Max Igan | ‪Mind Control and Our Descent into Fascism‬, March 30, 2012


 Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - March 30, 2012

Whitley Strieber | The Communion Enigma, OffPlanet Radio, March 28, 2012

Aliens and dead people...hybrids and human-like dimension trippers...implants that move to avoid extraction...the strange world of Whitley Strieber...a terror wrapped within a wonder: the enigma.

March 28, 2012–Whitley Strieber's latest  non-fiction work, "Solving The Communion Enigma" brings his post-communion experiences and observations into a tighter focus and wider perspective. The "enigma" deals with the paranormal events that are woven into the present reality...the lifting, so to speak, of a veil between worlds, dimnensions, and time lines. It is very much a spiritual journey with some very bizzare side effects.

Whitley, as always, is expansive in spinning the stories that inform the paranormal experience from a deep personal persepctive. He recalls of his own youth spent in a dark government pilot program for intelligent children; the connections to the military from Randolph Air Base to Roswell to Wright-Patterson ...the connecting points between childhood trauma and later encounters with non-human entities with extreme invasions into the body and mind of the subjects.

This conversation reframes the entire spectrum of the paranormal into a marvelous sense of wonder...the sense that humanity is being stretched, pushed, and pulled to evolve beyond our present concepts, outside of our traditional models, and forward towards something that he defines as "divine".

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New World Next Week | Trayvon Tragedy, Supreme Court v. Obamacare, World Banksters, March 29, 2012

Story #1: Trayvon Tragedy Exploited for Social Engineering, Class Warfare
Related: Trayvon, Kony Demonstrate Impotence of Misguided American Rage
Related: Ron Paul Mocks Rivals Over Distractions  

Story #2: Obamacare Reaches Supreme Court, Appears Doomed
Related: High Court Throws Out Human Gene Patents
Background: Nullifying Our Way Out  

Story #3: World Bank Nominee Kim Tied to Gates, Soros
Related: Soros Criminal Conviction Exposes 'Human Rights' Scam
Background: Meet George Soros

Dolores Cannon on TMRN, March 30, 2012


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Information Machine Website Promo Intro

Source: Information Machine

Just finished the first Website Promo Intro for Information Machine. Special thanks to all regular visitors & friends. You keep me up sorting out the best for you.

Information Machine provides you with the latest radio & video Interviews, reports on Alternative News  New Science | Geopolitics | World Events | Extraterrestrial Contact | Paranormal

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The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider, March 29, 2012

Phil Schneider died in 1996. Previous to his death he had been on tour across the United States speaking out about various subjects including his involvement with building a secret underground base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military. During this time, he said to have had an encounter with a violent E.T race in the late 1970's which would change his whole world reality immediately after. This documentary explores some of the information Phil Schneider spoke about to the public in the 1990's by examining each claim in detail with expert opinions from Richard Dolan, Richard Sauder, Neil Gould and Cynthia Drayer (Phil's Ex-Wife).

Lucy Wyatt | The Bronze Age City Builders, March 29, 2012



March 29, 2012–Lucy Wyatt and family live on an unspoilt farm by the east coast of England. The farm was derelict but had 600 year-old oak trees, woods, hedgerows and old buildings. The Wyatts restored it using mostly eco-materials and now share this special place with many animals. Lucy, studied International Relations and Italian at Sussex University. As well as researching the ancient past, Lucy is also interested in Earth energies and now leads local Gatekeeper Trust pilgrimages on equinoxes and solstices.

She is the author of Approaching Chaos which examines an alternative, an ancient archetype dating from the Bronze Age that helped cities exist in harmony with nature. This archetype influenced the ancient Greeks and Romans, often mistakenly admired as examples of civilized societies. In the first hour, we'll explore the origins of farming, domestication of animals and cities. She explains the intention of the original civilizations, in contrast to the Roman way. Lucy challenges the accepted view of progress since the end of the Ice Age. We'll also touch upon migration, catastrophe and the shadow version of cities. ~Red Ice Creations

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David Icke "This is Not a Bloody Game!" March 29, 2012


Dimitar Sasselov, Ben Goertzel | Exoplanets / AI, March 28, 2012


March 28, 2012–Professor of Astronomy at Harvard University, Dimitar Sasselov, discussed the unprecedented breakthroughs in exoplanetary astronomy, and how they will shed new light on our place in the universe. He coined the term "super-Earth," which refers to rocky planets like Earth, only much larger. A number of such exoplanets have been discovered in the last few years, and recently there's been speculation that there could be billions of such super-Earths in our galaxy alone. While the Kepler Mission has excelled at discovering planets, they tend to be too far from Earth to adequately study their atmospheres and surfaces, he noted. So the next big step will be to discover planets that are closer to us and to look for signatures of life, he continued, adding that there's a proposal for a survey satellite called TESS which could locate planetary targets amongst the nearest stars for detailed viewing by the James Webb telescope (the successor to Hubble). Sasselov also talked about the transit of Venus on June 5th, the only time this planet will be seen moving between the Earth and the Sun this century.

During the last hour, Dr. Brian Goertzel spoke about his work on artificial intelligence (AI) and its various applications. AI machines will excel in deciphering our modern economy and coming up with solutions, in a way that humans weren't evolved to do, he commented. Robot/AI nannies and housekeepers may be among the first machines people will have in their homes, he said, though the military could also use the technology to develop super soldiers. Goertzel, who moved to Hong Kong to work on AI projects, also talked about the "technological singularity," which he described as a point in time "when the progress of science and technology becomes so rapid that from the point of view of the human mind, it's essentially infinite." Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil has predicted that this transformative point could occur by 2045.  

New segment guests: Dr. Leonard Coldwell, Terry Lee

James Corbett | US Using Kissinger "Food As a Weapon" Plan to Starve North Korea, March 29, 2012


The US has suspended food aid to North Korea after the country refused to cancel a scheduled rocket launch. Washington says this breaks the deal in which North Korea agreed to suspend its uranium enrichment program and nuclear missile tests in exchange for humanitarian support. Pyongyang says the launch is merely intended to send a satellite into space.

Kissinger's NSSM 200 depopulation plan:

Robert Schoch | The Mystery of the Sphinx, March 25, 2012


March 25, 2012–Robert Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoch's geological analyses of the Great Sphinx of Egypt demonstrated that the statue is thousands of years older than the conventional dating of 2500 BCE, bringing him worldwide fame.

In his new book Forgotten Civilization Robert reveals scientific evidence of advanced civilization predating ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and Greece, as well as the catastrophe that destroyed it nearly 12,000 years ago and what its legacy can teach us about our own future. In the first hour we discuss the weathering of the Sphinx, its origin, the chamber underneath and the mysterious Sphinx temple. We also discuss Edgar Cayce' s Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) and the current situation in Egypt. ~Red Ice Creations
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The Age of Transitions (full length documentary)


The Age of Transitions is a documentary about converging technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain implants, social science, propaganda, nanotechnology, eugenics, geopolitics, world revolution, and more.

Featuring: Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Newt Gingrich, Nick Bostrom, Aubrey de Grey, Ray Kurzweil, Anders Sandberg, Michio Kaku, Hugo de Garis, Kevin Warwick, Marvin Minsky, Charles Galton Darwin, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley, William Shatner, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Cathy O'Brien, Alan Watt
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