Showing posts with label Mind Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind Control. Show all posts

Cathy O'Brien | MKUltra & Project Monarch Whistleblower on Her new Book |  Nov. 14, 2016


Neil Sanders | "Film TV & Social Media Are Used To Control How We Think!" | Richie Allen Show | Oct. 26, 2016


Dr. Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist | Transhumanist Takeover: Common Core 2.0 | Sept. 23, 2016


Transhumanist Occult Transformation
In this exciting episode Dr. Joseph Farrell joins Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt to reveal the hidden dangers inherent in the Common Core Education system being forced on communities around America. Farrell uncovers the truth about the Transhumanist agenda and their goal of humanity merging with machines in order for a few select elites to ascend the tree of life from the ancient alchemy system of occult transformation.

The Singularity & Artificial Intelligence
Scientists like Ray Kurzweil have proclaimed that the so called ‘Singularity’ is near and that being enmeshed with computers is humankind's destiny.

Displaying an obsession with with immortality, some corporate elitists are buying into this fantasy and developing age extension technologies that will supposedly keep them and their families forever young. Their collective ideal is to be able to control the world with an Artificial Intelligence grid system so their anti-human vision can be accomplished and to manipulate and enslave a naive technology-loving public to accept the thrust of their entire Transhumanist movement.

Common Core Dangers
Dr. Farrell also share his research on Common Core, the bizarre system of education descending on American schools that is rewriting the rules of learning and replacing it with mind control techniques that will make a student more malleable to the agenda of the software makers and their agenda. Under the guise of public education, technology companies now have the ability to supersede the authority of teachers, parents and school boards in order to control the language and process of teaching. The curriculum is developed under secret conditions and the tests and their development materials are kept from the public under the rules of 'proprietary intellectual property’ because the companies are private not public. This leads to covert forces having a free hand to ram this questionable system through every school district in America.

MK ULTRA Roots of Standardized Testing
Education in America has always had competing interests and agendas that go far beyond learning. In his deep research Dr. Farrell has uncovered that the non-profit corporation that started the standardized test or multiple choice questionnaire that dominates our education system today actually worked with the CIA in their MK Ultra mind control experiments. He discovered the very real possibility that the standardized tests and their listed choices were designed more as a ‘loyalty test’ to see if the average American was sufficiently compliant to the official narrative being put forward. Some of the earliest materials from the 1950s show that the goal of the education system was to ‘Prepare students for World Citizenship.’

Now with the merging of the Transhumanist movement with the technology companies that have designed Common Core, the average student runs the very real risk of becoming a suggestible, docile, mechanized automaton that is subject to the control of Artificial Intelligence and ready to be absorbed into the false scientific nirvana of the ’Singularity.’

Robert Phoenix | The Stranger Things Midnight Special | Offplanet Radio with Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer | Sept. 18, 2016


We discuss Robert's incredible 3 part article on "Stranger Things." He unpacks the symbolism of the characters, the symbiotic relationship of the show has with the movie "Midnight Special," and the connections of the series' stars, creators, and writers to black projects like MK Ultra. We then dive even deeper and find ourselves discussing some of the absolute STRANGEST THINGS you could imagine....and how we are personally connected to them.

Elisa E. | Deep Ultra - FutureNow Mind Control | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans


Emily Moyer and Randy Maugans are joined by Elisa E., who was exploited as an MPD (multiple personality disorder) slave by government, military, intelligence, religious, and corporate institutions; inwardly, that exploitation was mirrored by a soul-devouring, eons-old cross-dimensional species dedicated to hybridizing and cloning human beings.

The “black tech” that fragmented her mind was administered by an elite bloodline network of minions and perpetrators enslaved for centuries by these malevolent beings. She has repeatedly encountered demi-gods, Nephilim, and Archons in the altered consciousness of trauma-based mind kontrol programming and in full waking consciousness.

