James Corbett | "Smart" Tech and The End of Privacy | Oct. 4, 2018

Source: powerhourradio.com, corbettreport.com

James Corbett joins Dr. Joanne Conaway on The Power Hour to discuss how technology is spying on you in the digital age.

Show Notes:
Power Hour Radio with Dr. Joanne Conaway
Episode 333 – 5 Privacies You Didn’t Know You Lost
MSM reports on the Chinese social credit surveillance state
Tim Clemente (accidentally?) reveals NSA capturing all phone calls on CNN
Don’t Be An Idiot! Get Rid of Alexa!
CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher
Court Upholds Google-NSA Relationship Secrec

Bernie Taylor | Cave Art and the Origin of Myth | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: VeritasRadio.com, beforeorion.com

The hero's journey monomyth is at the core of stories worldwide among indigenous peoples, the ancients, and our modern society. Before Orion explores a deeper root for this monomyth by looking at how hunter-gatherers viewed themselves within the natural and spiritual worlds through Paleolithic cave art from 40,000 years ago.

Biological Time author and naturalist Bernie Taylor proposes that select cave paintings are fundamental pieces in the human journey to self-realization, the foundation of written language, and a record of biological knowledge that irrevocably impacted some of the artistic styles, religious practices, and stories that are still with us.

Taylor addresses a profound archaeological elephant in the room by opening up an uncharted place in our history, which points to the cultural ancestors of mankind. Our discussion will change the idea of who you think you are.

Bernie Taylor is an independent naturalist and author whose research explores the mythological connections and biological knowledge among prehistoric, indigenous and ancient peoples. He works in these areas include Biological Time (2004) and Cave Art and the Origin of Myth (2017).

Before Orion is premised on Joseph's Campbell's hero's journey monomyth that is at the core of stories worldwide among indigenous peoples, the ancients, and our modern society. Before Orion explores a deeper root for this monomyth by looking at how hunter-gatherers viewed themselves within the natural and spiritual worlds through Paleolithic cave art from 40,000 years ago.

Taylor proposes that select cave paintings are fundamental pieces in the human journey to self-realization, the foundation of written language, and a record of biological knowledge that irrevocably impacted some of the artistic styles, religious practices, and stories that are still with us.

Taylor addresses a profound archaeological elephant in the room by opening up an uncharted place in our history, which points to the cultural ancestors of mankind. His work will change the idea of who you think you are.

New World Next Week | Digital Strip Searches Coming to an Airport Near You | Oct. 4, 2018

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: One Click Closer to Nuclear Annihilatio
Wake Up — It Is Two Minutes To Midnight
US Would Preemptively Destroy Russian Warheads, Envoy Warns
Anthrax False Flag Redux? Pentagon Gets Two Packages Containing Deadly Poison Ricin
Video: ‘Vice’ Trailer

Story #2: “Digital Strip Searches” Increasing at Borders; Refusal Could Lead to $5K Fine
Travelers Refusing Digital Search Now Face $5000 Customs Fine
An Arrow Through the Brain – Questions for Corbett #001
Dulles Airport Surprises Passengers with Facial-Recognition Boarding

Story #3: North & South Korea Removing Land Mines In DMZ
Is the Korean War Over Yet?
15 Years of Cannabis Convictions Thrown Out By Seattle Judge
Murders and Rapes Increasingly Going Unsolved as Cannabis Arrests Surge—Despite Legalization

Joseph P. Farrell | Cosmic Wars, Interplanetary Breakaway Elites & ’Off Planet Origins’ | Part 1 & 2

Source: Awakening the Illusion youtube, gizadeathstar.com

In this 1st part of a 2 part discussion Dr. Joseph Farrell in person! Join us in this mind-blowing discussion as we delve deep into the many mysteries of our Ancient past all the way up to modern day!

We began the talk in the far ancient past as we try and unravel the mysterious origins of man. Joseph gave us his thoughts on Zacharia Sitchins work as he states his own ideas as to the origins of humanity and how the human race began. He gave us his thoughts on why the God of the Old Testament in the Bible is a Doom and Gloom kind of God. He also talked about Genesis 1:26, “Come let us make man in our image and after our likeness” and he gave a good explanation to that verse. He explained how Christianity will eventually catch up to terms that its origins are more Egyptian than anything else.

He also explained how Mars had a civilization long, long ago and the people there had some type of cataclysmic type event that destroyed all life on the red planet. I entertained the idea that possibly before the cataclysmic event took place, the rich and powerful got a one way ticket to Earth as a type of Ancient Breakaway Civilization that came and seeded life here on this Blue Planet.

He mentioned how Mars may have been a moon to another planet that exploded which created the Asteroid Belt. While on the Mars topic we discussed how Cairo, Egypt means “Place or Camp of Mars”. And that could possibly tie in the connections to the Face and Pyramids on Mars with the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt.

