Tom Campbell | MBT Open Forum | Oct. 11-2014


Tom Campbell discusses topics as diverse as the environment, physics, the probabalistic vs deterministic viewpoint of reality, Love, healing, past lives, peace, and more, thus illustrating how his My Big TOE (Big Theory of Everything) lives up to it's name.

Tom also offers some new information to add to his MBT theory, and makes a prediction.
Questions from the participants follow Tom's presentation. This presentation is in 3 parts.

Quotes by Tom:
“There are millions of paths; whatever your path, it will take you where you want to go.”

"I am a physicist. I talk physics. If we are ever to get the high priests of physics to understand that Love is the answer, we have to talk physics."

"There is nothing out there. This is a Virtual Reality."

One of the reasons Tom Campbell's MBT theory is so valuable is that "If you see yourself in the context of a big picture, you get progress." Progress (positive evolution) is why we are here.

Working from his big picture perspective, world peace is a possibility.

NPMR: Non-physical reality
IUOC: Individuated Unit of Consciousness
LCS: Being in charge of our system; Some may call God.
PMR- physical matter reality
RWW-reality wide web
QOC-quality of Consciousness

Brett Veinotte | School Sucks: Intelligence & Education vs. Schooling | Hour 1 | Nov. 3, 2014


November 3, 2014–Brett Veinotte has worked in education for the last 12 years, in a variety of capacities. After leaving classroom teaching in 2006, Brett began to work exclusively as a private tutor in the greater Boston area. In 2009, he began The School Sucks Podcast as an outlet for the lessons and experiences he had gathered in and around the schools.

The show addresses the problems, history and hidden lessons of American compulsory schooling, but also covers a variety of educational topics including The Trivium, communication, mainstream media, peaceful parenting, philosophy, self-esteem, history and political science.

Brett will discuss the difference between schooling vs. education and the importance of cognitive liberty. We’ll also compare past to present day intelligence levels and hear about the Flynn effect. Then, Brett tells about the 9 types of intelligence.

Later on, we’ll discuss Charlotte Iserbyt’s work, John Dewey, the Scandinavian school system and the banning of homeschool in Europe. Brett also comments on anti-bullying laws in school and how it creates helplessness. In the member’s hour, we’ll speak more about homeschooling and what to do if it’s illegal in your area. He’ll also give his view on fighting the political system.

Then, we’ll discuss how parents have become an enforcer for school, changing the dynamics of the parent/child relationship. Brett also talks about the 6 pillars of self-esteem. We’ll move on to talk about the power of pop culture and whether parents should shield their children from the programming. At the end of the hour, Brett gives advice for people who want to drop out of school.

download hour 1 mp3

Dr. Amit Goswami | Quantum Creativity: Think Quantum, Be Creative | Sanitas Radio


Clip provided as a courtesy from SANITAS Radio. Listen to Part 1 of this interview at:

Physicist Amit Goswami, Ph.D., explores the world of human creativity—the ultimate source of joy and fulfillment—through the lens of quantum physics, and offers up a unique way to nurture and enhance your own creativity in his new book "Quantum Creativity: Think Quantum, Be Creative".

According to quantum physics, reality occurs on two levels: possibility and actuality. Goswami uses this same duality to explore what he calls “quantum thinking,” which focuses on two levels of thinking—the conscious mind of actuality and the unconscious mind of possibility. He then poses questions that probe the wellspring of creation that exists in each of us. What is creativity? Can anyone be creative? What kinds of creativity are there? And through this inquiry, he lays out a guidebook for understanding the power of the mind to access creativity in a whole new way.

Combining the art of creativity with the objectivity of science, "Quantum Creativity" uses empirical data to support this new method of thinking and outlines how to harness our innate abilities in order to live more creatively. In short, Goswami teaches you how to think quantum to be creative.

CrossTalk | Stupid Wars | Nov. 3, 2014


What is Washington's strategy against the Islamic State? Is the Islamic State a creation of the United States? Is the war on terror really a war on Islam? Will the US make amends with Iran in order to defeat the Islamic State? What is Wahington's endgame? CrossTalking with Ken O'Keefe, Majid Rafizadeh, and Peter van Buren.

Tracy Twyman | Clock Shavings: Demonic Confessions | Hour 1 | Oct. 31, 2014

Source:, The Works of Margaret Murray

October 31, 2014–Tracy R. Twyman is an American non-fiction author, born in Kansas City, Missouri. She writes about esoteric history. She is probably best known for her books The Merovingian Mythos and Solomon’s Treasure. In recent years she has pioneered what she calls "Alchenomics," the study of the relationship between alchemy, economics, and the evolution of money through the ages, which culminated in her book Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge.

Before writing books, she made a name for herself as the Editor and Publisher of a highly unique underground cult magazine entitled Dagobert’s Revenge, published from 1996 to 2003. Tracy returns to the program to talk about her latest book Clock Shavings. She’ll tell of a Ouija board investigation that started with the aim of contacting dead French artist Jean Cocteau in order to glean clues about the secrets of the Priory of Sion and the grail bloodline.

The brethren of Tracy’s occult order Ordo Lapsit Exillis ended up getting in contact with demons from beyond the veil who claimed to be Cain the Murderer, Baphomet the Goat, Lucifer the Lightbearer, and Satan himself. She tells what they had to say. In the second hour, Tracy shares what she was told about the Black Sun, the origins of chess and an older version of the game called Ageio, meant to teach the story of the war in heaven. Later, we discuss the coming reign of the Anti-Christ, fallen angels, Tartarus, the deluge and the end of the world.

download hour 1 mp3

Selling the "ISIS" Brand | The BFP Roundtable Takes on "Islamic Terror" | Nov. 1, 2014


On this edition of the BFP Roundtable the panel gets into a lively discussion on the marketing of the "ISIS" brand of "Islamic Terror." But if the terror boogeyman is the product, then who's the customer and who are they buying from? Join Peter, Sibel, Guillermo and James for an uncensored conversation on terror, black ops, boogeymen and blowback.

