UFO Sighting | MUFON Case 65255 - Houston, TX - 2:30 a.m., March 30, 2015

Source: Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) youtube

Witness Statement:
At approximately 2:30 am on March 30th, 2015 I was outside and noticed a light in the sky. At first I thought it was a star, but then I noticed that it was changing color. I grabbed my camcorder out of the truck and started recording.

As I zoomed in, it disappeared from my viewfinder twice. The third time I tried to record I was able to record a metallic gray spherical object in the sky. I recorded it for a little over 3 and a half minutes and during this time, it morphed it's shape, taking on the appearance of the moon at one point.

It hovered in the sky above me for quite some time, then it moved slowly across the sky toward the west. it stayed in the sky until about 4:30am, until it began to move again. This time it disappeared into the early morning sky. I was in shock and awe.

I am lucky that I had some charge left on my camcorder. Although you can't see in the film, what I saw with the naked eye, I am sure someone might be able to brighten the video enough to identify it as the object I described. I didn't get any ill feelings toward the object and it didn't frighten me. It was more like a sensation of finding out something existed that I never thought I would find out.

This was the main object that I paid attention to, however after reviewing my video, I saw that there were several other objects in the sky. I would gladly like someone to take the video and give me a logical explanation for what these objects are. Since the night of March 30th, 2015, I have seen these strange lights in the Northwest Skies of Houston, Texas almost every night.

I have since purchased a night-scope to try to capture more video, since I've heard that the nightscope technology might be alien technology, I figured I'd fight fire with fire. I am making an independent feature length film and have published this video on youtube as my trailer or preview of the film.

MARS | NASA released TRUE COLOR, BLUE SKY image of Mt. Sharp | Oct. 2, 2015

Source: mars.jpl.nasa.gov

NASA released TRUE COLOR, BLUE SKY image of Mt. Sharp, Mars without „orange filter wheel“.

Image Source NASA

Tom Campbell | Life Challenges & Solutions: The Root of the Problem | EBTV | Part 2 of 3 | Oct. 2, 2015

Source: evitaochel.com, my-big-toe.com

EBTV presents host Evita Ochel with featured guest Tom Campbell in a dialogue about how to deal with suffering from an expanded state of consciousness, based on Tom's MBT (My Big Theory of Everything) work.

General topics covered include:
1. Connections between our lifestyles and our level of consciousness. (1:37)
2. How to understand personal and collective manipulation. (15:49)
3. How to understand the demand for justice. (31:12)
4. Practical applications of MBT: how to deal with experiencing tragic / unfortunate / challenging events. (42:52)
5. Practical applications of MBT: how to deal with observing tragic / unfortunate / challenging events and not get lost by the pain and anguish of others. (58:34)
- regarding the monetary system (1:06:18)
- regarding the role of activism (1:12:38)

New World Next Week | UN Rolls Out Agenda 2030 "Global(ist) Goals" | Oct. 2, 2015

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: US Complains As Russia Bombs Its Terrorists
Russians Strike Targets in Syria, But Not ISIS Areas
The Real “Blowback” in Syria
Deploy the Pedophiles! More Than 30k New UN Peacekeepers To Be Added by 50 Countries
Putin's UN Syria Show Pushes Moscow Back to Center Stage
BBC Suggests Nuclear Destruction of Russia Might Be Needed
New Patch for US Troops Fighting ISIS Looks Like ISIS Logo
Saudi Arabia Threatens Syria With Military Action
Saudi Arabia Will “Be-Heading” Key Human Rights Panel
Soros Group ‘White Helmets’ Busted Recycling Syrian Propaganda Images
Kremlin Threatens Response to U.S. Nuclear Bomb Deployment in Germany

Story #2: UN Launches “2030 Agenda” Blueprint For A United World
UN Wants To Censor Internet To Save Feminists’ Feelings
“Cyber Violence Against Women And Girls: A Global Wake-up Call”

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - Indiana Passes Law To Legalize Shooting Police
Styrofoam-Eating Mealworms Might Help Reduce Plastic Waste
Jade Helm Ends Without Martial Law Or Texas Takeover
2014 The Least Violent Year in Decades
Oregon Becomes Third US State To Allow Recreational Marijuana Sales

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
Drug Enforcement Agents Fail Drug Tests
Canadian Military Explored Plan to Fully Integrate Forces With US
Hey, That CIA Agent Everyone Loves Is On Twitter Now!

