Showing posts with label 5G. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5G. Show all posts

Dr. Martin Pall | 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health!


Mr. Pall exclaims “It is stupendously stupid for us to accept EMF’s as OK”

We know that there is a massive literature, providing a high level of scientific certainty, for each of eight pathophysiological effects caused by non-thermal microwave frequency EMF exposures.

This is shown in from 12 to 35 reviews on each specific effect, with each review listed in Chapter 1, providing a substantial body of evidence on the existence of each effect. Such EMFs:

1. Attack our nervous systems including our brains leading to widespread neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and possibly many other effects. This nervous system attack is of great concern.

2. Attack our endocrine (that is hormonal) systems. In this context, the main things that make us functionally different from single celled creatures are our nervous system and our endocrine systems – even a simple planaria worm needs both of these. Thus the consequences of the disruption of these two regulatory systems is immense, such that it is a travesty to ignore these findings.

3. Produce oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in essentially all chronic diseases.
4. Attack the DNA of our cells, producing single strand and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and oxidized bases in our cellular DNA. These in turn produce cancer and also mutations in germ line cells which produce mutations in future generations.

5. Produce elevated levels of apoptosis (programmed cell death), events especially important in causing both neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.

6. Lower male and female fertility, lower sex hormones, lower libido and increased levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already stated, attack the DNA in sperm cells.

7. Produce excessive intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and excessive calcium signaling.

8. Attack the cells of our bodies to cause cancer. Such attacks are thought to act via 15 different mechanisms during cancer causation.

There is also a substantial literature showing that EMFs also cause other effects including life threatening cardiac effects (Chapter 3). In addition substantial evidence suggests EMF causation of very early onset dementias, including Alzheimer’s, digital and other types of dementias (Chapter 3); and there is evidence that EMF exposures in utero and shortly after birth can cause ADHD and autism (Chapter 5).

Each of these effects is produced via the main mechanism of action of microwave/lower frequency EMFs, activation of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) (Chapter 2). Each of them is produced via what are called downstream effects of VGCC activation. It follows from this that we have a good understanding not only that these effects occur, but also how they can occur. The extraordinary sensitivity of the VGCC voltage sensor to the forces of the EMFs tells us that the current safety guidelines allow us to be exposed to EMF levels that are something like 7.2 million times too high. That sensitivity is predicted by the physics. Therefore, the physics and the biology are each pointing to the same mechanism of action of non-thermal EMFs. (read entire paper)

All EMF’s from electrical wires, cell phones, cell phone towers, smart meter and now 5G truly do affect the body in ways that just may be the cause of the diseases popular today.

The studies on body pathology of all EMF’s including 5 G is plentiful and easy to find for all interested people on Planet Earth.

The FCC and other government agencies tasked with protecting our health have not looked into the ill effects of EMF’s on body or natures pathology

Mr. Pall explains in great detail exactly what EMF’s do and how they disrupt the bodily systems of humans, animals and plants

The Corbett Report | The 5G Dragnet | June 21, 2019


Telecom companies are currently scrambling to implement fifth-generation cellular network technology. But the world of 5G is a world where all objects are wired and constantly communicating data to one another. The dark truth is that the development of 5G networks and the various networked products that they will give rise to in the global smart city infrastructure, represent the greatest threat to freedom in the history of humanity.


Please spread this important report!!

How to Take Action Against 5G | Max Igan In Conversation With Ray Broomhall | May 24, 2019


BioInitiative Report
Physicians for Safe Technology
RFNSA Website

Max Igan | A World Run By Criminals | May 23, 2019

Source: Techpost youtube,

Trent Lapinski interviews radio host and activist Max Igan about the criminal nature of World governments, social credit scores, 5G technology, Internet-of-Things, artificial intelligence, ancient civilizations, propaganda, and the true nature of our reality.

Trigger warning: We discuss the true unfortunate nature of reality.

Press For Truth | Hundreds of Respected Scientists Sound The Alarm With MAJOR WARNING About 5G Health Effects!!! | May 21, 2019


The human body does not respond well to electromagnetic frequencies and 5G is like EMF on steroids! The International EMF Scientist Appeal is an International Appeal made up of Scientists who are calling for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure.

Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.

Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes over the details of this new appeal while showing examples of undeniable proof that cell phone radiation is having a negative effect on our health and how 5G will intensify what is already proven to be unbearable.

