Linda Moulton Howe | A Alien Harvest


During this interview, we focused on a multitude of topics, including animal mutilations and "WHO", "WHAT", AND "WHY" of the phenomenon.  Linda concludes that there is evidence that links animal mutilations and human abduction to alien life forms.  In addition, Linda Moulton Howe discussed some of the challenges and threads she has endured throughout her multi-decade career as an independent journalist.  We also discussed some of her more important cases.  In addition, we discussed current world events, including Fukushima, chemtrails, and more.

Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television, radio, writing and reporting career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys, a national Emmy nomination and a Station Peabody award for medical programming. Linda's documentaries have included A Strange Harvest and Strange Harvests 1993, which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery. Another film, A Prairie Dawn, focused on astronaut training in Denver. She has also produced documentaries in Ethiopia and Mexico for UNICEF about child survival efforts and for Turner Broadcasting in Atlanta about environmental challenges.

In addition to television, Linda produces, reports and edits the award-winning science, environment and earth mysteries news website, In 2003, Earthfiles received an Award for Standard of Excellence presented by the Internet's WebAward Association. Earthfiles also received the 2001 Encyclopaedia Britannica Award for Journalistic Excellence. Linda also reports science, environment and earth mysteries news for Clear Channel's Premiere Radio Networks and In 2005, she traveled to Amsterdam, Hawaii, and several other U. S. conferences to speak about her investigative journalism.

In 2004, Linda was on-camera TV reporter for The History Channel's documentary investigation of an unusual August 2004 cow death in Farnam, Nebraska. In November 2009, Linda was videotaped in Roswell, New Mexico, to provide document research background for a 1940s American policy of denial in the interest of national security about spacecraft and non-human body retrievals for a 2010 History Channel TV series, Ancient Aliens.

In 2010, Linda was honored with the 2010 Courage In Journalism Award at the National Press Club in Washington, D. C., by the Paradigm Research Group’s X Conference. She has traveled in Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, England, Norway, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Australia, Japan, Canada, Mexico, the Yucatan and Puerto Rico for research and productions.
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Ian Crane | Depopulation Disasters, Fukushima, E. Coli & Stuxnet June 16, 2011


June 16, 2011–Geo-political researcher, public speaker and former oilfield executive, Ian Crane joins us to talk about questionable manmade disasters over the last 14 months. We begin recapping the BP oil spill in the Gulf and discuss the latest developments.

Ian tells us about Robert Calusa who he believes was placed on an oil rig intentionally on April 16, 2010 to help create the spill. He also tells us why and how he thinks the Gulf area has been turned into a laboratory and talks about the "behavioral health" payments issued from BP to residents of the Gulf area. We also discuss miscarriages of women in the Gulf, same as the dolphins and the status on oil-devouring microbes. Then, we talk about Fukushima.

Ian shares some ideas about why he thinks Japan was targeted. He links Fukushima to the largest E.coli breakout, resistant to penicillin, in Germany. It seems Germany has been keeping an eye on world events. They've also been the forefront resistance against the EU's plan to use GM crops. Now they're shutting down pre 1980 nuclear plants and winding down the nuclear program. Has biological warfare been released upon Germany?

Topics discussed: BP oil spill, recap Bob Kaluza, Ron Paul, money, Joplin Missouri, hurricanes, Corexit, dispersant, "behavior health payments", CDC warns about zombie apocalypse, radiation, bisphenol-A, Japan, kelp, GMO crops, E. Coli outbreak in Germany, nuclear meltdown, Stuxnet, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Fukushima, organic cucumbers, organic bean sprouts and more. ~Red Ice Creations
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Max Igan | Resistance Radio Interview, June 16, 2011

Source: Resistance Radio,

Michael Tellinger | Ancient Ruins & Annunaki, June 14, 2011

Source:, Michael Tellinger

June 14, 2011–Author and TV producer Michael Tellinger returned for a discussion about ancient ruins in Africa and their connection to the Annunaki, an ET civilization said to have come here thousands of years ago. There are around 10 million ancient stone circles in South Africa, which he suggested are connected to the Annunaki's presence on Earth. "I believe we have discovered the physical evidence of what Zecharia Sitchin has written about"-- that these structures were used for gold mining, instigated by the Annunaki, who created a slave race by genetically tinkering with indigenous proto-humans, he continued.

Based on aerial studies of the ruins, Tellinger has concluded that the civilization and mines were wiped out during the great flood written about in the Bible. He cited one ancient mine discovered by De Beers that is 22,000 ft. deep and appeared to have been constructed using laser-like technology. Tellinger believes an advanced technology using sound frequency, and sacred energy flow was employed in creating the various ancient structures.

