Richard Dolan | Disclosure Scenarios | Pt. 2 of 2 | Forum Borealis | April 27, 2021


In pt. 2 we go deeper, discussing among other:

- Are all special op progs & crash retrievels now in the hands of private corps?
- Why isn't the control total? Why many small revelations?
- Has the drip been forced by TTSA?
- Why so many sceptic to them yet believe Blue Avian fake SSP?
- Is all hate on exposé attempts an op or culture poison?
- What's the intersecting concentric circles of reality?
- What's the 4 big disclosure projects?
- What's the Wilson UFO Leak?
- Who was shown the docs?
- How could civilians deny access to Intel Head for JCOS?
- Has our Space Fleet spent the missing 50 trillions to colonize & enslave other worlds?
+ We moan about the current censoring of indy media.

Part 1
Richard Dolan | Disclosure Scenarios | Pt. 1 of 2 | Forum Borealis | March 14, 2021

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