New World Next Week | CNN #FakeNews Amanpour Challenged to Interview Aleppo Boy's Father | June 15, 2017


Story #1: Amanpour Challenged To Interview “Aleppo Boy” She Exploited For War Propaganda
MintPress Meets The Father Of Iconic Aleppo Boy, Who Says Media Lied About His Son
Wikipedia: Christiane Amanpour
Complete 9/11 Timeline: Christiane Amanpour
Wikipedia: James P. Rubin
Hillary Clinton Email Archive: Secretary Clinton's Interview With Christiane Amanpour

Story #2: Young People Hit Tokyo's Streets To Protest “Anti-Conspiracy Bill”
Update: Japan Enacts Broad Anti-Conspiracy Law
Expert Disputes Japan Government Claim That Conspiracy Bill Needed To Ratify U.N. Treaty Related To 2020 Olympics
Conspiracy Theory Becomes Frightening Reality For Japan

Story #3: "We're Not Monsters" - Ontario Township Defends Shuttering Girl's Lemonade Stand 🍋💰
6 Illicit Lemonade Stands Towns Had to Shut Down
NWNW Update: Chimpanzees Aren't People, Don't Have Right For Habeas Corpus
NWNW Update: Germany's Merkel Says Digital World Needs Global Rules

F. William Engdahl | World Wars and the Gods of Money | June 15, 2017


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 15, 2017


A busy... and sad... week for the Nefarium. First, Joseph comments on the recent Pentagon approval of arms to Qatar, and his ongoing suspicions in that regard. Secondly, in response to a wave of emails asking about his reactions to the "baseball" attempted assassinations of Republican congressmen in Arlington, Joseph offers some BRIEF observations.

Article: Pentagon Agrees To Sell $12 Billion In F-15s To Qatar

Dark Journalist | Cabal Infiltration? Secret Space Program Nazi Controversy | June 14, 2017


This special Dark Journalist report continues to look at the 3 Year Disclosure Cult that is consolidating resources in the alternative community. During this short overview, we raise the dramatic public link between self proclaimed 'Time Traveling Astronaut' Corey Goode and a Website identified as an Adolf Hitler admiration society that describes Hitler in Glowing terms as a hero. The links were posted by Goode himself and require a major explanation.

What Cabal Exactly is Goode Referring to?
Mysteriously the controversial website contains many of the themes that Goode uses in his own narrative like 'infiltration' and 'Cabal'. This strange fact leads many to wonder if he he referring to the same 'Infiltration' and 'Criminal Conspiracy' as the Hitler website? Goode is now trying to convince his followers that the 'Cabal' is after him although he has no evidence and it seems an odd juxtaposition to his comfortable life and TV show with David Wilcock.

Promoting Nazi and Hitler websites is deeply troubling and the public is deserving of some straight answers from the self-proclaimed time traveling astronaut.

John Michael Greer | Beyond Collapse: The Future of Civilization | Legalise Freedom Radio | June 13, 2017 

Source:,, Archdruid Report

John Michael Greer discusses the retirement of his popular blog The Archdruid Report, his latest venture Ecosophia, and the future of our civilization.

Over the years, John has written more than most and about as much as can be said concerning the decline and fall of industrial civilization. As the converging crises in energy, economics, and the environment continue to unfold, and politics plunges to new lows, he is making a shift in emphasis away from past paradigms and towards a spiritual perspective which may help salvage some meaning and purpose from the wreckage of our doomed society.

Reflecting the subject matter of John’s regular column in the post-apocalyptic periodical Into The Ruins, we also discuss how the dystopian science fiction of the past presciently described the dysfunction and disintegration of the present.

On a plastic planet of suburban sprawl, metastasizing strip malls, and streets paved with cheeseburgers, the fast food fantasy land where anything goes and nothing matters is fast going away. As we sift through our hopes and fears for the future and strive to see beyond collapse, can we somehow survive the coming storm?

download mp3

Michael Schratt | Aerospace Alley 2017 | June 12, 2017


Michael covers the many black projects (way above top secret) that the military have put into development and the trends in the aerospace industry directly related to The Secret Space Programs.

