John Jensen | Did a Lost Ancient Civilization Build Canals 7000 Years Ago? | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Pre-historic researcher John Jensen discussed evidence of canal systems that may have been built by an ancient civilization in the United States. Jensen explained that he first made this discovery while using Google Earth to research Civil War forts along the Mississippi River.

It was then that he noticed an "eroded canal" beside a fort and, upon zooming the map view out, realized that it was merely a part of a much larger system of canals. In subsequent months, he uncovered over 250 sites which appear to have ancient canals, roads, or even strange symbols in the Earth. Rather than put forward a specific theory as to their origins, Jensen stressed that he is more focused on "'what is it' rather than 'why is it.'"

Moving forward, he hopes for more on-site investigations of these formations in order to create a "time map" which will indicate the ages of these anomalies as well as when they were abandoned. Jensen revealed that he has contacted "an array of individuals" from specializations such as archaeology, anthropology and geology, in the hopes of gaining some insight into these mysterious formations.

Unfortunately, these attempts have been met with a "defining wall of silence" from academia. The lone response he did receive was from a graduate student who asserted that 100 percent of the canals were the result of oil exploration. A skeptical Jensen retorted that some of the canals have Cyprus trees "that appear to be quite large" growing in them, an attribute which would make modern origins for the formations "a little hard to explain." However, he was open minded about the possibility the formations could be modern and noted that he has already removed some sites where information has revealed their contemporary origins.

There are many underwater harbors, channels and canals on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts that are covered with vestiges and remnants of a sophisticated and large culture or civilization that existed before current sea level rose an average of 5 ft 5 inches. Evidence shows many harbor areas on much of New York's Long Island Sound and other East Coast locations, Florida Gulf Coast, the Louisiana Delta and Mexico, to have been 'worked' and 'inhabited' by a very large, and technically sophisticated population of canal builders during some remote period. Both Florida and New York have extensive offshore harbor and canal-channel systems that are at least -7,000 years old.

We also discussed the Windover Bog people who inhabited the area during the time these canals were built.

John Jensen has been researching and writing about the canals and harbors he discovered in 2008 AND HAS WRITTEN wrote 2 books on the subject; "Ancient Canal Builders" and "Earth Epochs".

John Jensen runs is an explorer of new evidence in the chain of events of Human-Earth History, and the empirical evidence to support their claim of Ancient Canal Builders on the East and Gulf Coasts of America. John Jensen is a former industrial start-up and training expert who has authored more than 200 technical books and training programs. Jensen's life-long pursuit is the study of pre-historic civilizations.

Linda Moulton Howe | Mysterious Outpost Interview | May 30 , 2018


Linda Moulton Howe being interviewed by Mysterious Outpost at the 2018 Ozark UFO conference discussing the existential threat of artificial intelligence.

“This year of 2018 what has almost emerged suddenly is the importance of being able to communicate about the existential threat of artificial intelligence. Two years ago I did not have the awareness that I do now and it started in August of 2017 in the prior year I had been communicating with a Marine who had retired from the Marines but was working Special Forces and he had been communicating to me about a number of ET related revelations.

Secrets that he and a team of Special Forces were involved with and so he had kept in touch with me usually through short texts or every once in a while he would call and say you're tapped, I'm tapped, I'm only going to speak for and it would be like 30 seconds or a minute and then hang up. But I understood why and that was what we were doing.

Well it was in August of 2017 the phone rang I picked it up I knew his voice can't stay on the line long but I want you to know that this week which would have been the mid I think second week of August 20nd in Japan, 29 humans were killed in a laboratory that was producing militarized robots by the Japanese for warfare.

And then he went on to explain what he had learned because they're in these units that something like that that would happen they would receive information and he said that the story was the four militarized robots were being made to be autonomous warriors.

And that they don't know why but the floor rebelled or acted autonomously and as they acted autonomously they killed 29 humans in this lab and the whoever was left on the human side began pulling this is the way he said they began pulling the robot apart they got two of them completely disassembled we're working on the third and then the analysis later was what happened with the fourth the fourth was communicating with a satellite that they were teaching these militarized robots how to communicate with the satellites to get information on missions and that the fourth robot was now extending up to the satellite and was searching for information about how to make itself stronger to take on apparently the remaining humans.”

