Elana Freeland | HAARP, Weather Warfare & Full Spectrum Dominance

Source: thelip.tv, Books Elana Freeland

HAARP weather warfare, chemtrails, and the meaning of full spectrum dominance is explored with author Elana Freeland. How Project Cloverleaf has evolved into disaster capitalism, and how Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism are part of the plot to maintain the hive mind of humanity is illuminated. From the space fence and ionosphere, to the atmosphere’s wave grid that can be utilized for humanity’s oppression and liberation--look to the heavens on this Buzzsaw, hosted by Sean Stone.

Bio Elana Freeland:
Over the years, Elana Freeland has been a Waldorf school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and ghostwritten books on diverse topics. Her second major in college was biology. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Freeland has self-published a fictional American history series called Sub Rosa America about the “deep politics” behind the downfall of the United States since John F. Kennedy's assassination.
In June 2014, Feral House Books released Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, the book that connects how the chemical aerosols whiting out our skies and ionospheric heaters around the world work together to assure seven major military operations of global control.

In October 2014, the Australian magazine Nexus published her article on invasive electromagnetic weapons, and now she has begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth about the next operation to be served by global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Inside the electromagnetic lockdown of the Space Fence, humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future. Freeland now lives in Olympia, Washington.

00:01 Welcoming Elana Freeland to Buzzsaw.
00:40 Full Spectrum Dominance explained--from the 1980s to now.
06:17 HAARP and the ionized global grid for weaponization.
09:45 Chemtrails, government and international weather warfare.
15:48 Attacking Iran, and profiting off of weather derivatives.
20:06 The ionosphere, military planning, and the role of AI in the future.
25:30 The rapid advance of transhumanism, and maintaining humanity.
28:30 How a space fence interacts with AI to manipulate society in the hive mind.
34:32 The twisted worldview of the elite--a story of hubris and collapse.
41:20 Global awakening and using the grid for good.
41:50 Thanks and Goodbye.

Zen Gardner | Surfing the Waves of Reality | Oct. 14, 2015

Source: higherjourneys.com, zengardner.com

Show Notes from this episode:
- The significance of the “Blood Moon” of September 2015.
- How has so-called “social engineering/conditioning” affected the alternative or “awakened” community?
- How the use of language can sway the individual’s consciousness.
- The importance of studying the roots of words and understanding their codified meaning.
- How people parrot language to reinforce conformity.
- The commercialization of images.
- How the “awakening” comes through busting through tough times.
- How the Matrix actually works against itself.
- The importance of not being attached to the outcome.
- What we can learn from the “pioneers of courage.”
- Why are people so willing to “follow the leader?”
- The backbone of conventional religious ideology.
- Negative vs. positive trends, i.e. Tommorow-land vs. Flash Mobs.
- The necessity of harnessing inner-technology (i.e. empathy, telepathy) as key to busting through the Matrix.
- The recent collective sense of foreboding – Is something big going on?
- The ramifications of an economic or technology crash.
- How relying on food on demand is a dangerous trend.
- Zen’s own “five stages of awakening.”
- Why the Vibrational Empowerment is NO joke!
- How “busting through the dark” is actually a natural process.
- The recent uptick in synchronicity and why it’s happening now.

Andrew Collins | Gobekli Tepe Bone Fragment Revelation | Capricorn TV | Oct. 14, 2015

Source: capricornradio.com, andrewcollins.com

Walter Bosley | From Ancient to Breakaway Civilizations (Part 1 & 2) | Forum Borealis | Oct. 14, 2015

Source: Forum Borealis youtube, empireofthewheel.blogspot.com

Max Igan | "Non-Compliance Will Bring This Psychotic System To It's Knees!" | Richie Allen Show | Oct. 14, 2015

Source: richieallenshow.com, thecrowhouse.com

The Eyeopener Report | The REAL Hastert Scandal: Pedophilia, Drug Money and Blackmail | Oct. 13, 2015

Source: corbettreport.com, BoilingFrogsPost.com

The scandal that recently enveloped speaker of the house Dennis Hastert, downplayed as a decades-old story, has already disappeared from the headlines. But a series of revelations from FBI whistleblowers reveal that this story is just the tip of a very seedy iceberg, one that implicates Hastert, his top aide, other Congress members and government officials in a criminal network involved in sexual intrigue, foreign espionage, blackmail, and drug money. -corbettreport.com

Transcript & Sources

The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles | Oct. 14, 2015

Source: democracynow.org

It’s been more than 50 years since Allen Dulles resigned as director of the CIA, but his legacy lives on. Between 1953 and 1961, under his watch, the CIA overthrew the governments of Iran and Guatemala, invaded Cuba, and was tied to the killing of Patrice Lumumba, Congo’s first democratically elected leader.

