Interesting Findings About "Implants"

Source: youtube user AlienScientist

Notes, Description by user AlienScientist:
Very Interesting Information (found in: The European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisation (pdf) (page 39):
Look at the "Notes"

Frequency Major Utilization Notes
14350 - 14990 kHz Defence systems
Wireless applications Active animal implantable devices
in Healthcare within the band 12500-20000 kHz

I also found a site (for the US) "
where I entered "14749 KHz". It will show what they are used for...try it.

Now, something interesting in the UK data. It says "UK11: ...for low power devices exempt from licensing..."....Low Power Devices (such as implants?). When you also look below, notice who the "Major User" is.

It also states inside the documents: "The UK Frequency Allocation Table, until recently a classified document"!!! There is a list of documents you can click on or download the zip file (link below).

UK Frequency Allocation Table

Major User: MoD.DTI.DAP

MoD Ministry of Defence
DTI Department of Trade and Industry (Radiocommunications Agency)
DAP Directorate of Airspace Policy

Neil Kramer | The End of the Fourth Age


Original air date July 23, 2009–Neil Kramer from the Cleaver joins us to talk about The End of the Forth Age, Crop Circles, Sun activity, Paradox, Television & Manipulation, Paradox, Sorcery and much more. We begin to discuss the Audio Cleaver and Neil's upcoming talk at the Beyond Knowledge conference in Liverpool.

Topics Discussed: Neil's Excursions, Avebury, Crop Circles, Star maps, Devices, What's the message of the Glyphs? Sun Activity, Mayan and Aztec style Glyphs, Quetzalcoatl And The Galactic Jellyfish, Ancient Aliens, Sun as a Jump-gate, Are Glyphs made by Human or "Aliens" is on the deeper level unimportant, The Audio Cleaver, The Delivery of a Message, Neil's upcoming appearances in the UK, The End of the Fourth Age, Old World, Materialism, Blue Star Kachina, Stars, Seeds, The Hopi Prophecy Rock, Technological Path & Spiritual Path, Mayan Calendar end time debate, Toxic Human Presence, The Natural Process, The Kogi, The Changes, Personal Vibration, The Coming fifth Age, a Sixth Age and Seventh Age, The Nature of the Path we choose, Communication, Love, Permaculture, Don't watch TV, Stay Clear of the Mind Control, Healing, The Feminine Energy and much more. ~Red Ice Creations

George LoBuono | Alien Mind, August 16, 2010

Source: openmindsradio

August 16, 2010–Geroge LoBuono is a journalist and researcher into the underside of U.S. history. In 1995 he began researching aliens and alien related programs. He has recently finished his book titled – Alien Mind: The Thought and Behavior of Extraterrestrials. Using information obtained from contactees LoBuono has tried to understand how aliens think and feel, and has shared his findings in his new book.

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Carmen Boulter | The Pyramid Code, Band of Peace, The Migration of the Nile & Cosmic Cycles


August 17, 2010–We have author and filmmaker Carmen Boulter with us, who is from the University of Calgary in Canada, she is the producer of a new DVD called "The Pyramid Code" - a 5 hour, 5 part program that asks the pertinent questions that many of us have when it comes to the mysteries of the ancient land of Khemet. We talk about the DVD and discuss a lot of the fascinating areas and aspects that are covered in the documentary. Topics Discussed: Targeted for TV, The Pyramid Code, Abd'el Hakim Awyan, Abu Roach, Alchemy, Melted Glass, Underground Network Passageways, John Burke, Transmute the Atom, The Portal in 2012 and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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New French aerospace report endorses reality of UFOs


August 16, 2010–A new French report released on May 31, 2010 concluded that UFOs are definitely real and possibly of extraterrestrial origin. While not an official government study, the Progress Report of the Sigma/3AF Commission comes from a highly credible source, the Aeronautical & Astronomical Association of France, known as the 3AF, which established a Commission on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena back in May 2008. The Commission’s President is Alain Boudier, a former French Defense attaché, and one of its key members is Jean-Gabriel Greslé, a former fighter pilot who studied at the U.S. Air Force Academy and later became an airliner pilot with Air France, where he experienced a couple of UFO sightings. Greslé has published three UFO books in France, including Unidentified Flying Objects: An Airline Pilot Talks (Guy Trédaniel, 1993).

The Sigma/3AF is not a final report but just a work in progress document; nevertheless, it provides good background material on the history of official UFO research in France, a balance of Sigma’s work during the last two years, a brief description of the most significant French cases, and some comments and conclusions. The report begins with a brief history of French official UFO research, which is quite extensive: “France is the only country where the collection of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (PAN in French) and its scientific study have been assigned since 1977 to a civilian official organization, the CNES (National Center for Space Studies, the French space agency) through the GEPAN study group.” After a short description of this unit, now known as GEIPAN (Study and Information Group on Aerospace Unidentified Phenomena), the report outlines other official or quasi-official French studies, including the famous COMETA (Committee for In-Depth Studies) Report of 1999, issued by a group of high-ranking retired French military and intelligence officers, which concluded that UFOs were real and probably extraterrestrial.