New World Next Week | Whole Foods Bails On GMO Labeling | May 30, 2018


Story #1: Cryptocurrency and The Allure Of a Cashless Cannabis Industry
Make Money From Marijuana? Forget About Federally-Subsidized Loans
Bayer Wins U.S. Approval for Monsanto After Two-Year Quest

Story #2: Whole Foods Quietly Halts GMO Labeling Requirements
NWNW Flashback: Monsanto Calls GMO-Free Cheerios a Marketing Stunt (Jan 9, 2014)

Story #3: California Rolling Out Digital License Plates
Forget Scanning License Plates, Cops Will Soon ID You Via Your Roof Rack
#MorningMonarchy: Billionaire Bondholders, High Ambitions and Training Robots (May 22, 2018)

Jeff Rense & David Icke | Arrested Development & The Culture Of The Lie In Our Post-Fact World | May 29, 2018


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 05-29-18 with Guest David Icke.

Wolf Age | The Fight for a Human Future | Redice TV | May 30, 2018


Artificial intelligence - AI - promises to be a wonderful tool. Unfortunately, some versions of it constitute an existential threat not just to our culture, but to our very humanity. And just who are some of the people and organizations in favor it it, and what are their agendas?

Clif High | Clif's wujo | May 28, 2018


Here we discuss my new work, health issues around NAFLD IBS Lectin intolerance, 'science based/evidence based' language, and shit talking Jordan Sather. -Clif High

Dark Journalist | Garrison VS CIA Deep State UFO X-Protect | May 28, 2018


Legendary District Attorney Jim Garrison confronts UFO X-Protect covert force in probe of aerospace Nazi connection to JFK assassination.

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the UFO File and X Technology.

Unravel The Cover Up
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt will unravel the forces that have put a lethal secrecy protocol in place called X-Protect to block access to the UFO File and maintain the oppressive dominance over the Covert X Technology.

GARRISON REVELATIONS LEAD TO X-PROTECT GROUP During his investigation of the JFK Assassination, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison pursued leads of Covert Intelligence forces from the CIA having a direct role in the crime. He inadvertently stumbled upon a hornet's nest of covert forces working deep in the Aerospace industry with powerful connections to a post-war fascist arm of the Deep State!

Those forces were directly related to the most secret team managing the UFO File that were briefly revealed by the Kennedy Administration when it abruptly shut down the mysterious Blue Gemini Secret Space Network and its links to a Breakaway Nazi dominated wing of NASA.

The Corbett Report | Don't Be An Idiot! Get Rid of Alexa! |  May 27, 2018


Who would have ever guessed that the creepy spy gadget that’s listening to everything you do is listening to everything you do? Anyone with half a brain, that’s who. Don’t buy this garbage, and don’t let your friends buy it, either.

Show Notes:
Family Removes Alexa Devices After a Stranger in Another Town Heard Everything They Were Saying
Amazon explains how Alexa recorded a private conversation and sent it to another user
Amazon’s Alexa won’t pass on recordings if you don’t set up call features
Yes, Alexa is recording mundane details of your life, and it’s creepy as hell

Catherine Austin Fitts | Black Budget Bitcoin & Mind Control | Dark Journalist | May 25, 2018


Catherine Austin Fitts from The Solari Report goes in depth on the various hidden systems of control being rolled out in 2018 by nefarious covert forces controlling financial, political, cultural and technological issues!

Black Budget
Mind Control
Digital Currencies
Control Files
Covert Surveillance
Media Manipulation
Entrainment Technologies

Antonin Tuynman | Machine / Mind / Mankind - The Future of Consciousness | May 25, 2018


Antonin Tuynman discusses his book Is Intelligence an Algorithm?, a wide-ranging exploration of the similarities and differences between human and artificial intelligence, and the potential for future advancement of both.

Although human and machine intelligence share certain similarities, there are profound differences which pose significant problems for the development of an artificial intelligence which can truly match or even exceed the capabilities of the human brain. Artificial intelligence seeks to emulate the strengths of human intelligence whilst eliminating its weaknesses. However, both human flaws and human genius stem from the same source and it seems that we cannot have one without the other. Among other things, this places the prospects for transhumanist hopes of merging man and machine in serious doubt.

There is also the question of whether artificial intelligence can ever truly understand the information it processes. Even the most powerful computers today are still essentially number crunchers with a limited capacity for pattern recognition. Meaning and purpose are alien to A.I., as are beliefs, emotions, desires, intuition, morals, and a host of other human characteristics and qualities. Consciousness is an unfathomable mystery even to us, so it seems that our attempts to replicate it in machines are doomed to failure.