Ground penetrating radar and other tests of the ruins have revealed numerous anomalies, he reported, such as electromagnetic waves inside the circles, and intense heat signatures. The Annunaki's mining of the gold may have included the monoatomic form (found in water). There's no question that the Annunaki ingested the gold, possibly in a white powder similar to what was called Manna from Heaven in the Bible, he added. For more, see a recap of Tellinger's 2010 Coast appearance.

Jeane Manning | Breakthrough Power, June 2011


Jeane Manning’s books are published in six languages. Her latest is the award-winning Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World, co-authored with Joel Garbon. Jeane co-authored Angels Don’t Play This HAARP with Dr. Nick Begich, and then resumed her main area of research – “free energy” and what it means for our everyday lives. Her first solo book, The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery Publishing, NY, 1996) was followed by The Granite Man and the Butterfly and other books.

How can we help liberate ‘free energy’ systems?

A small but fast-growing global network of brave innovators, heretical scientists and other researchers are trying to move new clean energy breakthroughs toward the marketplace. A variety of inventions could replace polluting technologies, but powerful interests have long prevented the big changes we need. Those interests are pleased to keep game-changing inventions outside the box of accepted solutions and sequestered by ridicule or silence. How can we, the people, help the energy pioneers? Is it the right time for clean-energy abundance to solve some major world and local problems?
~Spectrum Radio Network

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Christopher Dunn | The Hidden Chamber Behind Gantenbrink's Door & The Giza Power Plant, June 12, 2011


June 12, 2011–Christopher Dunn, originally from England was recruited by an aerospace manufacturing company from the United States. Over the past 49 years, Chris has worked at every level of high-tech manufacturing from machinist, toolmaker, programmer and operator of high-power industrial lasers, Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager.

Chris's pyramid odyssey began in 1977 after he read Peter Tompkins' book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. After further research and study of source material on various theories, Chris concluded that the Great Pyramid must have originally been built to provide a highly technical society with energy-in short, it was a very large machine.

Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case has taken the better part of twenty years of research and following the 1998 publication of Chris's book, "The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt" which describes a holistic energy device that is harmonically coupled with the Earth and its inhabitants.

Chris has published over a dozen magazine articles, two books and has had his research referenced in over a dozen books on Egypt. In this interview, Christopher Dunn will discuss the Great Pyramids' machine like features and will share his analytical and practical engineering perspective. He will also give us his opinion about Zahi Hawass' recent expeditions on TV and tell us what he hopes for next.

Topics discussed: the history of the Gantenbrink's door, shaft discoveries, Peter Tompkins, interpretation of the glyphs, engineering, the shafts from the Queen's chamber, the creation of pure hydrogen, the pyramid machine, Zahi Hawass, manual, stone, the Djedi project team, symbolism and much more. ~Red Ice Creations
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Grant Cameron talks about Spielberg, Reagan, and presidents on UFOs, June 13, 2011


Grant Cameron is the founder of and is the leading authority when it comes to UFOs and the Presidents (even though he is Canadian). One of the stories he has been following closely is Steven Spielberg’s relationships with the Presidents. We will talk about this and the late breaking news that Spielberg has confirmed that Ronald Reagan made a comment after watching the movie ET: The Extra-Terrestrial, that “everything on that screen is absolutely true.” Spielberg thinks he was joking, but admits he is a “Ufologist”.

This is a Preview: Linda Moulton Howe on Veritas | An Alien Harvest


This is a preview to the VERITAS interview with Linda Moulton Howe.

UFO June 2011 Pennsylvania, Multiple Crafts Descend into Woods

Source: seeingUFOsPA

Pine Bush, NY and 80+ other places have this same kind - been around for decades apparently (see This type morphs shape from small fireball or plasma-type orange, amber, golden, white, green, etc., SPHERES or ORBS.

Though not seen unless you have night vision binoculars/scope, they avoid detection and come down closer to ground level appearing as a METEOR or float down invisible to bare eyes then GO BRIGHT or BLINK suddenly appearing in the sky. Must be some sort of travel container or traveling porthole perhaps.

SOMETIMES they change shape from this sphere. The end shaped crafts after they somehow transform or shape-shift is typically TRIANGLE, square, diamond, rectangle, oblong, oval or a combination-- sometimes looking like upside-down pyramid -- SOMETIMES have a TAIL-section trying to mimic our airplanes or helicopters (holograms?) with or without lights that are steady, ANY color of lights, flashing or not, shape changes WHILE FLYING which accounts for multiple witnesses describing different details on the same craft.

THEY USUALLY FLY REALLY SLOW and STAY SMALL. The combination of this gives FALSE ILLUSION of being bigger, higher, faster flying man-made craft. Usually silent, they CAN sometimes produce a FALSE MIMIC SOUND. They have yet to show on radar reports obtained from the FAA-- even as a "hit". Perhaps portable radar like that used in Hessdalen, Norway UFO project might detect them as I believe this type to be the same technology. Just like their study, I am trying to obtain a usable spectrum of their light they produce to try to determine their fuel source that produces it.