Members of the Sigma/3AF Commission also met representatives of many other official French military and intelligence organizations that had some UFO involvement in the past. These included the National Gendarmerie, which has collected UFO reports systematically since the 1960s; the General Secretariat of National Defense, which issued an interesting report a few years ago (although I am not aware that it was ever released to the public); the Air Force; and one of France’s intelligence services, the General Directorate for External Security, which admitted through an “authorized source” that UFOs have been monitored by the agency since the early sixties.

Read full article here.

The English translation of the full Sigma/3AF report can be downloaded in pdf format here.

The original French text of the Sigma/3AF report can be downloaded in pdf format here.

Interview with Mr. James Penniston & Mr. John Burroughs in response to BBC Hit Piece on Bentwaters UFO Case

Source: The Paranormal Cafe

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August 14, 2010–Here we interview recent guests on The Paranormal Cafe, James Penniston and John Burroughs regarding the recent BBC Article by Evan Davis (unreachable), "The Truth Is Not Out There" with contributions by Ian Ridpath (invited, declined) and Mark Pilkington (invited,declined).

Rob reads the article and allows both gentlemen to respond to the obvious "Hit Piece" from the BBC. They discuss this recent attack and talk about the obvious flaws in the "Investigation" by Davis. Rob chimes in with what his thoughts on it is and invites you to come to your own conclusion.

Host Notes: I'm glad I was able to get these gentlemen on the show so quickly and thank them for their candor. I really found the piece by Mr. Davis ridiculous and think most others will too. I really wanted to allow these gentlemen their time to address the article in their own words and say what was on their mind. Thank you Mr. Penniston and Mr. Burroughs very much. Your always welcome. ~The Paranormal Cafe

Jordan Maxwell on Rense August 16, 2010


FDA bans MMS for Sale in USA

Producer of a documentary about Jim Humble & MMS Adam Abraham takes a critical look at the safety alert issued by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) advising against the use of the supplement known as "MMS", or Miracle Mineral Solution.

Back In Time Series | BBC 4 interviews Professor John E Mack, June 8, 2005

Source: BBC News

Information Machine "Back In Time Series" brings you the BBC 4 interview with Professor John E Mack recorded in June 8, 2005.

Back In Time Series | Dick Criswell on The Kevin Smith Show, Jan. 12, 2008

Source: Kevin Smith Show

Information Machine "Back In Time Series" starting with an interesting interview on the Kevin Smith Show back in january 2008. Dick Criswell holds above Top Secret clearance and was a team member of AlphaCom, assembled under DARPA to make full disclosure of UFO/ET information. Political troubles at the White House caused the shutdown of AlphaCom during the Clinton Administration. Dick discloses some rather startling information, and confirms other information that has been in the public domain as rumors. Bases on Mars and the Moon? Contact with over 70 extraterrestrial races? Hear it for yourself.

Jordan Maxwell | Interviewed by Megan Kargher, July 2010

Jordan Maxwell interviewed by Megan 'Verb' Kargher in Los Angeles, California; July 2010. 

H.P. Albarelli | The CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments


Following nearly a decade of research, this account solves the mysterious death of biochemist Frank Olson, revealing the identities of his murderers in shocking detail. It offers a unique and unprecedented look into the backgrounds of many former CIA, FBI, and Federal Narcotics Bureau officials—including several who actually oversaw the CIA’s mind-control programs from the 1950s to the 1970s. In retracing these programs, a frequently bizarre and always frightening world is introduced, colored and dominated by many factors—Cold War fears, the secret relationship between the nation’s drug enforcement agencies and the CIA, and the government’s close collaboration with the Mafia.

H.P. Albarelli Jr. is an investigative reporter and writer who lives in the Tampa Bay region of Florida. Other articles he has written about Frank Olson's death, as well as about the post-9/11 anthrax investigation, biological warfare, and other subjects, appear on the World Net Daily web site. Other writings by Albarelli may be found in WITNESS, a literary journal, and Tampa's alternative newspaper, The Weekly Planet. A graduate of Antioch Law School, Albarelli has worked as a researcher, scriptwriter, and technical consultant on several television documentaries including A&E's recent Investigative Report on Frank Olson produced by London's Principal Films. In 1977-80, Albarelli worked in the White House under the Carter Administration and then later served on the Senior Policy Staff for the Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO in Washington, D.C. Albarelli is a former board member of the London-based Transnational Information Centre and has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Albarelli's book is the author of A Terrible Mistake: The Murder Of Frank Olson And The CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, the novel, called The Heap and his biography of George Hunter White will be published in 2011.

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