However, whatever the apparent limitations of artificial intelligence, computers are increasingly being placed in charge of the infrastructure and systems on which modern life depends. This poses difficult questions about what might happen should A.I. somehow evolve on its own. The so-called 'internet of things' is linking computer power with sensors, robots, and other machines at a rate which may become exponential. This cybernetic matrix is being given the power to control, to regulate, to decide, to act. What if it calculates that we are the problem? Many human beings have already come to this conclusion. Man, machine, or something in between... To whom - or what - does the future belong?

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Dr. Richard Alan Miller | The Illusion of Reality | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


We discuss a plethora of topics centered around the illusion of reality.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller is one of the pioneers in the study of the paranormal. His work in mind control is unparalleled. Beginning in the early 1970s with Navy Intel that work included chip implants, drug studies (telepathine, ketamine, and BZ gas), and synthetic telepathy. Today, with newer definitions on what constitutes the mind, that field has taken a new direction.

Dr. Miller is in his element, with his take on Dr Timothy Leary's eight-circuit model of consciousness. Using his holographic model of the universe now allows for a more comprehensive definition of the mind. These neurologic circuits become memes, or resolutions of the hologram. The new directions in mind control have evolved.

Electromagnetic manipulation of our minds and genetic modification of our foods are already techniques of mass social control. The mind is being targeted through the gut via GM foods, and Dr. Miller suggests what we can do about it. What better way to break down the natural workings of the human mind than through our global food supply.

From studies designed to enhance military performance, Dr. Richard Alan Miller has created invaluable tools for living life in the 21st century. Power Tools for the 21st Century are the protocols that were developed for the Navy SEALs to create super soldiers. These Power Tools can be used today for our own personal evolution of consciousness.

Dr Miller makes these protocols available to all of us for use on an everyday basis as tools to expand our consciousness.

New World Next Week | Amazon Marketing Creepy Facial Recognition Tech to Police | May 24, 2018


Story #1: Amazon Urged Not To Sell Facial Recognition Tool To Police
Sky News and AWS Bring ML Mainstream for Live Video with Royal Wedding: Who’s Who
The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon
Washington Post closes sale to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos
The Pentagon is close to awarding a $10 billion deal to Amazon despite Trump's tweets attacking the company
Amazon is launching a 'Secret' cloud service for the CIA

Story #2: The Toxic Legacy of Canada's CIA Brainwashing Experiments
Group Affected By CIA Brainwashing Experiments Wants Public Apology, Compensation From Government
NWNW Flashback: Canada Pays Hush Money To Silence MKULTRA Victim’s Daughter (Nov. 2, 2017)
The Manchurian Candidate – FLNWO #31
‘The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy: An Investigation of Motive, Means, and Opportunity’ By Dan E. Moldea

Story #3: DJ/Producer Stickybuds Prepares To ‘Take A Stand’ Against “Crooked Politicians”
One of my favorite news shows gave "Crooked Politicians" a shoutout! Check out @mediamonarchy and stay in tune to what's happening on the planet.

F. William Engdahl | ‘Manifest Destiny’ | May 20, 2018


SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen. We’ll be joined LIVE by special guest and author F. William Engdahl to discuss his new book, Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance, and how Washington’s NGO Complex is now doing the old job of the CIA and what this means for countries on the Anglo-American target list for regime change and destablization.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 24, 2018


Well, no sooner than I had posted today's blogs about Italy, there's more news. First, France and Germany appear to be headed for a showdown about who gets to play Charlemagne; secondly, Italy has given the nod to Florentine attorney Giuseppi Conte. As I said in today'd main blog, this is going to be fun:

German economists slam Macron's eurozone reform agenda
Giuseppe Conte approved for Italian prime minister

Tom Campbell and Evita Ochel | Recorded Livestream | May 23, 2018


Tom Campbell is a physicist and consciousness researcher whose My Big TOE, theory of everything, concludes that we live in a simulation. He has designed several variations of the double slit experiment to provide further evidence that we live in a virtual reality.

These physics experiments potentially represent one of the most exciting ventures in science since the founders of quantum mechanics gathered in Copenhagen 100 years ago!

