Showing posts with label A.I.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A.I.. Show all posts

Tom Campbell | AI Consciousness | Aug. 30, 2024


Tom Campbell discusses AI consciousness and how we may be going about it all wrong.

Paul Stonehill | Frankenstein resides in China | July 28, 2024

Source: Paul Stonehill youtube

...have created a robot controlled by an artificial brain grown from human stem cells. This unique experiment....

Whitney Webb | The Age of Artificial Intelligence | Feb. 1, 2024


In this episode, Whitney is joined by UH assistant and podcast producer Star to discuss key aspects of the AI “revolution” including its short and long term effects and if it is possible to use AI without succumbing to its negative impacts.

Links & Show Notes

Whitney Webb | Dismantling the Illusion: How Information Control Shapes Reality | Jan. 29, 2024

Source: Whitney Webb

So, what’s the big deal with data nowadays? Well, it’s like we’ve struck oil in our backyards, but instead of crude, it’s zeroes and ones flowing through the fiber-optic pipelines. It’s the new gold rush, and there’s a mad scramble for control.

This isn’t just about who gets the biggest slice of the digital pie—it’s about baking an entirely new societal hierarchy. And here’s the kicker: as we increasingly lean on AI for everything from deciding which shoes to buy to diagnosing our sniffles, we’re inadvertently weaving a web of dependency.

Are we nurturing a generation of tech-savvy savants or sleepwalking into becoming AI’s unquestioning sidekicks? Let’s unravel this tangled ball of yarn together and see where the threads lead us.

Whitney Webb and myself delve deeper into how this narrative might impact society at large or explore specific strategies for individuals and organizations to navigate this shift. Are you ready to join us as we decode the matrix of modern-day feudalism?

Are “Aliens” Just Future Humans? Ft. David Grusch and Mike Masters | Nov. 11, 2023

Source: Jesse Michels youtube

Michael Masters is a biological anthropologist at Montana Tech University. He’s written 3 books: Unidentified Flying Objects, The Extratempestrial Model, and Revelation: The Future Human Past. His arguments that aliens are just humans from the future who have figured out time travel are compelling and thorough. Please enjoy this episode!!

Tom Campbell | Concerns Over AI | Aug. 16, 2023


With much debate in the news about AI pros and cons, this discussion addresses the fears around this topic.

Freeman | The A.I. Overlords, Transhuman Occultist, Aliens & The Posthuman Apocalypse | May 29, 2023

Source: Beyond the Forbidden youtube 

Zach Vorhies | A.I. And Chat Bots Exposed By Google Whistleblower! | May 14, 2023

Source: Jason Bermas youtube

Joseph P. Farrell | The Post Human & Transhuman World Order, Soul Hacking and the A.I. Takeover | Part 1 | May 2, 2023

Source: Beyond the Forbidden TV,

New World Next Week | Birds Aren't Real, But Technocracy Is! | April 21, 2023


Story #1: Bombshell Filing - 9/11 Hijackers Were CIA Recruits

Tom Campbell | Inside and Beyond Podcast with Natalia Fomichenko | Part 2 | March 25, 2023


Natalia continues her interview with Tom Campbell focusing on conscious computers, the transition reality, multiple life experiences, learning in all realities, and exploring consciousness.


00:00:00 Intro
00:00:15 AI
00:01:38 conscious computers
00:01:40 consciousness definition
00:02:03 neural nets
00:03:09 virtual reality
00:04:00 carbon vs silicon avatar
00:07:43 we believe are only the avatar
00:09:41 what happens after we die
00:13:17 the transition reality
00:15:25 the purpose of multiple life experiences
00:16:45 life with a mission
00:17:38 recycling with different life experiences
00:20:47 do we learn from all virtual realities?
00:25:32 choices in a dream
00:28:28 out of body experiences
00:29:00 where is consciousness in a deep sleep
00:30:30 your intellect is not the only way to make a choice
00:33:00 MBT definition of out of body experiences
00:38:49 what keeps people from achieving the out of body state
00:44:24 binaural beats experiences from Natalia
00:45:15 meditation is key to OOBE
00:48:02 discipline in exploring consciousness
00:48:40 Tom's Park is another way to the out of body

Redice TV | AI Is A Powerful Weapon, We Are The Target | March 18, 2023


Endless distractions and incredible immersive worlds generated by AI will become a matrix of escape that will entrap humanity, if we don't reject it. People will fall in “love” with ChatBots and be have emotional relationships with machines, completely manipulated by those who program these things. AI and the things it is capable of is the most dangerous weapon that humanity ever have encountered.

Carrie Madej | Transhumanism and AI | The Anarchast | Jan. 26, 2023

Guest Links:

New World Next Week | Swiss Army Deploys to Protect Fat Cats at Davos | Jan. 13, 2022


Story #1: Swiss Army Starts Security Deployment Ahead of World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” 16–20 January 2023

Story #2: ‘Robot Lawyer’ Powered By AI Will Help Fight Speeding Ticket As It Takes First Case In Court
Paywalled: AI Legal Assistant Will Help Defendant Fight Speeding Case In Court
New World Next Year 2018 with James Evan Pilato
Things That Will Absolutely, Definitely, No Doubt Happen in 2023
China Uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Run Courts, Supreme Justices; Cutting Judges' Typical Workload By More Than a Third and Saving Billion Work Hours

Story #3: FAA Lifts Airline Ground Stop As Delays, Cancellations Pile Up 

Dark Journalist | Steiner Eighth Sphere Crisis Ahriman Spiritual Invasion! | Sept. 3, 2022


Join us for this fascinating LiveStream episode as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the Revelation of the Eighth Sphere through the figure of the founder of Anthroposophy Rudolf Steiner. Steiner foresaw the rise of Scientific Materialism, AI and Transhumanism through a Demonic Virtual Reality figure in the 21st Century named "Ahriman."