Tom Campbell | Life Challenges & Solutions: The Root of the Problem | EBTV | Part 1 of 3 | Oct. 1, 2015

Source: evitaochel.com, my-big-toe.com

EBTV presents hosts Evita Ochel with featured guest Tom Campbell in a dialogue on how to understand current life challenges and solutions. In this first of three parts, the dialogue focuses on the root of the problem with regards to discord in our lives and on our planet.

General topics covered include:
1. Examining the root of the problem of the state of things on our planet, and what Tom means by: “What we see in the world is a reflection of us.” (4:30)

2. The role of awareness and acceptance within and between the internal and external worlds. (16:05)

3. The role of the right governance in power (i.e. capitalism, socialism and communism). (28:20)

4. How low-quality consciousness impacts life and world at large. (38:08)

5. How the fear of death contributes to the root of our suffering. (56:55)

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 1, 2015

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Putin, the UN, China, Germany, and Syria: a "coalition against Fascism" but what's the message?

David Paulides | Mysterious Disappearances in the City | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, canammissing.com

Missing 411- A Sobering Coincidence is the fifth book in the acclaimed series about people who have mysteriously disappeared. The books have been vetted by some of the top journalists in the world with statements such as; “David Paulides has shined a light onto one of the greatest and most disturbing mysteries of our time.” Another comment; “The paper trail uncovered by Paulides through sheer doggedness is impressive, the evidence indisputable.” Survivorman Les Stroud was interviewed about the series and stated, “Paulides presents pure facts. Facts that can’t be disputed.”

David Paulides continues with his profile points involving the disappearances and applies them to a series of incidents involving young men and women, mostly college age. Many of the victims vanished within the confines of their college or university town. These individuals were brilliant scholars, athletes and stellar people in their community. They disappear under unusual circumstances and are often found in areas that were previously searched. Medical examiners in these cases often cannot determine the cause of death. Many times the victim was recovered in water, yet autopsies show the body was not in the water the entire time the victim was missing. The majority of the families in these cases believe their loved ones were abducted and held, then later dumped in the water. These allegations are generally ignored by authorities until pressured by facts presented through secondary autopsies that families requested and paid for.

This is a chilling and shocking series of stories that will cause many parents and young people to rethink their nighttime activities. -veritasradio.com

1,000,000 visitors from 204 countries to the Information Machine website

Well five years ago I started this one-man project to help people find sorted, high quality alternative news. It's been five wild years full of hard work.

I have such gratitude for all those whom loved and supported me the past years.
Bless y'all and much love. -Pat

The Corbett Report | The Shadow Government Blackmails Everyone (Why Voting Doesn't Matter) | Oct. 1, 2015

Source: corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Top Secret Service official urged release of unflattering information about congressman
Whistleblower: NSA wiretapped Obama, Petraeus, Alito, others
Sibel Edmonds Blows the Whistle on Government Blackmailing
Sibel Edmonds podcast on the Hastert case – Part I / Part II / Part III

Andrew Auernheimer | Black Hat Hacking: Survival of the West, Syria & #GamerGate | Hour 1 | Sept. 30, 2015

Source: redicecreations.com, Andrew on Twitter, weev.livejournal.com

September 30, 2015–Andrew Auernheimer, otherwise known as Weev, is an internationally notorious nationalist performance artist and “a menace on the internet” according to US Attorney Zach Intrater. Andrew joins us for a talk about black hat hacking, the future of Europe, Gamergate, and the world of trolling.

Andrew begins by sharing how his past black hat activities led him to becoming a defender of Western civilization. He speaks about the culture of computer science and technology, and describes his role in exposing AT&T’s negligent publishing of customer data in 2010 that resulted in his arrest and imprisonment.

Andrew highlights how a new wave of affordable technological advancements is opening the door for atomically precise manufacturing, which will usher in a drastic change in warfare as a whole. He says that this revolution will demand a great deal of computer programmers and is good news for this predominately White niche. We take stock of the European refugee invasion and the complexities of integration, along with the media’s use of emotional blackmail to mask the mess.

Further, we speak to the influence of Donald Trump and his calling out of the immigration situation in America. Then, Andrew gives his take on the climate of countries that are defying rules of the EU and closing borders, and he sums up what is really driving the Syrian revolution and creating the massive population displacement.

download hour 1 mp3

Jay Dyer | American MK Ultra | Freeman TV

Source: freemantv.com, jaysanalysis.com

Freeman is joined by co-host Jamie Hanshaw to interview Jay Dyer to discuss topics related to the occult connections in Hollywood and how intelligence agencies like MK Ultra have been using psychological techniques within pop-culture films, music, and advertising as they attempt to get complete social control over the masses… as everyone is lead to believe they are simply being entertained when in reality they are having their imaginations hijacked and engineered.

