Kevin Barrett, Philip Giraldi and Gilad Atzmon |  Zionism - Deconstructing the Power Paradigm, Part 1 | July 15, 2018


Panel presentations at the Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out online video conference of June 10th, 2018, produced by No Lies Radio and Kevin Barrett on "Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Judeophobia: Lets Define Our Terms"; Philip Giraldi on "How Jewish Power Sustains the Israel Narrative" and Gilad Atzmon on "Truth, Truthfulness and Palestine".

Joseph McMoneagle | Memoirs of a Psychic Spy | July 15, 2018


Joseph McMoneagle, internationally renowned as a master remote viewer and author of five books on remote viewing who has 47 years of professional and scientific expertise in research and development within numerous multi-level technical intelligence collection systems and in the field of the paranormal and the social sciences.

He was an R&D consultant to SRI-International and Science Applications International Corporation, Inc. where he participated in protocol design, statistical information collection, evaluations, thousands of remote viewing trials in support of both experimental research as well as active intelligence operations for what is now known as Project STARGATE.

He is also co-owner of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, Inc., which provides support to multiple research facilities and corporations with a full range of collection applications using Anamolous Cognition (AC) in the production of original and cutting-edge information. He is a full time Research Associate with The Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, Palo Alto, California, where he has provided consulting support to research and development for 35+ years.

Joe has successfully demonstrated his abilities as a psychic and remote viewer under strict scientific control in various labs and on national television networks in six countries, to include: National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Channel 4 England, and Nippon and Ashai TV in Japan.

Joseph now shares his expertise by facilitating the Remote Viewing Program at The Monroe Institute, which trains participants to acquire and describe information seemingly separated from the “viewer” and his or her physical senses by distance, shielding, and/or time.

Joe is a full member of; The Para-psychological Association, a Life Member of the Disabled American Veterans, a performing member of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) and Screen Actors Guild (SAG), a full member of The Writers Guild of America – East (WGA-E), a member of The Authors Guild (AG). He is a Retired Chief Warrant Officer in the Regular Army of the United States of America. He now serves on the Board of Advisors for The Monroe Institute and the Anomalous Phenomena Research Center, New York, as well as a Board Member for the J. B. Rhine Research Center, Durham, North Carolina.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | July 14, 2018


Will social media providers continue to ramp up their censorship until a totalitarian state prevails? How many in industrialized nation populations are willing to look beyond the power structure's orchestrated political theater of the absurd?

How many are willing to face the wider horizon of what is unfolding around us? Will it take total unraveling of the current paradigm to wake the majority from their denial? How close might biosphere and societal collapse actually be at this point? Our seas are dying and even now marine ecosystem protections are being systematically dismantled, why?

Many aspects of the power structure's activities are now becoming all but impossible to hide, including the weather warfare operations. We must expose the climate engineering programs before the power structure is ready for that to happen. Sharing credible data from a credible source is essential, make your voice heard.

Dark Journalist | Trump Tesla & The X-Technology Secret! | X Series Part XVIII | July 13, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.

In this Breakthrough Episode Dark Journalist goes deeper than ever before into the startling connection between Inventor Nikola Tesla, President Donald Trump's Uncle MIT Professor John Trump and the Secret X Technology held by the Covert Wing of the National Security State.

Dark Journalist has uncovered fascinating information that includes the verified fact that Vannevar Bush, the Scientist who headed up the US Office of Scientific Research and Development under three different Presidents and controlled the UFO File was Professor John Trump's mentor! In addition Professor John Trump's papers were kept in 'Box X' at MIT showing the clear trail to his work on the secret program' along with his work in the Super Secret RADLAB!

Dark Journalist will also look at the deeper questions of how President Trump's announcement of a Space Force relates to his knowledge of the X Technology and we will feature a special guest that will describe how Secret Programs are hidden under the X Steganography!

Grant Cameron | The Holographic Universe, Alien Downloads, and Tom DeLonge's UFO Disclosure | Alien Cosmic Expo Toronto 2018

Source: Near Death Experiment youtube,

Grant Cameron speaks about biocentrism, how everything is consciousness, the authors whose books were downloads from aliens, Tom Delonge's high-level contacts, and Hilary Clinton and John Podesta's interest in the UFO issue.

Grant Cameron is the recipient of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975 with personal sightings of a UFO type object which locally became known as Charlie Red Star. The story has been optioned for a movie.

These sightings led to a decade of research into the early work done by the Canadian government into the flying saucer phenomena. Cameron became the authority on the government program and Wilbert B. Smith who headed it up. From here Cameron proceeded to do almost three decades of research into the role of the President of the United States in the UFO mystery. He is one of the foremost authorities on Hillary and Bill Clinton and their UFO connection.

