Showing posts with label Area 51. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Area 51. Show all posts

A Conversation with Area 51 Special Projects Manager TD Barnes | Sept. 18, 2024

Source: AlienScientist youtube

With the help of Manny from Area503 we were able to edit down this interview and rerelease it. I will be making the other one unlisted so save the link if you want to go back and reference it!

Dark Journalist | HotZone UFO File AUTEC Atlantis & Automatons | Oct. 21, 2022



Please join us for this special X-Series Episode 136 as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep to connect the dots on the AI obsession of the Tech Elite and the story of Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet. Cayce claimed the Atlanteans had created Mutant Cyborg Mixed Creatures he called 'Things"or 'Automatons' to make a slave race. What does AUTEC, The US Underwater Area 51 and the search for Atlantis Technology have in common with the UFO File?

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Casolaro UFO File | Oct. 18, 2022



Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell after Marty Farrell's Revelations about his meeting with the late Journalist Danny Casolaro. In this episode they look deeply at Michael Riconosciuto the genius programmer at the heart of the PROMIS case. Riconosciuto was put in prison after attempting to expose that he was instructed to install a backdoor for surveillance in the stolen version of the advanced software that the Justice Department obtained from Inslaw.

Casolaro had cracked the UFO File Connection of Area 51 and Pine Gap as early as 1987 and had discovered a shadowy Aerospace Defense Contractor link to the phenomenon. Riconosciuto is directly associated to the UFO file through the fact that his father was a partner in an advertising firm with Fred Krisman, a covert CIA Agent and a main figure in the legendary Maury Island UFO Case. Krisman was later put under scrutiny by New Orleans DA Jim Garrison for being involved in the JFK Assassination.

Richard Dolan | Area 51: Illusion vs. Reality | Feb. 16, 2020


Area 51 is the most famous secret base in the world. Despite its overwhelming connection to UFOs in the public mind, so-called "authoritative" sources of information (like Wikipedia) continually downplay this, treating it as some form of pop culture-induced illusion. But one thing to keep in mind about Area 51, however, is that we learned about it back in 1989 through an explicit connection with UFOs. Keep that in mind the next time you come across the denials from establishment sources of information. It's easier to see that in fact, they are the purveyors of illusions.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Smart Fires, 5G, Crowley Magik, Area 51, Antarctica, Aliens & More | Jan. 31, 2019


Dr. Richard Alan Miller joins me for a discussion that will leave you lost for words. We open up talking about the dangers of smart meters & 5G technology. From there we embark on a journey covering topics ranging from Crowley to what is going on at the South Pole.

Author and researcher Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in alternative agriculture, physics, and metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation. Today, Miller writes for Nexus magazine and is a preferred guest on internet radio. In the 21st century Miller is re-emerging at a critical time in humanities evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

Alienscientist | The REAL Bob Lazar Story: Inconsistencies, Contradictions, and Lies. | Jan. 1, 2019


An Historical Documentary and Parody of the Bob Lazar Area 51 story. Think you know Bob Lazar?? Think again!

- A summary of my research on Bob can be found HERE.
The complete Lazar timeline
More evidence against a secret installation at Papoose Lake

To summarize AlienScientist views on the Bob Lazar case:

1. Did he work at Los Alamos? Yes, in the unsecured, unclassified area that he brought George Knapp to, and was a "Rabbit in his own Burrow" because according to John Lear and Gene Huff (his two best friends at the time) He had the contract to repair 300 Alpha probes every 6 weeks, which are used daily at Los Alamos by the radiation health monitoring people there per OSHA. While at Los Alamos he cleverly persuaded people like Dr. Krangle by showing off his jet car, and dressing with a pocket protector.

2. Is there a Stable Isotope of Element 115 with these properties? The answer is: No. Not yet anyway... (let's hope and pray they do find it! But in the meantime, let's keep studying REAL science and educating ourselves!)

3. What kind of Person was Bob? Why would EG&G hire somebody like Bob? A 'physicist', a pimp, and a photo processor. Bob took the money he made off the Lazar Tapes and started United Nuclear a major distributor of glassware and other lab equipment essential for making methamphetamine, which is why he was kicked out of NM and moved to Michigan.