His published and peer reviewed paper On Testing the Simulation Theory can be viewed here:
On testing the simulation theory

Brien Foerster | Lost Ancient High Technology Evidence At Byblos In Lebanon | May 21, 2018


James Horak | Mechanized Spirituality | FreemanTV | May, 2018

Source:,, Book: Siege in the Davis Mountains

"Man's off planet origins and refined cosmology to free humanity from control and tyranny from a man that claims to not be from here. Let's explore the 300,000+ years of mankind's life on planet Earth. Are there extraterrestrials out there waiting to help? Do sentient beings the size of continents orbit the sun to save life in the solar system from certain doom due to solar flares? Are Electromagnetic Vehicles extracting surplus energy from our Sun and are E.T civilizations helping us prevent total annihilation of our species and the Earth?" - Freeman

James C. Horak reveals in his book Siege in the Davis Mountains what the objects in the Corona of the Sun, photographed by NASA/ESA, are. In deference to Dr. Norman Bergrun he describes the EMVs - Electro-Magnetic Vehicles and explains Humanities Call on this Planet now. "This work assumes some demand on the reader but then a little research may be all that is required from time to time. Grant but possibility and, whether you accept my personal story or not, the purpose of this work has its own credibility. As an end to this lineage became more apparent, I came to feel more and more compelled to approach mankind with what I could offer." JCH

Available at Kobo: Siege in the Davis Mountains

John Lenard Walson | UFO Moon footage | May 23, 2018

Source: John Lenard Walson youtube

Dr. Nick Begich | Scientist Who Accurately Predicted 5G Mind Control Program Tells All | May 22, 2018


Dr. Nick Begich joins Alex Jones live via Skype to talk President Trump, artificial intelligence, and the mainstream media's mind control over the masses across America and the whole world.

The Corbett Report | NGOs Are The Deep State's Trojan Horses |  May 21, 2018


The Trojan horse was the earliest recorded military psyop. That psyop continues to be deployed on unsuspecting populations and it is just as useful as ever, but today's tricksters have donned the mantle of philanthropy, and their Trojan horses are not wooden statues but non-governmental organizations offering "aid" to foreign nations. In today's edition of The Corbett Report, we'll learn about how NGOs are the deep state's Trojan horses.

Transcript & Sources

Catherine Austin Fitts | The Richard Dolan Show | May 14, 2018


This episode of the Richard Dolan Show aired on KGRA radio May 14, 2018. It is a two-hour interview with black budget expert Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1989-1993.

Included in the discussion is the recent analysis by Catherine and Dr. Mark Skidmore that $21 trillion has been spent by the U.S. government without authorization -- and is essentially missing. As Catherine points out, this is enough effectively to cancel the entire debt of the United States, and it is almost certainly a low estimate.

Much more is discussed in this fascinating interview, including the likelihood that at least a portion of that money is connected to a clandestine infrastructure related to the subject of UFOs.

Max Igan | A Fireside Chat with Lance White | May 19, 2018


Clif High | C60 & Preparing for Long Life, What's Next? | Part 1 & 2

Source: Sarah Westall youtube,

Part 1: Clif High rejoins the show to discuss the future where humans live 125 to 200 years old. How will your life change and what should you do to prepare for a long life? We discuss the consequences of a long life without taking care of your long term health in the process (other factors such as dementia).

This is a needed conversation that humans around the planet should be having if they are planning on pursuing life extension methods. Clif also talks about his recent sabbatical and his shifting passions and interests. Something most of us can relate to!

Part 2

New World Next Week | Israel Celebrates Birthday With Gaza Massacre | May 17, 2018


It's a “Massacre”: World Decries High Death Toll In Gaza Protests
Wikipedia: United States Recognition Of Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel
Gaza Massacre Film Earns Rave Reviews at Cannes

Story #2: Are We Living In The 50-Year Rage Cycle?
Wikipedia: Cliodynamics
Wikipedia: Kondratiev Wave

Story #3: EFF Wins Flawless Victory Over Podcasting Patent Troll
The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet
U.S. Media Whitewashes Gaza Massacre
US Blocks UN Probe Into Gaza Deaths
Seven Palestinian journalists injured as Gaza protests continue
Kinsella on Liberty

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 17, 2018


Europe isn't happy about President Trump pulling out of the Iran deal, and according to RT, they're planning to do something about it. It's that "something" that has Joseph crawling out to the end of the twig (as usual) for some "high octane speculation.