International EMF Scientist Appeal
Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G
Wireless Warfare Exposed - Declassified Military Doc Proves Smart Phones Are Killing Mankind
Global 5G WIFI Will BLANKET The Earth in A MOSAIC of “CELLS” - What You NEED To Know! With Max Igan!
Global 5G WIFI: You Won’t Believe What They NOW Have Planned For Humanity! With David Icke

Mark Steele | 5G - SMART = Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


How would you feel if you knew that an untested technology is being deployed across America with no government oversight, no transparency, no public input, no regulations, and no long-term studies on health and environmental impacts? How would you feel if you knew sensors are rolling out to be installed in everything, from clothing, appliances, building materials, automobiles, cosmetics, toys, computers, furniture, etc, turning our world into the Internet of Things, as a component of this untested technology?

Wouldn't that be cool; living in a virtual reality where every single object and living thing is connected into a wireless global network? Allowing every single thing we do to be completely monitored and controlled, collecting every bit of data about our lives as we go about our day. Ultimately, all this information will be sold (and hacked) to corporations, nations, and various alphabet agencies to be analyzed, synthesized, and made available for anyone to do as they please because this new untested millimeter wave frequency, known as 5G, is currently being quietly deployed throughout America: under the radar.

Pun intended. The unregulated fitment of 5G hazardous technologies across the country in your towns, cities and countryside, has started in total disregard of the law by local government agencies and authorities that include known hazardous led lighting systems a carrier technology for the 5g coverage radiation emission blanket.

They will track cellphone usage, car location and even electricity usage.

Mark Steele worked in research and development projects for over 30 years and is a patent writer inventor and has a number of patents in head up display and weapon imaging systems.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | 5G, Holograms and Cavitation | May 8, 2019


Author and researcher Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in alternative agriculture, physics, and metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.

Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation. Today, Miller writes for Nexus magazine and is a preferred guest on internet radio. In the 21st century Miller is re-emerging at a critical time in humanities evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

Max Igan | 5G - Weaponizing the Airwaves | May 3, 2019


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - May 3, 2019.

Matt Landman | Time To Stop 5G | The Vinny Eastwood Show | Apr. 22, 2019


Matt Landman | A Prison Made Of Light | Freeman TV


With the ongoing wave of wireless tech, smart devices and now 5G infrastructure and deployment, levels of cumulative non-ionizing radiation are reaching limits hazardous to human health.

Speak your truth even if your voice shakes.

Spero Protection Clothing will consist of garments lined with metal fabric such as nickel, silver, copper and steel. The metal acts as an armor of protection from microwave EMF / RF radiation. The clothing line will become a vehicle for funding future activism and is purely designed to serve humanity. Protection Clothing GoFundMe

Climate scientists are currently advocating a ‘strike first’ preemptive move against climate change and global warming although you probably won’t have heard much about it. The plan is to block the sun, akin to mimicking a volcanic eruption, which is why it’s called The Mount Pinatubo Effect which would implement an ongoing aerosol injection campaign in the atmosphere in order to veil incoming SUNLIGHT.

Lack of public information shielded by an abundance of confusion tactics, misinformation, outright denial, and euphemistic terminology have worked so far to hide the facts. But those demanding to know the truth have been paying careful attention to the evolution of the terminology surrounding what many of us have known up to now as ‘chemtrails’. Language does indeed matter.

The media even coined the term Secret Large-scale Aerosol Program (SLAP) as a dead end for people new to the subject. Little did we know then that the regime was just buying itself a bit more time before launching its crazy scheme this coming spring.

According to experts, there is no such thing as chemtrails in the skies, and what we see is actually contrails coming out from aircraft. However, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that governments are secretly spraying chemicals in the skies for various reasons including weather control, solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, and human population control.

Climate scientists, however, are very divided as to what causes global warming. Similarly, it is not understood what the effects of geoengineering intervention are or will be, nor how nature will react. The level of unpredictability calls for risk assessment analysis that focuses on the probable outcomes.

Matt Landman | Geoengineering, EMF Radiation, 5G, & Frequency | March 28, 2019


Matt Landman of Frankenskies fame joins THC once again. This time to talk about his latest research into 5G, EMF radiation, smart cities, frequencies, and more.

