Judith Pennington | Superconscious: The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States | Monroe Instutute | June 2, 2021

Source: Monroe Institute youtube, JudithPennington.com, InstitutefortheAwakenedMind.com, MindMirrorPortal.com 

What do extraordinary states of awareness look like inside the brain? See for yourself in "The Brainwaves of Extraordinary States." The Mind Mirror EEG is used to map the brain-wave patterns of remote viewers and out-of-body travelers listening to Monroe audio technology during the research-oriented Discovery program. Hear about their superordinary experiences in higher states of consciousness—and how they got there.

Judith Pennington is a Mind Mirror Consciousness Trainer, an internationally-published journalist, mind researcher and world authority on EEG biofeedback meditation and the evolution of consciousness. Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind and co-developer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6 EEG and the Mind Mirror Portal, she is the author of two books and seven guided meditation albums.
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