Transmissions Episode 003 | Sterling Allan - Conscious Awakening to Free Energy, September 18, 2013


Sterling Allan is the primary driving force behind,,, and most recently Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. In May, 2012, Sterling founded the New Energy Systems Trust to help bring these technologies to market.

Randy Maugans has spent his adult life seeking the truth about "what's out there", as result of two (known) childhood "contacts" with "something" he could not explain. "OffPlanet Radio" is the natural outgrowth of his interests in the areas of the paranormal, technology, and communications...the "future" caught up with him.

The journey is physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental...we are drawn into a very human battle with forces that seem beyond our comprehension...or ARE they? "They" haven't won, but have awakened sleeping giants who do not accept the proposition that we were thrown headlong into a malevolent universe. Humans can choose to be victims, or choose to be empowered...humans can remain blind, to their peril.

Tom Campbell | Shedding Light on the Speed of Light: The Implications of Variances, September 18, 2013


Tom Campbell (NASA physicist, Large Complex Systems Analyst), shares his insights on the discovery by Dr Rupert Sheldrake (Science Set Free) of official records in the London Patent Office containing recorded variances in the speed of light throughout various times in history.

Presented by mainstream science as an unshakeable constant, Tom explores the why and how this constant may change and the implications of this information on our existence with reference to quantum mechanics, technology, the probability of travel to other universes, and how it relates to human evolution and purpose.

Notable quotes by Tom from this interview: "Consciousness is the Computer, Dr. Fredkin!" "Virtual Reality is becoming acceptable physics." My note: The term Larger Consciousness System (the intelligent, highly organized "programer" that we are a part of) may be interpreted by some as God. Interview by Donna Aveni.

The Eyeopener Report | Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan, September 18, 2013


By any reasonable standard, the US-led NATO-powered invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, now entering its 13th year, has been an unmitigated failure. Of course, NATO does not measure the outcome of its mission by reasonable standards. They have their own entirely different yardstick by which they gauge their operations, and by that standard, the Afghan war has been an unqualified success.

Find out about NATO's interest in Afghanistan and why they are working with the Taliban to make sure that occupation continues beyond 2014 in this week's Eyeopener report from

Transcript & Sources

Dr. Nick Begich | Technology to Control the Weather, Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference, 2012 Holland


Dr. Nick Begich, will discuss his research on HAARP and its implications for controlling the weather, effecting the geophysics of the planet and populations, as well as how we can develop a strong influence for personal and global change through technology and our own internal power.

Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich. He is well known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education. He has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. Begich received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science, from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka, in November 1994.

Charles Eisenstein | Sacred Economics, September 13, 2013


September 13, 2013–Charles Eisenstein graduated from Yale University with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. Most of his early twenties were spent in Taiwan where he learned Chinese and worked as a translator. He educated himself in Eastern spiritual traditions and read a lot of books on health, nutrition, globalization, physics, and biology.

In his late twenties he entered into a long period of intensifying crisis. His professional work became intolerable and after this, Charles entered a long period of searching. This crisis forced him to let go of a "life under control" and in his helplessness he discovered a generous universe that has always met his needs, somehow, in unexpected ways. He's spent time teaching yoga, learning about herbs, and teaching at Penn State's department of Science, Technology, and Society. We'll discuss his book Sacred Economics and the ideas behind it including economy, monetary systems human nature, climatism, competition, laws and government.
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RT | Escobar: Obama wants to take credit for Syria chem weapons plan, September 16, 2013


Officials from countries on the UN Security Council are meeting for consultations, ahead of the main debate in New York. World leaders have applauded the Syrian chemical disarmament deal, agreed on by Russia and the US. But investigative journalist Pepe Escobar says Washington's now trying to twist the narrative in its favour.

Konnan talks Mexico's Drug War | Smells Like Human Spirit with Guy Evans, September 15, 2013


Officially, 60,000 people have been victims of Mexico's on-going Drug War, and there doesn't appear to be any end in sight. In Episode 95 of Smells Like Human Spirit, Guy Evans discusses the issue with former pro wrestler, soap opera actor, and Mexican icon Konnan, marking his second appearance on the podcast. This is an episode that you don't want to miss...Enjoy, spread the word, and peace!
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Max Igan & Ben Stewart | Trance-Formation Outakes - Food is Medicine, September 15, 2013


This video is the first in a series of ad lib conversations and previously unreleased footage that didnt make it into the final cut of the film Trance-Formation.

