Andrei Martyanov | Geometry Challenge, Again | June 11, 2024


Colonel Clemente in La-La-Land.

Tim Swartz | Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space | June 12, 2024

Source: Beyond the Forbidden TV youtube

Step into the enigmatic realm of time and alternative realities with Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space. Starting with ancient mythologies that introduced deities believed to control time and fate, right up to the forefront of modern science as renowned physicists unveil mind-bending theories about the nature of time and space.

From Einstein's General Theory of Relativity to quantum mechanics, Weird Time examines cutting-edge ideas by modern physicists that push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.

Prepare to be transported beyond the limits of the conventional and into the mysterious realms of time slips, missing time, and alternate realities. Scientists may not yet agree on the nature of time, or if time travel is even possible, but here are firsthand accounts of ordinary individuals who have pierced the fabric of time and witnessed the unexplainable.

A Somerset man who vanished after being struck by lightning, only to end up in a hospital from a different reality. 

A pilot flying from the Bahamas who found his plane suddenly drawn into an "electric fog tunnel" and transported to the Florida coastline in only 47 minutes.

The anthropologist who speculates that UFOs could be time travelers from the future.

The Italian Benedictine monk who claimed to have invented a device to view past events, only to have it dismantled by the Vatican. 

Sean Casteel and Tim R. Swartz, along with some of the most talented paranormal researchers of our time, invite you on an unforgettable voyage through the past, present and future. Weird Time explores the fabric of reality itself, the many possibilities of tomorrow, and the realization that what we experience is only a fraction of a much larger, stranger universe.

Skinwalker's Evil Twin | Behind the Scenes Beyond Skinwalker Ranch | ep 7 | June 11, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

Carl Crusher takes you behind the scenes on location of the filming of Season 2 Beyond Skinwalker Ranch to uncover the mystery of Skinwalker's Evil Twin, and the Cursed Nevada Portal near Area 51 where locals experience UFO sightings, alien encounters, Skinwalker sightings, and poltergeist activity.

Something is lurking underground, and evidence of abandoned tunnel systems could lead to a giant UFO hiding beneath the meadow. Government funded teams from Skinwalker Ranch back to Howard Hughes and beyond have been digging for something hiding at this haunted wild west location. Now Carl Crusher and the team are getting to the bottom of it.

Ex-CIA agent Andy Bustamante and Investigative Journalist Paul Beban investigate a flurry of new and disturbing activity as they continue their forward-recon mission to research areas of high strangeness beyond the borders of Skinwalker Ranch. While deploying the Skinwalker team’s roster of experts along with some of their own, the shocking results they obtain are changing the game at Skinwalker Ranch and beyond.

It’s no longer a question of whether there are unexplained phenomena outside the borders of Skinwalker Ranch, it’s a question of how many hotspots the team can find. Is the curse of the Skinwalker Real and can Carl and the team capture real evidence of UFOs, glitches in time, and paranormal activity?

The Corbett Report | Replacing Hollywood - #SolutionsWatch | June 10, 2024


Today we talk to independent filmmaker Teace Snyder about how he managed to make a professional feature-length film, Hold Me, without any studio support. We discuss the need to replace the Hollywood propaganda system with an authentic, grassroots, people-led media creation process and the types of platforms and communities that will be needed to truly replace Hollywood.

Show Notes:
Corbett Report Radio 104 – Removing the 9/11 Blindfold with Teace Snyder
Conspiracy Synergy

Andrei Martyanov | Kupol and ABM | June 10, 2024


Responding to Ted Postol. Russian ABM. SPRN.

The DIG Skinwalker's Evil Twin | Behind the Scenes Beyond Skinwalker Ranch | ep 6 | June 9, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

The team begins to dig up all of the shocking shrapnel and abandoned government equipment in search of the possible Tunnel entrances lurking beneath Skinwalker's Evil Twin | Behind the Scenes Beyond Skinwalker Ranch | ep 6

This episode is fun because everyone gets to see how I find the plastic bag with the date on it belonging to Bigelow exactly as it happened in the behind the scenes when I discovered it here. Then you can watch the final episode 1 on History Channel and see how the accurately recreated that moment as soon as I could get everyone back together in order to film it for the show. Both go seamlessly together and prove that we aren't faking anything and we are really making discoveries on the fly as it happens as a whole team.