Ancient Cosmic War
Ancient Origins of Man
Were We Created as a Slave Species?
Intervention of the Gods
Creation Epics
Exploding Planet Myths
Mars Flood and Mythology
Breakaway Civilization
Tribal Legends
Planetary Seeding
Asteroid Mining

Part 2

The Cabals Forbidden Knowledge: Nazi Breakaway Group & the Elites Hidden Influence on Humanity

We began Part 2 of the discussion continuing to talk about the Breakaway Civilization, Secret Space Program, the Nazis, Antarctica, and the Hidden Finance of the Elite.

Secret Space Program
NAZI Technology
The Nazi Bell
Ancient Vimanas and a possible link with the Nazi Bell
Hitler being Alive Post WW2
NAZI Money Laundering
Project Paperclip
Thule, Vril, and Black Sun Societies
Roswell UFO being Nazi Germany Technology
Are Nazi’s on the Moon?
Were the Nazi’s able to travel Inter-dimensionally?
Roswell UFO
National Security Act of 1947
Alien Technology and Human Accomplishments
Black Knight Satellite
Admiral Byrd Antarctica Expeditions and Operation Highjump
Charles Fort
Apollo Missions
Cosmic Versailes Treaty
Rods of God Technology
Oumuamua Asteroid
Black Budget Money
Weaponization of Space
JFK Assasination and Admiral Byrd Connection
Top Secret Classified Technology
Bilderberg Group
Elites Depopulation Agendas
Endgame Scenarios
What we can do to fight back!

David Icke | Trump, Silicon Valley Censorship, Mass Immigration

Source: meria.net, davidicke.com

Mark Stavish | Egregores: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny | Oct. 1, 2018

Source: legalise-freedom.com, hermeticinstitute.org

Mark Stavish discusses his book Egregores – The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny.

Do you know your own mind? Do you make your own decisions? Are you in control of your life? Or has someone or something else taken over? Beneath a veneer of rational choices, are you really in control of anything at all?

One of most important but little known concepts of Western occultism is that of the egregore, an autonomous psychic entity created by a collective group mind. An egregore is sustained by belief, ritual, and sacrifice, and relies upon the devotion of a group of people, from a small coven to an entire nation, for its existence.

An egregore that receives enough sustenance can take on a life of its own, becoming an independent deity with powers its believers can use to further their own spiritual advancement and material desires.

Presenting the first book devoted to the study of egregores, Mark Stavish examines the history of egregores from ancient times to the present day, with detailed and documented examples, and explores how they are created, sustained, directed, and destroyed.

Stavish provides instructions on how to identify egregores, free yourself from a parasitic and destructive collective entity, and destroy an egregore, should the need arise. Revealing how egregores form the foundation of nearly all human interactions, the author shows how they have moved into popular culture and media – underscoring the importance of intense selectivity in the information we accept and the ways we perceive the world and our place in it. -legalise-freedom.com

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The Corbett Report | Lockheed Martin Are F@%&ing Idiots - #PropagandaWatch | Oct. 2, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

The good folks at Lockheed Martin kindly invited you to submit your photos of their wonderful products . . . until they realized that wasn't such a good idea. Because they're blithering idiots. Don't be afraid to laugh at them.

Show Notes:
Lockheed Martin wants your photos of their great products!
Twitter takes Lockheed Martin up on their offer
Bomb that killed 40 children in Yemen was supplied by the US
Operation Cast Lead: 22 Days of Death and Destruction
Wayback Machine
Interview 865 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

The Richard Dolan Show | Australian UFOs and Strange Contact Guest Moira McGhee | Sept. 10, 2018

Source: richarddolanpress.com

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere.

Questions For Corbett | Did Eugenics Fake Its Own Death? | Sept. 28, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

This time on Questions For Corbett: Did eugenics fake its own death? Why was KAL 85 ordered to squawk a hijack code on 9/11? Will deep fakes make people more skeptical of authority?

Show Notes & MP3

Dark Journalist | X-Series XXVII: X-Protect Men in Black Secret Agents of the UFO File! | Sept. 28, 2018

Source: DarkJournalist.com

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

X-Protect & MIB
Dark Journalist continues the enigmatic X-Series with a look at a covert PSI arm of the intelligence community that employs supernatural methods to maintain the highest level of secrecy on Unacknowledged X Programs in the UFO File. Commonly referred to as the 'Men In Black' or 'Women in Black' this X-Protect group has a mysterious track record of intimidating witnesses to UFO events to keep quiet about their experiences. In some cases they will use hypnosis to mind control their subjects into silence.

Laplander Connection
Taking the story even deeper, DJ tracks down an interesting account from court documents and news articles of President Nixon's assistant Shirley Cromartie being put into trance against her will by a Woman in Black using these covert methods. He also looks at why this strange group is linked with the mysterious Laplander people who live in remote parts of Sweden and Finland. -darkjournalist.com
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