White Wolf Von Atzingen on Offplanet Radio | "Shadow Scorpion", April 18, 2012

Source: offplanetradio.com, waysofthewildinstitute.com

April 18, 2012–As former black projects assassin, White Wolf Von Atzingen was systematically programmed by CIA covert operations from childhood to become a stealth human lethal weapon. As the programs broke down, so did the walls to his many identities and nightmarish past.

Today, after years of effort and intense de-programming, White Wolf works from his Ways Of The Wild Institute in Vermont to help others recover from trauma, and reconnect to themselves, and their natural state of being. Learn how to reprogram, reconnect, and radically change.

Book: Shadow Scorpion Memoirs of an Assassin
Shadow Scorpion by White Wolf Von Atzingen is an autobiography of a young man who was taken into the CIA and trained in the elite and shadowy methods of assassination. Through many years he survives severe mind control, programming, and experiences that can only be described as a living hell. Living through the unlivable, and triumphing, Wolf is able to begin the long, toilsome path of healing. Available at: smashwords.com, Webside Edition, Amazon

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