What is happening in Europe and with the Silk Road Initiative. German policy to accept one million immigrants per annum. US Dollar and Euro working in tandem have financially enslaved millions. China and Russia have moved away from the US dollar in global trade settlement. Belt and Road initiative which will not use the US Dollar either saving the world from or sparking a nuclear war...
F. William Engdahl | Breaking Away from the Tyranny of the Dollar System | Jan. 28, 2018
F. William Engdahl,
Silk Road
Dane Wigington | The impact of Geoengineering | Austin Bennett | Jan. 23, 2018
Austin Bennett interviews Dane Wigington on the dangers of Geoengineering Programs and issues many warnings as to what could happen if they continue these programs. At the very least, the discussion is alarming and we are headed for a planetary extinction in the near future.
Dane Wigington stresses that when it comes to 'chemtrail discussions' "We must must refer to the science terms, especially in the arena that you are in Austin."
Science terms like SRM (Solar Radiation Management, Climate Engineering, Geoengineering, Stratospheric Aerosol Injections. KNOW YOUR SCIENCE TERMS.
Chemtrails is a NON SCIENCE TERM, "and those who stick to that terminology are not helping the credibility of our cause."
Austin Bennett is running for California Senate and wants to educate on the dangers of geoengineering (aka Chemtrails).
The vast majority who are involved in these programs believe that these programs are used for the "COMMON GOOD".
Biosphere Implosion is discussed at length. The planet and climate are "horrifically damaged".
Chemical Ice Nucleation for Weather Modification, which means Engineered cool downs. Austin states that politicians are not speaking out against poisons in the atmosphere, damaging toxic sprays and he has found that representatives have no knowledge of these programs.
Dane Wigington's research has proven that we don't have long before the collapse of the biosphere.
Pass on credible data to the experts.
Why have weather men and women been 'gag ordered"? See Massive US Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification Elevated UVC, UVB causing, these are DNA damaging bands of radiation.
Ozone in recovery? FALSE.
In 8-10 years we could experience a Total Ozone Layer Collapse
Austin Bennett interviews Dane Wigington on the dangers of Geoengineering Programs and issues many warnings as to what could happen if they continue these programs. At the very least, the discussion is alarming and we are headed for a planetary extinction in the near future.
Dane Wigington stresses that when it comes to 'chemtrail discussions' "We must must refer to the science terms, especially in the arena that you are in Austin."
Science terms like SRM (Solar Radiation Management, Climate Engineering, Geoengineering, Stratospheric Aerosol Injections. KNOW YOUR SCIENCE TERMS.
Chemtrails is a NON SCIENCE TERM, "and those who stick to that terminology are not helping the credibility of our cause."
Austin Bennett is running for California Senate and wants to educate on the dangers of geoengineering (aka Chemtrails).
The vast majority who are involved in these programs believe that these programs are used for the "COMMON GOOD".
Biosphere Implosion is discussed at length. The planet and climate are "horrifically damaged".
Chemical Ice Nucleation for Weather Modification, which means Engineered cool downs. Austin states that politicians are not speaking out against poisons in the atmosphere, damaging toxic sprays and he has found that representatives have no knowledge of these programs.
Dane Wigington's research has proven that we don't have long before the collapse of the biosphere.
Pass on credible data to the experts.
Why have weather men and women been 'gag ordered"? See Massive US Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification Elevated UVC, UVB causing, these are DNA damaging bands of radiation.
Ozone in recovery? FALSE.
In 8-10 years we could experience a Total Ozone Layer Collapse
Willem Felderhof | An Airline Pilot Discusses Aerotoxic Syndrome, Chemtrails, & Geoengineering | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio | Jan. 18, 2018
Tonight, we talk with a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic Syndrome". He is also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen, he is very concerned about the direction his country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.
The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but has been hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with a dark agenda". All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully his research and tonight's discussion can help raise that collective level of awareness.
My name is Willem Felderhof and I am a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic syndrome". For more info click HERE.
I am also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen I am very concerned about the direction this country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.
The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but it is hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with dark agenda"„¢s. All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. A visible embodiment of this control structure in the Netherlands is the so-called "royal" family. The Netherlands serves as the legal capital for a totalitarian and satanic New Word Order, and because of that role the country hosts numerous institutions that are part of that framework. One example is the International Criminal Court in The Hague and its tribunals.
As a sovereign Dutch and World citizen I am very concerned about this and I will do anything in my power to turn the tide and help heal humanity of the diseased state it is currently in, and with that to heal the planet we live on. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully this website can help raising that collective level of awareness.
Willem discusses Mind Control, Natural Law, Consciousness Sharing information and uniting is crucial in this effort.
download hour 1 mp3
Tonight, we talk with a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic Syndrome". He is also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen, he is very concerned about the direction his country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.