4. How did Bob KNOW about the Wednesday Night Test Flights? Answer: They were most likely Janet Airlines Flights which John and Gene knew all about from their obsession with the base. When they filmed the incoming Janet flights with one of the old school camcorders where there are videos of UFO researchers showing people how to make point sources of light magically turn into saucers using reflections within the aperture. Also Gene bumps the camera and pretends the craft moved.

5. Did Bob really copy Billy Meier? Does it look like he copied Billy Meier? In Billy Meier's books he even talks about an antimatter propulsion system. (Go here and scroll down to PROPULSION: He also obviously spent some time at the Los Alamos History Museum and learned about the Slotin Accident on May 21, 1946, with the DEMON CORE, where Slotin's screwdriver slipped and the Beryllium half shell in their critically experiment accidentally went supercritical and Slotin received a fatal dose of Radiation when he heroically sacrificed his own life in a moment of quick thinking he grabbed the half shell and tossed it to the floor.

6. Is there a secret installation at S-4 (Papoose Dry Lake) ? Probably not. After Lazar blew the lid off Groom Lake, a lot of testing moved to Edwards and Tonopah. Papoose would be a horrible choice for such a base given the proximity to the Nevada Test Site.

Alienscientist | Hypocrite Jeremy Corbell Responds to my Bob Lazar Video! Creepy AF!!! lol | Jan. 1, 2019


Anatomy of a deception: 46 minutes of Bob Lazar, John Lear, Gene Huff, and George Knapp telling us the REAL truth about who Bob Lazar REALLY is, and who he was and what he was really doing in late 1989 when he came forward with this fantastic story.

Nick Redfern | The Elites Human Slavery Experiment, Artificial Intelligence and the Endgame Alien Threat Nightmare | July 10, 2018

Source: Alien Outpost TV,

I had the honor and priviledge to be able to sit down with Nick Redfern and interview him in person for the second time! This was a 2 part discussion starting off with big brother, propaganda, artificial intelligence and mind control. We end with part 2 connecting the dots of the first part with the UFOs, and the Artificial Alien Threat. -Alien Outpost TV

Elite Bloodlines
New World Order
Orchestrated Events
Big Brother the Orwellian Society
Surveillance through Social Media
Propaganda through Television and Mainstream Media
Mind Control and Dumbing Down the Masses
GMOs in Food and Pharmaceutical Drugs as a Weapon for the Elite
Black Budget Operations and Programs
Artificial Intelligence
Virtual Reality
Technology is great but can easily be abused
Post 9/11 World
DARPA and Microchip Implants
Low Frequency Weapon
Georgia Guide Stones
Depopulation Agendas

Ronald Reagans Alien Threat Speech
Project Bluebeam and the Fake Alien Threat
Advanced Holographic Technologies
Bob Lazar, Area 51, and Alien Technologies
Black Triangle UFO’s
Fabricated Events
The Orchestration of the Second Coming of Christ
Are Governments of the World worki
ng alongside ET’s
Project Serpo and Eisenhower
Dulce Underground Wars
Phil Schneider
Are ET’s traveling here? Are they already here possibly underground or hollow earth?
Underground Top Secret Facilities
Underground Submersive Objects

Grant Cameron on UFO Insider Knowledge | Tom Delonge, Stargate Portals and Consciousness Technology | July 8, 2018

Source: Alien Outpost TV,

I had the pleasure to sit down and interview Grant Cameron at the 2018 Ozark UFO Conference! We talked about many fascinating topics within the UFO world. Grant talked about Tom DeLonge and breaks down the interview the DeLonge had with Joe Rogan.

Grant also brings new information that Tom DeLonge has brought forward which DeLonge isn’t allowed to discuss anymore. Grant talks about many secret programs that are going on and discusses the various types of advanced back enginnered technologies. He breaks down President Eisenhowers Military Industrial Complex Speech and gives a different angle compared to other researchers take on the speech.

