Showing posts with label FarOutRadio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FarOutRadio. Show all posts

Tim Swartz | America’s Strange And Supernatural History, GIANTS, Cannibalism, Ghosts | Far Out Radio | Jan. 23, 2015


Tim Swartz is an author and paranormal researcher. This was Tim’s 33rd visit on Far Out Radio. Tonight we talked about his latest book, America’s Strange and Supernatural History” co-authored with Sean Casteel, Mike Mott, Arthur Crocket, and Timothy Green Beckley.

It’s a fun book that covers accounts in America of Weird creatures, ghosts, UFOs, cannibals, giants, prophecies of the American presidents, strange fumes, Sleepy Hollow, the supernatural history of Indiana, monsters and more.

Tonight we talked about his latest book, "America's Strange and Supernatural History" co-authored with Sean Casteel, Mike Mott, Arthur Crocket, and Timothy Green Beckley. It’s a fun book that covers accounts in America of Weird creatures, ghosts, UFOs, cannibals, giants, prophecies of the American presidents, strange fumes, Sleepy Hollow, the supernatural history of Indiana, monsters and more.

In our limited time we touched on the issues of what is it about the Ohio Vally and northeast that is so strange and unusual. In the book there is a map of North America with markers for over 1000 reports of the discovery of the remains of Giants in America. So, how we can determine the validity of the accounts of these very unusual finds? And lastly, we touched on the psychic and paranormal stories connected to America's Founding Fathers, including Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson. -Far Out Radio

Mark McCandlish | Private Sector Space Program Trouble & UFO's Using Time Travel | Jan. 19, 2015


Mark McCandlish updated us on the private sector space flight disasters from last October 2014 involving the explosion of the Orbital Sciences rocket that was supposed to resupply the International Space Station, the crash of Sir Richard Branson’s SpaceShip Two on Halloween Day, and we covered the failed landing of the Elon Musk's reusable SpaceX rocket on January 10, 2015.

We also talked briefly about Musk's amazing Tesla Motors Model S all-electric luxury car that delivers supercar-like acceleration and handling, on par with anything else on the road! -Far Out Radio

David Sereda | Friend of Boyd Bushman, Brilliant Area 51 Scientist | Nov. 26, 2014


Boyd Bushman was a brilliant scientist that worked in the top level of the aerospace industry. His confession video where he describes his interactions with ETs and talks about their crafts is controversial that it is easy to dismiss the video as the ramblings of a tired old man.

David Sereda had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Mr. Bushman and shared with us the man that he knew and Mr. Bushman's amazing career.

Find more about Boyd Bushman here: Boyd Bushman on Information Machine

Jon Rappoport | The Eternal Struggle Against GMOs and Vaccines | FarOutRadio | Nov. 24, 2014


Jon Rappoport is a journalist, an investigative reporter, author, and political activist. Jon was with us last July to talk about his presentation at the Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization Conference in San Mateo, California.

If you go to Jon’s website, No and sign up for his free newsletter, you will be treated to some of the most astute, incisive, clear essays you’ll ever have the pleasure of reading. He gets right to the point, down to the facts, and pulls it all together with a sharp wit that’s very Mark Twain-like.

Lately, he’s been all over several developing stories – the ongoing struggle over GMO labeling (if ya got’s nothing to hide food companies, what’s the big deal?) also the Obamacare Deception, the Ebola Hoax, and other delicious inconsistencies of our modern world.

He also has an online course that teaches you how to break out of the Matrix. “Matrix Revealed” “Exit From The Matrix” and “Power Inside the Matrix.” All available at his BS-Free website,

Mark McCandlish | A BAD WEEK For the Private Sector Aerospace Industry | FarOutRadio | Nov. 10, 2014


Mark McCandlish is back with us this evening. Mark was our resident aerospace expert. The week before last was a terrible week for the private space flight industry. On October 28 at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, what was supposed to be a routine resupply mission to the International Space Station by the Orbital Sciences Corporation, turned into a total disaster within seconds of launching.

Then a few days later, on October 3,1 the VSS Enterprise, the first Virgin Galactic Space Ship Two reusable space ship, exploded over the Mojave Desert. The pilot survived, though seriously injured, but the copilot was killed. Initially, company officials said the cause of the explosion was “an in-flight anomaly.” That’s tech-speak for “We don’t know.”

Mark McCandlish follows the aerospace industry the way most guys follow sports. And he’s with us tonight to share his insights into the industry in general, and the two recent disasters. When considering the future of space flight, it is important to keep in mind that we’re dealing with tremendous forces, such that when something goes wrong, it usually happens very fast and is usually fatal. These are ultra dangerous enterprises. So, it’s best not to jump to conspiratorial assumptions.

Zen Gardner | Staying Sane In An INSANE World | FarOutRadio | Oct. 24, 2014


Zen Gardner is back with us for another visit, a check-up, from the neck up, as well as taking our heart temperature. He’s a deep thinker and his thoughtful articles are aggregated all around the net because he is WIDE AWAKE and delivers from the Heart.

