Linda Moulton Howe | The experiencer blood type connection, hybrids and human survival | April 28, 2021



COVID-19 updates
- Some good news in United States…CDC reports 232M COVID-19 vaccinations to date.
- 54% of Americans over 18 have had at least 1 shot.
- Number of US COVID deaths more than 600,000
- India performing mass cremations as cases rise to more than 300,000 new cases per day
- US lifts pause on use of J&J vaccine
- COVID-19 can cause blood clots and is labelled a “viral thrombotic fever”

- Rh factor is a protein found on the surface
- Rh+ is the most common blood type.
- MUFON survey found that 33% of respondents were RH negative.

MUFON member and experiencer Denise Stoner hypnosis recollection by Kathleen Marden
- “The entities are not showing themselves”
- “they don’t want to frighten us…humans have been misinformed”
- “they are very concerned about our use of nuclear weapons”
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