He went into detail into his Portal Research and explains how this Stargate type technology is currently being used to travel inter-dimensionally. He also talked about how a being came through the portal. We talked about many topics and a few of the topics discussed are below. -Alien Outpost TV

Tom DeLonge
Joe Rogans interview with Tom DeLonge
Pentagon UFO Program
Atip Program
Advanced Top Secret Technology
Area 51 and Lockheed Skunkworks
Consciousness Technology
Deep Government Insiders
The Cosmic Club
Disinformation Programs
Secret Space Program
UFO Disclosure
1947 National Security Act
Eisenhower’s Military Industrial Complex Speech
Advanced Military Technology
Back Engineered UFO’s
Inter-Dimensional Portals

Patrick Shank | Vox Populi | My Father Was an Area 51 Engineer | Veritas Radio | Hour 1 | Oct. 5, 2017


My name is Patrick Shank. My father, Ray Shank, was an electrical design engineer. He was in radio first (military and commercial), while he attended school for electrical design. After college, he was recruited to go to Libya. During his career he worked on a number of SAP (special access programs), SR-71, Nike Missiles, Titan 1, Titan 2 missiles, Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Missions, Tomahawk Cruise Missiles.

Partial llist of some contractors he worked for:
Hycon Page - 1950s
Bell Labs - 1950s
Lockheed - Late 1950s
NASA - 1960s and 1970s
Aramco - 1970s
NASA (second Time) - 1980s
Martin Marietta - 1980s
McDonnell Douglas - 1990s (Retired)

1950s - He designed and built a radio listing station in Libya - for Hycon Page which later ended up being used to help the Israelis in two wars. Later he was told to leave by the Gaddafi regime. My father, wife and my sister had 24 hours to leave. But this put him in a good position with the Department of Defense, which offered him a world of possibilities.

After Libya he went to work at White Sands Missile range (Nike Missile). Shortly after, he was relocated to the Ranch also known as Area 51 (Lockheed) to work on electrical design for the SR-71 project.

1960s, 1970s - Space Race, working on Titan landed him at NASA for Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.

1970s after Apollo, he went on a brief hiatus and then went to Saudi Arabia. In 1977 and 78 he helped Bin Laden Construction, (ARAMCO) build commutation systems and radar.

1980s - Went back to NASA to work in the Space Shuttle program, but was laid off after budget cuts. He then went to Martin Marietta to work on missile design.

1990s - He was hired by McDonnell Douglas to work on the Tacit Rainbow Project (Tomahawk Cruise Missile).

We also discussed:
Fathers Early Life - how it all got started
Our family
Me - growing up with all of this happening in front of me.
He also told me about:
Secret Space Program
UFOs over missile sites
UFOs during space race
Strange things on the moon
Neil Armstrong and what happed to him on the moon.
UFO crash in Florida swamp
DOD Security sweeps at our house
His regrets of the things he worked on.

Grant Cameron | How Do UFOs and Aliens Fit Into the World That We Know? | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Tonight we discuss some of the most popular UFO stories from the files of a researcher's 40 years of research. Ranging from: The story of the Canadian government that confirmed flying saucers were real, that they were dealing with recovered UFO hardware including the Roswell crash, and tried to get an alien to land at a Top Secret base.

The United States cover-up including the CIA's documented channeling of an alien, and the real inside story of Area-51. What the Presidents of the United States knew about the UFO subject. The inside story of Hillary Clinton and UFOs. Stories about the famous rock stars, Nobel Prize winners, and top researchers who experienced alien abduction. The connection of consciousness to the UFO phenomena and insight into where inventions come from. A huge 1975 flap of sightings that was tied in closely to the United States nuclear missile program. Full Story of the Chris Bledsoe abduction which is about to become a major Hollywood movie. -Veritas Radio

Nick Redfern | Alien Files, the Real Men in Black, ET's, Greys, Reptilians, UFO's, Implants | Part 1-8

Source: Leak Project youtube,,

Nick breaks down multiple subjects with great clarity. Cryptozoology, UFO,s ETs, Interdimensionals, Recently Declassified files, Black Helicopters, Secret Government, Men in Black, Paranormal activity, etc… Area 51 and other Top Secret Black Sites.

Eye witness accounts of multiple ET’s and UFO’s. Multiple Accounts of Shape Shifting Reptilians from credible sources. How Giant Pyramids and other amazing Superstructures were built thousands of years ago using levitation with sound waves.

Hidden Science and technology hidden within legends, fairy tales and folklore. Demonic UFO’s and the Afterlife. A well funded secret group within the system Called the Collins Elite, concluded ET’s are actually demons sent to deceive man and the Earth is like a farm to harvest energy from the Soul when people die. -Leak Project

George Knapp | Bob Lazar, Area 51 UFO Presentation | Copenhagen Oct. 2014

George Knapp speaks about Bob Lazar and area 51, S4, John Lear and alien craft.

