Story #1: Greece Uses High-Tech Drones To Fight Tax Evasion In Holiday Hot Spots
U.S. Shadow Economy Has (Positive, Yet) Hidden Impact On Crime
Story #2: 'Lion King' Puppet Technician Arrested After Allegedly Printing 3D Gun At NYC Theater
Owner Of Texas 3-D Gun Company Accused Of Sex With Minor Resigns After Arrest
Courthouse News Drops Journalistic Pretense Of Presumed Innocence, Immediately Calls Wilson “Child Sexual Assaulter” Upon Arrest
Declare Your Independence: Sexual Assault Accusations On Cody Wilson
Story #3: How An American Anthropologist Tied to US Regime-Change Proxies Became The MSM’s Man in Nicaragua
Carl David Goette-Luciak Is On Twitter @CDGoetteLuciak
“Carl David Goette Luciak, CIA Agent In The Dams In Nicaragua”
US Gov. Meddling Machine Boasts of “Laying the Groundwork for Insurrection” in Nicaragua
How the CIA Plants News Stories in the Media
Meet James Corbett, Political Extremist!!! #PropagandaWatch
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 27, 2018
Joseph P. Farrell
The Nefarium, European branch, has been busy the past two weeks. And now they want to set up an alternative financial clearing system to the American dominated SWIFT system:
Article: Europe Unveils "Special Purpose Vehicle" To Bypass SWIFT, Jeopardizing Dollar's Reserve Status
The Nefarium, European branch, has been busy the past two weeks. And now they want to set up an alternative financial clearing system to the American dominated SWIFT system:
Article: Europe Unveils "Special Purpose Vehicle" To Bypass SWIFT, Jeopardizing Dollar's Reserve Status
David Whitehead | Belief Systems, Human Potential, The Fabian Agenda, & Warriorship | Veritas Radio | Hour 1
David Whitehead,
Mel Fabregas
Our lives are governed by our beliefs. Many of them, we may believe to be the truth. Often times these beliefs, can have the potential to create happiness or unhappiness in our lives and the world around us.
Two people with the exactly same set of circumstances and conditions, can have a completely different experience, because of the beliefs they hold. The beliefs which we choose to believe are rarely an absolute truth. Beliefs are usually a relative truth.
At times they can feel like they are actually the truth, because of the evidence we have created about them from our lives. This evidence can evolve from the media, society, people around us, personal experience, parents, teachers and religion.
I was Born in Calgary Alberta, and am currently residing in British Columbia Canada. I am a full time Martial Arts instructor, father, and entrepreneur in the field of health and wellness.
I have always been on a quest. Since as far back as I can remember, something drew me magnetically to the martial arts, warrior legend, and to philosophy. From the rare programs on TV I was able to catch, or the books I came across at the local library, I devoured everything I could find on the tales of courageous samurai, valiant knights and medieval military strategy, comparative religion and mythology, and even modern day super-heroes.
There was something about the iconic warrior archetype that intrigued me more than anything else I had come across.
The world of martial arts opened up to me while watching some martial art demonstrations at the local exhibition centre. I wanted to be those people I saw performing, and I would imagine it was me doing those seemingly miraculous movements so flawlessly and with such confidence.
The Ninja Turtles may have also had an early influence.
I now hold degrees in multiple martial arts styles, and continue to train and teach the physical and spiritual warrior principles to this day.
What I have discovered and experienced from this quest for knowledge is laid out in the material of this site, and in my podcast for your benefit.
What do I get out of it you ask?
I live for this.
Our lives are governed by our beliefs. Many of them, we may believe to be the truth. Often times these beliefs, can have the potential to create happiness or unhappiness in our lives and the world around us.
Two people with the exactly same set of circumstances and conditions, can have a completely different experience, because of the beliefs they hold. The beliefs which we choose to believe are rarely an absolute truth. Beliefs are usually a relative truth.
At times they can feel like they are actually the truth, because of the evidence we have created about them from our lives. This evidence can evolve from the media, society, people around us, personal experience, parents, teachers and religion.
I was Born in Calgary Alberta, and am currently residing in British Columbia Canada. I am a full time Martial Arts instructor, father, and entrepreneur in the field of health and wellness.
I have always been on a quest. Since as far back as I can remember, something drew me magnetically to the martial arts, warrior legend, and to philosophy. From the rare programs on TV I was able to catch, or the books I came across at the local library, I devoured everything I could find on the tales of courageous samurai, valiant knights and medieval military strategy, comparative religion and mythology, and even modern day super-heroes.
There was something about the iconic warrior archetype that intrigued me more than anything else I had come across.
The world of martial arts opened up to me while watching some martial art demonstrations at the local exhibition centre. I wanted to be those people I saw performing, and I would imagine it was me doing those seemingly miraculous movements so flawlessly and with such confidence.