Jay Dyer is a writer and researcher with a B.A. in philosophy. His graduate work focused on the interplay of literary theory, espionage and philosophy. Jay is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our globalist pseudo-culture, illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion. Jay’s Analysis has broken national and international news with numerous viral alternate news stories, as well as surpassing 1 million views in its first 4 years. -freemantv.com

CrossTalk | Putin's United Nations | Sept. 30, 2015

Source: RT.com

At the annual opening of the UN General Assembly the Russia's President Vladimir Putin made it abundantly clear the West's business as usual approach to solving the world problems is outdated and counterproductive. creates problems like Syria – not solutions.CrossTalking with Dmitry Babich, Edward Lozansky, and Geoffrey Roberts. -RT.com

Jeff Rense, Clark McClelland & Harry Cooper | The Kecksburg UFO Incident

Source: Rense.com

Clip from September 15, 2015 - guest Clark McClelland & Harry Cooper on the Jeff Rense Program.

James Corbett | When Martial Law Comes It Will Be Welcomed With Open Arms | Sept. 30, 2015

Source: corbettreport.com

In today's thought for the day, James looks at a couple of stories that reveal the truth about the false notion that change will ever come through the ballot box, and how people can be made to desire their own enslavement. -James Corbett

Show Notes:
British Army ‘could stage mutiny under Corbyn’, says senior serving general
Episode 202 – How to Overthrow a Dictator
British General Threatens Military Coup If Corbyn Elected

Sergey Lavrov | Wherever US used force bypassing UN, countries suffered | Sept. 29, 2015

Source: RT.com

As world leaders come to New York to discuss global problems during the 70th United Nations general Assembly, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gives exclusive interview to RT’s Gayane Chichakyan. -RT.com

Dr. David Duke | Manufactured Crisis in Europe & True Human Rights | Hour 1 | Sept. 28, 2015

Source: redicecreations.com, davidduke.com

September 28, 2015–Dr. David Duke is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a BA in History. He earned an honorary Doctorate in History from the University of Kiev, Ukraine. Duke is a former member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana and is the author of the books “Jewish Supremacism,” “My Awakening” and “The Secret Behind Communism.” Duke returns to the Red Ice to pick up on the recent Radio 3Fourteen broadcast that focused on the preservation of European people, values and culture, understanding human diversity, and recognizing the opposing occupying enemy force of Zionism.

In the first segment, we evaluate the ongoing migrant surge into Europe and the destructive impact of this unprecedented invasion. David explains how this mass movement of people across European borders essentially equates to genocide, and he points to the very un-European Globalist tyrants in power, aided by the Zionist corrupted media, as the ultimate evil force driving towards the annihilation of European people.

We talk about the irrefutable presence of Israel at the core of the war crisis in Syria, along with other notable Middle Eastern conflicts that have resulted in major population displacements. David highlights the hypocrisy of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s refugee policies, making special note of the power the small Jewish faction has in pushing forth damaging immigration policies for the West.

We look back to 9/11 and the US bombing of Afghanistan – events that mark a major transition to the Israeli supremacist ideal of multi-ethnic states for all, except for Israel. Further, David calls attention to the destruction and murder carried out by radical Zionists throughout history. We discuss the demonizing programming of the global media that has created a vicious, European-hating culture, and David emphasizes the need for understanding the overall divide and conquer tactics of the current immigration invasion. -redicecreations.com

download hour 1 mp3

The Corbett Report | What Can We Do To Prepare? | Questions for Corbett | Sept. 29, 2015

Source: corbettreport.com

This month on Questions For Corbett, James answers your queries on GMO bans, oil in the middle east, expatriating to Japan, voluntarism and parenting, Bernie Sanders, how to prepare for what's coming, and much more. He also asks for your input on gardening, Rockefeller's replacement and the Peace Corps. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes & MP3

Impressive Live Test UFO Recording by Antonio Urzi, Italy | Sept. 25, 2015

Source: Antonio Urzi Simona Sibilla youtube

Find more very interesting recordings on the youtube channel: Antonio Urzi Simona Sibilla

OffPlanet TV | Freeman | Deciphering The Esoteric | Sept. 23, 2015

Source: radio.offplanetmedia.net, freemantv.com

We are joined by Freeman, host of FreemanTV.com, who has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades, starting in Austin, TX public access TV. He created the first documentary on HAARP, and televised the first documentary on chemtrails.