We discuss: the dark technology, both physical and spiritual, that is being applied to everyone and everything; sending us into transhumanism at an ever increasing pace. She shares information about some of the black tech that she has experienced and how it is affecting all of us.

Additional links:
Website Elisa E, author of "Our Life Beyond MKUltra"
Amazon Book Link: Our Life Beyond MKULTRA
Article: Mind Control using Holography and Dissociation: A Process Model

Jay Dyer | Decoding Hollywood, The Most Powerful Mind Control Tool in the World | Aug. 9, 2016


Esoterica in Hollywood, Subliminal Programming & Conditioning
Did you know that many clandestine agencies and branches of the DoD work within Hollywood? What if television and programing was often designed at the top levels to control your mind and how you think from the subconscious level?

Analysis of the Following Films and TV Series
Stranger Things
The Last Ship
House of Cards
Terminator / Skynet
Labyrinth / David Bowie
Family Guy
27 Club
Magick and the Occult

Neil Sanders | Mind Control Tactics, MK Ultra, Techniques, Black Box, Hypnosis | June 20, 2016


The Ultimate Guide and Source for Mind Control tactics discussed in this podcast with Expert Neil Sanders. What is real and being used now for Mind Control?

Max Igan | Mind Control in the Modern World | June 10, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 259 - American Voice Radio, June 10th, 2016.

Freeman Fly | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 3, 2016


Freeman Fly is back with us to discuss conspiracy...we cover everything from politics, Hillary, Trump, Hollywood, 911, ISIS, Prince and the Freemasons. We also talk about his sighting and loss of time in 1993...and also premiere his new band...Molecular.

Dr. John Hall | "MKUltra Never Ended. Millions Suffering In Global Covert Mind Control Programme"!" | Richie Allen Show


DARPA’s Modern Warfare & The War On For Our Minds | The Kev Baker Show | March 17, 2016


NanoGirl is back on the show and this week we dive back into the world of technology and to start with we look at DARPA and their SQUAD X future soldiers and how it ties into the AI beast. They are also asking for you to weaponize your microwave, and if you don’t believe us, tune in and find out why!

DARPA reports…

Squad X Program Envisions Dismounted Infantry Squads of the Future
Wed, 03/16/2016 – 1:49pm by DARPA 

Modern military engagements increasingly take place in complex and uncertain battlefield conditions where attacks can come from multiple directions at once, and in the electromagnetic spectrum and cyber domains as well. U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps dismounted infantry squads, however, have been unable to take full advantage of some highly effective multi-domain defensive and offensive capabilities that vehicle-assigned forces currently enjoy—in large part because many of the relevant technologies are too heavy and cumbersome for individual Soldiers and Marines to carry or too difficult to use under demanding field conditions.

To help overcome these challenges and help ensure U.S. squad dominance over adversaries in the decades to come, DARPA has launched the Squad X Experimentation (Squad X) program. Squad X seeks to design, develop and validate system prototypes for combined-arms squads. The program intends to lay the foundation for breakthrough technologies and capabilities that would:

- Improve shared situational understanding of the multi-domain operational environment: physical, electromagnetic and cyber

- Increase the time and space in which squads can maneuver through optimized use of physical, cognitive and material resources

- Shape and dominate the battlespace through synchronization of fire and maneuvering in all three domains


Mark Devlin | Mind Control and Magick In The Corporate Music Industry | March 1, 2016


Mark Devlin joins THC to discuss his new book Musical Truth, which covers nearly everything you might want to know about the weirdness within the corporate music industry. We talk about predictive programming, esoteric symbolism, satanism, pedophilia, assassination, mind control and more in our attempt to tackle just half of the amazing work he's done in Musical Truth.

Jay Weidner & Freeman | Ritual Magic - Alchemy


In this powerful in-depth interview Jay Weidner discusses awakening to the false reality created by the corporate cabal and the sorcery used to keep humanity asleep. He also discusses, Terence McKenna, soul lessons, abductions, ancient mythology, the Kali Yuga and time as a vortex. Don't miss this eye-opening interview.