Max Igan | Disconnecting from the Matrix and Reconnecting with Consciousness | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Max Igan is back to discuss his latest journey throughout Europe where he planned to be mostly an observer and gauge where people stood as it relates to our current paradigm. We also took a geopolitical journey around the world and discussed the creation of ISIS/ISIL, Ebola, Syria, Ukraine, and who could is pulling the strings and why.

In order for people to become change agents, we need to remove the notion that we don't have the power to effect change. Change usually happens with one person's idea. People need to experience truth for themselves. Sharing the truth with them is not enough. We can show them the door; but it is up to them to open it and go through it. Most importantly, it is up to the individual to disconnect from the matrix and reconnect with consciousness. Every human is born with unlimited possibilities.

Robert W. Sullivan IV | The Hidden Secrets of the Movie Halloween | Gnostic Warrior Radio


In this spooky podcast, I interview 32nd degree Freemason, historian, and author, Robert Sullivan IV. Robert is the author of The Royal Arch of Enoch: The Impact of Masonic Ritual, and a newer book, Cinema Symbolism that details the occult, esoteric, and mythological symbolism hidden in some of the world’s most popular movies.

One of these movies is the All Hallow’s Eve cult classic Halloween from the 1970’s by John Carpenter. I distinctly remember seeing it when I was about 9 years old and it literally scared the hell out of me. In this podcast, Robert talks about the hidden symbolism, and movies secrets of Halloween. He tells us his theory on why Hollywood encodes them into so many movies, and if masons control Hollywood. We also discuss the age-old questions if evil cannot be killed and if it is simply a dark fact of life.

Max Igan | ISIS, The Muslim Menace & The Greater Israel Project


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 02

Jeff Rense & Ronnie McMullin - An MK Ultra Society


Clip from October 29, 2014 - guest Ronnie McMullin on the Jeff Rense Program.

New World Next Week | Will Oregon Label GMOs? | Oct. 30, 2014


Story #1: Oregon's GMO Labeling Campaign Breaks Spending Record
With Less Than a Week, GMO Labeling Trails By Six Points in Oregon Measure 92 Poll
Ballotpedia: Oregon Mandatory Labeling of GMOs Initiative, Measure 92
Audio: Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich Speak Out at Oregon's Yes On 92 Rally

Story 2: Tesco, Largest UK Supermarket, Makes 92% Drop in Profits As Criminal Case Opens
NWNW Flashback: Horse Meat Found In Yet More Frozen Dinners (February 2013)

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek: After Queen's First Tweet as @BritishMonarchy, Reply Telling Her Majesty to 'F*** Off' is Broadcast Live on BBC News
Stupor Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll Promotes Peace as Opposed to War
Flashback: Seahawks Coach Peppered 4-Star General With 9/11 "Conspiracy" Questions (June 2013)
Russell Brand Admits He's 'Open Minded' to 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
BBC Youth Radio Channel Goes Utter Troll-Mode Due to Russell Brand's 9/11 Views
NWNW Flashback: Russell Brand-wagon (October 2013)
Frank Serpico, Famous Ex-Cop, Says The Police Are Out Of Control
Ex-CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Says Media Covers for Obama Administration

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: Total CEO Crash Investigators Say Teetotal Snowplow Driver "Drunk"
Saudi Arabia Surprises Market With Supply Cut Announcement, Oil Jumps
New North Sea Oil Field Conveniently Discovered After Scottish Referendum
MH17 Prosecutor Open to Theory of Other Plane Shooting Down Airliner
Scientists Identify Amelia Earhart Plane Fragment
Liberian Scientist: US Responsible for Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
Obama: Ebola a "Trial Run" For a Deadlier Airborne Disease
Defiant "Ebola" Nurse Kaci Hickox Works for the CDC

Project Avalon | Military Advanced Technology Whistleblower - Part 1


This is the first interview with a certain member of the Project Avalon Forum, who for the moment wishes to remain anonymous — maybe for reasons that will become obvious as you watch this extraordinary video.

This is a man who has personal hands-on experience in military remote viewing as a child, interdimensional portal travel, travel in advanced spacecraft, and attendance of large-scale meetings with ETs in which human representatives played only a minor role.

He has knowledge of the role of Artificial Intelligence, the threat posed by ET 'trojan horse' AI infiltration, what some of the small 'Gray' beings really are, and of past 'Breakaway Civilizations' that existed here before us, preceding the current one on Planet Earth.

This is a fascinating conversation, which was recorded when Christine, one of the Project Avalon moderators, twice visited him at his home in September/October 2014.

It's really not so much an interview, but a very natural, informally flowing conversation, recorded in two parts separated by a week.

It wasn't clear initially whether any of this would ever be made public, and I (Bill Ryan, writing this) was assuming that this was primarily for my own research purposes, and those of a few trusted colleagues who would keep this tightly off-record.

But then our friend decided he wanted to go ON record, and it's our pleasure and privilege to support him in this. In future conversations we'll make sure the audio quality is totally optimum.

I make a few comments in between the two parts of the conversation, and also at the very end. I consider this information at a level with with some of the most significant that Project Avalon or Project Camelot has ever released.

The standalone audio itself can be downloaded here:
download mp3

Bill Ryan October 2014
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