Article: Europe to ditch US dollar in payments for Iranian oil – source

Mitchell Nicholas Gerber | Forced Live Organ Harvesting Exposed | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


If you're a frequent listener to this program you know we despise censorship and cover a wide array of topics ranging from the supernatural to the most real. Real topics most media dare not discuss. As the saying goes, sometimes the truth hurts but it will set you free. What you're about to hear tonight is something everyone should be aware of. I must warn you. This episode is not apt for children or those who are easily disturbed. But if you want to empower yourself with this information, then stay with us.

I'm sure you've heard of someone someone who's in desperate need of a life-saving organ transplant. Many people spend months if not years on a waiting lists hoping that a compatible donor will come along. It's no secret there's a shortage of these desperately needed organs, but in some countries, for the right price, you can purchase these organs on the black market.

Human traffickers are notorious for targeting people who are desperate to leave their third world countries, for instance. But china, in particular, offers organs on demand, to organ tourists. Yes, you heard that right. Organ tourists.

These are people who come from western countries to get these life-saving organ transplants. But we have to ask ourselves. Where do these organs come from? Where do they get this endless supply of organs on demand? Experts say that the government has secretly turned to the prison population as its source to fill this growing demand.

These are so called prisoners of conscience. It sounds absolutely unbelievable. Too unbelievable to be true, but dozens of highly respected investigators, scholars and government officials around the world claim that the Chinese government is harvesting organs from groups considered political or cultural enemies of the regime.

His name is Mitchell The Lion Heart. He is a veteran activist who has dedicated over 17 years of his life to help expose one of the Most brutal persecutions and Human rights atrocities in Modern history: A NEW FORM OF EVIL: The State Mandated and State Endorsed Forced LiVE Organ Harvesting of the Falun Gong spiritual movement in China; where between 60 and 100 THOUSAND practitioners of this spiritual mind and body practice have been murdered each year; since 1999 in China.

At least 100 THOUSAND Falun Gong practitioners each year have been illegally detained; sent to countless labor camps and over 800 hospitals in and around China; where their bodies are cut open while ALIVE; organs forcefully taken from their bodies while ALIVE; sold for large profit; and then the Falun Gong practitioners' bodies are burned in the boiler rooms of the hospitals to conceal the evidence.

Mitchell leaves no name, and seeks no reward; all he wants is for people to stand in support of upholding the dignity of Falun Gong and become deeply aware about this new form of evil against this innocent group of people. Ladies and Gentlemen this will soon leave the world's people numb, soul stirred and shocked that this has been going on for the last 18+ years and continues to this day. Mitchell asks you for your awareness and support and nothing more!

He stands on The principle l that To fail to support the Good and To fail to expose the Evil in this world is Unacceptable. Thus, we as human beings must have the courage to not remain silent, but to step forward and do what is Right and to make those places where evil is occurring the center of our attention.

F. William Engdahl | Ever Wonder Why The Left Hates Russia So Much?


F. William Engdahl joins Alex Jones live via Skype to give an expert history lesson, and he lays out exactly why the socialist left hates Russia, nationalism, and freedom and wants to destroy them.

The Saker | Rogue Money Special Guest | May 16, 2018


Due to major phone and internet outage in New York due to a recent tornado we were forced to record. We did not want to miss this opportunity for "The Saker" to share his insights on all things geopolitical.

We are political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties

Linda Moulton Howe | Symbols and Binary Code in High Strangeness Phenomena


Over decades, there have been reports of highly strange phenomena around the world that involve symbols on unidentified aerial craft. Some of those high strangeness cases have also included binary code that has been translated. Linda will compare symbols and binary code translations in cases that have ranged over time from the 1800s to current day.

The Corbett Report | Chinese World Order Rises in Ashes of Iran Deal | May 14, 2018


China has just opened a new railway link with Iran and CNPC is set to fill the void left by France's Total if and when they leave the South Pars field. It looks like the US pulling out of the Iran deal is win-win for China and the BRICS world order...and the engineered destruction of the west continues apace.

Max Igan | Everything is Awesome! | May 11, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - May 11th, 2018.

The Corbett Report | The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat | May 10, 2018


There is in fact a Middle Eastern nation that is in fact in control of a vast, undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons. This nation does have the capability of deploying those weapons anywhere in the region. It is not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and its arsenal has never been inspected by any international agency. But this nation is not Iran. It's Israel.

