STS-75 Tether SEARCH (19 mins) proves UFOs NOT ice! | Martyn Subbs NASA Archives

Source: Martyn Stubbs youtube

This UNCUT video shows 2 B&W cameras, both searching all around the shuttle Columbia, for the broken Tether for 19 mins., until it suddenly appears SWARMED by UFOs! This unedited video (from the master tape) shows that NOTHING is near the shuttle UNTIL the UFOs & Tether appear.

No water DUMP takes place, no ICE particles appear, no DEBRIS is seen; NOTHING at all but stars. NASA "CAP COM" comments continually & discloses (@ 10 mins. into the search) that the broken Tether is SENDING info & the on board experiments are activated. NASA never mentions any debris or ice swarming the shuttle & the cameras. We clearly see no ice, or debris! From my (Martyn Stubbs) NASA UFO Archives. -Martyn Stubbs

Untimely Departure | Near Death Experience Documentary by Sonia Barkallah


Millions of people all over the world tell the same, rather disturbing story: the feeling of coming out of their bodies, watching doctors bring them back to life, hearing surgeons talking to each other and seeing a tunnel with a light at the end. This experience has changed their lives, to the extent that they no longer fear death. This phenomenon was long considered to be obscure and the subject of mockery, but now, many scientists are taking an interest and asking questions: How could these people perceive and memorise scenes from when they were brought back to life when they were unconscious, in a coma or even declared to be clinically dead?

This documentary brings together cardiologists, neurologists, anaesthetist-ICU doctors, doctors, and psychologists. They tell their tale uninhibitedly, lifting the taboo of what turns out to be a goldmine of knowledge for science and Mankind. Leaving the theory of hallucination behind once and for all, and instead focusing on a possible delocalisation of our consciousness, we understand that the hint of a new paradigm is gradually taking shape.

Jeff Rense & Tim Rifat | GeoPolitics & Psychic Warfare


Clip from June 01, 2015 - guest Tim Rifat on the Jeff Rense Program.

Jayme Louis Liardi | The Return to Virtue | Radio 3Fourteen | June 8, 2015

Source: Radio3Fourteen,

June 8, 2015–Jayme Louis Liardi is the author of Revelation: A Return to Virtue and holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Humanities and Theatre Arts from Stony Brook University and currently resides in the Northeast of the United States. Jayme will discuss going through 16 years of American education.

We'll discuss how critical thinking and logic have been removed from university campuses because of political correctness. Then, Jayme talks about the liberal spell cast upon the 15-25 age range. We'll listen to audio clips from the MTV show called, "Faking It," analyzing the lingo used by youths spellbound by puritanical liberalism.

Later, we talk about the need to streamline our lives with focus and discipline. Jayme emphasizes the importance of not becoming "soft," tying in the pacifist new age ideology. Also, he talks about what it means to return to virtue and how it can combat cultural Marxism. At the end, we discuss the importance of native European spirituality, not consuming poisons and a healthy diet. Jayme ends with a unique perspective on how paleo and vegan people can unite in the same cause. -Radio3Fourteen

Download mp3

Jim Marrs | "Secret Societies Have Been Manipulating Events Since Time Immemorial!"| Richie Allen Show | June, 8, 2015


Wolfgang Halbig | A Lot Of People Have Gotten Very Wealthy Since The Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax!" | Richie Allen Show | June, 8, 2015


Wolfgang Halbig with news from the Sandy Hook investigation.

UFO Sightings | whotookmymojo | UFO returns over Oregon, USA after 9 month absence, June 8, 2015

Source: whotookmymojo youtube

Storm clouds were gathering and lighting was observed on the horizon yet amazingly the familiar UFO filmed in the past returns after more than 9 months absence from the locale. The silent object illuminates even more orbs in the configuration as it moves overhead.. An exciting return to witness.

2014 Footage:
UFO Sightings | whotookmymojo | Oregon, USA, Aug. 27, Sept. 9-10, 2014

Brien Foerster | Megalithic Enigmas Of Baalbek Lebanon | Part 3/4


Part 1, Part 2

‘The Jade Helm Deception’ with guest Matt Bracken and Jay Dyer | Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen | June 7, 2015


This week’s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is broadcasting LIVE from the banks of Londinium in Albion, as host Patrick Henningsen coverings the world’s top stories this week.

In this first hour Patrick ‘combats’, ‘tackles’ and ‘fights’ the latest G7 global government confab in Bavaria, Germany. In the first hour we’ll be joined by special guest and ex-Navy SEAL and author Matt Bracken to discuss the Jade Helm trolling op and other aspects of information and psychological warfare in the US, and in the second hour we’re joined by Jay Dyer from Jay’s Analysis to look at some of the deeper aspects of the Jade Helm psy-op, controlled leaks and how the establishment are attempting to honey-pot ‘liberty’ and Tea Party groups with controlled leaks and virtual disinformation campaigns. In the final hour, we’re joined by Basil Valentine for more commentary on the G7, the UK’s ‘brave new world’ and other pressing affairs.

Max Igan | PressTV - UN Fails to Include Israel in List of Children's Rights Violations | June 9, 2015


Max Igan - UN Fails to Include Israel in List of Children's Rights Violations - PressTV - 06/09/15.

The Corbett Report | How To Spot Disinfo | June 5, 2015


As a decade-old easily-debunked fake video of a missile hitting the Pentagon goes for another spin through the alt media, James takes a look at how to spot ridiculous disinfo before you make the mistake of passing it on to others.

Show Notes

Frater X | Ghosts of the Nephilim |


Thought-forms created by ritual are known as Tulpas, Egregores, Wendigos, and Archons. Are society's elite in contact with the Watchers? The Nephilim are the children of the Sons of God that came down to take for themselves wives and resources of our beloved planet. Are they still here? The Bible says they are. Are they etheral beings that can be conjured using Ceremonial Magic and Symmetry of Architecture? Frater X joins us for a discussion of the Annunaki, past and present, and as a member of numerous Secret Societies, Frater gives us insight into the Masonic Traditions that led him to believe Freemasons are in contact with the Ghosts of the Nephilim.
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