Their technology is FAR FAR beyond ours. I cannot imagine what living being could be inside something that can expand/contract in size to such varying degrees, that that undergoes such high energy bursts and transformations. It makes us wonder, though, if the creators of the "Transformers" movie is based upon this group of visitors to Earth. What they like in certain areas is uncertain, although mining, communications, and power production areas seem to be attractants as well as highways. So far, all they do is fly around for 2-3 hours then shrink back down and move mostly west, I assume, to stay in darkness with the Earth's rotation, since most activity is during the evening hours after dusk. Sometimes a couple hours before dawn they do the same -- always shrinking back down into spheres/orbs and shooting back up into the sky the same way they came down.

Don Schmitt, Tom Carey | Investigating Roswell, June 12, 2011


Guest host Rob Simone welcomed experts in the Roswell UFO crash, Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, who discussed why the recent explanations of the Roswell crash ignore decades of evidence, played clips from key witnesses to the infamous event, and provided an update on their excavations of the crash site. Responding to Annie Jacobsen's book, Area 51, which alleges that the Roswell crash was the result of an attempt by the Soviets to cause mass panic in the United States, Schmitt declared that, based on his research, this claim has "no truth whatsoever." To that end, he surmised that Jacobson's source was merely "someone who tossed out a tall tale." Additionally, Carey was bemused by the relative ease with which Jacobson "solved" the Roswell case. "Don and I kind of chuckle when we see people who think they can go out to Roswell and solve the case in a weekend," he said, noting that the pair have spent decades investigating the event.

Over the course of the evening, Schmitt and Carey played a number of audio clips from interviews with either witnesses to the Roswell crash or family members of those witnesses, who had confided details of event to them. One particularly chilling clip featured the granddaughter of a local sheriff who had been threatened into silence. The woman recalled being told that her grandfather had gone out to the crash site and saw not only debris, but also alien bodies. Following the event, she said, military police told her grandparents that, if they "talked about it in any way," the entire family would be killed. This extreme attempt to maintain silence, Schmitt observed, reflected the government's perspective that "the biggest dilemma happened to be the civilians involved," since military personnel could be kept quiet via orders from their superiors.

Providing an update on their ongoing attempts to excavate the area of the alleged UFO crash, Carey recalled some of the details surrounding their 2002 dig. He explained that the hope had been to uncover some rodent burrows where the creatures may have taken some of the debris into their nests. While this experiment proved fruitless, he conceded that they'd only managed to dig in about 10% of the crash site and did "find evidence of a gouge," likely from the 1947 event. He also revealed that they have plans for a second dig which will focus on outlying areas, where the wind may have swept debris. "Yes, it's a needle in a haystack," he mused, "but it's work that has to be done and we intend to do it."

George Langworthy | Vanishing of the Bees, June 12, 2011


Filmmaker George Langworthy talked about his new documentary, Vanishing of the Bees. Based on the attributes of colony collapse disorder, he pointed to pesticides as the most likely cause of the ongoing bee epidemic, rather than other suspects such as cell phones, chemtrails, or mites. He explained that these "sub-lethal" pesticides are designed to disorient and undermine the overall health of insects rather than outright killing them, which would explain some of the more mysterious aspects of the epidemic such as mass disappearances of the bees. Ultimately, Langworthy said that one of the key goals of the film is to raise awareness to this growing problem and encourage people to cease using these potentially dangerous pesticides which he believes have not been fully investigated by the EPA.

Report from Bilderberg 2011


Chad Buchanan of submits this video report from the site of this year's Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Earth Shifting Round Table


This is a 2 Show Split Chris Geo with his Twin Flame Sheree and Shepard Ambellas in the First Half then Bob Tuskin and Scott Owen "BUG" in the second half, these 2 shows are all about how the Mother Earth is Changing.

USAF General says UFO-USAF battled twice in Vietnam - Media Cover-Up


When a USAF General says UFOs battled USAF fighters in Vietnam on two occasions, and major media is present but refuses to report it, that is a cover-up. Why would the media do that? Did someone order them to not report it? ~Kevin Smith

Max Igan | Escaping the Matrix, June 10, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 06/10/11

Clif High | Red Skies, June 10, 2011


If even a fraction of the global human population is latently psychic, then there is the possibility that an anomalous, systematic collective human mental power may be potentially suggesting (whether they know it or not) events that may occur in the future. Even a small fraction of psychic individuals constitutes a large number of people on the planet today.

If even a small percentage of the global population (now @ 7 Billion Human Beings) is even subconsciously suggesting in random conversations across the internet the potentiality of future events, then an enormous data set of emotionally-laden, suggestive language, is being created every second of every day as human beings converse with each other.