Most of that research can be found at the Presidents UFO Website

After experiencing a mental download event on February 26, 2012, Cameron turned his research interests away from “nuts and bolts” research to the role of consciousness in the UFO phenomena. This new research has expanded out to the possible involvement of extraterrestrials in modern music and in the phenomena of inspirations and downloads in scientific discoveries, inventions, Nobel Prizes, music, art, books, near-death experiences, meditation, and with individuals known as savants and prodigies.

Cameron has lectured widely in Canada, the United States, and Europe. He was one of the 40 witnesses that testified in front of six ex-Senators and Congressmen in Washington for the “Citizen’s Hearing UFO on Disclosure.” He has appeared on many television documentaries on UFOs and been interviewed by nearly a hundred radio shows including a number of appearances on Coast to Coast AM.

Cameron co-authored a book on the government UFO cover-up called “UFOs, Area-51, and the Government.” He has just released the book, “Alien Bedtime Stories” with has 72 articles on UFOs as they relate to the Presidents, consciousness, abductions, and musicians. He is preparing to release the books “Inspirations and Downloads: Where Good Ideas Come From,” and “Tales of Charlie Red Star.”

Dr. Dean Radin | Real Magic, Parapsychology, & The Lab Tested Results | July 12, 2018


Dr. Dean Radin is the currently the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral Trans-personal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. But along the way he’s held appointments at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, and SRI International just to name a few.

For nearly 4 decades he’s been at the forefront of consciousness research and along the way He’s authored over 250 articles, and 3 popular books entitled The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, & Super-normal.

He’s been on dozen’s of popular shows including Oprah, Larry King, and now The Higherside Chats- which we call the true trifecta around here.

Coming in hot with the release of his latest book, boldly spelling it out for his colleagues in the title so there’s no mistake:

It’s called: Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe and I’m siked to talk to him about it.

This episode’s Plus content includes:
- The way magic works in non-linear time and the data that supports that notion
- The science of sigils
- Developing and getting familiar with your deep mind
- Nuero-feedback devices to use as training wheels
- ‘Big C’ consciousness vs ‘little c’ consciousness
- Psychic levitating robots
- Ceremonial magic and it’s relationship to potency
- The VooDoo doll lab test
- Merlin level magicians

Richard Dolan | Intelligent Disclosure | Live Show | July 12, 2018


Intelligent Disclosure with Richard Dolan Live.

New World Next Week | 3D Printed Guns for Everyone! | July 12, 2018


Story #1: Ross Ulbricht Denied Supreme Court Hearing
If Trump Really Wanted to Fight the Deep State, He’d #FreeRoss
Lyn Ulbricht Updates Us On Ross Ulbricht (Jul. 11, 2017)
If Ross Ulbricht Is Not Free, Then You Are Not Free
Dark Web Alleged Silk Road Conspirator Handed to US Authorities
Roger Ver: My Story of Being Tortured in Prison

Story #2: Cashless Backlash As Movement Taking Heat From Lawmakers
Interview w/David Wolman on ‘The End Of Money’

Story #3: DOJ Settles Suit In Landmark Win for 3D-Printable Guns
Decentralize Everything: How To Avoid the Technocratic Nightmare
Nearly Half of Social Media Users Deleted One Account In the Past Year
#GoodNewsNextWeek: The Return of Hemp For Victory

Nick Redfern | The Elites Human Slavery Experiment, Artificial Intelligence and the Endgame Alien Threat Nightmare | July 10, 2018

Source: Alien Outpost TV,

I had the honor and priviledge to be able to sit down with Nick Redfern and interview him in person for the second time! This was a 2 part discussion starting off with big brother, propaganda, artificial intelligence and mind control. We end with part 2 connecting the dots of the first part with the UFOs, and the Artificial Alien Threat. -Alien Outpost TV

Elite Bloodlines
New World Order
Orchestrated Events
Big Brother the Orwellian Society
Surveillance through Social Media
Propaganda through Television and Mainstream Media
Mind Control and Dumbing Down the Masses
GMOs in Food and Pharmaceutical Drugs as a Weapon for the Elite
Black Budget Operations and Programs
Artificial Intelligence
Virtual Reality
Technology is great but can easily be abused
Post 9/11 World
DARPA and Microchip Implants
Low Frequency Weapon
Georgia Guide Stones
Depopulation Agendas

Ronald Reagans Alien Threat Speech
Project Bluebeam and the Fake Alien Threat
Advanced Holographic Technologies
Bob Lazar, Area 51, and Alien Technologies
Black Triangle UFO’s
Fabricated Events
The Orchestration of the Second Coming of Christ
Are Governments of the World worki
ng alongside ET’s
Project Serpo and Eisenhower
Dulce Underground Wars
Phil Schneider
Are ET’s traveling here? Are they already here possibly underground or hollow earth?
Underground Top Secret Facilities
Underground Submersive Objects

Jordan Maxwell | Special Dogmatic Theology Part 1-3


Description: We begin a special series with Jordan Maxwell on Religion. If you are not thinking for yourself, this could be quite offensive. Listen at your own risk. The world around us is designed to be deceptive. Many live in fear and perish for lack of knowledge. Facts are facts, Truth is reality untamed, to educate about truth is an act of love. Tonight is the first of a special series of presentations.