I’ve recently become aware of a relatively new term being bantered about on talk radio. The term is “Fear Porn.” And a lot of people LOVE IT. But I promise you that it leads to burnout. So if you’ve taken The Red Pill, to use a movie metaphor, do you ever have times when you REALLY WISH YOU HADN’T?

But you did, now what? How do you walk the edge, not fall, and get sliced in half? How do you maintain your balance so that you are AWAKE and AWARE, and at the same time not get consumed by the hot fires?

Well, one place to start is from a quiet mind and an open heart. BOTH are needed. I have my unique ways that are suited for me, and Zen Gardner is with us to share how he keeps it together in this insane world.

Tim Swartz | Mind Control Via MK-ULTRA, the Covert Form of Mind Control, Oct. 22, 2014


Tim Swartz is back with us this evening. We like to get together every three weeks or so and share stories of the strange and unusual. When Tim was with us on October 1st, we were talking about Mind Control. Tim wrote a book on the subject back in 2012 titled, “Mind Stalkers: Mind Control of the Masses.” (an EXCELLENT title, by the way.) Since the subject of Mind Control is very broad and deep, we decided to break the topic into two parts – OVERT Mind Control and COVERT Mind Control.

In Tim’s last visit, we talked about OVERT Mind Control – the obvious stuff: advertising, public relations, and the mass media that includes popular music, films, books, and the relatively new, Social Media. Tonight, we’ll be talking about the more sinister, COVERT Mind Control that is often referred to as MK-Ultra, and often employs frequency manipulation, and drugs in the form of street and perspiration medications, the fluoridation of drinking water, and vaccines.

In the purest sense, all Mind Control must be subtle and stealth-like. The intended victims need to be unaware of what’s being done to them. One of the most shocking recent examples of a victim that seemed to be unaware of what had just happened was James Holmes. On July 20, 2012 in Aurora Colorado, Holmes opened fire inside a movie theater where the latest Batman movie was being shown. 12 people were killed and 58 injured.

But when Holmes was captured, witnesses said that he looked TOTALLY BEWINDERED. Holmes wasn’t a stupid guy. He was a neuroscience doctoral student at the University of Colorado and his family had ties to the exotic DARPA project “Peak Soldier Performance Program.” Look that on up, it’s a real eye-popper! “Peak Soldier Performance Program” brought to you by DARPA and Mars Company – you know, Milky Way and Snickers bars – there’s something VERY special about DARK CHOCOLATE. (get it? Dark projects and Dark Chocolate)

Is it a coincidence? I suppose it “could be.” But then again, when there are too many interlocking pieces, one has to wonder if indeed this is how modern MK-ULTRA programs “function out.”
MK-ULTRA-like projects, AND mental / emotional control via electronic frequencies are REAL. Twenty-three years ago during Desert Storm, the U.S. military tapped into regular FM radio frequencies that were being used by the Iraq army to carry encoded commands. You see, Sadam’s Command & Control System had been destroyed, so they were forced to use commercial radio with codes. We included special encoded commands to artificially implant negative emotional states - feelings of fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness. This subliminal system didn't just tell a person to feel an emotion, it made them feel it, the emotion was planted in their minds. And Sadam’s battle-hardened soldiers surrendered like little girls, much to the astonishment of the American soldiers on the ground. That’s just ONE example from over 20 years ago.

Indeed, Mind Control has come a very long way from 100 years ago when tobacco companies wanted to get a big increase in sales by getting women to smoke, via the use of Edward L. Bernay’s “public relations” techniques. The Black-Ops Boys and Girls have come a long way from the post WW II days of wanting to create Manchurian Candidates to be used for assassinations, or secret couriers ala the Candy Jones Story, or just good old Spy vs. Spy fun and games. Is it safe to assume that these kinds of things are still going on? Would you believe anyone in the government or military if they said, “Oh no… We don’t do that stuff any more. NAW!” I hope not.

Frank Joseph | Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age | FarOutRadio | Oct. 20, 2014


Over the last decade or two we have seen “Global Warming” morph into “Climate Change” and there are few other topics that are more polarizing. Supporters of Global Warming/Climate Change put down non-believers with the expression, “Climate Change Deniers.” Others say that the data does NOT support the “Global Warming/Climate Change” argument, and those that propagate this “belief” are just plain nuts!

Frank Joseph has stitched together some "inconvenient facts" that have been known about for over 45 years, with a lineage of research that goes back to 1930! Frank Joseph is with us – not as a prognosticator, but as a student of ancient history and inconvenient scientific research – the stuff that government-funded, university academic officials like to ignore.

Frank's upcoming new book, "“Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age” published by Inner Traditions. The book will be out in April 2015.

Robert Morningstar | U.S. Govt/Military Have REAL UFOs? 9-17-14


Robert Morningstar is our guest this evening. In this program Robert shared with us some of his recent finding that indicates that the U.S. government/military indeed have what we call, “UFOs.” We reviewed two YouTube videos that you can access from the below links.

UFOs on the Moon? – Apollo 15 Magazine Apollo 15 was the 9th manned mission and took place from July 26 to August 7, 1971 – 43 years ago! BANNED – Secret UFO Footage Smuggled Out of Area 51: This video was shot in 1989 – 25 years ago!