How often have you had a thought, then had a confirmation almost directly afterwards? Eg:  You think of a friend, and immediately that friend texts you, or calls you.  Or, you have a sense of an event occurring, just to have it happen immediately afterwards.  You are not alone when these events ARE happening, and those events may have more meaning than you know.

These synchronicities, although unexplainable to Western Scientists before the advent of Quantum Mechanics, were often played off as "coincidence" or "chance"...but, the reoccurring nature of these events all across humanity suggest otherwise.  Remember, just because our Western Science cannot explain it, does not mean it does not exist. Therefore, human beings, even if only a small portion and even if only by an unknown latent ability, may be inherently psychic, and that many of them, in concert, could potentially be forecasting events (great and small) that would be intrinsically tied to every human being.

The Web Bot is an internet prophetic computer program that predicts or forecasts future events on a global scale. It is actually the Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Report, commonly known as The Web Bot. The Web Bot is the brainchild of Clif High, a reclusive genius with a strong background on linguistics and human behavioral studies. Clif High has a patent on computer-assisted reading technology which allows reading from computer screens at up to 2000 words per minute. Reaching into other areas of hidden potential within language use by humans, he has been developing a system of software internet agents (like search engines use) and other proprietary processing methods to predict future events. The software project, begun in 1997, captures near-real-time changes in language patterns within internet discussions. Then, employing radical linguistic techniques of his own devising, he develops a model which anticipate! s future events with some seeming accuracy. The processing has, at its core, a method of assigning emotional values to complex content and time carry-values to predict changes in future behavior based on how people are using language now.

Since June 2001 when the work projected a major 'tipping point', that is a 'life-changing event' with aspects of 'military and accident' that would forever change the way we live to occur inside 90 days, the web bot project has continued to give archetype descriptors of future events such as the anthrax attack in Washington, the crash of American 587, the Columbia disaster, the Northeast Power outage, the Banda Aceh earthquake and most recently the flooding of the Red River. As a continuing project, reports are offered from the extracted archetype information at his web site,

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Mehran Keshe | Iran's Flying Saucer & Plasma Reactor Technology


June 9, 2011–Mehran Keshe, originally from Iran, joins us from Belgium to discuss his development of plasma reactor technology and Iran's flying saucer. The technology Mehran has developed has multiple applications, such as space flight, anti-gravity, energy-generating and medical.

He is the author of "The Universal Order of Creation of Matters" and "The Structure of the Light". He formed the "International Space Institute" with the assertion that commercial space flight will be made available to the general public in the near future. This includes a "Moon trip program", currently scheduled for 2016-2017 and eventually travels to Mars.

Iran as the first government in the world has showed interest in Mehran's technology and we discuss the initiation and current status of Iran's flying saucer project. In 2005 Keshe filed two patents with the European Patent Office for a "Micro plasma reactor" and a "Gravitational and energy system". Mehran Keshe was born In Iran in 1958, he is the son to an X-ray engineer, he moved to Europe in the mid-seventies for further education in the field of nuclear physics.

In 81 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specialized in reactor technology system control. Since 2002 he has concentrated his effort to finish the full design of his technology for launch into the scientific world and industry. He also claims that at the end of 2005 and beginning of 2006 several static plasma reactors have been built.

Since the beginning of 2006 several prototypes of dynamic reactors have been built, some specifically designed to create hovering effects. Topics discussed: magnetic fields, Plasma, the beginning of the technology development, radiation, plasma magnetic field, weapon technology, Iran's flying saucer and more. ~Red Ice Creations
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Joseph McMoneagle | Remote Viewing & UFOs, June 6, 2011


Joseph McMoneagle was involved in Remote Viewing experiments conducted by U.S. Army Intelligence and the Stanford Research Institute. He was one of the original officers recruited for the top-secret program now known as the Stargate Project.

Along with Ingo Swann, McMoneagle is best known for the investigation of Remote Viewing and the use of paranormal abilities for military intelligence gathering. He also feels that it is one of the few tools available that might tell us something specific about our future interactions with Extra-Terrestrials, or the impact such contact might have within our sciences and society.

Interview start 0:27:50 min.

Clif High - Veritas - Preview to June 10, 2011 Episode


This is a preview to Clif High's latest appearance on Veritas with Mel Fabregas.

Huge Solar Eruption! M2.5 solar flare, June 7, 2011


SDO observed an enormous prominence this morning associated with an M2.5 solar flare that peaked at 6:41 UT. This is a very large explosion of cool gas on the Sun. It is somewhat unique that there seems to be even cooler material at temperatures less than 80,000K at many places this eruption (Thanks Harry Warren for noticing this!) - as seen by the darker regions in front that absorb the other enhanced emissions formed behind the dark regions in this channel. Material from this region looks as though it mostly falls back to the solar surface covering an area of almost half of the solar surface!

