Dane Wigington | Damning Admissions From Weathermen And A Geoengineer | Feb. 1, 2018

Source: Geoengineeringwatch.org

When weathermen admit the military is spraying materials into our skies, and climate engineers state their operations could kill tens of thousands, will the public wake up and pay attention?
-Dane Wigington

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 2, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Description: State of the union discrepancies and congressional train crashes and COG facilities...oh my!

New World Next Week | Community Internet is Cheaper, Faster, Better | Jan. 31, 2018

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Massive GPS Blackouts In Western US During Largest Ever Air War Drill
Kurt Nimmo: “Might not want to fly or depend on GPS for travel over the next few weeks if you live in western US. We are expected to sacrifice during war.”
Crashes of Convenience: KAL 007
Tokyo Holds "First Ever" Missile Attack Drills
US Reveals Hawaii Employee Who Sent False Missile Alert "Thought Actual Attack Was Imminent"
Hawaii Officials Resign Over False Missile Alert, Employee Who “Pushed the Wrong Button” Fired
Las Vegas Update: Irregularities Cause Story Behind Massacre To Stink To High Heaven
ICE to Start Tracking License Plates Across America - Illegal Immigrant Or Not

Story #2: Artificial Intelligence In The Court - When Algorithms Rule On Jail Time
A 1x1 Tracking Pixel Used As Evidence of Treason Against 30,000 Turks, Tens of Thousands Sent to Jail
NWNW Flashback: How Courts Are Putting Brains—Not People—on Trial (Dec. 7, 2017)

Story #3: Harvard Study Shows Community-Owned ISPs Offer Lower, More Transparent Prices
PDF: “Community-Owned Fiber Networks: Value Leaders in America”
More Than 750 Communities Have Created Internet Networks
#GoodNewsNextWeek: Building Community By Building Local Internet

Dr. Lori Handrahan | America's Traffic in Child Pornography | Jan. 31, 2018

Source: GunsandButter.org, lorihandrahan.com

Dr. Lori Handrahan discusses her research into rampant pedophilia that her new book, "Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape", documents in detail.

She analyzes pedophilia, not as a sexual orientation, or as an act of “attraction” to children, but as violent abuse and sadism, often ending in death, that meets the Convention Against Torture definition.

Discussed is the lack of comprehensive data collection on arrests of pedophiles in a fast growing crime wave about which little is known; the easy profit-model of child rape; online networks; the proliferation of servers, websites, pictures and videos; the traffic in infants and toddlers; professions that act as magnets for pedophiles; attempts to define pedophilia as a disability rather than a violent crime; the massive amount of child porn on computers in all government agencies; the powerful as perpetrators. -GunsandButter.org

Clif High | Antarctica Unveiled | Part 1 | Jan. 26, 2018

Source: forumborealis.net, halfpasthuman.com

We welcome the web bot guru to explore the obscurity that is Antarctica. In this 3-part show we deal with everything - some issues touched in Part 1: Why did Clif take interest in this mystery? What say web-bot about it? What happened there in the late 90ies? Why was it promoted for tourism after that?

What's the large magnetic anomaly under the ice? Why's all satellite images censored & manipulated? What did Russians find in Lake Vostok? Are there really hot zones? Was there a nuclear meltdown in the 70ies? Where was Atlantis? Was Admiral Byrd right? What say the Ancients? What happens if the ice melts? And learn how Earth grows... -forumborealis.net

F. William Engdahl | "Israel, Syria, Migrant Crisis & WW3" | Jan. 26, 2018

Source: tradcatknight.org, williamengdahl.com

Special guest F. William Engdahl joins me to discuss: new pentagon national security program, China, Russia, crypt-currencies, Austria's Kurz, what is really going on in Syria?, Netanyahu's oil agenda in the Golan Heights, latest on Trump and Davos, the latest from Kiev and MUCH more!

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.  (Turn UP the volumes on both your computer and youtube video) -tradcatknight.org

UFO Disclosure Spectacle! Delonge & Bigelow Aerospace Vs FOIA Documents! | Dark Journalist | Jan. 26, 2018

Source: darkjournalist.com

EXAMINING THE NEW FOIA AATIP UFO DOCUMENTS! Dark Journalist & Forbidden Knowledge TV's Alexandra Bruce are joined by the Black Vault's John Greenewald to discuss the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests on the Tom Delonge/New York TImes/Robert Bigelow UFO Disclosure Spectacle and the Luis Elizondo Covert Program: Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program AATIP!

