Cathy O'Brien | MKUltra & Project Monarch Whistleblower on Her new Book |  Nov. 14, 2016


The Corbett Report | #NotMyPresident? Take the #ClintonPledge! | Nov. 14, 2016


Do you have the sinking feeling that democracy is not what it's cracked up to be? Do you insist that Trump is #NotMyPresident? Well don't despair, get active. Take the #ClintonPledge, and pass it along to your friends. It may not be as scary as you think.

Show Notes:
James Corbett Discusses the Anarchist Ideologies
James Corbett on Solutions for a New Generation
How To Free Your Tax Cattle
Anarchy in Action: Spontaneous Order
Solutions: Agorism
Larken Rose on the Immorality of Voting
Voting is the Problem. Here’s the Solution.

Michael Tsarion | MOON (Path of the Fool Series) | Nov. 14, 2016


Michael Tsarion's master class on Tarot symbolism continues with an analysis of THE MOON...

John Lash | Eight Unifying Points for Truth Seekers & Knowledge Holders | Red Ice Radio


John Lash is a self-educated, free-lance scholar with an interest in mythology, magic, and religion. He is a pioneer of directive mythology, the application of myth to life. John runs and is the author of The Seeker's Handbook, Twins and the Double, The Hero - Manhood and Power, Quest for the Zodiac, and Not in His Image.

Our show opens with a discussion on truth seeking. We differentiate between ultimate and conditional truth, the former being an ultimate realization, whereas the latter is defined as the truth about a particular event or topic. We then attempt to outline a set of criteria for truth-seekers, that is, the enlightened consensus on a number of salient issues: Jewish influence, Holocaust revisionism, White genocide, Cultural Marxism, Communism, and much more. We consider how humanity’s base desires and inclinations can be directed toward the realization of our divine, superhuman nature. This show also covers the true nature of wisdom, religious experience, and how the truth cannot remain hidden indefinitely.

Interview notes

S0 News | M7.4 Quake Strikes New Zealand in Alert Zone | Nov. 13, 2016


Newsbud | Russia Claims Horrendous Pentagon Cover-Up in the Battle for Mosul | Nov. 13, 2016


Extensive U.S. Casualties Unreported in the U.S. Media
In the sixth edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the front page articles from three Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Izvestia, and Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

He examines whether the election of Donald Trump will be a good news for the Russian economy and speculates that Vladimir Putin's ally Nikolai Patrushev might be the new Russian prime minister. He also covers the reports from the Russian military intelligence sources that the U.S. military suffered extensive casualties in the battle for Mosul in Iraq, which so far have not been reported by any U.S. mass media outlets.

Is this the case of a horrendous cover-up? Lastly, Prof. Kovacevic chronicles the recent efforts of the Russian Historical Society to combat the attempts to re-write the Russian history in a negative, revisionist manner by the NATO-Allied European, U.S. academics and politicians.

Newsbud | The Podesta Scandal & the Importance of Media Integrity | Nov. 11, 2016


Sibel Edmonds on the Record: The Podesta E-mail Scandal & the Importance of Media Integrity

In this edition of Newsbud Spotlight Sibel & Spiro cover the recent email scandal of Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager John Podesta and compare it to other high profile cases throughout recent history. Newsbud also examines the devious tactics of mainstream and pseudo alternative media and offers you a solution, Newsbud.

Show Notes:
Robert Creamer Visited Obama’s White House 340 Times
Sibel Edmonds Under Oath Testimony/Deposition PART 1 PART 2
Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?
The Real Dennis Hastert Case

Thomas Sheridan | The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology | Part Two | Legalise Freedom Radio | Nov. 12, 2016

Source:,, Book: The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology

The Druid Code sets out to examine the wider concept of magic and mythology being utilised as an early form of social psychoanalysis by the druids, how magic theory developed from this, and how this evolution of ritual magic eventually made its way into folklore, witchcraft and Freemasonry. From the proto-shamanic world of the megalith builders, to lost civilisations of the Atlantic fringe, along with the continual changes and challenges to the human experience in the face of traumatic cultural upheaval, the druids and their legacy have played a far more influential role than has been previously acknowledged. The Druid Code utilises mythology connected to sacred sites, developing a bidirectional conduit back through time, to reveal what took place in 2500BC – a shift in human consciousness that made humans what we are today. Issues discussed include:

- The decline of Christianity in Europe.
- The universal myths and legends of global disasters in the ancient past, and the lost Golden Age.
- The nature of our ancestors’ consciousness and how it differed from ours.
- Resistance to evidence which dates ancient sites as much older than currently accepted.
- Transhumanism, technocracy, and the struggle to shape the future.
- More ancient, less primitive: Will rejection of science as the only way to understand reality birth a new era of magical, mythical human consciousness?

From Atlantis to alchemy, you will never see history in the same way again.

download mp3

Max Igan | Donald Trump and The Future | Nov. 11, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix, November 11th, 2016.

Jay Dyer | Esoteric Hollywood: Full Of Dark Occultists & CIA Agent | The Vinny Eastwood Show


New World Next Week | US Intel Caught Pushing Putin-Trump Conspiracy Theory | Nov.10, 2016


Story #1: Donald Trump Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of Establishment

Story #2: What Major Ballot Measures Did Voters Approve?
California Marijuana Legalization Faced Unlikely Foe In Pot Growers
San Francisco Passes Soda Tax
Michael Malice and Tom Woods Discuss: What the Trump Victory Means

Story #3: Pizzagate: Podesta Emails Lead to Allegations of Another Child Abuse Ring
Has Reddit Cracked the Madeleine McCann Case?
Massive Investigation Into Clinton Crime Family Happening Online, Right Now
Thomas Sheridan: Don't Feed the Sorcery

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 10, 2016


So many people have been messaging me and emailing me for my "take" on the US elections that I decided to throw in the towel and offer some comments and opinions.
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