Carlos Clemente | UFO sightings in Lake Erie, Ohio, USA

Source: tercermilenio youtube

Carlos Clemente presents the latest information on UFO sightings in the vicinity of Lake Erie in Ohio, USA.

Freeman Fly | Free Your Mind Conference 2011


Freeman Fly's presentation at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia, PA on April 10, 2011.

Clif High on TMRN, June 4, 2011


James Corbett | Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions


Transcript & Sources

John Anthony Hill | 7/7 Ripple Effect, The Arrest, Trial & Verdict


June 5, 2011–
John Anthony Hill, also known as Muad'Dib is the producer of the film "7/7 Ripple Effect". The film disputes the official account of the July 7, 2005 London bombings (also known as 7/7), a terrorist attack on public transport in Central London, by four suicide bombers later named as Hasib Hussain, Germaine Lindsay, Shehzad Tanweer, and Mohammad Sidique Khan. The film was first released on the Internet on November 5, 2007, two years after the attacks. Physical copies were also sent to many of the people connected with the attacks. The film implicates the Metropolitan Police and Tony Blair, and claims that the true perpetrators of the attacks were MI5 and/or Mossad, who tricked the four men into travelling to London with rucksacks, in order to provide CCTV footage later to be used as evidence in the investigation of the attacks.

It alleges that the four bombers were actually murdered in Canary Wharf, and did not die as suicide bombers in the explosions on the three tube trains and one bus where the attacks took place. John Anthony Hill was arrested in Ireland for the "crime" of sending DVD's of the film to the judge and jury of the first trial of three men: Waheed Ali, 25, Sadeer Saleem, 28, and Mohammed Shakil, 32, who were being tried at Kingston Crown Court, England. Muad'Dib was accused of "attempting to pervert the course of justice", when he sent copies of it to those in charge of delivering a verdict.

In this interview, John Anthony Hill will discuss his film, the theories behind the attacks, his arrest and court case. He'll also convey his next plan to challenge the court system.

Topics discussed: 7/7 London bombings, presumption of innocence, amicus curiae, Stone of scone, stone of destiny, BBC propaganda machine, legalese, pervert, influence, the judge, the jury, challenge to jurisdiction of sovereignty, lawful, legal, Gods law, the court and more.~Red Ice Creations
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Jay Weidner | Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick


Tonight's interview discusses Jay Weidner's latest film - Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick. It is a provocative and insightful film and the first in a series of documentaries that will reveal the secret knowledge embedded in the work of the greatest filmmaker of all time: Stanley Kubrick.

This famed movie director who made films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut, placed symbols and hidden anecdotes into his films that tell a far different story than the films appeared to be saying. In Kubrick's Odyssey, Part I, Kubrick and Apollo, author and filmmaker, Jay Weidner presents compelling evidence of how Stanley Kubrick directed the Apollo moon landings.

He reveals that the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey was not only a retelling of Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick's novel, but also a research and development project that assisted Kubrick in the! creation of the Apollo moon footage. In light of this revelation, Weidner also explores Kubrick's film, The Shining and shows that this film is, in actuality, the story of Kubrick's personal travails as he secretly worked on the Apollo footage for NASA.

Called by Wired Magazine an erudite conspiracy hunter , Jay Weidner is a renowned author and filmmaker. He is the director of the recently released documentary film, Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the Films of Stanley Kubrick, as well as Infinity: The Ultimate Trip and many more. In addition, he is the producer of the documentary films, 2012 The Odyssey, and its sequel, Timewave 2013.

Jay has been featured in the History Channel s documentaries, The Lost Book of Nostradamus, and Nostradamus 2012, for which he was associate producer. He was also featured in Tru Tv's, Conspiracy Theory, hosted by Jesse Ventura. Jay Weidner is an author and filmmaker.

From 1991 to 1995, Jay was the Public Affairs Director at KCMU-FM in Seattle. He also produced and hosted the weekly radio show Mind Over Matters. Jay has written articles for many periodicals and journals over the years. In 1996 and 1997, Jay produced and hosted the Awakening to Gaia conferences in Boulder, Colorado. These two conferences were designed to bring together many of the diverse scholars, authors and teachers interested in examining alternative historical and scientific theories.

In 1997, Jay created and produced the alternative esoteric video catalogue named Explorations. From 1998 to 2000, Jay was the Video Development Director for Conscious Wave Productions in Boulder, Colorado. He also produced, wrote and directed the nationally viewed documentary for Conscious Wave titled, Earth Under Fire with Dr. Paul LaViolette. Since the year 2000, Jay has been the president of Sacred Mysteries Productions, a video production and distribution company. He is currently in production on a feature film called Secret Landscapes.