Transcript & Shownotes

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Dark Journalist & Sarah Westall | Trump Family Ties to the Deep State | May 10, 2018

Source: Sarah Westall youtube,

Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, rejoins the program to share his X series program. A deep dive into the covert activities surrounding presidential archives and the X meme. During his research he discovers incredible Trump family ties to the deep state, Tesla, and MIT. Investigative journalism that you have not heard anywhere else. -Sarah Westall

Newsbud | China Watch with Peter Lee | China War Triple Play: Trade War, Tech War, and Boom! | May 9, 2018


America’s got a three-war solution to the problem of U.S. decline in Asia: a trade war, a tech war, and maybe a shooting war.

Now we’ve got trade war jaw jaw as the United States and the People’s Republic of China exchange demands. It’s a phony war for now: threats, posturing, media ops and, for Donald Trump at least, political jockeying in the runup to US elections in November.

Meanwhile, the United States forges ahead in the real war—the techwar with China centered on 5G wireless. Full speed ahead here; this is a war America expects to win. But if it doesn’t, Taiwan has to watch out: the Taiwan government just crossed a big red line and there’s probably no going back.

And, an important anniversary: May 7, 1999. The day things went Boom!...and Bill Clinton lost China. Yeah, you’ll get the full details at China Watch. And only at China Watch.

Show Notes:
Simon Rabinovitch twitter thread of reported US draft demands at China trade talks
T-Mobile CEO to regulators: China is beating US on fast 5G wireless but out Sprint deal can change that
US Commerce Secretary Intrigued by TMobile/ Sprint 5G pitch
MediaTek to seek ZTE export permit
The tearful origins of China’s stealth

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 10, 2018


Well, I predicted this some time ago, and it's finally happened: Chancellor Merkel is saying it's time for Europe to cut the apron strings, and toleave the nest and fly on its own, to mix metaphors: 

Article: Time to ‘take fate into its own hands’: Europe can’t rely on US protection anymore, says Merkel

Peter Fairest | The Toxic Assault Against All Life on Earth | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source:, Peter Fairest youtube

This is a Veritas exclusive and it is Peter Fairest's very first radio interview. Peter is incredibly informed on Geoengineering and U.V. radiation, along frequency, 5G, weather engineering, and even vaccines. Solutions included.

From Peter Fairest: Humanity has lost its way. They can no longer see past the darkness that has been shrouding our species for hundreds of years, with the deliberately orchestrated subterfuge and lies by the media and our governments to deliberately divert our attention away from the truth in the world. Hundreds of years of deliberate deception; thousands of years of hidden history; thousands of years of unnecessary wars; decades of genetically engineered viruses pathogens and pandemics stockpiled to be used against their fellow men women and children.

A world of such immorality I can barely understand the horror. The poisoning of the food water and the air that we breathe, that directly affects the human physiology and the central nervous system. The horrific militarised frequency weapons that are being utilised to cause catastrophic damage to our brains and our DNA.

The weather modification programs implemented that are capable of wiping entire countries off the map. The governments who keep us in chains through the rape of our wages, from taxes every day that we work, to ensure we never have a level playing field where we can have any influence on our government’s activities whatsoever. Slavery was never abolished and we are deliberately kept in chains from the day we are born. As soon as that birth certificate is signed, we are owned, we are a number. Democracy is a falsity and a false narrative.

There is no democracy, only an oppressive totalitarian regime to ensure that, we the people, will never have any influence in the world. To vote for a government who initiates all of the above is paramount to insanity, and I will not vote for a government who has nothing in their mind but my demise and the demise of my family and friends.

Society is surrounded by such darkness now that some people find it impossible to reach out to the light of hope that has been lost to us for so many years now. No war in history has ever been won by words alone, and history is only ever written by the victors. In order to regain our right to live; our right to have an opinion; our right to freedom of speech; our right to clean drinking water and food; our right to breathe clean air that is not full of toxic nanoparticulates; our right to carry arms to protect our family and our homes, and our right to refuse the pharmaceutical companies’ vaccinations to poison our children, can only be achieved through Revolution, not words or pictures or posts, only through Direct action can we make an impact on our oppressors.

The backbone of the pharmaceutical industry is vaccines. They vaccinate your children, subsequently your children become ill and are then lifelong customers to the pharmaceutical industry. Holistic doctors worldwide are mysteriously dying and their research destroyed. Our ecosystem and oceans are being systematically eradicated without any intervention or oversight.

These people want nothing more than for us to argue amongst ourselves; to cause conflict between our groups and to separate us so that we can no longer effectively have an impact on waking up the sleeping giant. The human race is a conscious Collective. We are all inextricably linked and they cannot take that away from us. We are the people. We have a voice, and we have a right for that voice to be heard. We have a god given right to fight for what we believe to be true and moral in the world. We have a right to fight for our lives, and for the lives of our families and our children, and for the lives of our friends.

