The Eyeopener Report | 100 Years of War Lies DEBUNKED, March 11, 2014


When Secretary of State John Kerry made his now infamous statement about Russia's actions in Ukraine, the hypocrisy was immediately apparent to all but the most clueless of viewers. But perhaps Kerry wasn't so wrong to expect the public to let him get away with such a transparently hypocritical statement. After all, the public have always been happy to go along with every pretext for war presented to them for decade after decade. -James Corbett

Transcript & Sources

Snowden's first live: 'Constitution being violated on massive scale', (Full Video), March 10, 2014

Source:, The Texas Tribune

Speaking remotely from Russia on Monday, former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden told attendees at the SXSW Interactive conference in Austin, Texas that encryption is still a powerful deterrent against government surveillance.

Wolfgang Halbig | Threatened for Questioning the Sandy Hook Event | Veritas Radio


Attention Please share this ASAP! | Veritas Special Report | Wolfgang W Halbig | Threatened for Exposing the Sandy Hook Gun Grab Coverup | Former police officer, school principal and national school safety consultant shares his views and his effort to investigate the Sandy Hook Coverup. | If you have read the news, then you knew where Connecticut is today as it relates to gun control. This seems to be a beta test. Let's expose this so that the beta test is not rolled out nationwide. Thanks to Wolfgang Halbig for his bravery and for speaking the truth.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering: The End of All Life, March 10, 2014


Our investigation of geoengineering continues with a stunning segment featuring Dane Wigington, the founder and lead researcher at GeoEngineering Watch. A solar energy expert and a former Bechtel Power Corporation employee, Dane Wigington assisted Michael Murphy in the production of the award-winning 2010 documentary What in the World are They Spraying? His off-grid solar home in Mt. Shasta, California was featured in a cover article for Home Power, the world's largest renewable energy magazine.

Dane Wigington began researching meteorology and atmospheric change in the late 90s. He noticed that the persistent trails (or chemtrails) and grid patterns made by aircraft were blocking up to 80% of his home's solar charging capacity. His research led him to the subjects of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management.

While it is touted as a methodology for making the climate cooler, in fact geoengineering is destroying ecosystems all over the world. When he began regularly lab-testing rain samples in 2002, Dane was shocked to find large and escalating quantities of the same heavy and near-heavy metals described in numerous geoengineering patents. He also noted that the ever-increasing quantity of these toxic metals had a significant impact on the environment, accelerating tree mortality and the decline of insect and amphibian populations.

For the last decade, Dane Wigington has dedicated his life to expose the short- and long-term threats posed by geoengineering, including massive plant and animal die-off and escalating human health concerns. Dane's research and documentation on atmospheric spraying programs and other weather modification technologies is publicly available at GeoEngineering Watch. Of particular interest is a 1996 government document titled Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, which describes the military's weaponization of weather and its use in warfare. Tune in as Dane Wigington guides us through the details of his findings and the progress of the growing geoengineering activism movement.

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Pepe Escobar | Kiev coup is tequila sunrise revolution with neo-Nazi flavor, March 10, 2014


A referendum in Crimea will say in a week if the region wants more autonomy from Kiev, or if it sees itself a part of Russia. To discuss the upcoming vote, RT speaks to foreign affairs journalist, Pepe Escobar.

Fukushima: The Ticking Nuclear Bomb. Over 800 Tons of Radioactive Material Pouring into Pacific Ocean


By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey | Global Research

In August this column ran a piece claiming that the Pacific Ocean was being poisoned by radioactive material escaping from Fukushima, two years after the devastating tsunami and meltdown at the Japanese nuclear facility. Three months later, shocking evidence points towards a calamity situation.

Silence from the corporate media.
There is growing evidence coming from numerous reports aired on social networks and the so-called social media, among which is the article “Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Systematically Poisoning The Entire Pacific Ocean” (*), which claimed that every day and for 750 days (now over 800) tonnes of toxic materials have been pouring into the Pacific Ocean.

The toxic substances were identified as Tritium, Cesium and Strontium, being carried far and wide by winds, rain and ocean currents, entering the food chain through seaweed and seafood, building up high levels of toxicity in the fish – and humans – at the top end of the consumption chain.