Max Igan | Shadow Talk and a chat with Ben Stewart, June 3, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 06/03/11

Dr. Leonard Horowitz | E. Coli Outbreak, June 2, 2011


Dr. Len Horowitz commented on the deadly outbreak of E. coli hitting Europe, which he thinks will also come to the U.S. The kidney complications and hemorrhagic nature of this new strain of E. coli is suspicious-- it looks like a lab-created mutation, similar to how Ebola works, he stated. This seems to smack of the globalists' depopulation agenda, he continued, adding that previous military experiments have used E. coli spraying as a weapon.

He suspects that rogue agents intentionally sprayed vegetables with the E. coli strain. Ideally, people should grow their own produce, he suggested, though vegetables can also be cleansed in an acid bath. He also recommended taking OxySilver to protect the immune system (related products at the Healthy World Store). Horowitz, who will speaking this weekend at Conspiracy Con in Santa Clara, CA, lamented that the conspiracy movement has been infiltrated by Satanists.

Scott Stevens | Weather Modification, HAARP, and Weather Wars, June 2, 2011


June 2, 2011–Scott Stevens is an award winning television weatherman who, a decade ago, began investigating the claims of Lt. Col Tom Bearden that North America was being subjected to full time weather modification.

During the course of that personal investigation he was the first to discover the primary reason for the now global chemtrail phenomena.

 During Scott’s two decade television career he worked in Topeka Kansas, Omaha Nebraska, Tulsa Oklahoma, Albany New York and Pocatello Idaho.

He is a principle with Blue Water Alchemy in the global project to bring about a shift of the human consciousness in concert with events surrounding 2012.

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James Corbett on Trans Resister Radio, June 2, 2011


In this show James Corbett speaks with Aaron Franz about new media, technological Singularity, and the state of the world in which we live. His website,, is an "open source intelligence news" site. It is set up to spread valuable information that people will not always find in mainstream media outlets. Be sure to watch his excellent videos, which are set up in the style of a news television show. Topics covered on this show include: Fukushima, new media, open source intelligence, technology, Singularity, Ray Kurzweil, human enhancement, elite, media, propaganda, Pentagon, robotics, TSA, police state, news, research, global agenda, Brave New World, culture, eugenics, ruling class, drawing the line, and more.

James Corbett is an independent journalist who has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He has been writing and producing The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007. His forthcoming book, Reportage: Essays on the New World Order, will be available for purchase in early 2011. James is the guest on this episode of Trans Resister Radio.

David Warner Mathisen | The Hydroplate Theory, Cataclysmic Global Flood & Precession of the Equinoxes


May 31, 2011–David Warner Mathisen is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. He later earned a Masters in English Literature from Texas A & M University and taught in the English Department at West Point. It was a trip to New Zealand that inspired his examination of the evidence for ancient contact between the continents prior to the timeline offered by conventional historians.

David’s book "The Mathisen Corollary" offers new perspective on the alternative theory of mankind's ancient past, examining the clues from ancient myths, from the geological evidence on our planet's surface, and from the archaeological evidence from Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, and Teotihuacan, among other sites. It provides new evidence in support of the theories of a cataclysmic global flood, using both mythology and archaeology in addition to geology. It includes a detailed explanation of important celestial phenomena, particularly the precession of the equinoxes, and a refutation of the conventional theories of plate tectonics and Darwinian evolution.

He joins us to discuss the evidence for a lost ancient civilization and a global flood, both from a geological and mythological perspective. We discuss the hydroplate theory of Dr. Walt Brown and how the phenomena known as the precession of the equinoxes first began.

Topics Discussed: Uniformitarianism, the Grand Canyon, Hydroplate Theory of Dr Walt Brown, Darwin, catastrophe, plate tectonic theory, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Kashmir valley, Kaibab Plateau, Himalayans, centripetal force, crustal displacement theory, continental displacement, precession, underwater monuments, the mechanics of precession, heliacal rising, 23.5 axis, Valhalla, Ragnarök, Set, Horus, pyramid texts, Yggdrasil, Epic of Gilgamesh, chopping down the tree, Hipparchus and more. ~Red Ice Creations

William Henry on Coast to Coast Am, May 30, 2011


Investigative mythologist William Henry talked about his new DVD project, The Anointed, which explores secrets of the anointing oil of the ancient sages. This oil reportedly could transform humans into super-beings, he noted, and the Archangel Michael was said to have rubbed it on Enoch who then exhibited glowing rays. Henry also touched on the discovery of hieroglyphic markings in the secret chamber of the Great Pyramid (see article below). He suggested that this small chamber may have been built for the passage of the soul, rather than the storing of bodies.

