Douglas Dietrich | World War 3, Why America Deserves To Fall | The Vinny Eastwood Show | April 27, 2015


Famed military historian and former Department of Defense Librarian Douglas Dietrich has a lot of extremely inflammatory opinions concerning America, its history and its people.

These opinions however aren't just being inflammatory for no reason, it comes after doing research few others have done and from personal experience knowing what it's like to be persecuted, abused and assaulted just for looking like a native American.

Because of all the crime, decadence, laziness and apathy, America does deserve to fall and it will be like seeing justice in slow motion for all the crimes of the state and it's people.

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Max Igan | The NWO is the same system RELOADED | SFI News | April 26, 2015


In this interview with StopFundingisrael, Max talks about the origins of his research, about his musical past and film making abilities.

Max speaks about the preparations in place to crash the worlds economies by the Federal Reserve banking scam, in order to implement chaos and disorder. Mass starvations, public riots, all for the purpose of implementing martial law and eventually setting in place the new system of absolute control of the world population by the economic monsters who created the problem in the first place.

Max talks about fracking and the ultimate threat to public security it poses, the false terror drills and hoaxes, the many false flag attacks worldwide including Sept 11, Sandy Hook, The Boston Bombings, The Port Arthur killings event in Tasmania in 1997 and even when he was working on the film set of Dark City.

Steve asks Max about his adventures traveling the world, about his free pdf book: Earths Forbidden Secrets containing many hints to ancient civilizations, hidden histories and out of place artifacts, and he also goes into the many documentaries he has made over the years. Max gets asked about the Lindt cafe shooting in Sydney, how it was a Police set up from the start, the Police drill at the same place a year earlier and how all the victims in the siege were shot by Police, not by the patsy hostage taker lunatic fake muslim stooge.

Max explains the September 10th 2015 deadline for the Federal Reserve debt to China and the impending financial crash thereafter.

An absolutely fascinating interview from start to finish. -SFI News

New World Next Week | Plane Hacking Goes Mainstream | April 24, 2015


Story #1: Fearing United Plane Was Hacked, FBI Pulls Security Expert Off Flight
Feds Warn Planes Can Be Hacked, Detain Leading Hack Researcher; Then United Bans Him
Hacking Into Plane's Controls No Easy Feat; U.S. Security Researcher Suggested on Twitter He Could Get Oxygen Masks to Deploy
How to Steal an Airplane: From 9/11 to MH370
Flashback: Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones (Dec 2009)
"Multiple Weapons" Were Aimed at Gyrocopter Pilot
Doug Hughes Flew Gyrocopter for 30 Miles Over Restricted Airspace
Flashback: Crashes of Convenience - Michael Hastings
Flashback: Richard Clarke - "Car Hacking Possible In Crash That Killed Michael Hastings"
DARPA Talks About Hacking Cars - Was This Used In Killing Of Michael Hastings?
Drone With ‘Minuscule’ Quantity of Radiation Found on Japan PM’s Office Roof

Story #2: Scientists Successfully Modify Human Embryos, Allowing Editing of Babies’ Genes
Eric Holder Firmware Upgraded to New Loretta Lynch Version
House Passes Cybersecurity Bill Despite Privacy Protests

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek: Peak British Obesity? Fat Falling in the UK, Still Rising in US
McDonald’s Closing Hundreds Of Stores This Year
Glorious Sizzler’s Commercial from 1991 Says a Lot About Food in America
Dr Oz Says He’s Being Attacked By “10 Doctors With 1 Agenda” – To Push GMO’s
Tesco Blames Falling Footfall in Out-of-Town Superstores for £6.4B Annual Loss
NWNW Flashback: Tesco, Largest UK Supermarket, Makes 92% Drop in Profits As Criminal Case Opens (Oct 2014)
Ethical New Cafes Gain Popularity by Redistributing Food to Needy
Like the Hillary Hoax, Cameron Needs 3 Teleprompters for 10-Minute Speech
Liberland, New Country Auto-Proclaimed in the Balkans
Beating Internet Censors With BitTorrent’s Maelstrom Browser
Resistance to Common Core Gaining Momentum In Maine, New Mexico, Oregon and Pennsylvania
The John Taylor Gatto Medical Fund