‪Trance-Formation Outakes - Ben Stewart - The Emotional Baggage of the Collective‬

This video is the second in a series of ad lib conversations and previously unreleased footage that did not make it into the final cut of the film Trance-Formation.

Max Igan | Push it Until the Wheels Fall Off

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - September 13th, 2013

James Horak | Robert Stanley | A Tale of two Timelines, September 13, 2013


This lesson in history and the projections for the near future leave Robert quite unsettled in this eye opening conversation. If you meet someone who has the history of the world at hand, with details present from all periods you come to inevitable conclusions.

David Livingstone | Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age, September 11, 2013


September 11, 2013–David Livingstone has been researching the hidden aspects of history for the last 25 years, resulting in three books. David's approach to history is to dare to consider those areas often dismissed by scholars as the subject of cranks, but to investigate these matters with the utmost scholarly rigor. The results are works that expose many neglected areas of history.

David returns to discuss themes from his latest book, Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age. David will discuss how the Muslim brotherhood is a tool used for American policy, ultimately helping to bring in a new world order.

In the first hour, David talks about the disconnections in the Islamic world as the true religion is misinterpreted and buried intentionally. Then we'll discuss Muslim brotherhood propaganda with ties that lead to the Rockefellers. We also discuss the connections of the Protocols of Zion to the Memphis-Mizraim rite of Freemasonry and the creation of Sabbatai Zevi's messiahship by the Rosicrucians. David explains how Rosicrucian legend is at the core of the Kabbalah, freemasonry and the occult revival while the roots of Rosicrucian legend originated from Shambhala and Asian shamanism. In the second hour, David speaks about the basis of the Islamic way. We'll talk about multiculturalism and anti-European sentiment. Next, he discusses Synarchism, origins of fascism and the ultimate goal of the elite to fulfill Biblical prophecy. Later, we hear his opinion about the fabrication of the UFO mythos by occultists.
download hour 1 mp3

Official "Spiral of Now" 432hz by Brian T' Collins

Source: >

Official meditation video of the Spiral of Now, by Brian T' Collins in Divine frequency of 432Hz.
Inspired by Cosmic Creation, a visual meditation to expand consciousness and awareness with A 432Hz concert pitch tuning.

Purchase the full album here:

It's for help.

Roman Yampolskiy, Ph.D | Rise of The Machines


On The September 4, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight hosts & Interviews Artificial Intelligence Expert Roman Yampolskiy on The Rise of The Machines.  

Roman Yampolskiy - Developing Safe A.I.

Biography of Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy

Roman V. Yampolskiy holds a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. There he was a recipient of a four year NSF (National Science Foundation) IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) fellowship. Before beginning his doctoral studies Dr. Yampolskiy received a BS/MS (High Honors) combined degree in Computer Science from Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA.

After completing his PhD dissertation Dr. Yampolskiy held a position of an Affiliate Academic at the Center for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University of London, College of London. In 2008 Dr. Yampolskiy accepted an assistant professor position at the Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville, KY. He had previously conducted research at the Laboratory for Applied Computing (currently known as Center for Advancing the Study of Infrastructure) at the Rochester Institute of Technology and at the Center for Unified Biometrics and Sensors at the University at Buffalo. Dr. Yampolskiy is also an alumnus of Singularity University (GSP2012) and a visiting fellow of the Singularity Institute.

Dr. Yampolskiy's main areas of interest are behavioral biometrics, digital forensics, pattern recognition, genetic algorithms, neural networks, artificial intelligence and games. Dr. Yampolskiy is an author of over 100 publications including multiple journal articles and books. His research has been cited by numerous scientists and profiled in popular magazines both American and foreign (New Scientist, Poker Magazine, Science World Magazine), dozens of websites (BBC, MSNBC, Yahoo! News) and on radio (German National Radio, Alex Jones Show). Reports about his work have attracted international attention and have been translated into many languages including Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, and Spanish.
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