoodNewsNextWeek: You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Repair (Homeless Beekeeping, Right To Repair, Seed Destructor)

Brien Foerster | Exploring Ancient Native Cliff Dwellings Near Sedona Arizona | June 21, 2017

Source: hiddenincatours.com

John Lenard Walson & Jeff Rense |  Staggering Spaceship Photos - Ours? | June 20, 2017

Source: rense.com, John Lenard Walson youtube

Photos: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3

John Lenard Walson Youtube Channel

The Corbett Report | Censorship in the 21st Century | June 19, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

From search algorithm fine-tuning to social media shadow banning and filter bubble traps, this ain't your granddaddy censorship. Join James for this thought for the day as he explores censorship 21st century style and what we can do about it. -corbettreport.com

Catherine Austin Fitts | Breakaway Truth: A Tale of Two Civilizations | Dark Journalist | June 18, 2017

Source: darkjournalist.com, solari.com

The Deep Interview
In this exciting special episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine is the President of The Solari Report, a quarterly journal and website that integrates economic trends with a larger geopolitical picture.

Ascent of the Black Budget Underworld
Catherine sees the forces vying for power in the 21st century as a combination of Black Budget underworld with its covert influence in drug running, money laundering and high finance, and the robotic, transhumanist corporate culture that is attempting to create a new kind of digital slavery.

In either case, the public civilization is only vaguely aware of the impact of these forces on their daily lives. In everyday living in modern society, an average person doesn't often get the opportunity to see the massive plan being brought to bear for the global dominance of a worldwide smartgrid capable of cataloging every person according to its harvesting algorithm. -darkjournalist.com

Timothy Good | The Need to Know is Imperative | June 11, 2017

Source: timothygood.co.uk

A hand picked group of people who spent 40 years communicating with ET's (sometimes travelling inside their crafts)....revealing that the greatest threat to mankind is that of another species who does not have our best interest at heart.

Dr. August Dunning | Food: Weapon of MASS Destruction | June 18, 2017

Source: observatoryproject.com

The most important piece from Dr. August Dunning's presentation at the Frontier 2017 Conference.

Max Igan | Why We Are Seeing So Much Chaos in the World | June 16, 2017

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - June 16th, 2017.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | June 17, 2017

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

How are we to think our way out of the converging catastrophes we face when we are swimming in a toxic sea of contaminants which are verifiably reducing our cognitive abilities? Aluminum exposure is now wreaking havoc on the entire web of life: from bees, to whales, to us.

What is the core cause of Alzheimer's? A new science study has now given us a foundational conclusion regarding aluminum. Where is the majority of this heavy metal coming from? Look up. The extreme weather whiplash scenarios will continue to worsen rapidly from here on out, and even now, few understand the severity of what is unfolding.

On the terrorism front, what nation is training military personnel from around the world to foment murder and mayhem in their own countries? Is there any depth to the hypocrisy of this nation and its military? What will it take for the population of this nation to wake up and face the truth?

Clif High | Web Bot Predictions: Antarctica, Bitcoin, & Woo | Hour 1 | June 15, 2017

Source: thehighersidechatsplus.com, halfpasthuman.com

Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Web Bot predictions, Antarctica, Bitcoin, and the World of Woo with guest, Clif High.

With the powerful elite controlling almost every aspect of the entertainment & news media we consume, manipulating the mainstream, and carefully crafting the minds of our youth, it can take some serious off-roading in order to explore the more mysterious places on the proverbial conspiracy map.

Fortunately, today’s guest, Clif High, is an expert in navigating the unknown and he joins The Higherside to discuss his cutting edge technology known as the Web Bot Project. It’s a set of algorithms used to process variations in the language that can offer insight into the mood of the collective unconscious through “predictive linguistics.”

– UFO activity, the Secret Space Program, and the extent of our military’s knowledge and involvement
– the recent increase in UFO sightings and cryptids and how to interprets this activity
– the “woo woo” things that have Clif most intrigued
– the collapse of the system, the skills needed to stay ahead of the game, and what to expect
– Clif’s views on psychic ability and time
– cryptocurrency’s role in the future economy
– the Mandela Effect
– Clif’s take on a Trump impeachment, Washington pedophilia networks, cannibalism and life-extending blood transfusions
– types and classes of alien races
– free energy technologies of the deep state reaching the masses
– the recent censorship of conspiracy on the internet

New World Next Week | CNN #FakeNews Amanpour Challenged to Interview Aleppo Boy's Father | June 15, 2017

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Amanpour Challenged To Interview “Aleppo Boy” She Exploited For War Propaganda
MintPress Meets The Father Of Iconic Aleppo Boy, Who Says Media Lied About His Son
Wikipedia: Christiane Amanpour
Complete 9/11 Timeline: Christiane Amanpour
Wikipedia: James P. Rubin
Hillary Clinton Email Archive: Secretary Clinton's Interview With Christiane Amanpour

Story #2: Young People Hit Tokyo's Streets To Protest “Anti-Conspiracy Bill”
Update: Japan Enacts Broad Anti-Conspiracy Law
Expert Disputes Japan Government Claim That Conspiracy Bill Needed To Ratify U.N. Treaty Related To 2020 Olympics
Conspiracy Theory Becomes Frightening Reality For Japan

Story #3: "We're Not Monsters" - Ontario Township Defends Shuttering Girl's Lemonade Stand 🍋💰
6 Illicit Lemonade Stands Towns Had to Shut Down
NWNW Update: Chimpanzees Aren't People, Don't Have Right For Habeas Corpus
NWNW Update: Germany's Merkel Says Digital World Needs Global Rules
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