Rosetta Mission Update | Comets May Not Be What We Thought | Thunderbolts Project | Dec. 14, 2014


The Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Perhaps the strangest solar system object ever observed up close in the course of the space age. It was the target of the Rosetta probe, whose 10-year journey began in March 2004, under the sponsorship of the European Space Agency.

The probe is now orbiting the nucleus of 67P, and investigators hope to confirm the comet’s link to the very origins of our solar system. In this brief overview of the Rosetta Mission, David Talbott begins a series of reports on the continuing surprises facing comet theorists.

Col. Charles Halt & Amn Burroughs talk about Rendlesham | Dec. 10, 2014


Alejandro Rojas with the news, and at first technical trouble reaching Col. Charles Halt, John Burroughs talks about Rendlesham Forest Incident, missing records and more.

An interesting interview from Colonel Halt with Amn Burroughs. ---- Colonel Halt puts out his thoughts and theories on Rendlesham and the disinformation through-out the years. Halt starts a minute marker 48:30 min. and improved audio at marker 106:00 min.. -Jim Penniston

New World Next Week | Cops Busted at Oakland Protest | Dec. 12, 2014


Story #1: CIA Lied to Congress, White House and Britain Over Torture
Corporate Media Comes Down With Torture Amnesia
CIA Paid Poland To Host Secret Torture Prison
NWNW Flashback: U.N. Calls On Obama To Publish Findings On Bush-Era Torture (Mar 2013)
Obama, Prince William Chat Amiably During White House Visit
UK Royalty William and Kate Meet US Royalty Jay-Z and Beyonce
On Pearl Harbor Day, US Fawns Over Royal Visit
Bush Again Repeats Clinton "Brother from Another Mother", Ads Hillary's "My Sister-in-Law"
Amnesty Int’l Accuses Israel of War Crimes, Israel Calls it ‘Hamas Propaganda’

Story #2: James Franco & Seth Rogen Create Chain of Events That Expose Hollywood
Wikipedia: 'The Interview' Film
Rogen Objected to Sony CEO Demands To Edit ‘The Interview’
Leaked Sony Emails Reveal Nasty Exchanges, Insults and Vaguely Racist Sniping
CFR Member George Clooney "Predicted" Hack; CFR Member Angelina Jolie Called "Talentless Brat"
CosbyGate Explodes: Lawsuits Allege Decades-Long Sex Crimes

Story #3: Undercover Officers in Oakland Infiltrate Protests, Accused of Inciting Looting
Undercover Cops Outed, Attacked at Oakland Protest — 1 Pulls Gun on Crowd

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: Americans Will Spend Their Whopping $380 In "Low Gas Price Savings" On Obamacare
Why Is The US Treasury Quietly Ordering "Survival Kits" For US Bankers?
Riddles Surround 36th Dead Banker Of The Year
McDonalds Implodes, Reports Worst US Sales In Over A Decade
Media Monarchy: Interview w/ Sargon Of Akkad on #GamerGate

Robert Ferguson | The Hammer and the Cross: Vikings and Christianity | Hour 1 | Dec. 12, 2014


December 12, 2014–Robert Ferguson is an author from the United Kingdom, where he completed the Scandinavian Studies program at University College, London, specializing in Norwegian. He eventually emigrated to Norway where he began his literary career as a radio dramatist, writing eleven original radio plays and going on to write several biographies, two histories of the Vikings, and two novels.

Robert joins us to speak primarily about the topic of his latest book, The Hammer and the Cross: The New History of the Vikings. We begin our discussion with a look back to when the Viking era began, which coincides with the rise of the Charlemagne Empire and the forcible conversion of the Saxons to Christianity in the late Iron Age. Robert explains how the Scandinavians revolted when Christianity began to take hold in Northern Europe and the Heathen culture was being annihilated, resulting in the outbreak of the Viking Era.

Then, Robert talks about the conversion to Christianity, an accepted modernization process that took advantage of the lack of dogma and unifying word of worship in Heathenism, leading to the control and institutionalization of Pagans.

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Gerald Celente | Jeff Rense Show | Dec. 11, 2014


Max Igan | Frequency Shift - Reality Reset


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 08.

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CrossTalk | United States of Torture (ft. Amy Goodman), Dec. 12, 2014


The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the CIA’s extensive use of torture gives a new meaning to the term “shock and awe.” Obama's words “We tortured some folks” is a gross understatement. Will anyone ever be punished for these crimes? CrossTalking with Fred Fleitz, Ray McGovern and Amy Goodman.

Hubble And Dawn Collaborate To See Ceres | Dec. 11, 2014

Source: Dawn Mission Education and Communications (E/C) youtube

Recorded - Dec 11, 2014 
As the Dawn Spacecraft approaches the dwarf planet Ceres in a matter of months, it's difficult to forget the amount of teamwork and collaboration that took place in order for amazing feats like this to be accomplished.

As of right now, the Hubble Space Telescope has the highest resolution image of Ceres, but that's all about to change as Dawn arrives and gives us all a completely new perspective of the largest object in the asteroid belt. In fact, the images taken by Hubble have been highly instrumental in the planning phases of getting Dawn to Ceres, as well as Vesta.

Join Tony Darnell, Dr. Carol Christian, and Scott Lewis, are on location at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory with Keri Bean as they discuss the long journey Dawn has made to get to Ceres. Joining them as well is Max Mutchler and Jianyang Li who worked on getting the gorgeous view from Hubble.