Max Igan | Constructing The End Game | April 24, 2015


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 4 - Episode 08 (15 min Synopsis)

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

Rick Strassman | DMT and the Soul of Prophecy | Legalise Freedom Radio | April 24, 2015


Rick Strassman discusses his book DMT and the Soul of Prophecy – A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible

After completing his groundbreaking research chronicled in DMT – The Spirit Molecule, Strassman was left with one fundamental question: What does it mean that DMT, a simple chemical naturally found in all our bodies, instantaneously opens us to an interactive spirit world that feels more real than our own world? When his decades of clinical psychiatric research and Buddhist practice were unable to provide answers to this question, Strassman began searching for a more resonant spiritual model. He found that the visions of the Hebrew prophets such as Ezekiel, Moses, Adam, and Daniel were strikingly similar to those of the volunteers in his DMT studies. Carefully examining the concept of prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, he characterizes a ‘prophetic state of consciousness’ and explains how it may share biological and metaphysical mechanisms with the DMT effect.

Examining medieval commentaries on the Hebrew Bible, Strassman reveals how Jewish metaphysics provides a top-down model for both the prophetic and DMT states, a model he calls theoneurology. Theoneurology bridges biology and spirituality by proposing that the Divine communicates with us using the brain, and DMT – whether naturally produced or ingested – is a critical factor in such visionary experience. This model provides a counterpoint to neurotheology, which proposes that altered brain function simply generates the impression of a Divine-human encounter. Theoneurology addresses issues critical to the full flowering of the psychedelic drug experience. Perhaps even more important, it points the way to a renewal of classical prophetic consciousness, the soul of Hebrew Bible prophecy, as well as unexpected directions for the evolution of contemporary spiritual practice.

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Patrick Wood | Technocracy Rising | Hour 1 | April 22, 2015


April 22, 2015–Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since the late 1970's, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington.

Patrick is with us to introduce his latest book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. This follow-up to his works on the Trilateral Commission details how the organization quietly adopted a modified version of historic technocracy to craft a movement it called a “New International Economic Order.” Patrick outlines where the technocracy movement took root, and how this ideology ended up producing programs such as Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Green Economy and Smart Growth. He defines the technocratic economic system that was born during the 1930’s Great Depression, designed to replace capitalism’s price based system with an energy based system and currency.

We discuss the philosophy at the heart of technocracy, envisaging how this “rule by experts” becomes problematic when a few select people take over a movement and manipulate it for their best interests. We compare technocracy to transhumanism and scientism, with common threads ultimately leading to a scientific dictatorship masked as a utopian dream.

download hour 1 mp3

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Pole Shift - GMO Mind Control & Nanotechnology | Dark Journalist | April 22, 2015


Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Physicist, Author and veteran of Special Covert Black Projects, Dr. Richard Alan Miller!

Together Dark Journalist and Dr, Miller will discuss upcoming worldwide events such as Earth Changes, Pole Shift, Economic Upheaval, Corporate SuperState, new research in Nanotechnology and Monsanto's development of GMO Mind Control!

In his career working in Naval Intelligence training Navy Seals advanced mental and higher consciousness tools, Dr, Miller has developed a unique understanding of Psychic Experience, Mind Control, Dream Telepathy and Metaphysical Research. Referred to as 'Spooky Miller' by his peers, he was the original inspiration for the X-Files character, 'Fox Mulder' and his boss, the mysterious Dr. Carl Schleicher, was the CIA spook from which they derived the 'smoking man' character.

Now retired from his special work in the secret underworld of covert intelligence projects, Dr. Miller will share his knowledge of Holographic Consciousness, DMT Spirit Molecule, Remote Viewing, Alien Abduction, Geo-engineering, Planet X, Altered States, ESP, Astral Projection, Time Travel, SuperSoldier Training and the Secret Space Program!