Mark Steele | Weapons Expert About 5G And It's Disastrous Effects On The Population | March 10, 2019


“5G is a weapons system, nothing more nothing less,” Mark Steele declares. “It’s got nothing to do with telecommunications for humans. 5G is a machine to machine connection for autonomous vehicles.”

Telecom companies selling 5G online and mainstream media also selling 5G online note this property of 5G on numerous websites, videos and broadcasts touting the advantages of 5G, which they say will not merely increase speed of cell phone communications “10 to 20 times faster than the fastest mobile networks today” (5G for Dummies/ but will reduce time taken for data transfer on your cell phone–known as latency–and become invaluable in all processes requiring supra high-speed communications, such as robotics surgery, remote medical services, EMS, connected-object communications aka the Internet of Things, Virtual Reality immersive experiences, and self-driving or autonomous vehicles.

“Pulsed High-Frequency 5G Radiation Will Cause Immense Harm to Health.”

What these telecom companies and mainstream media outlets do not cover however are the human and organic bio-effects likely from 5G. What will be the cost of 5G in human health? Mark Steele points out that the science is clear, that high-frequency radiation will cause immense harm to human health.

Pulsed at high frequencies, the amount of radiation emanating from the point to point transfer of energy required for autonomous vehicles is too high to be safe for humans, he says. “What it is is just sophisticated radar—with enough emissions from a single autonomous vehicle to pose a problem for humans.”

Human Brains will Be Deleteriously Impacted by 5G.

One of the most disturbing aspect of 5G, it appears, is that it will cause harm especially to human brains, children’s brains, and babies’ brains. “This is the same type of technology that was used in the Cuba attacks,” he says, “that was beamed in Moscow, that was used in the China attacks on US diplomats. The first signs are those of neurological disorder, which have been reported in these cases.”

Children especially would become vulnerable, as studies of wireless radiation impacts on brains already show, with higher absorbency and spread of radiation visible in brain MRIs of young children.

Dr. Barrie Trower & Sir Julian Rose | 5G Gigantic Health Hazard


Dr. Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services.

Mr Trower is a conscionable whistle-blower who lectures around the world on hidden dangers from microwave weapons and every-day microwave technologies such as mobile-phones and Wi-Fi.

Mr Trower has also repeatedly assisted the UK Police Federation in their struggle to protect police officers from Tetra/Air-Band radio-communications systems that are harmful to health.

Elana Freeland | 5G, Space Fence, Synthetic Biology, CERN, A.I. & Our Transformation To Human 2.0 | Feb. 25, 2019

Source:, Books Elena Freehand

Elana Freeland joins me to discuss 5G & how it fits in with her other research into geoengineering, the space fence, surveillance & more.

We also discuss the role that AI is playing in this ultimate system of control. We have been breathing in the nanotechnology that is literally changing what it is to be human, the transhumamist dream!

Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, speaker, storyteller, and teacher who researches and writes on Deep State issues, including the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, and invasive electromagnetic weapons (Nexus, October 2014). She is best known for Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth(Feral House, June 2014) and Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (Feral House, February 2018)

Max Igan | Global 5G WIFI Will BLANKET The Earth in A MOSAIC of “CELLS” - What You NEED To Know! | Press for Truth | Feb. 23, 2019


If you haven’t yet heard of the coming global 5G wifi system you must be living under a rock and if that’s the case…you might be better off! By blanketing the earth in a mosaic of small geographical areas called “cells” the idea is that when a cell phone or wifi user crosses from one cell to another, his mobile device is automatically "handed off" seamlessly to the antenna in the new cell.

But what will this mean for the health and security of mankind? In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Max Igan of The Crow House about the coming global 5G wifi system, the health implications, the security implications and more importantly what you as an individual can do to protect yourself and your family!

Jeff Stegman & Clayten Stedmann | Transforming EMFs to Higher Frequencies with FLFE | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


In this discussion with Jeffery and Clayten, Mel probes them with thoughtful questions to get them shares new insights about their innovative technology and their latest EMF Mitigation (Home, Work, Object and Mobile Phone) to free your environment of the consciousness-lowering effects of Electro-Magnetic-Fields, including Smart meters and 5G.

In 2008 two men met through a mutual friend. They were both working on accessing and utilizing high consciousness fields. Jeffery Stegman was creating high consciousness fields and cultures in business and Clayten Stedmann, as a coach in business as a spiritual path, was creating high consciousness fields for healing the human mind, body and spirit.