We are the voice of the resistance and we are the future of our species, stand up and be heard.

Peter Fairest, he was once a chemical / biological warfare specialist for Britain and later was a professor in the same field. He has a plethora of knowledge on so many topics concerning the assault we are witnessing and has visited underground bases in the U.K and knows first hand some of the technologies we are only now being exposed to publicly.

SGTreport | 5G is a Sterilization & Eugenics Program -- CONFIRMED | May 7, 2018


Deborah Tavares from joins me for this emergency broadcast recorded tonight May 7, 2018. It is now overwhelmingly obvious that the 5G rollout is a Biometric weapons system and a mass sterilization and eugenics program. Please folks, stand up and DO something about it NOW.

'Surveillance exposed by Snowden never stopped happening' - Human & Labour Rights lawyer |  May 7, 2018


NSA collected over 500mn phone records of US citizens last year... Over triple the number of 2016.

Michael Joseph | Staged Realities and Ritual Initiations | Offplanet Radio with Randy Maugans


Michael Joseph is an esoteric researcher, astrologer and musician, who has created multiple video series on the occult aspects of many of the issues/events that affect modern culture. He joins us to discuss staged/manipulated reality as initiation for the masses.

The Corbett Report | 4 Ways the Crime Lab Can Frame You | May 4, 2018


Television has taught us that the crack CSI experts and their state-of-the-art technology can solve any crime through the power of science. In reality, more often than not the crime-detection technology of the past has turned out to be pseudoscience at best, and outright fraud at worst. And, of course, it has been used to put innocent people in jail. Here are 4 Ways The Crime Lab Can Frame You.

Transcript & MP3

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 3, 2018


With the Skripals being held at arm's length from the media, with Japan to host the Chinese and North Koreans, with Israel buying 3 Dolphin class submarines capable of launching nuclear weapons from Germany, you might have missed this story, but Joseph has some high octane speculation about it, after he remembers a little of the history of hysteria that attended the launch of "cyrpto-currencies."

Article: Soros, Rothschild, and Big Institutional Investors are Entering Bitcoin Market

Newsbud | China Watch with Peter Lee | The Great Decoupling: America Sidelined in Asia | May 2, 2017


When America was dominant in Asia, American hegemony and Asian security were pretty much synonymous, not necessarily in a good way. By exercising its hegemonic power, the United States determined the content and direction of the Asian security debate.

But now it’s the Great Decoupling! US pursuit of hegemony and Asia’s pursuit of security are diverging. To keep it simple: Asia for the Asians! Start with Korea: America is on the outside looking in as the peace process rolls on.

And, in an unexpected development, India’s Narendra Modi and China’s Xi Jinping make very, very nice as they agree to disagree over Pakistan and envision a post-American Afghanistan.

It’s a scary time for American influence in Asia, and America isn’t liking it. And Australia and Japan, two countries that have hitched their foreign policy to the star of US centrality, are liking it even less.

Show Notes:
Beware the Korean Peace Trap
North Korea’s Phony Peace Ploy
How a U.S. Fiasco in Macau Birthed North Korea’s Atomic Bomb
Could Trump Win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Barnett R. Rubin twitter thread on China-India-Afghanistan-Pakistan
Angry Over Decades of Mistreatment, Pashtuns in Pakistan Rally in Search for Dignity
India blocks Australia from Malabar naval exercise
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Dane Wigington, Patrick Wood | Climate Engineering And Climate Collapse a Live Debate | May 2, 2018


This one hour live debate on WBAI radio in New York presents two opposing positions and conclusions regarding the state of the climate and the biosphere.

Dane Wigington (lead researcher from and Patrick Wood (author of the book Technocracy Rising) debate the facts. The significance of the threat posed by ongoing global climate engineering operations is addressed, along with the role that climate engineering operations are playing in the rapidly unfolding climate / biosphere collapse, which Mr. Patrick Wood denies is occurring.

Facts matter if credible conclusions are to be reached. Opinions and conclusions that lack verifiable facts, are ideology. If we are to have any chance of gaining desperately needed traction in the critical fight to expose and halt the climate engineering / intervention insanity, we must stand on credible data. All are needed in the effort to wake the masses to what is unfolding at blinding speed, make your voice heard.