H. Michael Sweeney | ELF - Mind Control & Chemtrails, May 27, 2011


H. Michael Sweeney is an author, publisher, and consultant who specializes in crimes of the intelligence community and personal privacy and security. Best known for his non fiction Professional Paranoid series of books on these topics. Mr. Sweeney offers a suite of consulting services to persons who feel they are being targeted by persons or groups in ways which are beyond their ability to defend against. Services range from free advice to for-fee ongoing consultations, to outright interventions.

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell on TMRN, May 28, 2011


TMRN interviews Dr. Joseph P. Farell, May 28, 2011.

Michael Tellinger | The Lost City Of Enki & The Left Brain Prison, May 25, 2011


May 25, 2011–Michael Tellinger joins us once again to discuss his latest US tour, comment on the The Lost City Of Enki and The Left Brain Prison.

Please note: We are broadcasting from a mobile studio and experienced some technical difficulties in the feed. We should be settled into a new permanent studio in the next couple of weeks.
~Truth Frequency Radio

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Jay Weidner - Veritas - Preview to June 3, 2011 Episode


This is a preview to a Veritas episode to air on June 3, 2011. The show is full of bombshells.

Adrian Salbuchi on TNSRADIO May 27, 2011


Adrian Salbuchi is a researcher, author, lecturer, and international business consultant, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Adrian specializes in the analysis of power structures, political, economic and financial globalization. He is the host of the Buenos Aires, Argentina talk-show “El Traductor Radial” and founder of the Argentine Second Republic Movement. He is the author of many books on geopolitics, international and other topics, and include: “The World’s Mastermind: the Hidden Face of Globalization”) and Welcome to the Jungle: Domain and Survival in the New World Order.

"Friend-Ship" A True Tale Of Repeated Alien Contact by Multiple Witnesses

An extraordinary Italian case of alien contact with humans, kept secret for half a century, has finally come to light.

In Pescara, in 50'/70's, a group of extraterrestrials contacted directly an unsuspected number of people. The project was called Friendship. The humans were carried on their bases, even on board of UFOs. Almost all of the involved people belong to Italian high society. Among them, the famous consul Alberto Perego.
The witnesses of such incredible experience are finally determined to speak. The exclusive footage and photos that they collected are simply amazing.
Friendship: a case that will change your mind about the interaction between men and extraterrestrials.

Visit for further details.

Max Igan | Embracing The Shadow, May 27, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 05/27/11

William Bramley | Gods of Eden, Alien Colonization & Eradication of Humanity, May 26, 2011


May 26, 2011–William Bramley began his writing career at age twenty-six when he began the research that would culminate into his first book The Gods of Eden.

His second book is called Jesus Goes to Hollywood: The Alternative Theories About Christ. In this interview William begins talking about the connection between war and apocalyptic religions, tools to create disunity and gain control. Then, we get into the subject of ETs. Does our planet belong to them?

Bill will discuss alien abductees, David Jacobs and ETs understanding of the soul. He'll also talk about making contact and various groups who claim interaction with specific beings. Next, Bill questions if we're heading for a"wipe out" and shares his research on current trends connecting the human food supply, famine and plaques. It is also possible that humans are slowly being eradicated on the planet. We'll talk more about David Jacobs' research that claims hybrids are integrating into society and slowly taking over. We end the first hour talking about solving humanity's major problems. The answers are simple.

Topics discussed: who profits, extra terrestrial entities, Ezekiel, apocalyptic belief, new religion, Tower of Babel, The Book of the Damned, Charles Fort, custodians of Earth, Enoch, reincarnation, Popul Vuh, spiritual abduction, the elite, Jehovah, historical divisions, royals, the reptilians, the grey-aliens, GMO's, human food supply and more. ~Red Ice Creations

David Icke | The London-Rome Beltane Ritual 2011


David highlights the importance of Rome and London to the global conspiracy and their Satanic ritual connection when he visited Rome on the recent Beltane weekend in which the Royal Wedding in London on April 29th was followed two days later by a major ritual in St Peter's Square related to Pope John Paul II on the key Beltane date of May 1st.

A coincidence? Not a chance.

A 90-minute documentary shot in Rome by Neil Hague and produced by Jay4louise.

Michael Tellinger | Slave Species, Ancient Technology, and Contributionism


During this episode Michael Tellinger discusses the truth about the origins of humankind, and how the knowledge left by the ancient ones can be used to save the future of our world. Scholars have told us that the first civilization on earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. New archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, and a team of leading scientists, show that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold. Were we the salves mining that gold, and has the gold mine been transformed into the 9-5 matrix?