TEPCO, or Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator of the plant, admitted in August that between twenty and forty trillion becquerels of radioactive material have entered the Pacific Ocean after a security barrier had been breached. The same operator admitted that in just one week, in August, levels of Caesium-134 rose by 90 times and Caesium-137 rose by 86 times.

Fresh research (**) provides a chilling reminder that this situation is serious, will not go away, is getting worse and cannot be swept under the carpet. This research points to “massive numbers” of sea creatures dying across the Pacific, and that high levels of Cesium-137 are present in “a very high percentage of fish” caught in this ocean “and sold in North America”.

The research then moves on to refer to specific and unexplained incidents. For example, the unexplained death of starfish off Puget Sound off Canada. The animals seem to be melting, a phenomenon observed elsewhere in Canadian waters. Divers spoke of live creatures literally disintegrating in front of them, in “massive numbers”.

On to British Columbia, where abnormal behavior and an unusually high death rate has been observed among killer whales. The vocal communication among the animals has ceased, and in the last two years, seven matriarchs have died.

An Australian traveler sailing from Japan to California, USA, referred that it appeared the entire ocean was dead. All he saw was a whale rolling helplessly in the sea with a tumour on its head, and “for 3,000 nautical miles there was nothing to be seen”. No turtles, no sea birds, no dolphins, no sharks.

Read the full article at:

6.9 Earthquake Off Coast of California, March 9, 2014

The Corbett Report | The Enemy of My Enemy, March 7, 2014


We've seen the rollout of the MSM propaganda using over-the-top hyperbole and flat-out lies to try to demonize Russia in the lead up to the "new cold war." But is this just part of the dialectic, trying to get us to buy into one side or the other in a rigged game? Should we devolve into mere spectators choosing sides in a squabble between #TeamObama and #TeamPutin? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore whether the enemy of our enemy is indeed our friend.

Show Notes & MP3

The Truthseeker: NGO documents plan Ukraine war, March 8, 2014


NGOs caught forging documents for war, insider warns all NGOs infiltrated; 'Independent military observers' for EU-based group OSCE again turned away in Crimea, OSCE branded one more 'vulgar instrument' for foreign interests; and CNN buys the latest State Department hoax.

Seek truth from facts with Illinois University Professor of International Law and former Amnesty board member Francis Boyle; Infowars Editor Paul Joseph Watson; Eric Draitser of Boiling Frogs Post; Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams; Ukraine protest organizers; Sliman Bouchuiguir, whose NGO fabricated the claims against Libya; and Asst. Secretary of State Vic Nuland.

John Lenard Walson | kaʊntərˈakt - Alien Contact, March 8, 2014

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Note: 44:11 min. (camera pans out on left) to get an idea how close this objects are. Watch in HD.

The Police State: Dirty Tricks, Corporate Interests, and How to Fight Back! | Jeremy Rys aka "Alienscientist" on Susan Lindauer's Covert Report Radio

Source: The Covert Report TFN,

Flowers in Tanks: Civil Rights Activist and truth seeker Jeremy Rys talks about surviving the apparatchik of the Security State. Today’s show points out the dangers of a fearful government, and the mechanics of the NDAA, Patriot Act and the government’s compulsion to demonize dissidents. Cases of Brandon Raub, your host Susan Lindauer, and the murder of Joshua Messier are spotlighted to demonstrate the brutality & corruption that’s now confronting all of us. But Rys also points out how activists are fighting back and beating the system, how we can win, despite the force of muscle amassed against us. A great show! -Susan Lindauer

Marty Leeds | Creation of the English Alphabet & Number Codes in Religious Texts | Hour 1 | March 7, 2014

Source:, Marty Leeds Blog,

March 7, 2014-Marty Leeds is an author and video producer widely known for uncovering a mathematical cipher or cryptogram for the English alphabet, based around the transcendental number of Pi that deciphers everything from board games, biblical verses, names and symbols of secret societies. Leeds was a featured speaker at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia in 2013.

His books include Pi & The English Alphabet Vol1 & Vol2, as well as the recently released "The Peacock's Tales - The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis."In this program, Marty talks about the recent creation and modification of the English alphabet by Shakespeare and Francis Bacon.
We’ll examine the numerological codes and gematria in ancient religious texts including the Bible.
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