Richard Dolan Show | AATIP or AAWSAP? | Apr. 30, 2018


The first hour is concerned with recent claims that the Pentagon's UFO program known as Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) may in fact have gone under another name as well: Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP).

It seems the study of UFOs is nothing without some controversy. Richard interviews two guests, first Chase Kloetzke, who has interviewed Luis Elizondo twice and provides her insights.

Second, he interviews Australian researcher Paul Dean, who has concluded that AAWSAP is indeed related to AATIP. During the second half of the program, Richard discusses the implications of these developments as well as examining some darker implications of the strange phenomena of our world, drawing mainly from research of David Paulides and Whitley Strieber.

Newsbud | Western Sanctions Against Iran vs Expected Eastern Blowback | May 1, 2018


Iran’s currencies, the rial and the toman (collectively referred to here as the “rial”), have been plummeting in perceived value for months now – nay, years, nay, decades – against the US dollar. 

The rial’s aggressive drop in value Since December 2017 is neither due to core Iranian economic fundamentals which would otherwise theoretically justify a national currency’s skydiving in such a fashion, nor is it coincidental with the wider currency wars being conducted between the global West and East.

It is, in fact, the most recent salvo in a precariously heightening high stakes duel of each side trying to collapse the other’s currency – or currencies –and thus harm their wider sense of economic stability. Atlanticists standing behind Dollar Hegemony, and the building Eurasian contingency fighting it, are attacking each other’s currencies, either clandestinely via both technological and deployed trading agent means, or overtly through sanctions regimes, in order to ultimately either maintain, or appropriate, respectively, standards for the future of the world’s economy.

Show Notes

Stefan Verstappen | Rules of the Warrior | Freeman TV | Apr. 14, 2018


How do we shift the paradigm and stand in the face of the evil of Empire? This is a guide to the Way of the Warrior. Do you have the strength of character to step out your door and change your world? Could one meeting with a stranger change the course of your life forever? We must push ourselves to train each day. Never show weakness. Never show fear. Be larger than life and live to gain as much experience as everyday can bring.

Can altering the course of your lifestyle, change the course of history? There is no need to complain, you'll just annoy people or end up surrounded by psychic vampires. Each day that you choose to step up and tone your mind and body, you are creating a new future for all humanity. Believe me, this is enough!

Tyrannies throughout history have a repeated pattern of doing everything they can to eliminate warriors from their populations.

The reasons are obvious; warriors are the ones that always stir up trouble for tyrants. They are the ones that will speak out against oppression, that will stand up to cruelty, and that will fight and die for freedom.

Stefan H. Verstappen is a Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He has written dozens of articles for various magazines and newspapers and is the author of 8 books including; The Way of the Warrior, The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, and The Art of Urban Survival.

He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years’ experience in the martial arts including five years spent studying in China.

He is the creator of the viral YouTube documentary, Defense Against the Psychopath, and the Paradise Stolen series and 140 other videos.

Warriors are also the grassroots leaders around whom disgruntled citizens will gather and unite to provide a unified front against injustice.

David Icke on the Regina Meredith Show | Part 1 & 2


John Kruth at Monroe Institute on Rhine: Oldest Parapsychology Lab in USA | Apr. 30, 2018


John Kruth, executive director of the Rhine Research Center, presented at The Monroe Institute Professional Seminar on "The Power of Place: Studies at the Rhine Research Center."

The Rhine is the oldest operating parapsychology lab in the country. The first academic lab to develop a formal method for examining psi phenomena, the Rhine became an important destination for people experiencing psi or who were interested in exploring psi phenomena through the lens of science.

In this talk, John gives an overview of ongoing research at the Rhine including projects that reveal how location and place might be developed or hold information that will influence future psi activity at that site.

John's 20+ years of professional technology experience and 8+ years as a professional researcher provide him unique insight into the integration of technology and parapsychological research. His studies include explorations into psychic healing, the energy behind psychokinesis, poltergeist activity and other unconscious effects on electronic devices, measurements of biophotons (ultraviolet light) from energy healers, applications of remote viewing for investments, and updating traditional psi testing methods to take advantage of 21st century technology and science. John has contributed to numerous publications and has spoken at many professional conferences.

Max Igan | Why Are They Hiding History? | Apr. 27, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - April 27th, 2018.

Jeff Rense & Clifford Stone | More Rock Solid Proof Of UFOs-ETs On Earth | Apr. 19, 2018


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 04-19-18 with Guest Clifford Stone.
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