The Healing Path with White Wolf von Atzingen | Session 4 - Forgiveness


for·give·ness /fɚˈgɪvnəs/ noun
1 : the act of forgiving someone or something
2 : the attitude of someone who is willing to forgive other people
Forgiveness is the core of healing. Without forgiveness, on all levels, the heart, the soul, and the spirit cannot reconnect. Forgiveness begins the process of integrating the psyche and releasing past traumas both from the transgressors and self.

Those who are on the healing path will inevitably reach a point where they cannot move forward, or where they keep "hitting a ceiling" because of unforgiven wounding. In this session, White Wolf takes the us through an exercise designed to release both self guilt and the wounds of others. While many people have found forgiveness can take enormous time and effort, this exercise simplifies the process by working with the most traumatic memories first and then resolving unforgiveness of the SELF.
The process outlined in this session can greatly shorten the time required to deal with guilt and unforgiveness and allow the subject to gain immediate results without years of psychological techniques or long, arduous "rehashing" of traumatic events. Healing the spirit is the "fast track" to forgiveness.

This session includes a full transcript of the audio recording, a video to aid in visualization, and the audio meditation for quick reference. -Offplanet Radio

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Joshua Shapiro on VERITAS Radio | The Crystal Skulls


According to Joshua Shapiro, crystal skulls are believed to be a form of computer which are able to record energy and vibration that occur around them. The skull will pictorially replay all events or images of the people who have come into contact with them and contain the history of our world. The Crystal Skulls are considered to be one of the world's greatest mysteries. We discuss their mystical properties, experiences that people have had with them, their connection with the UFOs and many theories about their purpose and how they were made.

Joshua Shapiro has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he had an opportunity to be in the presence of an amethyst skull located in northern California known as "Ami". At that time, he felt a very strong connection with this artifact which forever changed his life. Since then, he has devoted a great deal of time and effort to sharing with others key information about the crystal skulls and the role they have to play in the prophesized "Golden Age".

He feels very fortunate to have had an opportunity to be able to visit privately with a number of the more well-known crystal skulls in the world including: the "Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull", "ET", the British Museum Crystal Skull, and Ami.

Max Igan | Globalism by Distraction, July 6, 2012


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - July, 6th, 2012.

2MIN News | X-Class Flare, Radiation Storm, Magnetic Storm, July 7, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers youtube

RT | Adrian Salbuchi - 'Monsanto seed of discord brings Latin American Spring' , July 7, 2012


Venezuela's pulled its diplomatic staff from Paraguay - in a tit-for-tat response after its Latin American neighbor did the same. Paraguay has been losing diplomatic connections ever since its president was impeached for cracking down on farmers settling on state land. Let's explain this with the help of political analyst Adrian Salbuchi.

Roy Stemman on TMRN Radio, July 6, 2012


Former Special Forces Operator Simon Treselyan | The Warrior Spirit


Motivational speaker, Martial Arts Expert, and former Special Forces Operator Simon Treselyan tells us about what it is to be a warrior, and how to develop leadership skills that will enable you to take control of your own life and manage your own levels of personal success. ~Truth Frequency Radio

F. William Engdahl | New World Order Update, July 5, 2012


F. William Engdahl
Journalist-Historian-Economic Researcher and Leading Analyst on the New World Order and Oil Politics F. Wlliam Engdahl is our "Go to Man" for all things geopolitical. We find his view objective,unbiased and clear. Mr. Engdahl starts todays interview painting a pretty bleak picture of the financial collapse of Ireland and then moves on to discussing:

-Crisis management with Ms.Merkel and her tactical compromises

-What drove up the recent oil prices

-Getting the truth on Syria which has WW3 written all over it. Americans are not getting the truth in the mainstream media. Mr. Engdahl gives some brutal eye opening facts

-The massive use of neo-nicotinoids in pesticides are causing the colony collapse disorder with bees.

-The Europeans have never embraced GMO's: Mr Engdahl tells us why and about the extensive GMO labeling in Europe and many more topics.

2MIN News | Here Comes the Sun & Caribbean Quake, July 5, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers youtube

Spaceweather: [Look on the left at the X-ray Flux and Solar Wind Speed/Density]

New World Next Week | Bad ACTA, Reactor Restart, Euro Banksters, July 5, 2012


Story #1: European Parliament Kills Global Anti-Piracy Accord
Related: Twitter Shares Info On Gov't Demands For User Data
Twitter Transparency Report
'Black Boxes' To Monitor All UK Internet, Phone Data
'Black box' Is Watching You! UK 'Online Spy Bill' Privacy Threat
Foreign Powers Will Be Allowed To Access Email, Phone Records

Story #2: Japan Restarts First Reactor Since Fukushima Crisis
Related: Japan's Energy Policy In Flux As Nuclear Restart Begins
Summer's Extreme Weather Is 'What Global Warming Looks Like'
Restoring Power In WV Poses Challenges

Story #3: Euro Bank Supervisor Faces Hurdles
Related: Barclays CEO Resigns - Scandal Links To Bank Of England

‪Sun Ejects Mystery Object 2012‬ | Stephen Hannard ADG (UK), July 4, 2012

Source:, StephenHannardADGUK youtube

Not sure whether the ejected object is a natural occurrence or not, never seen that type of ejection before, looks kind of weird to me especially with UFOs watching. The object looks like it has a shape to it too, almost like a craft of some sort travelling at a colossal speed, and leaving a vapout trail. It cannot be a gas or plasma emission in my opinion. Just before the object leaves the Sun a funnel type phenomena is seen, and then the object seems to shoot out of it, possibly like a solar tunnel, or perhaps like a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun. Any thoughts would be appreciated. -Stephen Hannard (ADG) UK

Comment James Horak: "Very good catch. When you hear people like Stan Friedman brag about never seeing a UFO, it is because they won't look up. Today people are not only looking up, they are looking closely at the sun where even more diverse "action" is taking it has for eons." JCH

RT | 'ACTA defeat a huge victory for online freedom & democracy' July 4, 2012


The European Parliament has rejected ACTA, a controversial trade agreement, which was widely criticized over its likely assault on internet freedoms. Supporters of the treaty suggested postponing the crucial voting at the Parliament plenary on Wednesday, but members of the parliament decided not to delay the decision any further. MEPs voted overwhelmingly against ACTA, with 478 votes against and only 39 in favor of it. There were 146 abstentions. Citizen advocacy group founder Jeremy Zimmerman believes copyright laws must be reformed, but not at the expense of the online users.
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