The maze of questions that surround the To The Stars Academy Corporation claims and Stock Fundraising drive are growing. In addition, Bigelow Aerospace CEO Robert Bigelow's unsubstantiated claims of of housing 'Alien Metals' is making the CIA Luis Elizondo UFO Disclosure appear more like a spectacle than a serious research effort!

They will also discuss different 'Perception Management' tactics in play around the New York Times UFO Disclosure Operation that used questionable footage and conflated totally separate events.

Max Igan on The Jordan Maxwell Show | Jan. 26, 2018

Source: jordanmaxwellshow.com, thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan on The Jordan Maxwell Show - Jan. 26th, 2018.

F. William Engdahl | Breaking Away from the Tyranny of the Dollar System | Jan. 28, 2018

Source: thedailycoin.org, williamengdahl.com

What is happening in Europe and with the Silk Road Initiative. German policy to accept one million immigrants per annum. US Dollar and Euro working in tandem have financially enslaved millions. China and Russia have moved away from the US dollar in global trade settlement. Belt and Road initiative which will not use the US Dollar either saving the world from or sparking a nuclear war...

Dane Wigington | The impact of Geoengineering | Austin Bennett | Jan. 23, 2018

Source: thetruthdenied.com, geoengineeringwatch.org

Austin Bennett interviews Dane Wigington on the dangers of Geoengineering Programs and issues many warnings as to what could happen if they continue these programs. At the very least, the discussion is alarming and we are headed for a planetary extinction in the near future.

Dane Wigington stresses that when it comes to 'chemtrail discussions' "We must must refer to the science terms, especially in the arena that you are in Austin."

Science terms like SRM (Solar Radiation Management, Climate Engineering, Geoengineering, Stratospheric Aerosol Injections. KNOW YOUR SCIENCE TERMS.

Chemtrails is a NON SCIENCE TERM, "and those who stick to that terminology are not helping the credibility of our cause."

Austin Bennett is running for California Senate and wants to educate on the dangers of geoengineering (aka Chemtrails).

The vast majority who are involved in these programs believe that these programs are used for the "COMMON GOOD".

Biosphere Implosion is discussed at length. The planet and climate are "horrifically damaged".
Chemical Ice Nucleation for Weather Modification, which means Engineered cool downs. Austin states that politicians are not speaking out against poisons in the atmosphere, damaging toxic sprays and he has found that representatives have no knowledge of these programs.

Dane Wigington's research has proven that we don't have long before the collapse of the biosphere.
Pass on credible data to the experts.

Why have weather men and women been 'gag ordered"? See Massive US Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification Elevated UVC, UVB causing, these are DNA damaging bands of radiation.

Ozone in recovery? FALSE.
In 8-10 years we could experience a Total Ozone Layer Collapse

Willem Felderhof | An Airline Pilot Discusses Aerotoxic Syndrome, Chemtrails, & Geoengineering | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio | Jan. 18, 2018

Source: Veritasradio.com, DutchAnarchy.com

Tonight, we talk with a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic Syndrome". He is also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen, he is very concerned about the direction his country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.

The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but has been hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with a dark agenda". All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully his research and tonight's discussion can help raise that collective level of awareness.

My name is Willem Felderhof and I am a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic syndrome". For more info click HERE.

I am also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen I am very concerned about the direction this country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.

The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but it is hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with dark agenda"„¢s. All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. A visible embodiment of this control structure in the Netherlands is the so-called "royal" family. The Netherlands serves as the legal capital for a totalitarian and satanic New Word Order, and because of that role the country hosts numerous institutions that are part of that framework. One example is the International Criminal Court in The Hague and its tribunals.

As a sovereign Dutch and World citizen I am very concerned about this and I will do anything in my power to turn the tide and help heal humanity of the diseased state it is currently in, and with that to heal the planet we live on. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully this website can help raising that collective level of awareness.

Willem discusses Mind Control, Natural Law, Consciousness Sharing information and uniting is crucial in this effort. -veritasradio.com

download hour 1 mp3

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 25, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

The first monkeys have been cloned in China... but is there a deeper story:

Article: In a scientific first, cloned monkeys are born. Will they accelerate biomedical research?