On this show, he reveals his own early connections to the esoteric via a childhood drawing which he deciphers to reveal the symbols of Sirius; his family connections to Freemasonry through his father and grandfather; and we spin out into all points between the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools to CIA/Skull & Bones intelligence agencies right up to media events like "Clock Boy". A rapid-fire two hours loaded with nuggets to explore. -Randy Maugans

Karma Police: All you do online illegally tracked by UK spy agency | Sept. 27, 2015

Source: RT.com

British intelligence has been running a secret programme 'Karma Police' to track the browsing activity of internet users around the world. It analyses users' online habits, helps to build a person's web profile and identify suspicious activities. -RT.com

The Lost Age of Mankind | A conversation with Michael Cremo

Source: forumborealis.net, mcremo.com

A conversation with Michael Cremo where he speaks about Forbidden Archaeology, The Hidden History of the Human Race, what period has most anomalous finds, the obstacles of anomalious discoveries, the 6 major extinction events,

Tom Van Flandern, the exploded planet hypothesis, the puranas, when the earth was filled with vegetation, the sages litting the earth on fire, the need for interdisciplinary science, the major cyces of time, Brahmans night & days, the contracting & expanding universe,

Earth devastations following manvatars, we're in the 7th manvatar, the multiverses, Lucy - ape of human?, humans & apes coexisting, the hobbit, genetic dating of dna, neanderthal merged with sapiens, neanderthal and sapiens are same species,

everybody have neanderthal dna, theosophic evolution theory, Madama Blavatsky debating anthropology in Secret Doctrine, people still looking like neanderthals, what's the weirdest evidence, mysterious metallic circles in South-Africa 2 billions of years old, the strange powers of these objects, white witch stealing the object from museum,

ancient aliens, the Ancient Astronaut hypothesis vs Ancient Civilization hypothesis, evidence for giants, elongated skulls, horned skulls, starchild skull, anomaly hoaxes, largest living man, innumerable human species throughout the galaxy, where are scientists more open, scientists concerned about career, dragons & dinosaurs, cryptozoology, surviving dinosaurs, sapiens contemporary with dinosaurs, new cases of Forbidden Archaeology,

Cremos articles in Atlantis Rising, does cases expire, poor arguments from "debunkers", where are the traces of former civilizations?, how long would traces of our civilization last?, how long before everything dissolves and nature takes over?, Mytologifestivalen at Kvinherad of Hardanger in Norway, Cremos power point presentation on 31st of july, Fjords and Nature Park, Norwegian dialects and other obscurities...

Enemy of the Deep State | A Conversation with Dark Journalist aka Daniel Liszt | Sept. 25, 2015

Source: forumborealis.net, darkjournalist.com

Michael Tsarion | Psychic Vampirism and the Root of Evil | Sept. 26, 2015

Source: David Whitehead youtube, michaeltsarion.com, psychicvampirism.com

The Roots of Evil Exposed: What is a Pyschic Vampire? How do I recognize Him/Her? What do they really want? How do I protect myself? How do I heal? These questions are addressed in this explosive Interview. -David Whitehead

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, Sept. 26, 2015

Source: geoengineeringwatch.org, geoengineeringwatch.org FB

Normalcy bias still prevails in many populations around the globe that have so far been somewhat sheltered from the unraveling reality that others are already mired in. This is especially true in America, where the masses have been very effectively trained to reject and ignore anyone that dares disturb their denial with uncomfortable news or information.

An unfortunately high percentage of Americans have been asleep for far too long. The power structure controlled media is pumping out meaningless distractions and drama at a furious pace in order to distract the population and deflect attention from other converging catastrophes.

From the rapidly unraveling geoengineered climate to the triple reactor meltdown nuclear volcano of Fukushima, the sand in the hourglass is running out. Who is really in charge of the agencies that are tasked with informing and alerting the public? The rapidly increasing radioactive fallout from Fukushima is a case in point. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) appears to control the World Health Organization (WHO). Is it any wonder almost no one has any idea how catastrophic the Japanese nuclear meltdown is?

To read or post comments on this video, please go directly to the article on geoengineeringwatch.org
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