Unmasking what is commonly called religion, The real God Father is the Pope.

Where does god Live? A god was appointed over a solar system, and his name is Zeus. He lives in a floating city in Cassiopeia.

What would happen if Zeus dropped an anvil to the earth? Our father who art in heaven. The chief Theos is Zeus. The origin of Jupiter is explained.

Which of the three major religions came first? Who was Karl Jansky? Did he transmit a signal into space? Did he get an answer? Duncan Lunan sent a message. Responses were amplified and intelligent.

The Theogony of Hesiod is about the God who rules over the heavens. It was channeled through an illiterate man in ancient Greece. Angels are muses.

The divine right of kings is granted by Zeus through his representative, The Pope.

The different places the Jewish homeland was proposed to go.

The British formation of Israel. The idea of a holy land is full of holes.

There are many holy mountains. The moon god is Sin. Who are the people in the book? Who wrote “The Book”?

Who is the god Dagon? The Vatican sent its troops to go up the mountains and slaughter men, woman and children who did not wish to be in their religion. They were called The Knights Templar.

There never was an ancient Israel. The Hebrew word for God is (EL), which is the root of the word Elohim. These two letters written in Hebrew as Aleph, Lamed (AL), is the same word used in Arabic as the word God (Allah), which also has its root in the two letters (EL) or (AL) Modern sun worship is real. Black Sabbath is more than just Chuck’s favorite band.

Part 2

This episode is The second part of a continuing series with Jordan Maxwell on Religion. As it stands today, Jordan has studied this for more than half a century.

The dogma of the western world continually screams It is Christian; its values are Christian. Is this true? Does anyone truly understand what they are saying when repeating these claims?

The foundation of Christianity is not what it seems. As with nearly everything else in this world, there is truth and deception encoded in every pillar of society. The war between light and darkness is older than the language used to tell the story. What is the story?

The Greatest Story Ever Told has truth encoded in it, but it is not the truth as represented. Historical Evidence is there to support the idea that the biblical story existed long before The Book. A Church is a Circus.

The word Christo is another word for oil. Who is anointed? One God, One Faith, One Spiritual Authority, is the basis for Vatican architecture. What god are the Catholics worshiping? You are not in the big club.

What is the Worth Ship? Theos. We explore A god versus The God. Knowledge is power. Is religion itself the circus that keeps the powerless entertained? Perhaps prayers are not heard because you have been trained to speak to the wrong deity.

Part 3

Jordan Maxwell continues his special series on religion. Indiana Jones and the lost Temple of truth? Jewish people worship many gods, not just one. Volcano worship is about the female orgasm. (If you know what you are doing, then you understand the symbolism)

Why does Roman Law dominate the modern world? The Lord of this contemporary world is the evil that most claim they oppose. Do they realize they are serving the most demonic entity? Why does every volcano have a woman’s name?

Egypt seems to be the true origin of the greatest story ever told. What is the Hebrew tradition? How Evil are the true controllers? Why are all three major religions all about sex? How much darker will this series get? Did God show his ass to Moses?

Mount Sinai and the story of Moses is a useful Myth. Multiple gods litter what is alleged to be the Jewish faith. What is the truth of “The Ten Commandments”?

Eva Bartlett on Spring 2018 Visit to Syria, Israeli Violence in Gaza | July 9, 2018


In this special July 2 edition of GRTV, we interview Canadian award-winning journalist Eva Bartlett about her most recent trip to Syria.

In this 26 minute feature Bartlett talks about residents in Douma who refute the accusations of chemical weapons attacks there, she talks about the kidnapping of civilians and the hoarding of food by terrorist factions, Western governments reprisals in April which affected cancer care facilities, an the toll sanctions were taking on the country.

Eva also recounts her experiences in Gaza and how they inform her understanding of Israel's most recent attacks on protesters at the Israel-Gaza border wall.

More of Eva's journalistic work can be found at:

The Corbett Report | China Warns of "Peace Disease" And "Unavoidable" War With US | July 9, 2018


A leaked Chinese memo reveals that the Chinese military is combating "peace disease" and avoiding an "unavoidable" war by . . . building up their military? What does all this mean, what does it have to do with Thucydides, and what is the reality behind this smoke and mirrors? Find out in today's thought for the day.

Show Notes:
China is working on a new fighter jet for aircraft carriers to replace its J-15s
‘Laser AK-47’? Chinese developer answers sceptics with videos of gun being tested
Meet Xi Jinping, President For Life
China’s military reforms aimed at offshore expansion, Communist Party document says
China’s army infiltrated by ‘peace disease’ after years without a war, says its official newspaper
Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War
China and the New World Order
The Great Decoupling: How the West is Engineering its Own Downfall
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