The Corbett Report | The Bitcoin Psyop | Jan. 19, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

Yes, the blockchain is truly revolutionary. Yes, bitcoin is Tulipmania 2.0. Yes, cryptocurrency is a nail in the coffin of the bankster parasites. Yes, digital currency is a tool of the totalitarian tyrants. No, these statements are not contradictory. But don’t worry if you think they are. You’re just a victim of "The Bitcoin Psyop." -corbettreport.com

Transcript & Sources

download mp3

Max Igan | Fireworks, Smokescreens And The Coming Smart Prison | Jan. 19, 2018

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - January 19th, 2018.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | UFO Deception OP! Delonge Reid Bigelow & NY Times Exposed! | Dark Journalist | Jan. 19, 2018

Source: darkjournalist.com, gizadeathstar.com

Dark Journalist & Special Guests Forbidden Knowledge TV's Alexandra Bruce and Giza Death Star Author Dr. Joseph Farrell present captivating evidence and commentary that will reveal that the NY Times UFO Story footage was the result of a training operation and actually only shows normal aircraft at a distance on Infrared shot on Gun Cameras with a Gimbal revolving head. It's obviously being passed off as something exotic by insiders who should know better and mainstream journalists who are not consulting aviation experts.

Deceptive 'UFO' Footage
Academy to the Stars Corp., Tom Delonge, Senator Harry Reid, Ex CIA Luis Elizondo, Billionaire Robert Bigelow, The NY Times and Intelligence Officials utilized the deceptive footage to sell a Marketing version of Disclosure to control the UFO narrative and maintain the Wall of Secrecy around this controversial subject.

They also examine the mystery around the recent disappearance of the ZUMA Secret Satellite that was lost during a SpaceX Rocket Launch. By following the trail of the missing Satellite and examining the recent story of the Michigan 'Meteorite' which caused an Earthquake when it landed, the map leads us all the way to South Africa.

Author Walter Bosley also joined them to discuss genuine Black Project protocols and the Current Status of Intelligence Frontman Luis Elizondo and his mysterious past. -darkjournalist.com

Peter Levenda | Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure | Part 2: Nature of the Beast | Jan. 19, 2018

Source: forumborealis.net, peterlevenda.com

Levenda answers more questions about the "To the Stars" project, and we continue our philosophical examination of the U.F.O. phenomenon. Some issues touched: Are they organic, machines, or robots? Human, aliens, or inter-dimensional? Have we back-engineered? Why is Military & Intel concerned? Why don't they come clean? Will other whistle-blowers come forward? Can we attain a public discourse? Is this a controlled drip disclosure? Does it restore the SSP discussion? ...and Al argues that the NASA footage proves they are not only "ours".

Part 1: Peter Levenda | Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure | Part 1: Magic & Mechanics | Jan. 8, 2018

New World Next Week | UK Government Appoints "Minister For Loneliness" | Jan. 18, 2018

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Japanese Public Broadcaster NHK Issues False Alarm Over North Korean Missile Launch
Wikipedia: J-Alert
Navy Releases Collision Report for USS Fitzgerald and USS John S McCain Collisions
Ex-U.S. Navy Officers Face Negligent Homicide Charges Over Ship Collisions
#ThisDayInHistory: Jan. 13 -17, 1893 US Coup On Hawaiian Monarchy

Story #2: General Motors Preps Autonomous Car Without Steering Wheel, Pedals
Welcome to the Driverless Future!
#MorningMonarchy: Moby’s CIA Friends, Seinfeld’s Zionist Pals and Mnuchin’s Bad People

Story #3: Britain Appoints “Minister For Loneliness” To Help Isolated People
UK Press Release: PM Commits to Government-Wide Drive To Tackle Loneliness

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 18, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

China and Germany are set to close a deal for high heat tolerance jet turbines. But what does it mean? Mr. K.B. shared this article:

China in talks for sale of jet engine technology to Germany

Catherine Austin Fitts | Going Down The Rabbit Hole | Jan. 4, 2018

Source: Jason Liosatos Outside The Box youtube, Solari.com

Catherine talks about her own breakaway from the psychopathic, corrupted Government money system, and her wonderful work now at www.solari.com where she is helping people to understand our system, and move towards a more symbiotic one, based on empathy, morals, truth and co operation. Catherine explains how the economy works, the agenda. And personal values.

David Icke | Conspiracy Realist | Part 1 | Jan. 18, 2018

Source: davidicke.com

David Icke Conspiracy Realist - his mind-opening, eye-opening interview on London Real (Part 1).

Freeman | Hidden Media Messages | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Jan. 16, 2018

Source: jimmychurchradio.com, FreemanTV.com

Interview start 33:20 min.