The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but has been hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with a dark agenda". All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully his research and tonight's discussion can help raise that collective level of awareness.
My name is Willem Felderhof and I am a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic syndrome". For more info click HERE.
I am also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen I am very concerned about the direction this country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.
The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but it is hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with dark agenda"„¢s. All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. A visible embodiment of this control structure in the Netherlands is the so-called "royal" family. The Netherlands serves as the legal capital for a totalitarian and satanic New Word Order, and because of that role the country hosts numerous institutions that are part of that framework. One example is the International Criminal Court in The Hague and its tribunals.
As a sovereign Dutch and World citizen I am very concerned about this and I will do anything in my power to turn the tide and help heal humanity of the diseased state it is currently in, and with that to heal the planet we live on. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully this website can help raising that collective level of awareness.
Willem discusses Mind Control, Natural Law, Consciousness Sharing information and uniting is crucial in this effort.
download hour 1 mp3
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 25, 2018
Joseph P. Farrell
The first monkeys have been cloned in China... but is there a deeper story:
Article: In a scientific first, cloned monkeys are born. Will they accelerate biomedical research?
The first monkeys have been cloned in China... but is there a deeper story:
Article: In a scientific first, cloned monkeys are born. Will they accelerate biomedical research?
The Corbett Report | The Bitcoin Psyop | Jan. 19, 2018
Corbett Report Radio,
James Corbett
Yes, the blockchain is truly revolutionary. Yes, bitcoin is Tulipmania 2.0. Yes, cryptocurrency is a nail in the coffin of the bankster parasites. Yes, digital currency is a tool of the totalitarian tyrants. No, these statements are not contradictory. But don’t worry if you think they are. You’re just a victim of "The Bitcoin Psyop."
Transcript & Sources
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Yes, the blockchain is truly revolutionary. Yes, bitcoin is Tulipmania 2.0. Yes, cryptocurrency is a nail in the coffin of the bankster parasites. Yes, digital currency is a tool of the totalitarian tyrants. No, these statements are not contradictory. But don’t worry if you think they are. You’re just a victim of "The Bitcoin Psyop."
Transcript & Sources
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Dr. Joseph Farrell | UFO Deception OP! Delonge Reid Bigelow & NY Times Exposed! | Dark Journalist | Jan. 19, 2018
Dark Journalist & Special Guests Forbidden Knowledge TV's Alexandra Bruce and Giza Death Star Author Dr. Joseph Farrell present captivating evidence and commentary that will reveal that the NY Times UFO Story footage was the result of a training operation and actually only shows normal aircraft at a distance on Infrared shot on Gun Cameras with a Gimbal revolving head. It's obviously being passed off as something exotic by insiders who should know better and mainstream journalists who are not consulting aviation experts.
Deceptive 'UFO' Footage
Academy to the Stars Corp., Tom Delonge, Senator Harry Reid, Ex CIA Luis Elizondo, Billionaire Robert Bigelow, The NY Times and Intelligence Officials utilized the deceptive footage to sell a Marketing version of Disclosure to control the UFO narrative and maintain the Wall of Secrecy around this controversial subject.
They also examine the mystery around the recent disappearance of the ZUMA Secret Satellite that was lost during a SpaceX Rocket Launch. By following the trail of the missing Satellite and examining the recent story of the Michigan 'Meteorite' which caused an Earthquake when it landed, the map leads us all the way to South Africa.
Author Walter Bosley also joined them to discuss genuine Black Project protocols and the Current Status of Intelligence Frontman Luis Elizondo and his mysterious past.
Dark Journalist & Special Guests Forbidden Knowledge TV's Alexandra Bruce and Giza Death Star Author Dr. Joseph Farrell present captivating evidence and commentary that will reveal that the NY Times UFO Story footage was the result of a training operation and actually only shows normal aircraft at a distance on Infrared shot on Gun Cameras with a Gimbal revolving head. It's obviously being passed off as something exotic by insiders who should know better and mainstream journalists who are not consulting aviation experts.
Deceptive 'UFO' Footage
Academy to the Stars Corp., Tom Delonge, Senator Harry Reid, Ex CIA Luis Elizondo, Billionaire Robert Bigelow, The NY Times and Intelligence Officials utilized the deceptive footage to sell a Marketing version of Disclosure to control the UFO narrative and maintain the Wall of Secrecy around this controversial subject.
They also examine the mystery around the recent disappearance of the ZUMA Secret Satellite that was lost during a SpaceX Rocket Launch. By following the trail of the missing Satellite and examining the recent story of the Michigan 'Meteorite' which caused an Earthquake when it landed, the map leads us all the way to South Africa.
Author Walter Bosley also joined them to discuss genuine Black Project protocols and the Current Status of Intelligence Frontman Luis Elizondo and his mysterious past.