Intel Hub News Brief: Navy Tests Drones on Pirates & Tech with Jason Bermas, April 10, 2012


Jason Bermas talks the Military hacking game consoles and Beta Testing Drone technology on Pirates. He also discusses the DHS purchase of 450 Million rounds of hollow point ammunition and more in this latest Intel Hub News Brief.

NSA Building the World's Biggest Spy Center Ever

Source: tercermilenio, James Bamford Wired article

Recently, the investigative journalist James Bamford wrote a report for Wired magazine about a spy center that is being built in America. This is a project of the National Security Agency and it's goal is the protection and safety of American citizens. All media and citizen in the world will be monitored. Is that security worth the loss of freedom?

 Related: NSA Building A $2 Billion Quantum Computer Artificial Intelligence Spy Center, March 18, 2012

Kevin Ryan on GRTV | The Secret Service and the 9/11 Stand Down, April 9, 2012


Kevin Ryan, a former site manager for Environmental Health Laboratories and a whistleblower on Underwriters' Laboratories involvement in the discredited NIST report on the WTC destruction, joins us to discuss his latest article on the anomalous actions of the secret service on 911, and what it tells us about possible government foreknowledge of the attacks. ~James Corbett

Read Kevin Ryan's article here

The search for Aztlán & Ancient Artifacts, April 10, 2012

Source: tercermilenio

Aztlán is the mythical ancestral home of the Nahua peoples, one of the main cultural groups in Mesoamerica and, by extension, is the mythical homeland of the Uto-Aztecan peoples. Aztec is the Nahuatl word for "people from Aztlan".

While Aztlán has many trappings of myth, similar to Tamoanchan, Chicomoztoc, Tollan and Cibola, archaeologists have nonetheless attempted to identify the geographic place of origin for the Mexica.

At the equinox of 2009 began the search for Aztlán in Ojuelos, Jalisco. The Nahui Ollin Association has found traces of a civilization that might be related to Aztlán.

Clif High | Clif's Wujo series - E3 March 20, 2012


Bitcoin, Thrive, Temporal markers - money + riots in usa, and Deep Woo....

Max Igan | Fear Based Mind Control and The Unlawfulness of Legality, April 6, 2012


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - April, 6th, 2012

Robert Young Pelton | The World's Most Dangerous Places 2012

Source:, Synopsis
Robert Young Pelton is into extreme journalism. Extreme travels. Extreme conflict zones. So one might expect this media mercenary to have extreme political opinions. But he doesn't. His answers to Mel's questions are measured. Informed. Based upon total immersion observations. He treats America's history of self-serving behavior gently. He's rather gentle about everyone's behavior, in fact. Pelton's wild adventures seem to have bestowed a patient wisdom about mankind. Or maybe it was that horrid Canadian boys' school they sent him to as a child.

But whatever assembly of elements made this man who he is, it is utterly refreshing to gain perspective of geo-political realities from an intelligent world traveler uncompromised by allegiance to any one cause or country.

Pelton's Veritas discussion -- he's on the phone from Nairobi, on his way to Somalia -- touches upon realities on the ground in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Turkey, Israel, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan...He talks about Russia's history in Afghanistan, China in Africa, the African Union in theory and practice, North Korea, Cuba, Georgia, Chechnya, Venezuela, the EU, Bin Laden, 9-11, Obama, Clinton, the shrubs...This man packs a productive semester of information into two quick hours.

Despite his wealth of first hand knowledge, Pelton calls himself the world's worst expert on the U.S. government. "I don't know why they do what they do."

Mike Cross | Philosophy of a Psychopathic Society, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012–Mike Cross, author of Freedom from Conscience - Melanie's Journey discusses psychopaths and their relation to politics, society and personal relationships. Mike, a former Oregonian now a resident of Stockholm, teaches psychology and international finance. We begin the first hour commenting on the Nordic model of government and society. Mike talks about how conformity within a society is an ideal system for the psychopath.

We'll also discuss how a "reverse Freud" is used to overthrow tradition and create revolution. Then, we'll discuss repression within a society, which creates a sort of schizophrenia. Later, Mike tells us about the psychopath within government. He compares the politician's psychopathy to arrested development. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3

Russell Targ | Remote Viewing Experiments, April 4, 2012

April 4, 2012–Writer and physicist Russell Targ discussed his involvement in creating the Remote Viewing program at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) during the Cold War, as well as various remote viewing applications and experiments. After two decades of research at SRI, they demonstrated that ordinary people visiting their laboratory could learn to accurately describe and experience what was going on at distant places, and that in fact, with practice most people can learn to "remote view."

After learning the skill from psychic Ingo Swann, he and Hal Puthoff trained a team of Army Intelligence officers in the 1970s, and under a classified program, they were given directives by the CIA to find and gather information on operational targets, particularly about the Soviets. They also looked at the Chinese, atomic bomb tests, and the American hostages in Iran. Interestingly, during this time the Russians were interested in remote behavior modification, such as getting an American leader to misspeak, but it was unknown how successful they were in that regard, he reported. While providing their findings to the government who was funding the program, Targ was also able to publish his research about the validity of ESP in peer journals, though at the time they had to keep the military involvement a secret.

A remote viewing experiment was conducted by Targ on the air. He placed an object behind him on a chair, and asked listeners to sketch what they saw in their mind on paper, without being analytical or naming it at first. It turned out to be a globe of the world placed on a tall, conical wooden pedestal, and several people emailed somewhat accurate descriptions of it before Russell announced what it was.

Max Igan | Vinny Eastwood Show, April 5, 2012

Source: ‪‬,

New World Next Week | ICC vs. Palestine, Orwell's Emails, Water Wars, April 5, 2012

Story #1: ICC Rejects Palestinian Bid to Investigate Israeli War Crimes During 'Cast Lead' Gaza Operation
Related: Israel Navy Chief Scolded Over April Fools' Prank  

Story #2: ISPs Warn UK Over Government Email Surveillance 'Plans'
Related: Intel's Kill Switch Could 'End Computing As We Know It'

Story #3: The War On Public Water
Related: Corbett Report Radio 078 -- Peak Water and Agenda 21 with Dr. Tim Ball

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil, Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, April 4, 2012

are presenting a three-hour series of three interviews
Crystal Clark and James Horak

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil
This may well be the first time earth-bound humanity has been told the truth about our past—ever.

Should that be the case, this is a Great Day for the people on this planet—this is no small thing. It is entirely natural and expected that people will ask themselves, “How can we possibly know if this is true?”

As you move through each segment of this 3-part series, the answer will become self-evident: If we are able to turn things around on this planet fast enough, which will also ensure that we survive our own technology and those who abuse it, we will be in a position to TEST this story… I like that. :)

I would imagine some of you are wondering if I personally believe this story? Yes—I do.
~Crystal Clark
Click here to download the interviews as single mp3 file

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