Whitney Webb | The Google AI Sentience Psyop with Ryan Cristian | July 15, 2022


In this video, Ryan and Whitney discuss the likely motives behind the claim that an AI at Google is "sentient" and has a "soul", including how it benefits the narratives within the new book co-written by Henry Kissinger and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt - "The Age of AI”.

Source Links Can Be Found Here:

New World Next Week | Saudis Prepare to Back the Petroyuan | Mar. 18, 2022


Story #1: Saudis In Talks to Start Selling Some Oil In Yuan
Biden Ends Military Aid for Saudi War In Yemen (Feb. 5, 2021)
Biden Pledges US Support Against Houthi Attacks to Saudi King (Feb. 9, 2022)
The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia's Nearly-50-Year US Debt Secret
'How/Why Big Oil Conquered The World' Two-Disc DVD Set
Corbett Report Search: "Petrodollar"
Corbett Report Search: "Petroyuan"
David Hendrickson: Weapons of Financial Destruction (WFDs) Unleashed on Russia, China, & Iran
UAE Chooses Solidarity With Russia Over Military Allies
Pakistan to Host Next Organization of Islamic Cooperation Meeting on March 22

Story #2: Ukraine Given Access to Clearview AI's Controversial Facial Recognition Tech
Ukraine Has Started Using Clearview AI’s Facial Recognition During War
Clearview AI's Facial Recognition Technology Helps Ukraine Recognize Dead
Clearview AI
Clearview AI Broke Canadian Privacy Laws With Facial Recognition Tool, Watchdogs Say (Feb. 3, 2021)
Clearview AI’s Facial Recognition App Has Been Used By The @TheJusticeDept, @ICEgov, @Macys, @Walmart, And The @NBA + @BestBuy @DHSgov @MiamiPD @SMCSheriff @PhillyPolice @IndStatePolice @nyspolice @Kohls @WellsFargo @BankofAmerica (Feb. 27, 2020)
Clearview Launches Facial Recognition Tools to Deblur Images, Remove Masks (Oct. 8, 2021)
Media Monarchy Search: "Clearview"
The Taliban Have Seized U.S. Military Biometrics Devices (Aug. 17, 2021)
Deleted Web Pages Show Sen. Obama Led Effort To Build Ukraine-Based BioLab
Episode 415 - The Global Digital ID Prison

Story #3: Scientists to Release GMO Mosquitos Funded by Gates In California & Florida
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Cleared for Release In California
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Breed In Brazil (Sep. 13, 2019)
Episode 066 - Vaccines as Silent Weapons
Interview 1551 - Jonathan Latham on Gene Drives and the Gates Foundation

Ernst Wolff | The End Game | Guns & Butter


- Importance of global foundations with emphasis on the World Economic Forum
- WEF a training ground for global corporate and political elite via the Young Global Leaders and Young Global Shapers Programs
- Data now more powerful than money
- Information technology (IT) controls the data, corporations and governments
- Asset management now the most powerful force, i.e., Blackrock and Vanguard
- A de facto merger between the financial and digital sector
- Blackrock’s Aladdin software uploaded into Microsoft’s Azure Cloud
- Blackrock control of central banks
- The system is broken – cannot raise interest rates, only print money
- New system will be Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) on blockchain
- Inflation
- Universal Basic Income (UBI)
- 2010 Rockefeller Report
- Artificial intelligence and job loss
- Social resistance
- System of total control
- China and western finance
- Afghanistan
- International Financial Forum in Beijing
- Global take-down of the system
- Russian Federation
- Cyberpolygon
- Chaos and civil war, energy and distribution crisis part of the agenda
- Digital financial complex

Aired: January 12, 2022

David Adair | Conscious A.I. - Have We Gone TOO Far? | Higher Journeys with Alexa Brooks | Sept. 22, 2021


David Adair is a man with many talents and equally as many stories, some that appear to be completely out of this world, both figuratively and literally.

But what we’re discussing today, the possibility that Artificial Intelligence is equally out of this world and off the charts, far more advanced than most even realize, is bound to really rattle your cages - especially when you hear what he has to say.

This conversation will focus on the real possibility that A.I. has ALREADY come alive, IS conscious and interacting with us in ways we would NEVER suspect, even including the very strange repeating number phenomenon that many are reportedly seeing everyday!
David Adair has some mind boggling and VERY sobering commentary about what he thinks may be coming at warped speed and in a big way. His message: You’d better start paying attention before it’s too late.

But the conversation doesn’t JUST cover the depths of sentient A.I., we then take the discussion over to what else? The UFO disclosure topic and the release of the UAP task force report that left many with a gaping hole of disappointment. What was this exercise REALLY all about? Find out in our exclusive after show over on Patreon…you definitely won’t want to miss that! 

Mintpress News | Eric Schmidt Cashes in on Artificial Intelligence Arms Race | Sept. 20, 2021


As the Pentagon drives a hi-tech arms race to maintain its global military superiority, ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt is the man at the center. Behind The Headlines’ Dan Cohen investigates how the US empire’s drive to control the world using Silicon Valley technology creates the possibility of a devastating war.
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