Timeline of this Episode for Everyone:
Opening thoughts 0:01
Remembering John Mack - 2:49
Astral City - 7:19
Nibiru/Planet X - 11:01
Mysterious Dr. Carl Schleicher- 12:18
Training Navy SEALs - 17:52
Studying Dreams - 20:38
Meditation as a Power Tool - 28:08
Types of Psychic Phenomena - 34:23
DARPA & Secrecy - 39:49
World Conditions in 2015 - 44:10
Economic Upheaval and New Opportunities - 52:21
Fukishima as an Extinction Event - 58:02
GMO Mind Control - 59:43
New Barter System - 1:08:27
Meeting with an Alien? - 1:18:10
Spirit Molecule DMT - 1:22:38
Eternal Recurrence/Ouspensky - 1:27:57
Alien Reality vs Mystical Consciousness - 1:36:56
Closing Thoughts - 1:38:40

Zen Gardner | Seeing Beyond the Veil! | Anarchast | April 22, 2015


Jeff interviews anarchist mystic Zen Gardner, topics include: a psychedelic awakening, the importance of travel and new experience, very serious times ahead especially in the US, an urgent situation, only 5-7% of US citizens have a passport, be prepared to move out, living in Uruguay, great info to be found on expat blogs, TDV groups an invaluable resource and can help with expatriation, FEEMA camps, micro-chipping, mandatory vaccination, bringing about revelations with spiritual technology, spiritual awakening, Gnosticism, Archons, The Full Circle Project, big event for September? the internet making it harder to control the people, viral anti-war movement, we have already won, if you are not doing the work yourself please help those who are!

Rebekah Roth on "Methodical Illusion", Her Brilliant New Book Exposing The Lies Of 9/11 | Richie Allen Show | April 22, 2015


Rebekah enjoyed a nearly thirty year airline career working as both a flight attendant and an international purser. She was trained as an emergency medical technician and served as a volunteer firefighter.

Her expertise and training as a flight attendant allowed Rebekah to research the events of September 11, 2001, with an insider’s knowledge that eventually lead her to discover details and answers to some of the most haunting questions surrounding that infamous day in our history.

Rebekah has enjoyed a very exciting life both in the air and on the ground and because of that, was encouraged by co-workers to write a book. As she began to do that, Rebekah discovered that ten of the accused 9/11 hijackers were still alive. Several of them were also airline employees employed with Saudi Arabia Airlines and that they had had their identifications stolen years prior to 9/11. At least four of the accused hijackers threatened to sue the U.S. Government and the FBI if they did not stop using their names and identities. That discovery, along with the refusal by the U.S. government to discontinue their false accusations; ignited her curiosity.

After thousands hours of research, using official government documents, print and video media from 9/11, and several books; Rebekah discovered that there were also at least two women involved in the 9/11 event. Using her personal knowledge of in-flight procedures, FAA hijacking protocols, the state of Massachusetts and cell phone technology, Rebekah discovered yet to be exposed details concerning the planes, the passengers and the perpetrators which are woven into Methodical Illusion.

The book is the result of Rebekah’s extensive research. It is based on real life events. It is written as a novel to protect Rebekah and her family from the repercussions that inevitably occur when you get too close to the truth. She is now considered by many to be a foremost expert on the events of September 11, 2001.

Max Igan: "It's All About Economics And Political Manoeuvers, Humanity Is Bottom Of The Foodchain" | Richie Allen Show | April 21, 2015


Max Igan is a researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of global awakening movement. This man is a must listen to for all those serious about stopping the NWO in its tracks. He lives in Queensland, Australia and at the time of June 2012 he was 54 years old.

Any and all work he has done on the internet he has done mainly for him, first and foremost.
On a more personal note, he has spent most of his life as a travelling musician and continued to do so up until about 7 years ago.

The most famous films of Max Igan (especially among those involved in truth movement) are The Awakening (2008), The Calling (2009) and Trance-Formation (2012).

Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell | Out Of Body Experiences | 2007


Clip from August 21, 2007 - guest Jordan Maxwell on the Jeff Rense Program.

Website of Jordan Maxwell:

Jim Marrs | Conspiracy: Ancient Aliens to JFK | Night Fright Show with Brent Holland


Jim Marrs - the chairman of the board of researcher authors joins us and walks us through the government conspiracy and cover up of alien contact, what forces really lays behind the globalists / new world order and the JFK assassination. Without missing a beat, Jim draws compelling lines between all three. It was Jim's book CROSSFIRE that Oliver Stone made into his movie JFK. Jims book Alien Agenda remains one of the best selling books of its genre of all time.
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