We speak with David Talbot, author of "The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government," about how Dulles’ time at the CIA helped shape the current national security state. -democracynow.org

Freeman Interviews Randy Maugans | Part 2: The UFO-Freemasonry Synchronicity | Oct. 13, 2015

Source: freemantv.com, radio.offplanetmedia.net

What happens when you put two Conspiracy Theorists in a room together? Mind-Blowing connections and far-reaching questions, that’s what. From Black Magick to Military Intelligence and on to UFO’s…

Part 2 is a mind-blower as Freeman and Randy begin to compare UFO/ET experiences with completely unrehearsed, undisclosed synchronicities. Neither of the two hosts have EVER spoken before, yet discover their common backgrounds including blood types, family ties to Freemasonry, occult practices, railroads, and military…with some new disclosures about personal experiences.

Part 2 | The UFO-Freemasonry Synchronicity


Part 1 | Randy Maugans on FreemanTV | Conspiracy Theory

Brien Foerster | Aswan Quarry Egypt: Lost Ancient High Technology Evidence | Oct. 13, 2015

Source: hiddenincatours.com

Although most academics believe that the dynastic Egyptians effectively worked hard stone such as granite and basalt with simple copper, bronze and stone tools, this video reveals otherwise.

There are 2 unfinished obelisks in the quarry at Aswan, for example that could not have been shaped with simple tools such as those listed above. They must have been the work of a much older culture with Lost Ancient High Technology... -Brien Foerster

Graham Hancock | Magicians of the Gods | Capricorn TV

Source: Capricorn Radio, grahamhancock.com

Magicians of the Gods is a sequel book that has been long awaited with extremely high expectations. I have been extremely intrigued as to just how the author’s sequel would transpire with the legacy that ensued Fingerprints of the Gods. In essence, Magicians of the Gods has not only surpassed these high expectations, but has done so in an intelligent, diligent and dedicated manner. Not only do we see Hancock’s usual synchronization of global data, from scientific analysis, courageous researchers, and world mysteries, but we see his additional 20 years of wisdom imbued within this work, since the release of Fingerprints of the Gods.

On a personal note, I practically devoured the content within the first day, not just because I am an avid reader of such scholarly material, but because there is a realism, truth and relevance to humanity with respect to the material, that Hancock has provided. Be prepared, the research in this book will inculcate you with a truthful perspective of the past, our origins, and our possible future based in hard science and reality. I have truly and thoroughly enjoyed this historical gem, in its entirety, it is a triumphant read on a multitude of levels!

Magicians of the gods has not only come full circle from its prequel, but has also launched us up a new level of the current evolving paradigm. There is an underlying sense of justice that prevails in this work, as we have finally reached a much clearer perspective on our origins, in that respect, this is an indispensable read; I have never been able to say that about a book before! -E.A. James Swagger

DJ (Level9News) on Sofia Smallstorm Podcast | Sept. 25, 2015

Source: aboutthesky.com/podcasts, Level9News youtube

Listen to DJ on Smallstorm Podcasts | Episode from 9.25.2015 | Summary: Sofia and DJ converse about the B.P. oil spill (remember that in 2010?) and what the synthetic organism "Synthia" also announced in the same year might really have been about, a synopsis of what a "virus" really is, the cholesterol myth, and more.

About Level9News
Level9News promotes facts and information that the government and mainstream news media will not. It is here to inform you so you can make intelligent decisions regarding your health, safety and liberties.

In addition to bringing alternative angles for discussion regarding the financial, political, economic and state of our republic being reported by conventional media and government, I will periodically report information on black projects as they are documented.

Jeff Rense & Zachary King | Satanic Hollywood

Source: rense.com

Clip from September 30, 2015 - guest Zachary King on the Jeff Rense Program.
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