It doesn't matter if they end up adding exciting music and editing around the moment to convey everything, and it doesn't matter that the real discovery happened 20 minutes before we reset to film it for the show. It's as close as you can get without just having cameras following you around filming non stop.

I was so excited in the release of the episode to see how well it all was put together. They did a great job of capturing the experience. It was really validating to have Brandon Fugal say directly that he is frustrated with Robert Bigelow not sharing his data or talking to us. That was really awesome to get support on that. When I started picking apart Bigelow's era of work it did not resonate very well with the Skinwalker Ranch team, but the truth has prevailed over time. 

I can't wait for part 2.
Carl Crusher takes you behind the scenes on location of the filming of Season 2 Beyond Skinwalker Ranch to uncover the mystery of Skinwalker's Evil Twin, and the Cursed Nevada Portal near Area 51 where locals experience UFO sightings, alien encounters, Skinwalker sightings, and poltergeist activity. Something is lurking underground, and evidence of abandoned tunnel systems could lead to a giant UFO hiding beneath the meadow. 

Government funded teams from Skinwalker Ranch back to Howard Hughes and beyond have been digging for something hiding at this haunted wild west location. Now Carl Crusher and the team are getting to the bottom of it. 

Ex-CIA agent Andy Bustamante and Investigative Journalist Paul Beban investigate a flurry of new and disturbing activity as they continue their forward-recon mission to research areas of high strangeness beyond the borders of Skinwalker Ranch. 

While deploying the Skinwalker team’s roster of experts along with some of their own, the shocking results they obtain are changing the game at Skinwalker Ranch and beyond. It’s no longer a question of whether there are unexplained phenomena outside the borders of Skinwalker Ranch, it’s a question of how many hotspots the team can find. Is the curse of the Skinwalker Real and can Carl and the team capture real evidence of UFOs, glitches in time, and paranormal activity?

Dark Journalist | Marilyn Deep State JFK UFO File Mystery Solved! | June 8, 2024



Alex Newman | Education, Theosophy, War, & Crisis to Bring About World Federation



Originally published March 30th, 2024 (we've been in the PentagonTube Digital Gulag):

Alex Newman discusses how one of the biggest current threats to civilization is the global centralization of the education system by the UN in an effort to indoctrinate every child on this planet into submission to an all-powerful one-world dictatorship.

Theosophy is a huge influence that runs through all of this. Education is key to bringing this global system about with the goals of world federation and a world brain. It is starting to look like the New World Order has become so discredited where they won't be able to complete the project with Soros and Rockefeller and so now they're bringing in a new guard that will save us from the old evildoers but who are all onboard with this Luciferian stuff.

The fastest way to get to world government is through war and (poly)crisis. BRICS and multipolarity are part of the dialectical Hegelian strategy to bring about the synthesis of global government. If you think about it, each of the BRICS governments is actually the anchor in its respective regional union. By the time everything is said and done, all the evil empires and evildoers will be stopped, and God prevails.

New World Next Week | Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up of Israeli War Crimes | June 7, 2024


Story #1: State Dept Official Resigns Over “Falsified” Report Claiming Israel Not Blocking Gaza Aid

Biden: People Have ‘Every Reason’ To Believe Netanyahu Is Prolonging Gaza War To Stay in Power
Reports Suggest Israel Is Gearing Up for Lebanon War

Story #2: China “Prepositioning” for Future Cyberattacks – and New NSA Chief Is Worried

Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes
First Draft of UN Cybercrime Convention Drops Troubling Provisions, But Dangerous And Open-Ended Cross Border Surveillance Powers Are Still on the Table
CyberPolygon Technical Training
Beyond Pegasus: The Bigger Picture of Israeli Cyber Spying
Wyden to Block Senate Vote on New NSA, Cyber Command Lead
U.S. Disables Chinese Hacking Operation That Targeted Critical Infrastructure
Leaked Hacking Documents Show China’s Focus on Tracking Ethnic Minorities
Critical Infrastructure

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 6, 2024


Happy D-Day 80th anniversary folks... and somehow, it's fitting that intended assassination victim, Slovakian Premier Fico, has given a speech for the first time since the attack:


Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Can We Make It? | June 5, 2024


Henrik cover some of the latest in No-Go Zone, June 5, 2024.

Andrei Martyanov | Brinkmanship? The force is not with them | June 5, 2024


French Connection, and "never, never, never, never"
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