Freeman is the reason we now have a Belluminati commercial! He created the concepts of Illuminati Logos and High Profile Rituals in the media. He has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for two decades. He is an award-winning TV producer, radio talk show host and lecturer. An expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations. You definitely want to watch his presentation, Aliens From Hell which is banned on YouTube. You’ll have to go to FreemanTV.com for this one folks!…freemantv.com/aliens-from-hell/

Freeman has appeared on Howard Stern, an HBO Documentary, The Discovery Channel, and even a film with Dan Fogler and Anne Hathaway!

Freeman graduated with honors in Interdisciplinary Studies and attended Kansas University, specializing in ancient architecture. And he still has time to create music with his band, Molecular!

Tonight we are going to discuss current symbology and messages in advertising and the media…all of it… and a little cloning, transhumanism and social engineering for good measure. The Freeman Fly way. -jimmychurchradio.com

Clif High | Gaia Disinformation Agents, Q-anon, C60 & Hydrogen Water | Jan. 16, 2018

Source: Sarah Westall youtube, halfpasthuman.com

Part 1: Clif High rejoins the program to dive into the latest issues, cutting edge technology, and geopolitics. As always, Clif is engaging and fun to talk with.

He gives us much to think about regarding his latest reports and predictions. We also discuss the mass amount of disinformation circulating throughout the internet including some of the biggest culprits: Gaia, mass media, CIA and other political groups.

He gives us his opinion on Q-anon and shares his experience with C60 and Hydrogen infused water. Lastly he dives into the latest research about human origins. -Sarah Westall

The Corbett Report | How To Engineer A Crisis | Jan. 12, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

Are you a dictator in need of public support for your latest draconian clampdown on dissent? Or a deep state plotter hoping to topple a foreign government who doesn't comply with your every wish? A low-level Machiavellian schemer looking for the ultimate trick for defeating your enemies without lifting a finger? Then look no further than this handy-dandy guide to "How To Engineer A Crisis."

Transcript & Source

The Saker | Looking Into 2018 | Jan. 11, 2018

Source: GunsandButter.org, TheSaker.is

Military analyst, The Saker, takes a look at war or no war in 2018; neocons back in power; neocon threats to the rest of the world; National Security Strategy of the US; US broadside against Pakistan;

US recognition of Jerusalem as Israels capital will contribute to the dissolution of the empire; end of US wars on the cheap employing special forces; US has lost the war in Syria checkmated by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah; US cannot put boots on the ground;

attacks on Russian Khmeimim airbase in Syria; myths about war with the DPRK; nuclear deal with Iran will be abrogated; US backing Kiev Nazis against the Donbass; Afghanistan surge; Western propaganda machine no longer effective; demonization of Russia to continue; military not running the US; glorification of ignorance a hallmark of empire. -gunsandbutter.org

Greg Reese | Bitcoin Blockchain and a QAnon Coup | Freeman TV | Jan. 15, 2018

Source: freemantv.com

Will it take a military coup over the deep state and Blockchain A.I. to bring humanity to a pure democracy? Will cryptocurrency and blockchain technology transform how we reach consensus in politics, finance, and the ecology of the planet? Bitcoin's energy requirements have surpassed over 150 nation's annual energy usage! Will The Matrix come true and humanity becomes the batteries of the Artificial Intelligence driven by the unhackable system powering cryptocurrencies?

The Corbett Report | THIS IS NOT A DRILL!(?) - What Happened in Hawaii? | Jan. 14, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

So with false ballistic missile alerts causing panic and disruption across the state, everyone is left asking "What the hell just happened in Hawaii?" A simple mistake? Secret intercept? Government psyop? Drill gone almost live? Something else entirely? -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Hawaii ballistic missile alert on live tv
HI Officials Apologize For False Missile Alert
Ballistic Missile Heading For Hawaii – Simple Mistake? Or Government Psyop?
What went wrong with Hawaii’s false emergency alert
A Brief History of False Flag Drills
Info on “War of the Worlds” psyop
Hawaii missile alert test goes wrong, terrifies the state
New World Next Week – 2011/11/03 (Presidential emergency test)

Max Igan | The Basic Truth Most People Won't Admit | Jan. 12, 2018

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix, January 12th, 2018.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 11, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Well, you may have missed coverage of the summit between Chinese premier Xi Kinping and French President Emmanuel Macron, but China's Xinhua News Agency is giving it some cover, and there are some "memes and themes" to take note of:

China, France agree to inject new impetus into ties

New World Next Week | People-Powered Solutions to Start the New Year | Jan 11, 2018