They came together with an inventor who had devoted his life to creating free energy for humanity. Although he did not create a free energy device, He had discovered a way to re-direct and focus large amounts of Life-Force energy (also known as subtle energy) on an object. Between Jeff's experience in engineering and Clayten's knowledge and extensive practice in Consciousness Kinesiology and the Hawkins Map (see below) they re-engineered the original device to broadcast a high consciousness field to specific locations around the world.

At first, Clayten and Jeffrey used the device and associated technology to raise consciousness around the world as a public service project. As they were able to increase the power available and the ability to positively affect a property, they brought the consciousness raising technology to the public as -Focused Life-Force Energy' (FLFE). Today, after an additional ten years of research and thousands of customers and hundreds of testimonials Jeffrey and Clayten are expanding the process of developing public awareness of this unique consciousness raising technology.

Jeffrey Stegman's focus has been on creating a high consciousness culture in his businesses, which parallels his own personal spiritual path. Jeffrey is the co-owner of two manufacturing businesses, including one that has been in business since 1835. FLFE is a confluence of Jeffrey's manufacturing, engineering, business and spiritual evolution. Clayten Stedmann has worked in the education, training and coaching business for over 30 years. For the last 20 years he has focused on business as a spiritual path in his coaching practice. Since discovering Consciousness Kinesiology (CK) in 2004 he has done over five million CK calibrations and created over 10 consciousness assessments and several unique energetic medicine protocols. FLFE is a continuation of his purposeful intention to create the conditions for humanity to have a higher level of consciousness.

Dr. Anthony Miller | The Terrifying Truth About 5G, EMF & EMR |  The Vinny Eastwood Show | Feb. 14, 2019


Dr. Anthony Miller, MB, MRCP, MD, FRCP, FRCP (C), FFPH, FACE, Professor Emeritus, Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Senior Medical Advisor, Environmental Health Trust, USA; Previous Director of Epidemiology, National Cancer Institute of Canada.

Richard Dolan | The New Totalitarianism | Feb. 12, 2019


Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next.

Cities Cannot Stop 5G Implementation

The following is a voicemail recording sent to Richard Dolan from early February 2019 from a City Manager’s office in response to a citizen query about 5G installations being constructed in various locations of the city.

The name of the city employee individual has been removed, as has the name of the resident and the city itself in order to preserve anonymity. The voice of the individual has been altered as well.

This statement reflects a nationwide development within the U.S., and indeed throughout most of the world. This is posted this with the express permission of the person who sent it.

Begin voicemail.

“Good morning [blank]. My name is [blank]. I am the administrative assistant for the city manager’s office in [city name]. And I’m returning your call with your question about 5G.

Unfortunately, state regulations have been passed in such a manner that the city of [blank] has no leverage or no control over what happens with 5G.

Cellular companies are allowed to post the small 5G units on existing towers around the city, and all they need to do is apply for a permit. there’s no type of hearing.

And the cell companies are not responsible for telling the city anything about when those sites are activated. So the city really has no involvement and no information about what’s happening with 5G, other than the fact that from time to time the cell company will apply for a permit.

So there’s really no other information that we can give you. I’ve talked to city planning and several other people, but the legislation that was passed in the state and on the federal level have kind of taken all of that out of the city’s hands.

So, if you have any further questions, you can call back but at this point there’s really no other information to share with you. Thank you. Bye bye.”

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Smart Fires, 5G, Crowley Magik, Area 51, Antarctica, Aliens & More | Jan. 31, 2019


Dr. Richard Alan Miller joins me for a discussion that will leave you lost for words. We open up talking about the dangers of smart meters & 5G technology. From there we embark on a journey covering topics ranging from Crowley to what is going on at the South Pole.

Author and researcher Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in alternative agriculture, physics, and metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation. Today, Miller writes for Nexus magazine and is a preferred guest on internet radio. In the 21st century Miller is re-emerging at a critical time in humanities evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

5G Wireless: A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity’ | Jan. 14, 2019

Source: RT America

Scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens around the world are appealing to all governments to halt telecommunications companies’ deployment of 5G (fifth generation) wireless networks, which they call “an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.”

Research has shown that wireless radiation can cause DNA damage, neuropsychiatric effects and other health problems. RT America’s Michele Greenstein joins Rick Sanchez to discuss. -RT America
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