Michael Tellinger is an author, scientist, explorer, musician, and actor. A true Renaissance man or 21st century Leonard da Vinci. Michael describes himself as a "closet scientist" and "serial entrepreneur" with a passion for the cosmos and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Michael graduated from Wits University in 1983 with a degree in Pharmacy. He worked for Cannon Films in Los Angeles as a sound designer and editor; and has written and recorded a multitude of musical projects. His latest contribution to the arts is "Side By Side With Angels," for the TSUNAMI disaster fund, which features leading South African artists.

As a writer in advertising he received a Clio award in New York and had his own weekly show on Cape Talk radio. Michael become a real-life Indiana Jones, making groundbreaking discoveries about ancient vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa. His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books. He has become one of South Africa’s bestselling export authors. His regular articles on human origins and his books have been praised by readers in over 20 countries He is the author of Adam’s Calendar, Slave Species of God, and his latest: Temples Of The African Gods.

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Dr. Jan Bravo and Dr. Ted Loder: Disclosure 10 years later Part 2, May 27, 2011


On this week's World Puja presentation "Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer", Dr. Loder and Dr. Bravo will continue their discussion about the Disclosure Project. The historic National Press Club conference by The Disclosure Project in 2001 impacted individuals the world over. Since that event, many countries have declassified information bolstering Disclosure. Dr. Loder and Dr. Bravo will jump ahead in time to discuss what they feel will happen once Disclosure has been accepted and openly discussed by the world's leaders and media. They will review such areas as transportation, energy production, communications, medical issues, and perhaps speculate on human consciousness. There will be no going back to the "way we were", and that will be a very good thing.

Richard C. Hoagland | Moon, Spacecraft, NASA, The Pope, May 25, 2011


Richard C. Hoagland talked about what was behind JFK's now 50-year old mandate for the US to go to the moon. He also reported that it's soon to be announced that the moon has as much water inside it as the Earth has in its oceans. Further, he suggested that Comet Elenin, may be some kind of ship coming into our solar system "on a hyperbolic trajectory in the plane of the planets...timed to arrive this fall."

Mary Tocco | The Danger of Vaccines, May 24, 2011


May 24, 2011–Mary Tocco is one of the most tireless advocates of childhood vaccine awareness. She has almost 30 years of research experience and has joined forces with her daughter, Dr. Renee, who is a licensed chiropractor and founder of Hope for Autism.

Mary Tocco has been in the health care field for over 29 years and spent 23 years (1981 - 2003) managing and promoting a chiropractic clinic in Michigan. She is currently on the board of the American Chiropractic Autism Board, (ACAB) and is helping to manage Hope For Autism, (HFA) BioNutritional Training for Chiropractors. She orginizes conferences for HFA. Dr. Renee Tocco (her daughter) is a Defeat Autism NOW! Physician and the founder of ACAB and HFA. She is also a physician practicing in Mt. Pleasant, SC with a focus on autism recovery. Mary has attended numerous Chiropractic seminars as well as Vaccine and Autism conferences around the country. She began to intensely investigate childhood vaccines over 29 years ago, spending thousands of hours collecting and organizing the information. She and her daughter, Dr. Renee, have solid solutions for the sick children of this country.

Mary Tocco is on the Board of Directors for WAVE, World Association for Vaccine Education, is the Director of Vaccine Research and Education for Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines is also affiliated with Mothering Magazine as a member of Ask the Experts. She speaks around the US and Canada and does radio interviews often. She is on a passionate mission to reach the parents with the truth about vaccine toxicity and injury. She and her daughter, Dr. Renee Tocco, DAN! Physician and HFA founder, formed the American Chiropractic Autism Board and sponsor the Hope for Autism Training conferences on BioNutritional Care for children suffering with ASD's. Their goal is to train chiropractors across the country to care for children affected with autism and other related illnesses.
Mary's Website:

download mp3

Charles Schults | 'Fossils' on Mars, May 23, 2011

Source:, Charles Schults

May 23, 2011–Aerospace and defense systems developer Charles Shults shared an update on his research into the 'fossils' on Mars (related TV news report). The Curiosity rover, to be launched later this year to Mars, was to carry James Cameron's full color, stereo camera, but that plan was scrapped due to imaging problems, he reported.

News segment guests: Larry Connors, Mitch Battros

Max Igan | Bob Tuskin Show Interview May 22, 2011


Jacque Fresco-Decisions-May 15, 2011+Update



James Corbett | The Last Word on Osama Bin Laden, May 24, 2011


Transcript and Sources:

..But after finally waking from the 10 year nightmare of the Osama Bin Laden fable, are the public willing to go straight back to sleep? Or are they going to start questioning the official narratives that are cemented into place in the wake of every large-scale event, narratives that always support more government intrusion in our lives, expanded wars of aggression around the globe and an ever-expanding police state?...
James Corbett

Michael J. Murphy at the FreeTruth Show, May 23, 2011


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