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Vermont Poised to Enact Legal Pot Through Legislature
Paraguay Legalizes Marijuana for Medicinal, Scientific Use

Story #2: Kraft/Heinz Net Income Fell 24 Percent

Story #3: DIY Powerwalls Using Recycled Laptop Batteries Powering Homes
The Brain Chip Cometh

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Growing New Ways To Win

Peter Levenda | Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure | Part 1: Magic & Mechanics | Jan. 8, 2018

Source: forumborealis.net, peterlevenda.com

So are we dealing with a true Disclosure attempt & genuine whistle-blowers or an Intel false flag op? Levenda actually had an essential role behind the scenes, and comes on to clarify the rampant doubts, confusion, & suspicions. He elaborates on the 'To The Stars' project as well as the book 'Sekret Machines' (co-authored with Tom DeLonge), taking on all critical questions head on.

In this first of our 3-part program he explains how it all begun, & we muse on the U.F.O. phenomenon from many angles, like: Are they organic, machines, or robots? Human, alien, or inter-dimensional? Did the Nazis cause the first AG crafts? ... & what say the Ancients?

Max Igan | "How The Smart Grid Will Be Used To Erase Your Identity & Blacklist You In Your Community." | Jan. 8, 2018

Source: richieallen.co.uk. thecrowhouse.com

The Corbett Report | It's 2018. Time To Step Things Up. | Jan. 8, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

Iranian regime change. Korean nuclear war. Alt media censorship. There are a lot of reasons to be concerned about the year ahead as we ease our way into 2018. That's why my New Year resolution is to redouble my efforts and put out even more material this year.

I need you to help me spread the word about these podcasts, videos, interviews and articles, and to help you do that I'm going to be concentrating more effort on alternative social media platforms. Your help will be appreciated. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
The Corbett Report on Steemit
The Corbett Report on Minds.com
The Corbett Report on BitChute
Corbett Report Extras on BitChute

Joseph Farrell | Q Anon: Deep Staate Wizard of? | Dark Journalist | Jan. 8, 2018

Source: DarkJournalist.com, gizadeathstar.com

Deep State Trial Balloon/Marketing Op Aimed at Alternative Media?
In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell the author of the popular Giza Death Star Book Series.

Farrell delves deeply into the online group posts of Q Anon and its rapid spread through the Alternative Media under the guise of an anonymous insider. Farrell Poses the question: Is the Q Anon material just the latest wave of sophisticated disinformation that Catherine Austin Fitts calls "Hope Porn"?

Disinformation Campaign
Farrell sees a sophisticated disinformation campaign aimed at the independent research community to create an Imitation Wikileaks style vehicle that will act as an All-knowing Oracle Insider for a variety of important Geopolitical situations.

It is apparently designed to propagate the promise of Cabal Arrests and Elites being tried at Gitmo as a kind of Soma to pacify the growing online audience that are raising questions about the actions of the Deep State on a global scale! -darkjournalist.com

S0 News | Weather Alerts, Magnetic Reversal/Solar Storms | Jan. 7, 2018

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Jan. 6, 2017

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

The now total desperation of the weather makers and the power structure is glaringly evident on countless fronts. The all out winter weather warfare assault on the Eastern US is taking its toll while the criminal climate engineering cover-up crew at the Weather channel does their best to hide the tracks of the geoengineers.

Breaking data from the front lines of the biosphere are beyond bleak, but the corporate media is tasked with hiding such dire data. The US military continues to aid and assist the terrorists, including ISIS. When will the western powers play the global conflict card as their last option to retain their grip on power? -geoengineeringwatch.org

Max Igan | How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can't See It | Jan. 5, 2018

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - EJanuary 05th, 2018.

The Corbett Report | We Need to Talk About the Iran Protests | Jan. 5, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

Are these protests in Iran spontaneous, or are they the result of another regime change operation? This week on The Corbett Report James explores the past, present and future of US and Israeli involvement in Iran, and the attempts to foment unrest in the country. -corbettreport.com

Transcript & Sources

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 4, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Well it's the first News and Views from the Nefarium for 2018, and Joseph takes a look at a possibly unfolding geopolitical meme that might drive events this year. Here are the articles he refers to:

Iran Cuts Off Internet Amid Mass Protests, Calls For "Armed Uprising"
Behind Korea, Iran & Russia Tensions: The Lurking Financial War
France wants to build trade ‘backbone’ from Europe to Beijing via Moscow – report
Germany’s push for EU army: Merkel developing networks with EU members for military union
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