The Ninja Turtles may have also had an early influence.
I now hold degrees in multiple martial arts styles, and continue to train and teach the physical and spiritual warrior principles to this day.
What I have discovered and experienced from this quest for knowledge is laid out in the material of this site, and in my podcast for your benefit.
What do I get out of it you ask?
I live for this.
Catherine Austin Fitts | Missing Trillions & The Secret Space Force Economy! | Dark Journalist | Sept. 24, 2018
In this part 2 exciting episode Dark Journalist welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts for an in-depth look at her exciting Solari Report on The Space Economy.
Catherine connects the dots on the Missing Trillions that have disappeared from Government Agencies and the Department of Defense. In her expert research she has traced the missing money to a massive infrastructure in Space run with Black Budget financing through a network of Pension Funds that utilize a powerful wall of secrecy to protect the shadowy programs.
* Black Budget
* Mind Control
* Financial Coup
* Control Files
* Covert Surveillance
* Media Manipulation
* Underground Bases
* UFO Technology
* Covert Space Infrastructure
In this part 2 exciting episode Dark Journalist welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts for an in-depth look at her exciting Solari Report on The Space Economy.
Catherine connects the dots on the Missing Trillions that have disappeared from Government Agencies and the Department of Defense. In her expert research she has traced the missing money to a massive infrastructure in Space run with Black Budget financing through a network of Pension Funds that utilize a powerful wall of secrecy to protect the shadowy programs.
* Black Budget
* Mind Control
* Financial Coup
* Control Files
* Covert Surveillance
* Media Manipulation
* Underground Bases
* UFO Technology
* Covert Space Infrastructure
Jeremy Corbell | Hunt for Skinwalker | Richard Dolan Show | Sept. 17, 2018
Hunt for the Skinwalker,
Jeremy Corbell,
Richard Dolan,
Richard Dolan | UFOs The Big Picture | Harry Truman's UFO Briefings | Sept. 22, 2018
Richard Dolan,
On today's show, Richard talks about the private UFO briefings that took place between President Truman and air force Colonel Robert B. Landry.
Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere.
On today's show, Richard talks about the private UFO briefings that took place between President Truman and air force Colonel Robert B. Landry.
Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere.
George Knapp | Skinwalker Ranch: Presentation with Q&A
George Knapp,
Hunt for the Skinwalker,
Source: Jeremy Corbell youtube
George Knapp presents on the mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch and the film, Hunt For The Skinwalker by Jeremy Corbell. Knapp goes in-depth on the history of the ranch, as well as, the details of the private and government programs to study the paranormal and UFO activity there.
He talks about the 22 million spend by the US Department of Defense to fund the investigation at the ranch, and about the involvement by the Defense Intelligence Agency. He comments on the current situation with the governments UFO studies and what role Skinwalker Ranch has played in the history of The Phenomenon. There is also an informative Q&A at the end.
George Knapp presents on the mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch and the film, Hunt For The Skinwalker by Jeremy Corbell. Knapp goes in-depth on the history of the ranch, as well as, the details of the private and government programs to study the paranormal and UFO activity there.
He talks about the 22 million spend by the US Department of Defense to fund the investigation at the ranch, and about the involvement by the Defense Intelligence Agency. He comments on the current situation with the governments UFO studies and what role Skinwalker Ranch has played in the history of The Phenomenon. There is also an informative Q&A at the end.
Mars: Secrets of the Russian Space Exploration (Classified Scientist and Ancient Martian Cities) | Sept. 23, 2018
Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube
Classified Russian space exploration scientist…secretive knowledge of ancient Martian cities…joint USSR-USA missions…NASA publication about Soviet Martian program that really could be used in Ancient Aliens episodes…and more.
This information previously unavailable to people in the West and elsewhere outside of Russian borders; and few Russians know about their country’s advances and failures of the Martian program, and those extraterrestrial entities that face humankind on Mars... -Paul Stonehill
Classified Russian space exploration scientist…secretive knowledge of ancient Martian cities…joint USSR-USA missions…NASA publication about Soviet Martian program that really could be used in Ancient Aliens episodes…and more.
This information previously unavailable to people in the West and elsewhere outside of Russian borders; and few Russians know about their country’s advances and failures of the Martian program, and those extraterrestrial entities that face humankind on Mars... -Paul Stonehill
Michael Cremo | Forbidden Archeology, Evidence of Human Artifacts, Millions of Years Old | Sept. 23, 2018
Michael Cremo
Where did we come from? What is the true history of humankind? Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson challenge the prevailing theory of Darwinian evolution with their groundbreaking work Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.
Where did we come from? What is the true history of humankind? Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson challenge the prevailing theory of Darwinian evolution with their groundbreaking work Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.