Bob Lazar given credence by John Lear , Gene Huff and others and dismissed by the likes Stanton Freidman. George Knapp got involved back in 1989 and he has been involved with this ever since. Presentation from Copenhagen Oct. 2014.

We have all probably heard part of the story especially from John Lear and Stanton Friedman coming from opposite ends of the discussion. George goes thru his experience and shows clips , quotes and various references and how Area 51 is now part of 'popular 'culture and can be dismissed as sky-fy or crack pot ufologist speculation. But it can also seen as a great cover story for genuine covert military surveillance craft like the U2 etc., or even more exotic government secret programmes, possibly back engineering ET craft and developing their own. Definitely worth a watch if you are curious about Bob Lazar, whether you have dismissed his statements or not.

George tells how he became involved and also tells how Bobs account has been corroborated or paralleled by other witness's he has interviewed over the years. -Cidersomerset

Back in Time Series | David Adair at Area 51 - Advanced Symbiotic Technology (1999)


Space technology transfer consultant and former rocket whiz kid David Adair speaks out for the first time on camera in this interview about his remarkable encounters with an alien engine, DOD agents, and Air Force General Curtis Lemay in 1971 at Groom Lake, Nevada (Area-51). Hear first hand testimony about advanced alien technology and our military's most closely guarded secrets surrounding the UFO phenomena.

Adair explains how at age 17 he built an electro-magnetic containment plasma fusion rocket engine and was invited by Air Force bigwigs to launch it at White Sands Missal Range. That led to his being taken to Area 51 where he saw an engine that was light years beyond anything on Earth - so sophisticated it responded to the thoughts and emotions of it's pilots.

Now, comfortable with the way UFO information is starting to be accepted by the American public, Adair has decided to reveal the amazing truth which he held to himself for over 25 years.

Also revealed are his meetings with renowned physicist Stephan Hawkings.

Anonymous Whistle Blower goes on the Record | Citizen Hearing for Disclosure, May 3, 2013


The anonymous whistle blower video that was presented at the Citizen Hearing, Truth Embargo Friday morning session.

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure
April 29 To May 3, 2013 -- Washington, DC

Back in Time Series | UFO Secrets of the Black World - Full Feature

Source: UFOTVstudios

Area 51 is the most mysterious "top-secret military test facility" in the world. New technologies vital to United States national security are developed here. Insiders claim that even recovered spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin are studied and test flown at Area 51. In a three-year investigation, a German film crew dove deeply into the secrets of "Dreamland" and Area 51, interviewing top scientists and security personnel who worked inside Area 51 and claim to have seen what can only now be described as alien spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin. This program presents the facts about these amazing discoveries and includes stunning film footage of the remarkable flight maneuvers of these mysterious alien spacecraft secretly recorded during test flights at Area 51.

David Adair at Area 51 | Advanced Symbiotic Technology

Source: ufotv youtube

Space technology transfer consultant and former rocket whiz kid David Adair speaks out for the first time on camera in this interview about his remarkable encounters with an alien engine, DOD agents, and Air Force General Curtis Lemay in 1971 at Groom Lake, Nevada (Area-51). Hear first hand testimony about advanced alien technology and our military's most closely guarded secrets surrounding the UFO phenomena.

Adair explains how at age 17 he built an electro-magnetic containment plasma fusion rocket engine and was invited by Air Force bigwigs to launch it at White Sands Missal Range. That led to his being taken to Area 51 where he saw an engine that was light years beyond anything on Earth - so sophisticated it responded to the thoughts and emotions of it's pilots.

Now, comfortable with the way UFO information is starting to be accepted by the American public, Adair has decided to reveal the amazing truth which he held to himself for over 25 years.

Also revealed are his meetings with renowned physicist Stephan Hawkings.

Niara Isley | Area 51

2010—International UFO Congress—Dreamland Abductee, and former Radar specialist, Niara Isley first went public via a British TV Docmenetary in the late 90s. She blew the whistle on events at Dreamland along with the late Bill Uhouse. She was badly abused by her military guards, in front of top military and ET witnesses. Interviewed by Miles Johnston for researchers with Undergroundvideouk.

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