The Dawn spacecraft acquired this view as part of a calibration of its science camera. Ceres is the bright spot in the center of the image. A cropped, magnified view of Ceres appears in the inset image at lower left. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

Chase Kloetzke, UFO Researcher | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Dec. 4, 2014


Chase Kloetzke, one of the leading researchers in Ufology joins us for the first time and she tells us about her encounter with both an ET and a black triangle while on location during an investigation in Tennesee. We also cover her training for the DOD and her relationship with the military and how it effects her research of UFOs.

Gold Sells While Oil Plunges | Geneva Business Insider | Dec. 11, 2014


This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss the results of the Swiss gold referendum, the Netherlands gold repatriation, the empty Ukrainian gold vaults, Russia's gold buying spree, and the plunging price of oil.

Robert Stinnett | Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor | Veritas Radio | Part 1 of 2

Source:, Latest Book: Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor

This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to:

Robert Stinnett delivers the definitive final chapter on America's greatest secret and our worst military disaster. Drawing on twenty years of research and access to scores of previously classified documents, Stinnett proves that Pearl Harbor was not an accident, a mere failure of American intelligence, or a brilliant Japanese military coup. By showing that ample warning of the attack was on FDR's desk and, furthermore, that a plan to push Japan into war was initiated at the highest levels of the U.S. government, he ends up profoundly altering our understanding of one of the most significant events in American history.

It was not long after the first Japanese bombs fell on the American naval ships at Pearl Harbor that conspiracy theories began to circulate, charging that Franklin Roosevelt and his chief military advisors knew of the impending attack well in advance. Robert Stinnett, who served in the U.S. Navy with distinction during World War II, examines recently declassified American documents and concludes that, far more than merely knowing of the Japanese plan to bomb Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt deliberately steered Japan into war with America.

Stinnett's argument draws on both circumstantial evidence--the fact, for example, that in September 1940 Roosevelt signed into law a measure providing for a two-ocean navy that would number 100 aircraft carriers--and, more importantly, on American governmental documents that offer apparently incontrovertible proof that Roosevelt knowingly sacrificed American lives in order to enter the war on the side of England. Although obviously troubled by his discovery of a systematic plan of deception on the part of the American government, Stinnett does not take deep issue with its outcome. Roosevelt, he writes, faced powerful opposition from isolationist forces, and, against them, the Pearl Harbor attack was "something that had to be endured in order to stop a greater evil--the Nazi invaders in Europe who had begun the Holocaust and were poised to invade England." Sure to excite discussion, Stinnett's book offers what may be the final word on the terrible matter of Pearl Harbor.

Historians have long debated whether President Roosevelt had advance knowledge of Japan's December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor. Using documents pried loose through the Freedom of Information Act during 17 years of research, Stinnett provides overwhelming evidence that FDR and his top advisers knew that Japanese warships were heading toward Hawaii.
The heart of his argument is even more inflammatory: Stinnett argues that FDR, who desired to sway public opinion in support of U.S. entry into WWII, instigated a policy intended to provoke a Japanese attack. The plan was outlined in a U.S. Naval Intelligence secret strategy memo of October 1940; Roosevelt immediately began implementing its eight steps (which included deploying U.S. warships in Japanese territorial waters and imposing a total embargo intended to strangle Japan's economy), all of which, according to Stinnett, climaxed in the Japanese attack.

Stinnett, a decorated naval veteran of WWII who served under then Lt. George Bush, substantiates his charges with a wealth of persuasive documents, including many government and military memos and transcripts. Demolishing the myth that the Japanese fleet maintained strict radio silence, he shows that several Japanese naval broadcasts, intercepted by American cryptographers in the 10 days before December 7, confirmed that Japan intended to start the war at Pearl Harbor.

Stinnett convincingly demonstrates that the U.S. top brass in Hawaii--Pacific Fleet commander Adm. Husband Kimmel and Lt. Gen. Walter Short--were kept out of the intelligence loop on orders from Washington and were then scapegoated for allegedly failing to anticipate the Japanese attack (in May 1999, the U.S. Senate cleared their names). Kimmel moved his fleet into the North Pacific, actively searching for the suspected Japanese staging area, but naval headquarters ordered him to turn back. Stinnett's meticulously researched book raises deeply troubling ethical issues. While he believes the deceit built into FDR's strategy was heinous, he nevertheless writes: "I sympathize with the agonizing dilemma faced by President Roosevelt. He was forced to find circuitous means to persuade an isolationist America to join in a fight for freedom." This, however, is an expression of understanding, not of absolution. If Stinnett is right, FDR has a lot to answer for--namely, the lives of those Americans who perished at Pearl Harbor.

Sofia Smallstorm | Humanity 2.0 | Radio 3Fourteen | Dec. 10, 2014

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,,

December 10, 2014–Sofia Smallstorm is best known for her research on 9/11, which culminated in the documentary 9/11 Mysteries. She is also known for her analysis of chemtrails.

We’ll discuss the tools being used to create humanity 2.0. It would appear there is an agenda to synthetically re-engineer humanity, both physically and mentally. We’ll talk about what some of these aspects the elite would find useful to change may be and how it can be done. How far might this go?

Sofia talks about the attributes that seem to be emerging in humanity 2.0. Also, we discuss the secular humanist, transhumanist movement or techno-progressivism that seeks to make man superior but “equal” across the globe. As Earthlings are bombarded with an onslaught of synthetic elements, we’ll discuss how we can remain relatively untouched. Will we see a separation between humanity 1.0 and humanity 2.0? Will we be able to reverse the damage that may occur? -Radio 3Fourteen

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