Jay Dyer on Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis | ISIS, Thugs & Tavistock Mind Control


Clyde Lewis invited me on Ground Zero to comment on his thoughts in his piece on government tyranny and ISIS. We discuss mind control, social engineering, psy ops and the Tavistock Institute, as well as Hollywood predictive programming. It also includes some of my ridiculous jokery. -Jay Dyer

Freeman | Political Clones, Time Travel, Mind Control in Media, Corporate Sigils | Jan. 18, 2016


Freeman discussing Time Travel, Pharaohs reborn via cloning, now in positions of power, Corporate Symbolism, Magick in Media, Aleister Crowley, Thule Society, Luciferianism, Satanism, The Mark of the Beast, 666, ET's, LAM and more...

Corbett Report Radio | Tim Kelly | The Manchurian Candidate | Jan. 18, 2016


download mp3

The Film, Literature and the New World Order podcast returns to its regular schedule after a brief hiatus with a conversation with Tim Kelly of the Our Interesting Times podcast about the 1962 film adaptation of Richard Condon’s 1959 novel The Manchurian Candidate. We discuss the details of the MK-ULTRA mind control program of the CIA that were still classified at the time of the movie and why/how these details were being put before the public in fictional form at that time.

Show Notes:
Episode 220 – The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan
Artichoke Report 1954
Richard Condon’s “The Manchurian Candidate” as the Nomenclature of a Political Assassination Cabal

Marie D. Jones | World Mind Control | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Nov. 17, 2015


Marie D. Jones is back with her new book: Mind Wars: A History of Mind Control, Surveillance and Social Engineering by the Government, Media and Secret Societies. We cover how ISIS converts it's followers...the events in France on Friday the 13th...and how the world media is shaping what we know.

Jay Dyer | Magic, Mass Media and the Mind Control Matrix | Nov. 21, 2015


Jay Dyer discusses magic, mass media and the mind control matrix. We live in a world of illusion, a realm of the unreal. The primal impulses and drives so central to our being – for meaning, purpose, oneness, and love – are diminished and driven out amid the avalanche of disinformation, duplicity and deceit under which we labour, day in, day out. Our culture has become corrupted, our instincts corroded, and the very idea of truth lost in a sea of lies. Many among us think that it has always been so; still others see a species simply gone astray, forlornly searching once more for the way from which we wandered on some fateful day.

And yet within this matrix of manipulation, we can discover patterns of programming, many of which, while having ancient origins, point to a very modern purpose. An agenda whose endgame is encoded in the symbols and signs that surround us is being expertly executed moment by moment, moving humanity, the Earth itself, and maybe much, much more than that towards a goal impossibly vast. Wading into the world of conspiracy theories, the swamp of secret societies, and a great deal more, we explore intriguing ideas and wild speculation alike, and along the way uncover a decidedly dark and disturbing picture.

download mp3

Dr. Nick Begich | Technological Control Grid Prevents People From Thinking | The Vinny Eastwood Show | Nov. 18, 2015


The world is saturated with technologies that are constantly sending out signals, this general atmosphere of ours is now flooded with negative energy that performs many functions, like dumbing people down, causing anxiety, sleep deprivation and making us more suggestible and easier to control.

HAARP and Weather Modification was just the beginning as we leap headfirst into the technotronic era, where technology will control the people and not the other way round.

Mark Devlin | Mind Control Manipulation of Mainstream Music | Nov. 5, 2015

Source: FreemanTV youtube

Mark Devlin is a UK-based club and radio DJ and music journalist, specializing in black/ dance music in its many forms. He’s also written his first book, 'Tales From The Flipside'.

In more recent years he has begun speaking on radio and at events about the dark forces that have been manipulating and controlling the mainstream music industry for decades, and how this ties into the much larger picture of what is really going on in the world.
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