Brien Foerster | Lost Ancient High Technology: Little Petra In Jordan | June 12, 2017


David Icke | What Can We Do? |  Live at Brixton Academy, London | June 12, 2017


David Icke talks solutions live at Brixton Academy, London.

Max Igan | 5G Transhumanism and the Collective Surrendering of Freewill | June 9, 2017


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - June 9th, 2017.

Liz Crokin | Washington's DARKEST Secret |  Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells | June 11, 2017


Liz Crokin is the award-winning author of the political romantic thriller Malice. She’s worked as an investigative journalist, columnist and senior editor for various publications for over a decade. Her work has been featured in the RedEye Edition of the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times: Splash, Us Weekly, In Touch Weekly, Star, National Enquirer, Life & Style, Radar, OK!, Closer, Observer, Daily Caller, WND, Townhall, Marie Claire and Elite Daily.

The Corbett Report | The Weaponization of Information in the War of Terror | GRTV Backgrounder | June 12, 2017


If terrorist incidents are always tied back to shadowy groups linked to Al Qaeda or ISIS, an online, independent media might connect those dots to show how Al Qaeda and ISIS were literally created, fostered, funded, trained and equipped by the UK government, the US government and their allies across the world as a tool in their quest of dominance of the Middle East and control of their domestic population. But such a story can only be told on a free and open internet, where independent voices continue to reach the masses and inform them of the truth about these terror groups.

Transcript & Sources: The Weaponization of Information in the War of Terror

Dark Journalist | Whistleblower of Truth: Ring of Archons! New Age Deep State | Part 4 | June 9, 2017


Exclusive Interview! Whistleblower Derrick Faust Comes Forward!
In this fascinating part 4 episode of the New Age Deep State series, Dark Journalist welcomes former insider to Corey Goode’s camp Derrick Faust for an exclusive interview on what really is behind the Cult Marketing Campaign that is driving the commercialization of the Blue Avian, Sphere Being Alliance 3-Year Disclosure marketing plan.This campaign is the brainchild of self proclaimed Time-Traveling Astronaut Corey Goode and his Business Partner Roger Ramsaur and includes unusual aspects like a therapy network to help cope with disclosure and a Comic Book based on Goode’s adventures in Secret Space.

‘Disclosure' Corporation Swallows Grassroots Truth Effort
Derrick, who had a successful career in the Navy for 7 years before jointing the Stillness in the Storm blog and being a volunteer for Mt Shasta conferences that featured Corey Goode, decided to come forward when he saw that the cult marketing plan was turning from a genuine movement into a vehicle for the greed of shady marketers who wanted to exploit the public’s genuine interest in topics like the Secret Space Program and UFOs. The promo campaign for Corey’s Kids was the worst example of the promotion ploy as young adult volunteers were used to create a niche with the youth market by pretending to be experts on complex subjects in alternative media. They were to be used to promote Comic Books, Video Games, and Secret Space Program gear stores around Goode’s theme of being a chosen messenger of Blue Avian Aliens!

Archon Ritual in the Desert
Derrick also recounts a disturbing change in his friends,' Corey’s Kids' Jordan Sather, Teresa Yeneros, and Justin Descamps after they attended a ritual during the Contact in the Desert event in May at a cabin where Goode and Ramsaur only allowed their chosen few to attend. So much for Unity in the Community. The undertones of bizarre cult activity and occult imagery that surrounds Goode and the 3 Year Disclosure marketing program invite a deeper look at exactly what is going on in this strange circle of followers. Does it relate to a story recounted by Corey Goode of attempts to have him indoctrinated into a cult before he went public with his bizarre story of being in the SSP Alliance?

The Courage to Come Forward
Let’s open our minds and hear the truth from Derrick Faust who is someone that was there in the midst of the Goode Disclosure Promotion effort. He became disillusioned when the emphasis switched from moving the culture to a new consciousness to what he eventually realized was nothing more than a money making commercial enterprise. The marketing team regarded the honest individuals involved in the effort as commodities to be used to further an agenda of greed and celebrity. When he saw the degeneration of people and organizations he had previously believed in he decided he could no longer stay silent and became a Whistleblower of Truth.

Note: Due to the important nature of this video and it’s many revelations, you may at your discretion download it and upload it to your channel with proper citation and share it with your viewers to make sure it is not censored.
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