Catherine Austin Fitts | Exposes The Injection Fraud | June 5, 2020


Catherine Austin Fitts of interviews James Corbett about his new documentary, Who Is Bill Gates?

We go beyond the focus on Gates to discuss the syndicate that he is leading, the business model it relies on, and the new form of collateral that will underlie the digital economy: the human body.

Don’t miss this vital conversation that fills in the missing pieces of the puzzle and draws back the curtains on the real purpose of the injection fraud.

Who Is Bill Gates?
Episode 286 – Rockefeller Medicine
The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine
Biosecurity and Politics (Giorgio Agamben)
Deep State Tactics 101 with Catherine Austin Fitts (Part 1/6)

SGT Report | Peter A. Kirby | TOXIC SKIES: A New Manhattan Project | June 7, 2020


Journalist and author Peter A. Kirby joins me to discuss his new book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Get the book HERE: Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 4, 2020


Remember BREXIT? Well, a lot is been happening while Mr. Globaloney, Baal Gates, and Dr. Anthony Grouchy( rhymes with Fauci) have had the world distracted with the corona virus hysteria:

Article: A no-deal Brexit is now all but inevitable

Dark Journalist | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Medical Tyranny Big Pharma Bill Gates AI Immunity Passport Surveillance State! | May 30, 2020


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Deep Breakthrough Interview with Attorney, Children's Advocate and Best-Selling Author Robert F. Kennedy Jr.This is the Information You Need to Know Now!

Medical Tyranny Big Pharma AI Immunity Passport Surveillance State

Bill Gates
Anthony Fauci
Surveillance Tracking
Immunity Passport
Senator Robert Kennedy Sr.
Media Censorship
Paid Co-opted Journalists
Internet of Things
Big Pharma Profiteers

The Corbett Report | Fact Check: Bill Gates and the "God Gene" Vaccine | June 1, 2020


No, Bill Gates did not give a presentation to the CIA about a "God Gene" vaccine called FunVax. Spreading this easily debunkable nonsense will only undermine and discredit the real work people are doing to call attention to the troubling developments that we have seen in recent months.

Show Notes

S0 News | Two Solar Flares, Earthquake Watch, X-ray Beam in Space | May 30, 2020


Jon Rappoport | Creation of a False Epidemic, Part 6 | May 30, 2020


Dark Journalist | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Medical Tyranny Big Pharma Bill Gates AI Immunity Passport Surveillance State! | May 30, 2020


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Deep Breakthrough Interview with Lawyer and Best-Selling Author Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ! Information You Need to Know!

Medical Tyranny Big Pharma AI Immunity Passport Surveillance State

Bill Gates
Anthony Fauci
Surveillance Tracking
Immunity Passport
Senator Robert Kennedy Sr.
Media Censorship
Paid Co-opted Journalists
Internet of Things
Big Pharma Profiteers

A Brave Voice for Public Safety
For over three decades, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been one of the world’s leading environmental advocates. He is the founder and Chairman of the Board of the Children's Health Defense Fund!

S0 News | Big Solar Flare, Calling-Out NASA, Ozone Extinction | May 29, 2020


Anthony Peake | Anomalies of Reality and Consciousness Explained! | Part 2 | May 27, 2020


Consciousness researcher and esoteric “traveler” Anthony Peake joins us again for a part two discussion where we explore all matter of the underbelly of reality.

As one listener asked, “please, please, please” have Anthony explain just what the “Cheating the Ferryman” term means.

Well, in this episode he explains it VERY clearly. You’ll all want to hear how he breaks it down!

We also discuss, the “buzzing ear” phenomenon and his own experience with ear anomalies…where’s this all coming from and what does this all mean?

We’ll also touch on the concept of the Daemon not to be confused with “Demon." How do we reconcile the two? ...Anthony weighs in!

Bottom line, when Anthony Peake is going down the rabbit hole, there’s no turning back!

Be prepared to travel that “rabbit hole” with him, like never before!

Part 1:
Anthony Peake | Our Current Reality - Déjà vu: Have We Experienced THIS ALL Before? | April 22, 2020

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 27, 2020


Well maybe we're seeing part of the agenda behind the Fauci-Lieber-Baal Gates virus narrative? Is the US SPace Force teaming up with FASAB 56 for some long term agendas?

Article: Space Force seeks greater autonomy in report to Congress

Linda Moulton Howe | Jet and UFO Disaster Encounter | May 27, 2020


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