The formed director of the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks, the late Ben Rich once said, “We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking, far beyond anything you see on Star Trek.”

Mark McCandlish | Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP & Weather Modification! | Oct. 13, 2014


Mark McCandlish was our guest for this program and we talked about Geoengineering and weather modification. These two subjects go hand-in-hand. The most observable part of Geoengineering are chemtrails. This is NOT “conspiracy theory” because in public forums on the topic of Geo Engineering, the aerosolization of the atmosphere is OPENLY talked about.

This has been thoroughly explained in Michael Murphy’s excellent films, “What In the World Are They Spraying” and “Why In The World Are They Spraying.” I’ll give you a hint as to the “why” part. There’s no SINGLE answer. There are several. Michael Murphy’s part three of his film series will be titled, “WHO In The World Is Spraying.”

Mark McCandlish and I talked about several of the unintended consequences of fiddling with Mother Nature. It AIN'T pretty!

Robert Schroeder | Cern Technology and UFO Propulsion Systems Revealed, FarOutRadio, Sept, 29, 2014


Physicist Robert Schroeder, author of the book, "Solving The UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics Is Revealing the Technology of UFOs." The book is available on Amazon.

Bob brought us up to speed about a true crisis in the physics world as reported on in Scientific American's May 2014 issue with the cover story, “A Crisis In Physics: If Supersymetry Doesn’t Pan Out, Scientists Need A New Way To Explain The Universe.” Findings from the CERN Large Hadron Collider seem to indicate that the concept of Supersymetry may not be correct.

It is Bob’s position that if the Supersymetry Theory indeed falls apart, the scientific community will put more effort into dimensional physics, which would open the doors to understanding the physics of UFOs.

About the Author:
Robert Schroeder recently retired after 26 years with a major computer company where he was involved in operations and product management.

His educational background includes a BA in mathematics, an MBA and an associate's degree in aerospace engineering.

He has closely followed developments in modern physics over the years and has researched the UFO phenomenon since the 1960's. He is a sought after speaker for prominent UFO organizations through the country.

Zen Gardner | Our Society is Run By Insane People for Insane Objectives | FarOutRadio | Aug. 27, 2014


We covered several topics. Back in 1968, Zen was one of 500,000 or so young Hippy Dudes that went to Max Yasgur’s farm for the Woodstock Music Festival. Zen shared his “far out” recollections. 

Then we got into current events surrounding the latest mind-controlled, staged event – that being the faked beheading of young American journalist, James Foley. “Manufactured enemies” has become a science and it takes real discernment to not get fooled.

And lastly, Zen talked briefly about the “losing your name and breaking the birth contract” movement, as a way of breaking out of The Matrix.

Tobias Churton on Notorious Aleister Crowley | Startling Seldom Revealed Facts | FarOutRadio, Aug. 6, 2014


This program we interview author Tobias Churton about his latest book, Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin, Art, Sex and Magick in the Weimar Republic. This is Tobias Churton’s second book about Aleister Crowley. The book focuses on Crowley’s time in Berlin from 1930 to 1933 – the end of the Weimar Republic. Because this was Tobias’ first visit, we covered Crowley’s early life and a few of the things that inspired his metaphysical interests. Crowley was a writer, poet, artist, world traveler, and researcher of inner metaphysical understandings. A most misunderstood man.

Enjoy this amazing interview with the great Gnostic author and film maker, Tobias Churton. Tobias is one of the world's leading experts in Gnosticsism, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism and Aleister Crowley. He shares with us his vast knowledge on the occult, Crowley and more.

Conversation with Zen Gardner | Keep It Together in an Insane World | FarOutRadio | Aug. 4, 2014


Zen Gardner-Ebola, Gaza, Ukraine, Chemtrails-A CLASH of Civilizations. Zen and Scott Teeters (host) talked about the strange times we are living in. With two genocides playing out at the same time, westerners have to endure a totally biased and skewed news media. And when the media (the unofficial 4th branch of government – the one that governs your MIND) isn’t twisting reality, they serve up a continuous stream of more and more extreme “entertainment.” In actuality, modern “entertainment” has become “entrainment.” As George Carlin used to say, “And it’s BAD for ya!” 

So, how does one “stay aware” and not let it all crush you? That and other interesting things were covered in my conversation with Zen Gardner. Zen Gardner's always unique and eye opening take on what is going on in the world. With an eye toward the awakening he looks at the dark alternative news headlines, the real motives behind the powerful plays and what it means to you on a conscious path. Lots of BAD stuff going down.

About Zen Gardner:
Zen Gardner is a deep thinker on a quest for truth. He is the editor and publisher of the truth seeking website, He shares: "I have questions. Life is wonderful–full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you …just wondering."

FarOutRadio | Dean Henderson | Powers & Motives Behind Global War


Guest: Dean Henderson, author and geopolitical analyst.

Topic: With current events being on the boil, Dean Henderson covered a wide range of topics with host, Scott Teeters, including Russian President Putin, sanctions , the bogus cease fire in Ukraine, the water shut off in Detroit, International banksters, and several other juicy topics.
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