Showing posts with label Atlantis Hall Of Records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlantis Hall Of Records. Show all posts

Paul Stonehill | Atlantis: Occult, Espionage, Underground Research, Expeditions | Aug. 18, 2024

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

..The impetus for the revival of interest in Atlantis in the USSR was ...where the totalitarian regime manifests itself in its ugliest engineer at one of the institutes of the Soviet Union. During the Cold War......the latter was a widely educated person and had extensive connections abroad. She writes to her correspondent .... ...Public interest was fueled by increasingly new scientific data obtained by Soviet research vessels in the Atlantic Ocean...

Dark Journalist | PawGate Atlantis Hall Of Records Revealed! | April 1, 2023


Please join us for this Special Five Year Anniversary Dark Journalist X-Series Double Episode on New Research Breakthroughs on the Atlantean Hall of Records. DJ shares dramatic new information that links the prediction of Edgar Cayce about the Right Paw of the Sphinx leading to a hidden chamber with the Mayan name of Piedras Negras on the Guatemala Mexico border which they called "Paw Stone."

DJ shows how this is connected with the advanced work of 19th century archaeologist Augustus Le Plongeon who discovered the enigmatic "Chacmool" statue of a Sacred Atlantean Warrior known as "Thunder Paw." DJ has presented to the public for the first time the breakthrough revelation that the Paw Symbolism of the Sphinx, the Mayan name for Piedras Negras Paw Stone and the Chacmool-Thunder Paw name are all related to the key for the concealed mystery Atlantean Hall of Records.

"And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creatures was as the color of the TERRIBLE CRYSTAL, stretched forth over their heads above." Ezekiel 1:22
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